‘FIFA 21’ will not allow players to cross-play between ...

can i play fifa 19 offline on ps4

can i play fifa 19 offline on ps4 - win

HUT Advice for Online, Re rolls, and building my team

Just to give background, been playing NHL for who knows how long, but stopped before NHL 15 because of how bad it was for the PS4. Got back recently to it in NHL 19 and this is my first year playing HUT for real. Started around two weeks ago and I mostly need advice on how to play online since I started doing that yesterday and it didn’t go great...been playing a lot of the offline stuff like Squad Battles and the challenges, packed a 91 Crosby and sold him to build up my team. Just wondering then, how can I get better for online? Are there any tactics I can change like in FIFA playing with multiple formations? Or is it just a crap show and just gotta go through it? Also might be a dumb question..how does re rolls work? Where would I have to go for that and how does it work?
Just for reference here’s the team I have so far: https://www.nhlhutbuilder.com/builder.php?team=5d39uypqgl
Was lucky enough to pack two Icon collectibles so I saved up and was able to get Lafleur. Anything I should do to make my team better if anything? Only thing I mostly know is goalies are whatever just like in FIFA.
Really would appreciate the advice, thanks!
submitted by saulUG to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

Co-op myclub is a different game and 10x more enjoyable

So me and my friend have been playing co-op fifa and now pes for years and both have given up on single player myclub. Offline the game may be different, but to call this a football simulation is laughable ( regarding myclub anyway). Its got the same level of BS that fifa UT does it's just what's your poison imo. The game that made me give up on single player was watching my opponent make 3 first time passes from his box , but not facing the player he wanted to pass to , successfully completing each pass with 180 degree player turns with the second pass smacking my players back and not changing the direction of the ball. (This btw was why I changed to pes 19 halfway through fifa 19 because people would press shoot not facing goal and players would turn 180 degrees and smash it top right corner).
In my club I'm 802 rated 49/10/27
My friends rated 695 30/8/22
Yet i would consider him better than me with his ability to read the game and beat a man
Our co-op record is 105/15/23 that's 73.4% win record
To put that into perspective , universal yd a clan in division 1 who currently sit 15th in div 1 have a record of 144/28/68 with a win record of 60% on ps4. We are too casual these days to try and finish high in the division for any particular week
But the difference between our single player and co op record is massive
Part of my thinking is that co op forces people to actually defend for themselves, as well as if you have a 'football brain' you can make the right runs , dummy runs , position yourself, cover in defence etc
Has anyone else just given up entirely on myclub single player? If so , if you haven't tried co op, get a mate and get playing , it's a different game!
submitted by Layezee89 to WEPES [link] [comments]

Input lag offline

I have had this issue of button delay on FIFA since 19 but i have always attributed it to my PS4 or my TV. Now i have changed both, the TV and now have a PS5 but when playing games offline and online, my buttons still delay. when i give a pass, shoot, tackle or change direction, the player still takes one more step before the command. This is very frustrating because it completely disrupts the game. I have bought FIFA 21 twice just to try it on two different PSN accounts but i face the same issue. Can anyone relate?
submitted by Pleasant-Wing-2255 to Fifa21 [link] [comments]

Let's talk about predatory practices in the videogame industry and what we can do as consumers.

Videogames hold a very dear place in my heart. They allow me a reprieve from the daily problems of my life. They give me a space to share with friends I wouldn’t have otherwise. Every so often, a videogame will say something that touches me deeply. I’ve cried at least a couple times at the end of Metal Gear Solid 4. Maybe your experience with videogames is not quite the same, but I bet what I say rings somewhat true for anyone who’s picked up the hobby.
I’d argue that, as a piece of media, they’re works of art. They connect us and allow us to express ourselves. I’ve met some very special people to me, just by playing games online. And I’ve been able to play with them, in sandboxes and zombie infested lands and truly bonded over the time we’ve shared.
But games are also the product of hard work. They still are a piece of media to be distributed. At the end of the day, a game must be sold to keep the lights on: there’s developers to be paid, assets to be invested in, and stakeholders to answer to. So game companies adopt DRM policies, to thwart piracy and defend their product. They research new ways to reach broader audiences, and to hold their attention over the competition.
But I fear that, throughout the years, we’ve gotten it twisted. Game companies don’t talk in terms of “fun” but engagement nowadays. They don’t even call games as such anymore: platforms, live services – games as a service. But a service to who? I brought this question to a buddy who goes by the nickname EndlesNights, he replied with this:

“It's clear they only care about their bottom lines… For instance, how can we be in a time with simultaneously both record setting high profits and yet people are being let go from these corporations?”
“You can go into further details about the negative implications and implementations of always online DRM. For instance on launch day & during big events, the severs are almost always overstrained which prevents everyone from accessing the server. It creates an arbitrary expiry date for the game, where the severs will no longer be cost effective to maintain and no one will be able to launch the game anymore. It provides no benefits to the end users, and the general ficklety of the services has only turned potential customers away to acquire pirated & cracked copies.”

A lot of these AAA companies CEOs don’t really care for the games they make. To them, it’s just another product. Bobby Kotick is infamous for many things. Among these, one that has stuck to the back of my mind was his belief that videogames should be sold like detergent. Back in 2005 he hired a couple of Proctor & Gambler ex-employees for his publishing division. When interviewed, this was his reply:

"Processes that have worked well in packaged goods industry -- bringing goods to market, the process of market research and internalizing the business -- have all added the most value to our company…"Source: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/activision-adds-publishing-execs-with-pg-experience

Fast-forward a bit: it’s 2009, and Activison just merged with Blizzard. A bunch of their IPs were dropped, and amongst these was Brutal Legend, which seemed like it would never be published under Activision. So Double Fine negotiated with EA, who would end up publishing the game. So, of course, Activison sues EA trying to block the release of the game.Source: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2009-jun-05-fi-ct-lawsuit5-story.html
This is what Tim Schafer (Founder of Double Fine Productions) had to say regarding Mr. Kotick, after Double Fine got sued by Activision over the release of Brutal Legend by EA, back in 2010:

"His obligation is to his shareholders… Well, he doesn't have to be as much of a dick about it, does he? I think there is a way he can do it without being a total prick… He [Kotick] makes a big deal about not liking games, and I just don't think that attitude is good for games in general. I just don't think we're an industry of widgets...”
"We can approach it like we approach bars of soap, where you're just trying to make the cheapest bar of soap. He definitely has that that kind of widget-maker attitude. I don't think he's great for the industry, overall. You can't just latch onto something when it's popular and then squeeze the life out of it and then move on to the next one. You have to at some point create something, build something… Hopefully he'll go back to another industry soon.”Source: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/schafer-calls-bobby-kotick-a-total-prick

The lawsuit was settled outside of court, btw. But the judge said he was “… strongly inclined to rule against Activision’s motion to stop the game’s release.” You draw your own conclusions.Source: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2009-aug-07-fi-activision7-story.html
So, it’s pretty clear that, at least for Activision’s CEO, games don’t hold value beyond the revenue they can bring into the company. The outcome? After the success of CoD 4, Modern Warfare, CoD became a franchise that released games yearly. The games weren’t that different from each other, and each came with it’s own new monetization scheme: microtransactions, map-packs, lootboxes, etc. This is bad. And what’s worse, the quality of the games isn’t always up to par. It can’t be, if you’re expected to pump out a product year after year, using a cookie cutter formula. And CoD isn’t the worst example of this kind of thing, it’s just the most popular and polished.
The lead up question is, are we getting the short end of the stick as consumers? And I’m hoping to build a solid case of proof and evidence to say “Yes, we are!” This attitude is not localized to Activision, but widespread across the industry. It’s not the exception, is the rule. And, somehow throughout the years, we’ve just accepted this as the way things are.
I feel that we, as gamers, make tons of excuses for game companies when they mess up in the pursuit of money, out of misplaced loyalty. Because the games they put out mean more to us than just entertainment. But AAA game companies abuse our demand for games. They wring us for all our worth with a smile and then heckle us in subtle, and not so subtle ways (Yes, I have a phone Blizzard, your game is still a free PoS for the Chinese market.)
So, the real question is, what can we do about it?
All we can do is try to rally together and vote with our wallets: the only language they understand.
I'm here to tell you the current state of the market isn't fine. We’ve gotten to this point, not because games started out as 60 dollar products with a real cost of upwards 100 dollars and spendings on the side - we let it get to this point. I’m here to put forward the motion that, sometimes, we just have to let games we love die and move on. Another one will come to take it's place. It won't be the same, but it always does anyways. It is something regrettable, but when game companies predate on consumers this hard.
Below, I’ve put together a list of companies I'm personally boycotting, along with videos and articles that back up the reasons I have for this boycott. IDK if anyone will care to go through this, I certainly hope at least one other person takes me seriously and at least reads through it, just to be informed. That’s all I can ask for.


  1. Lays off 350 people, while hiring a new CEO and giving him multimillion dollar bonus
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RZ1zfEe0W8
    2. Article: https://www.businessinsider.com/electronic-arts-laying-off-350-employees-2019-3
  2. FIFA 2020 was basically a copy paste of FIFA 2019 with no Quality Assurance. This is the best example of what yearly franchises actually are. You can tell here since it's unpolished: they just forces gamers to reset their progress to 0 and spend more money trying to play catch up with their last year's progress, all the while including very minor updates to the game itself.
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9duLp9PZtWM
    2. Article: https://www.imore.com/why-you-shouldnt-buy-fifa-20-nintendo-switch
  3. List of dead studios at the hands of EA (They ran the companies and their IPs to the ground)
    1. Maxis Studios
    2. Westwood Studios
    3. Visceral Games
    4. Many more (List)... https://heavy.com/games/2017/10/studios-ea-has-killed-visceral-games/
  4. They introduced microtransactions into a single player game, allowing you to prepurchase this, along with some day 1 dlc. Maybe it's to be expected now, and they’d done it before with Mass Effect 3 (And Ubisoft did it with Assassin’s Creed), but they did it with reckless abandon.
  5. Dead Space 3 will have microtransactions, to massive public uproar:
    1. Video: https://youtu.be/6Myy5Khm12A?t=161
    2. Article: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-01-22-dead-space-3-includes-micro-transactions-for-buying-better-weapons
  6. Oh and then they used that as a platform to shove microtransactions into EVERY GAME
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra113_O9R4E
  7. Always online DRM for a Single Player game! (Simcity 2013) This was one of the building blocks for games as a service, as this form of DRM is widely tolerated nowadays. They argued it was needed back then. They wouldn’t really say why.
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maU7vPrNRDI
    2. Article: https://kotaku.com/simcity-is-online-only-but-it-promises-not-to-repeat-d-5915377
  8. Then they backed down on that once it flopped, because they couldn’t sustain it:
    1. Article: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/01/13/simcity_offline_turnaround/
  9. Did I talk about the Sims online and how they only care about PR? Here's a BOOK on MMOs (just read the abstract), Second Life, and how messed up Sims online was: they never policed it, banned users if they gave them negative PR, not if they were hacking scumbags.
    1. Book: https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/second-life-herald
  10. How can we forget Battlefront 2 lootboxes, gating characters and skills behind "randomized", definitely overpriced, booster packs.
    1. Lootboxes, a rundown of the issue Article: https://mashable.com/2017/11/13/star-wars-battlefront-2-loot-box-controversy/
    2. Lootboxes get noticed (Yongyea): Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ndi8D2eRu4
    3. Lootboxes get noticed (Jim Sterling) Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUfkGSbabSo
    4. EA's reply Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qfo1Bv91ws
    5. The turning point (Belgium defines lootboxes as gambling): Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28K6GkkaTik
    6. Some dood flexing his lootboxes online. This is what it all amounts to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bj9xrUolKb4
    1. Kid empties parent's bank account trying to get a FIFA player card Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHy7XueW6dc
    2. Article: https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/9475199/kids-parents-bank-messi-fifa-19/
    3. The addictive cost of Predatory Videogame Monetization (The Jimquisition) Video: https://youtu.be/7S-DGTBZU14
    4. Full UK parliament hearing Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPkyERMbKU8


  1. Bioware devs getting overworked to the point of breaking down (Stress Casualities!). This came out in an article by Kotaku’s Jason Schreier about Anthem.
    1. Bioware working staff to tears and calling it "Magic" Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN1uV57hE_w
    2. What went wrong with anthem? (Story by Kotaku's Jason Schreier) Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYDJNf4LyBsArticle: https://kotaku.com/how-biowares-anthem-went-wrong-1833731964
  2. Mass Effect Andromeda was a rushed piece of crap, just riding the popularity of Mass Effect 3
    1. Mass Effect Andromeda Troubled development history Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYDJNf4LyBs
  3. Bug makes Anthem more FUN. Bioware fixes regardless of playerbase's protests
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYDJNf4LyBs
    2. Article: https://www.polygon.com/2019/3/11/18260057/anthem-loot-update-bug-boycott


  1. Record revenue of the quarter after massive layoffs (770 people)
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmK43DV_wVY
    2. Article: https://kotaku.com/activision-blizzard-begins-massive-layoffs-1832571288
  2. Made Diablo 3 online only, added auction house while reducing drop rates to non-existence. On a loot-based dungeon crawler. They didn't even prepare for the amount of players who wanted to play their game at launch! They also backpedalled the AH by the expansion, upping the drop rates, prohibiting trading "because it's not in the spirit" (BTW they just wanted to stop players selling items on the side), but THE PROFIT by then. And we praised 'em for "fixing” the game after years. Ugh.
    1. Error 37, couldn't login at launch: A light read: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/error-37
    2. Article about Action house: https://blog.hoard.exchange/diablo-iiis-failed-auction-house-why-true-ownership-won-t-save-your-game-c6d692b9de1
  3. Bans player for freedom of speech. Players are on uproar. Congress gets in on the action. Blizzard backpedals publicly with the most NOTHING apology I've ever seen. Player (Blitzchung) is still banned.
    1. Article Talking about issue and the ensued apology: https://www.businessinsider.com/blizzard-apology-blizzcon-blitzchung-hong-kong-china-2019-11
    2. Video explaining issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdCNGszoP0U
    3. Blizzard CEO emits “nothing” apology at Blizzcon, play by play Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T2_PU8rHtk
    4. Break down, of nothing apology, if you had doubts:Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDAcrhfQDqI
  4. COD opening lootboxes in front of other players gives watcher rewards to pressure them into buying lootboxes
    1. Short 1-minute video showing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nra1UG4_1c
    2. Video explaining (By Yongyea): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkkpHVjVyFQ
  5. COD Modern Warfare Remastered did not include map-pack, then resold as dlc at a HIGHER price than the original game
    1. Article: https://kotaku.com/for-some-reason-modern-warfare-remastereds-map-pack-is-1794563753
    2. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY9vBu0z8NQNotice how the guy, almost by reflex, makes a disclaimer to defend his PoV after pointing out this clearly predatory practice (which it is, if you think of what a remaster should be and the actual cost in production compared to the OG release, but I digress). This is what we do to each other by defending the companies. We attack each other to see who’s right and wrong, instead of just letting people voice their opinion freely (likewise you could voice support in the company’s social media “keep doing you” and the such, but it takes all kinds. Again, I digress).
  6. COD Black Ops 4 sneaks lootboxes into the game
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJYjvFsF-U8
    2. Article: https://www.destructoid.com/loot-boxes-sneak-into-call-of-duty-black-ops-4-under-a-new-name-543584.phtml

EPIC Games

  1. Cornering the Market via Exclusivity Deals, instead of making a good storefront. Here's some games that signed an exclusivity deal with EPIC Games:
    1. Metro Exodus
    2. Borderlands 3
    3. Outer Worlds
    4. Detroit: Become Human
    5. Many more! Full List: https://www.gamewatcher.com/news/Epic-games-store-exclusives
  2. Spyware, stealing your Steam Data
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8xi69sBbwo
    2. Apologist Article (So you can read both Sides): https://www.usgamer.net/articles/the-epic-games-store-is-spyware-how-a-toxic-accusation-was-started-by-anti-chinese-sentiment
    3. Reddit Thread that fired the controversy: https://www.reddit.com/PhoenixPoint/comments/b0rxdq/epic_game_store_spyware_tracking_and_you/
  3. Introduced Battle Passes cuz, who cares as long as "cosmetics only"
    1. Forbes Article – The Psychology of Fortnite’s Battle Pass: Explains how Battle Passes hook players by making them work for their reward. The sucky bit is that they also charge an entry fee, so to speak, to unlock your hard earned rewards. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiemadigan/2019/07/06/the-psychology-of-fortnites-battle-pass/#7f7f45015e61
    2. Cosmetics matter: Video by Jim Sterling exemplifying why, and how games as a service are killing videogames. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyUutk1xDew
    3. Here’s an example of a good game with cosmetic customization.Code Vein Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUtLrzHctKU
    4. Honestly, maybe I'm a dinasour that's been around for a while but I remember when cosmetics were unlockables and not DLC (as late as 2009, just look at Resident Evil 5, and that game GOT chopped up into DLC). Remember the uproar surrounding Oblivion Horse armor?Video about Horse Armor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uopSzlYo7sg


  1. Fallout 76 promising "No game-affecting dlc" and "no Season pass"
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR28-3lPcZA
  2. Breaks promise repeatedly
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otT6w0-jGI0
    2. Article: Added Repair Kits https://www.criticalhit.net/gaming/bethesda-breaks-promise-on-cosmetics-only-atom-store-adds-repair-kits/
    3. News Post: Bethesda justifies adding non-cosmetics to store by saying, “We’ve looked at all the data” - platforms off that to break promise further https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/article/6eNqXDms6VbtrHubE26y4new-wastelanders-release-date-private-worlds-the-atomic-shop-and-more?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app
  3. Fallout 1st and private server bugs (Stash disappearing, private worlds not private)
    1. Announcement Video: https://youtu.be/CMF5wSmQkDY
    2. Service is broken (SURPRISE) Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMF5wSmQkDY
    3. Article: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/10/bethesda-pledges-to-fix-early-fallout-1st-bugs-and-complaints/
  4. Reportedly Banning a user for reporting a bug
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPabZ3vcqmc
    2. Article: https://boundingintocomics.com/2019/11/12/bethesda-reportedly-bans-creator-of-fallout-76-interactive-map-for-finding-and-reporting-an-exploit/
  5. Canvas bag debacle (buyers got a crappy nylon one, then after months of complains, actually got promised bags)
    1. Video with a nice parody song intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvGdhzDMy4I
    2. Article: https://www.pcgamer.com/bethesda-is-finally-gonna-ship-those-damn-fallout-76-canvas-bags/
  6. One of the special edition helmets turned MOULDY and became a health hazard
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhA1NmRJPDQ
    2. Article: https://www.pcgamer.com/fallout-76-collectable-helmets-are-being-recalled-due-to-mould-risk/
  7. Nuka Rum (Terrible rum, horrible material for bottle, overpriced as all hell)
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9naBulH2e9s
    2. Article: https://theradlands.com/2018/09/10/nuka-dark-rum-is-insulting/
  8. Stupid overpriced jacket for game they are not fixing
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cReHb8xwmsI
    2. Article: https://www.pcgamer.com/twitter-reacts-to-dollar276-fallout-76-jacket-with-a-bunch-of-bag-jokes/
  9. Refuses to refund 76, forced by Australian government, but even that had caveats.
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw3fl3wsyJ4
    2. Forum thread discussing refunds: https://www.giantbomb.com/fallout-76/3030-68742/forums/bethesda-refusing-refunds-for-fallout-76-1859009/ (This is bad. The consumer itself is going “you can’t demand a refund just because the end-product is bad) MY DUDE.
  10. Elder Scrolls Blades being a piece of crap.
    1. (Chest unlock timers in my RPG are awful)Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJHjtFx_STI
  11. Horse armor! (First time cosmetic DLCs were introduced by anyone! It was Bethesda and it was Horse Armor! We laughed at this back in the day.)
    1. It’s even a meme!: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/horse-armor
  12. Rereleased Doom on the Switch with new DRM for the 20 year old titles!
    1. Article: https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/26/8932026/doom-library-switch-drm-log-in-online-connection-bethesda-quakecon
    2. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dh7nZ9t2eJA (DISCLAIMER) They removed the DRM after uproar. They even fixed the buggy music.


  1. Most egregious example of greedy microtransactions, with their "Time savers"
    1. Ghost Reckon Breakpoint time savers include skill points and more: Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IM9JLr5KZJs
    2. Article: https://www.polygon.com/2019/10/4/20899162/ghost-recon-breakpoint-microtransactions-ubisoft-time-savers-ps4-xbox-one-pc
  2. Then they backpedalled on it and acted like those getting into the storefront in the first place Was a mistake
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIPUILFl0eo
    2. Article: https://www.pcgamer.com/ubisoft-removes-ghost-recon-breakpoints-booster-and-skill-point-microtransactions/

Warner Brothers

  1. Lootboxes in Shadow of War (which has some multiplayer, and is mostly single player, making it P2W on top of scummy. Double Scummy.)
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TXWdyrqFP8
  2. Removes Shadow of War lootboxes over half a year later. Backpedals like it's their sudden realization. What about all the players that already paid for lootboxes? What about the people that were upset about this for months?
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_XEMAVTxqE
    2. Article: https://www.pcgamer.com/middle-earth-shadow-of-war-is-ditching-loot-boxes/
  3. MKX Devs Burnout after getting worked up to 100 hours a week.
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_f_qe1-75w
    2. Article: https://www.pcgamer.com/former-devs-speak-out-about-severe-crunch-at-mortal-kombat-studio/

Telltale (It's dead now, but it's getting "revived" so worth remembering)

  1. Massive layoffs, got sued even after closing down.
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vq6iX1htl28
    2. Article: https://www.polygon.com/2018/9/25/17901106/telltale-layoffs-lawsuit-warn-act
  2. Getting bought out by another company and "revived"
    1. Article: https://www.polygon.com/2019/8/28/20835854/telltale-games-return-walking-dead-lcg-entertainment


  1. NBA 2K20 promoting gambling to children LIKE IT'S FINE
    1. Article: https://www.pcgamesn.com/nba-2k20/microtransactions (Video in Article has been taken down, here’s some more vids).
    2. MyTeam actual trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwN4VYzD02g
    3. Yongyea analyzes trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-junD46e9Iw
    4. PEGI defends NBA2k Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roddqD3Xqs0


  1. Randy Pitchford assaults employees and denies due revenue.
    1. Article: https://www.pcgamer.com/former-claptrap-voice-actor-details-randy-pitchford-assault-allegations/
    2. Video by Yongyea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7bEjCG_D8s
    3. Video by Jim Sterling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhXXpGFU2-s
  2. Alien Colonial Marines was a lie. The Demo didn't match the final product.
    1. NSFW Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG1q3X3HxeA
    2. Photos for Comparison in this Article: https://www.ign.com/articles/2013/02/14/did-aliens-colonial-marines-screenshots-lie-to-you
    3. Article: Sega outs Gearbox for lying: https://www.destructoid.com/sega-outs-gearbox-for-lying-in-aliens-colonial-marines-case-280655.phtml


  1. BIG day 1 dlc offender. They chopped up some characters OFF their fighting game, then added them later as DLC. The reason how we know the characters were ready at launch is because the character's data CAME WITH THE DISC and the DLC just unlocked them. They sold you a full 60 dollar game and then wanted some more, by hiding the actual cost of the FULL game through sketchy means.
    1. Article: https://www.cinemablend.com/games/Capcom-Gets-Busted-Disc-DLC-Discovered-Street-Fighter-X-Tekken-40114.html


  1. Killed P.T.
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRTwUShPFN0
  2. Full disclosure, personal grudge: Messed up MGS5. Had a fallout with Kojima, fired him, tried to remove him from the credits like he never was a part of it.
    1. Article: https://www.polygon.com/2015/3/19/8257283/metal-gear-solid-konami-branding
    2. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYLC0rLBCtI
  3. Most messed up, internal, corporate policies I've EVER seen or heard of.
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okNtRgMGNmc
  4. Konami blacklisting ex-employee, messing with their health insurance and future employment opportunities
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJawlLSkj7E
  5. Game franchise PACHINKO (Turning beloved franchises into gambling machines)
    1. Silent hill pachinko trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ht4dbyPIcM
    2. Metal gear Pachinko trailer (LOOK AT THOSE GRAPHICS GODDAMNIT) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVSRjJL1bv8
    3. Castlevania Pachinko trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN0Te7uTi7o

Nintendo’s Mobile Division

  1. Pads out Mario Kart Mobile with bots, WHILE not being upfront about it.
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiOCyTsg-yoIt makes you believe you’re playing with real players
  2. Animal Crossing Pocket Camp has 2 subscription models
    1. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDaGQ-vQC8k
    2. Article: https://www.polygon.com/2019/11/20/20974027/animal-crossing-pocket-camp-subscription-plans-price-features-nintendoAnd of course the game gets crippled to incentivize you to pay for a sub.
If it wasn't clear by now, the companies that come out with the game's ratings, like ESRB and PEGI, that should be watching out for consumers, just cover corporate interests! Parent’s get the short end of the stick and companies just reply with empty PR statements, like “You can check the Parental Controls for your system,” which is corporate lingo for “you’re not getting your money back, we don’t care, sorry not sorry.”
Most of the money doesn't even go to the devs, if that wasn't obvious by now. They get overworked (sometimes forced to do up to 100 hours a week!), then they get laid off anyways. The money goes to executives and stakeholders, who give each other multi-million dollar bonuses and shares. These execs act like they are nice and care about the consumer, and they even do self-deprecating jokes like they are self-aware. It's just a facade to placate us, to stay on our good side while they suck more money away from us.
Game companies don’t validate their users’ grievances. They act like nothing is wrong, shut up complainers until the noise gets too loud (which not always happens) and then just do the thing they’ve been told to do for months while pretending they came up with on their own, or act like it’s some sudden realization and they’ve always had our best interests in mind...
If that isn't obvious scumbag behavior IDK what is.
I believe it is time that we as consumers put our foot down. Not because everyone else is gonna do it too and we’re gonna enforce some major change, but just because we, as individuals, refuse to be abused so. It’s up to each of us. And if enough people follow suit the market WILL change. Even if it doesn’t, that’s not a good enough reason to keep meekly paying the abusive corporations.
So, this is a list of practices I believe should be stopped, by not supporting games that enforce them:

  1. Always online DRM.
  2. Microtransactions on full 60 dollar games.
  3. Microtransactions on exclusively Singleplayer games.
  4. Time saving microtransactions. (If you have to save my time on a game I played for entertainment, then you’re crippling it by design, instead of focusing on making it fun… just so I have to spend money to MAKE it fun. Just give me back cheat codes.)
  5. Pre-ordering (stop throwing your money at incomplete products and empty promises out of hype and misplaced loyalty).
  6. Season passes
  7. Justifying gating all good cosmetics behind microtransactions “because they don’t affect gameplay anyway”.I want to touch on this one.Cosmetics affect my gameplay experience. Growing up, a favorite part of a bunch of games was customizing my character, making it feel my own. It matters, that’s why game companies charge 10 dollars for a bunch of pixels; because enough players pay for those. Just look to Minecraft and Terraria and all those sandboxes, for crying out loud, and tell me it would be the same without the creative freedom to mod in your own skins. Why are we defending them taking that away and gating it behind MORE money? I’m not saying “DLC that comes afterwards should be free”. I’m saying, when I pay for a full priced game, I expect the full content they got, not a maimed version of it. I’m not buying a game in installments, that’s what episodic games are for.Seriously, there’s even a sense of elitism between paying players and “base skin” players in many games (Fortnite comes to mind prominently). Here, check out this talk that explains the psychology behind it in brutally honest terms by the very corporate execs that don’t really care about their consumers. Infamous Video - Let’s go whaling: Tricks for monetizing mobile game players with free-to-play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNjI03CGkb4
  8. With that said, Battle Passes also get on the list. On top of wanting you to spend money on cosmetics, they make you grind for them. You’re no longer buying the cosmetic, you’re buying the option to get the cosmetic by investing ungodly amount of hours on their product, on top of whatever price the Battle Pass has. This is just psychological manipulation on top of unfair content gating.
  9. Gambling in video games: from lootboxes, to NBA’s predatory attempt on children. All of it. Gambling in videogames should receive an “Adult Only” rating, but if you can’t trust the ratings companies, why would you even risk being exposed to this BS?
Why support any of this anymore?
This is my take on the matter. I’ve tried to be impartial and back-up my arguments and provide as much info as I can. Truth be told, I’m quite bitter, and I’m aware. This list hurts me. I'd rather not support companies that make their living off the blood and sweat of hardworking people, and then spit in their faces. Who abuse the consumer and e-sport players and then try to take it back with lies. Who apologize like a manipulator trying to keep you nice and subdued, but do nothing about it.
We get a choice of which business practices we support and which we don't. It's up to each of us. I don’t fully expect many people to actively boycott these companies: they do provide us with valued entertainment. But I urge anyone who reads this to not be so quick to forgive, and to never forget what it used to be like, how we got here today, and what it’s cost us.
I leave you with this: These videos are a more in-depth look behind these scummy practices, and break it down pretty neatly, top to bottom.
CAAApitalism: The Successful Failure of Videogames (The Jimquisition).
The Trouble with the Video Game Industry | Philosphy Tube
submitted by IMightHaveBeenHacked to Games [link] [comments]

WEPES Subreddit Questionnaire Results

Hi All,
Here are the result of our subreddit questionnaire. We received 526 replies, thank you all very much for taking the time to fill out the form! Questionnaire was open Monday september 23rd to friday october 4th 12:00 CET.

First something about you

First we asked you for your age. We can see there are users from every age group, but the most of you are between 28 and 34 years old. This is somewhat expected as this corresponds to Reddit's userbase.
Age Group # %
<18 20 3,80
19-22 56 10,65
23-27 115 21,86
28-34 179 34,03
35-40 115 21,86
41-49 35 6,65
50-64 5 0,95
Won't tell 1 0,19

Then we asked you how long you have been playing PES. One third of you plays PES since the ISS series, which was released almost 20 years ago! Another big group is on the other end of the PES-timeline: the players for which eFootball PES2020 is the first PES (13,1%).
Playing Since # %
eFootball PES 2020 first PES 69 13,12
PES 2019 38 7,22
PES 2018 37 7,03
3-5 Years 44 8,37
5-9 Years 39 7,41
10-14 Years 61 11,60
15-18 Years 61 11,60
ISS Series 174 33,08
Don't Know 3 0,57

We see a clear victory in choice for console: PS4 with 66,9%. Another big group are the PC users (26,8%). Maybe if Microsoft allows the use of option files we can see a shift towards XBOX?
What console? # %
PS4 352 66,9
XBOX 32 6,1
PC 141 26,8
Other 1 0,2

We also wanted to know which game mode you play the most. We can clearly see a big gap between the 2 biggest game modes: MyClub (43,9%) and Master League (41,3%) and all other game modes. For Konami this will mean a struggle between focussing on Online vs Offline experience.
What game mode do you play the most? # %
Become a Legend 11 2,09
League Competition 2 0,38
Master League 217 41,25
Matchday 1 0,19
MyClub 231 43,92
Online Co-op 15 2,85
Online divisions 18 3,42
Random Selection Match 3 0,57
Versus COM 7 1,33
Versus Friends 16 3,04
Other 3 0,57
Won't tell 2 0,38
But if we ask you for what other game modes you play, we see some other modes being played! Remember multiple options were available for this question. Again we see Master League and MyClub as played modes, but also Become a Legend, Matchday, Online divisions, Online Co-op, Versus COM and Versus Friends is being played a lot. League competitions are played the least, probably because you can also play a competition in master league itself. Another low scorer is Random Selection match, which I think is a great mode to play with friends, so go ahead and try it!
What other game modes do you play? # %
Become a Legend 129 24,5
League Competition 34 6,5
Master League 211 40,1
Matchday 144 27,4
MyClub 167 31,7
Online Co-op 94 17,9
Online divisions 102 19,4
Random Selection Match 53 10,1
Versus COM 109 20,7
Versus Friends 151 28,7
Other 20 3,8
No other game modes 48 9,1
Won't tell 2 0,4

Do you still play an older version of PES? # %
Yes 56 10,6
No 467 88,8
Won't tell 3 0,6
The answers from the next question; if yes, which older version do you currently play. Varied from PES 2019 (40,9%) to PES 2013 (7,6%) and PES 6 (13,6%), even some old ISS and ISS2 are launched regularly by some of you!

Which options of pass assistance would you like to be in the game?
Pass assistance # %
Just manual 24 4,6
Manual and PA1 210 39,9
Fine as it is now 239 45,4
Don't know 53 10,1

Finally, the last question to get to know you better was 'What other games besides PES do you play?'. Here we saw a wide variety in games. Games like NBA2k, Rocket League, FIFA, GTA, Battlefield, Call of Duty, Football Manager and Red dead redemption 2.

About eFootball PES2020

We wanted to know if you are happy with the current game and it seems like half of you are, while a quarter is not. Another quarter answered 'maybe', which shows the current status of the game. Most of the times its good, but there is some work to do to fix the small annoyances.
Happy with PES2020? # %
Yes 244 46,4
No 126 24
Maybe 125 23,8
Other 10 1,9
Won't tell 1 0,2
Don't play eFootball PES2020 20 3,8

We also wanted to know if you are able to play the new game mode 'Matchday'. This is organized in a static timeslot everyday. Its a split decision between Yes and No, so it's clear Konami should change something about the timeslots so that everyone who wants to play Matchday, is able to play it.
Can you play the new mode Matchday, taking into account the timeframe? # %
Yes 142 27
No 150 28,5
Don't know 77 14,6
Not interested in Matchday 135 25,7
Don't play eFootball PES2020 22 4,2

Do you use an Option File for eFootball PES2020?
Option File? # %
Yes 384 73
No, but I will use one later 68 12,9
No 54 10,3
Don't play eFootball PES2020 20 3,8

What should Konami change about the current game?

About the subreddit WEPES

This is ofcourse the section we are the most interested in. We already knew there are a lot of new subscribers to the subreddit, and that's what we also see in the replies:
How long have you been subscribed? # %
1 month 134 25,5
3 months 49 9,3
6 months 30 5,7
1 year 89 16,9
2 year 101 19,2
3 year 49 9,3
4 year 2 0,4
>5 year 5 1,0
Don't know 55 10,5
Won't tell 12 2,3

Most of you come here to get informed. You want news about the game from konami, about myclub events and about the community. But also option files and videos of gameplay and goals are what you are looking for. Only 12,5% visit for pictures of packed players.
What do you visit the subreddit for? # %
News about the game (Konami announcements) 436 82,9
News about the game (Myclub Events) 282 53,6
News about the community 284 54
Option Files 217 41,3
Videos of gameplay / goals 214 40,7
Pictures of packed players 66 12,5
To rant about the game 145 27,6
Memes 164 31,2
Other 104 19,8

We wanted to know how you interact with the subreddit and we see that half of you interact by commenting on posts and 58% by upvoting/downvoting threads. We are very happy with the amount of people who actively interact with the subreddit. You create the posts, keep discussions going and you decide which content comes on top of the subreddit by upvoting and downvoting threads.
How do you interact in the subreddit? # %
I create new posts 134 25,5
I comment on other people's posts 267 50,8
I upvote/downvote threads 308 58,6
I don't actively interact 161 30,6
Other 11 2,1

Sub ratings:
Most of you are happy with the subreddit, and thats what we see in the ratings. The quality of comments and posts on the subreddit can be higher. But in general I think we have a great community here.
Topic Average Rating
How would you rate the sub's appearance? (color scheme etc) 7,43
How would you rate the sub's moderating rules? 7,56
How would you rate the quality of posts on the subreddit? 6,36
How would you rate the quality of comments on the subreddit? 6,54
How would you rate the quality of information about PES on the subreddit? 7,37
How would you rate the topics around the release of eFootball PES2020 on the subreddit? 7,21
How would you rate the subreddit in general? 7,41

We were wondering if we needed to be more strict on duplicate posts. For example rants about the game, repeating questions about option files etc. Most of you answered Yes, so we will be a bit more strict and try to avoid duplicate posts. However, in case you see a duplicate post you are always allowed to downvote it, so it won't appear high on the subreddit.
Would you like us to be more strict? # %
Yes 181 34,4
No 143 27,2
Maybe 91 17,3
No opinion 111 21,1

And the last question, do you have any suggestions for the subreddit. We have received a lot of suggestions and I will discuss some below:
submitted by Grimolas to WEPES [link] [comments]

Basics of FUT Trading

FIFA Market Trends

Players are expensive at the start of the game. Players are cheap at the end of the game. For those of us that have played Ultimate Team for the nearly 10 years it has been a game mode, that much is clear. And FIFA 18 was no exception (images via FUTBIN).

Xbox FIFA 18 Market

PS4 FIFA 18 Market
The reason? A quick economics lesson on the principles of supply and demand will tell you. When FIFA releases in September, there are few cards on the market (low supply) compared to the high volume of players that want to play the game (high demand). Therefore, player prices are through the roof.
However, as time goes on more packs are opened. An increase in supply occurs. Where we had a low supply before, we now have a medium/high supply and medium/high demand.
Then May comes, along with it TOTS. The supply of cards on the market is at a peak, and demand for playing Ultimate Team is dwindling with the approaching summer and conclusion of any major FIFA events. Many FIFA players stop playing, and with that prices plummet to even further lows.

FIFA Events

While this is how the FIFA market looks over the long-term, Ultimate Team events cause short-term deviations that present opportunities for investing. Knowing the events of the Ultimate Team calendar will help you to predict and take advantage of these changes in the FIFA market.
FIFA 19 Calendar (tentative)

Event Descriptions (some dates tentative)

September 19th – Web App Release
Rejoice! A new season of FIFA begins. One of the first ways you can access the game is through the web app. Through this, you will be able to buy/sell players, purchase packs, and receive daily rewards for logging in. NOTE: you will only be able to do use the web app if you have already set up an account in some previous FIFA.
In addition to the web app, a 10 hour access period grants Xbox players the option to experience FIFA 19 in its entirety. For traders, the entirety of this trial should be devoted to Ultimate Team. There are a few ways that you can approach this.
First and foremost, sell all of the items in your catalog. Coins are in short supply at the beginning of FUT, and this is one of the easiest ways to stockpile them.
In addition, make sure to activate your coin boosts as these can earn you an extra 250-1000 coins per completed game. How you choose to play these games depends on your abilities as a FIFA player.
For more skilled players, draft is a great option. Yes, you have to spend 15,000 coins or FIFA points to play. However, the potential packs for winning a few games will more than cover your costs. In reality, if you win the draft mode you are looking at getting at least 50k and possibly much, much more. Offline draft mode is alternative if you would rather play AI instead.
September 25th – Early Access Release
For those who purchase the Ultimate or Champions version of FIFA 19, you will have a 3 day jump on everyone else to play the game. These early stages of the game are huge for establishing a coin base, so the sooner you can jump in the better.
September 28thFull Release
When the game is fully released, the demand for players begins to increase dramatically. Therefore, prices increase as well. Be sure to invest your coins gained through the early access period in players – particularly OTW base cards – before the full release to make profits. If FIFA 18 is any representation, the players reach their peak about 2 weeks after the release. For FIFA 19, this would mean the weekend of October 12th-14th.
October 19th – Halloween Scream
EA releases scream cards that are boosted over Halloween weekend. In FIFA 18, these cards were also upgraded during “spooky” times – or anytime there was a full moon.
November 23rd/26th – Black Friday/Cyber Monday
For the first time in the FIFA season, players have the opportunity to buy expensive packs valued at 50k, 100k, and 200k. For an investor, this weekend is Christmas come early.
All of these packs mean one thing: a drastic increase in supply, and consequently excellent opportunities for players to be bought for great prices. Look to be buying during this holiday weekend in FIFA 19 as well.
December 7th – Team of the Group Stage
An event that often catches players by surprise, be sure to prepare yourself for the Team of the Group Stage. This is the first time that an abundance of quality players are in packs, and as a result many packs are opened. Again, packs mean supply, and supply means the market takes a hit.
December 14th – FUTmas
During the FUTMAS event, EA decorates Ultimate Team with daily player SBCs and pack promotions. Check out this calendar for the full details from last year.
January 14th – TOTY Release
The best players from the previous year are released in four phases: defenders, midfielders, attacks, and then the full squad. These cards are unmatched statistically until Team of the Season is released in May. Many players splurge on their packs for this promotion, resulting in another market crash.
February 1st – OTW Winter Edition
Along with the OTW winter squad, EA often releases SBCs that require OTW players. For this reason, it is a good idea to invest in Summer OTW players in anticipation of this event.
February 5th – Lunar New Year
Special pack offerings flood the FIFA market for the Chinese holiday. This caused a major crash from 61.67 points on February 15th to 47.38 points on February 18th.
As Lunar New Year is a rotating holiday, it will occur on February 5th in 2019. Make sure to sell off your expensive players before then.
February 22nd – Ratings Refresh
Upgrades of players can affect their respective special cards if the player rating goes up enough. For example, Mertens upgrade from 83 to 85 caused an increase for each of his informs. This presents a good investing opportunity as the informs become more valuable.
March 15th – FUT Birthday
EA released throwback ghosts of FIFA Ultimate Team past, including players with position changes (notably LB Bale from last year).
FIFA 19 marks the 10th Birthday for FUT, so expect big things for this event.
April 19th – TOTKS Release
While there was no TOTKS in FIFA 18 due to the World Cup mode, expect it to make a triumphant return for FIFA 19. Here is what the squad looked like from FIFA 17.
May 17th – First TOTS Release
In FIFA 18, EA began the TOTS promotion a bit earlier than usual due to the World Cup mode. I expect it to return to its normal schedule in FIFA 19 with the Community TOTS being released in mid-May. Here is a tentative schedule we might see for FIFA 19:
July 12th – FUTTIES
During this event, members of the FIFA community vote for their favorite players of the season by position. Alessandrini, Lozano, and Begovic were among the winners in 2018. An SBC could be completed for an upgraded version of those players.
submitted by futchief to FIFA [link] [comments]

Anyone discouraged by modern gaming review culture?

I've been watching games come out and more and more often I'm seeing an absurd behavior from the gaming community of having fits over any individual thing that they don't like about a release. I was just curious and looking up Metro Exodus and it has a bunch of 0's and 1's on metacrtic simply because they pulled it off steam and are selling it in their own shop. I'm no fan of Epic Games, but that certainly isn't a justified criticism to say a game is 'worst game ever' or anything of the sort.

Metacritic for Anthem is a 4.5 out of 10. Far Cry New Dawn is given a 3.1 overall. Fallout 76 is sitting on a 2.5 out of 10. Fifa 19 was given a 1.5 out of 10.

Look, I've played 3 of the five games above (Fallout 76, Anthem, and Fifa 19). Don't get me wrong, players have plenty of reason to be mad that games are being released before they are ready. Some have game-breaking instability for a handful of users (see Anthem PS4 issues), some have extremely poor foresight (See stash issues with Fallout 76 as an example), and some just realize that the game is looking to rake in as much money as possible without rewarding players for it (See the FIFA 19 FUT model and every year needing to build a new squad by dumping thousands of dollars to be among the best).

I love video games and have been playing as long as I can remember. And I can be critical of games too given the many issues I've faced and heard from communities. Big studios definitely are pushing out games before they are ready and making some really poor development choices. This is getting even more difficult as games become more complex and dynamic; games that are not single-player and offline and linear are inherently going to require a lot more oversight and changes. The obsession with micro-transactions and season passes and DLC is also a huge mark on the industry as it has pushed more and more toward unfinished products and more fragments to get more money.

But at the same time, this slant is pretty heartbreaking. I think as a community we absolutely need to be critical and clear. I think many people genuinely want games to succeed and provide feedback on various forums and platforms to achieve just that (Reddit being a good example). But people also need to be a bit more fair with their reviews. I played a lot of Fallout 76 and it had a ton of problems. After all said and done, I still would give it maybe a 5 or 6 out of 10. With Anthem, I've found it to be more robust. I'd land somewhere around 7 or 7.5 out of 10. For FIFA, I'd also say the same. I enjoyed the Journey and the gameplay and characters even if I didn't want to partake in the online play.

I guess this turned into more a rant but I'm wondering how others are feeling/experiencing similar issues. Sometimes games certainly deserve negative reviews and criticism. But getting mad about a couple things and slamming a game a 0 or 1 isn't helpful to others who are considering whether a game is worth picking up, at full price or on sale, just to pass some time. I don't need a perfect game, but knowing what works and what doesn't work will help me know if I could enjoy it.
submitted by Claiger to gaming [link] [comments]

Guys. Need some information before I get my game.

I recently bought a PS4 and mostly would get PES2020 as my first game.
I've played PES 18,19 on iOS.
I have a few questions about the PS4 version of the game.
  1. I know we have masters league, but do we have a season mode? I mean I mostly play casual games offline. So do we have something like an offline league mode where you select one team and play through the whole season?
  2. Is there a way I can get my data from iOS to the console?
  3. How are the defense mechanics? Anything new this year?
I'm edging towards PES because I've been playing it since two years and I haven't played FIFA yet. For those who played both, how does PES compare to FIFA this year? Which would be a better choice for my requirements? The gameplay and the defense mechanics take more priority though
Thanks for your time.!
submitted by dinesh_gdcgdc to WEPES [link] [comments]

Staying healthy with Danny Drinkwater and FIFA! Short Guide

Playing FIFA can be really challenging not only to your sane mind, but also body. Every year everyone who buys FIFA will face same difficulties everyone else does, the most common are - stress, dehydration, low physical activity and sore eyes.
On long term high stress levels can end up as intense hair loss and or chest pains, while dehydration could affect your skin health, especially scalp area, where you could start to notice a lot of dandruff. Not to mention that the whole dehydration thing is a huge nail to the coffin to your whole organ system to function as intended as the lack of fluids can lead to big problems down the line if not being treated in time.

WELL, one of these issues will soon be over as I am introducing to you a new guide on How To Stay Healthy With FIFA 19.

What if I will tell you that you could prevent one of these problematic issues in the time frame of 5 minutes and for as low as 1000 in-game coins! [PS4] Yes, you heard me right!

All you have to do is log in to your FUT account (either console or via app) and head straight to the market.

  2. In the field "Player Name" enter Danny Drinkwater CM 79
  3. Click on Search and buy any card which suits you best
  4. Back up from the market and adjust your starting line-up in -> SQUADS
  5. Get 2 liters bottle of water
  6. Get 3 glasses
  7. Pour 3 glasses with water to the top
  8. Place it on the nearest table beside your couch or the place you game from
  9. Start the match!
Now to make it work, all you need to do is play a game as if you would do it casually, but EACH TIME you hear THE COMMENTATOR say "Drinkwater" you have to take a glass filled with water and drink half of it.

After sometime you will start to notice heather skin, better digestion, nutrients absorption, blood circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients and better maintenance of body temperature! 100% Guaranteed!


[DISCLAIMER] Recommended dosage of water is 3-3,5 liters for men and 2,5-3l for women daily. Dosage can be different depending on your physical activity and place you live. Overdosing water can be bad as well! Method best works with offline game modes as you can pause infinite times!
submitted by bamila to FIFA [link] [comments]

EA/FIFA related. Hoping one of the best friends can save me from my misery!

So this will be a long one, I welcome anyone that is willing to try to crack this case that is driving me absolutely mental!
So... I tried to play FIFA 19 last week on my XBOX One for the first time(I had previously played it on PS4 months ago) and when it got to connecting to servers it said that my account was locked. (I’m also locked out on PS4)
The error message reads: “To protect your information, your account is now temporality locked. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Please visit help.ea.com/contact-us to unlock your account.”
The Live Chat team (there’s no phone option for UK) told me my account had been compromised. Fine. It had been, and I hadn’t noticed because logging in to EA online isn’t a regular thing for me and therefore I hadn’t realised the language was now suddenly Russian and therefore I had been hacked.
So I went through all the security rigmarole and secured my account, changed the language back and changed my password etc. I still couldn’t get into FIFA. All other EA games are fine.
The next guy I talked to on the Live Chat told me that the case had to be forwarded to the Terms of Service team and that it would be fixed in 1-2 days. This was last Monday the 2nd. I contacted them again on Wednesday, the next guy said that they were still waiting and that I should wait a few more days and not to worry.
Today, Saturday 7th, I finally uncovered a UK phone number to call, which is no mean feat. After 35 minutes the guy finally told me they had unlocked my account on FIFA 19. The other FIFAs are apparently a different thing and are still locked.
So anyway, when he told me this, as I was on the phone I tried to log in on FIFA 19 and my account is still locked. He told me to hold on on a minute and came back 5 minutes later very confused and told me he doesn’t understand as he has unlocked my account and it should be working. He told me the only thing he can tell me to do is wait as they only just unlocked it so it might take a few minutes to go through and that’s all he can do to help me and goodbye have a nice day basically.
I’m still locked out.
So. What the fuck? I just want to play the game in fucking paying for! I don’t want to play offline!
My guess is that the guy who hacked me did some dodgy shit on FUT with packs or FIFA points or whatever, which is why I’m locked out of FIFA but no other EA games. But why won’t anyone tell me that? And why am I still locked out?
I’m desperately trying to get this resolved before FIFA 20 comes out obviously,
So yeah, anyone who’s maybe had a similar problem or has any ideas... Please help!
submitted by BLUEBOPPER89 to kindafunny [link] [comments]

FIFA 15: Bug & Glitch Mega Thread!

Okay so instead of 100's of posts a day complaining about the bugs and glitches in the game I thought I would make a list of confirmed bugs. I have a friends dad who works for EA and will be forwarding it to his work email.
If you would like to report a bug please note what console you are on, what game mode you experienced it on and a detailed explanation of the bug
General Game Problems
Ultimate Team
Sound & Visual
submitted by dekkytsh to FIFA [link] [comments]

11 tactics for ecommerce growth (This one is a doozy).

To help you assess where your business stands and uncover every single tactic you can use to give yourself an edge, SEMrush collected and analyzed data from more than 8,000 ecommerce sites, the Hallam Agency shared detailed insights from their experience with ecommerce clients, and we rounded up advice from 9 influential ecommerce experts from all across the world.
In this post, we have combined our data on the most successful tactics so you can improve your online marketing strategies as we move forward into the new year.

1. Prioritize Mobile Traffic

We have officially reached the point where far more traffic is coming from mobile devices than desktops. Your site must be properly indexed and formatted to be competitive in the SERPs. Invest in a fully responsive, mobile-optimized site that can give visitors the full experience they would get on desktop.
Research clearly indicated that mobile traffic is dominating ecommerce overall, regardless of the individual industry or the country in which the searches originated. When we looked at 13 popular ecommerce categories altogether, we found that mobile beat desktop in total traffic by approximately 46%. This trend is more prominent in some industries than others. The food industry, for example, had exceptionally high amounts of mobile traffic. This makes sense, as users are likely to search for “restaurant near me” when on the go.
All this considered, it does not mean that desktop traffic is irrelevant; the book industry still had 40.3% of its traffic coming from desktop users, and for the music industry that figure was 37.3%.
Mobile clearly matters a great deal, but in certain industries, substantial amounts of traffic are still coming from desktop users.

2. Optimize for Mobile-First Indexing

Start focusing on your ecommerce site’s mobile users. Make them your priority for the year ahead, rather than thinking of desktop as the primary platform. More traffic is coming from mobile devices, and if your site can’t match mobile users’ needs, you could lose sales. Optimize now for mobile-first indexing and you could see your overall site traffic and sales increase as a result.
Using SEMrush’s Site Audit Tool, we took a look at how top ecommerce companies are optimizing their sites for mobile users. We searched for the most common mistakes made on mobile websites and found that the vast majority of sites were plagued by significant problems.
The five biggest errors we found were:
  1. 4xx error codes, which impact a user’s ability to utilize or access the site correctly.
  2. Slow page loading speed, which will drive users away and negatively impact SEO.
  3. Issues with mixed content, which will negatively affect user experience and reduce confidence in your website.
  4. Missing or empty title tags, preventing Google from identifying the content correctly.
  5. Redirect chains and loops, which prevent users from getting to the correct destination quickly.
SEO expert Andy Drinkwater, owner of IQ SEO, stated that mobile-first indexing was going to be key, but that many businesses were stumped about how to implement it:
Probably the biggest SEO news this year was Mobile First, but since then, there hasn't been much information about it with lots of companies wondering what they need to do. In theory, as long as a site is responsive or had a dedicated mobile domain, then this 'should' be enough - but this is Google we're talking about and it is never that straightforward. The biggest tip I would give any site owner is to head into Search Console and look for mobile issues. Look at the Mobile Usability and Coverage sections for issues that you can resolve quickly or for bigger problems and get them resolved. On top of this, you must pay attention to site speed and usability, which are two huge mobile factors for so many reasons. Google has said that site speed isn't a ranking factor, but it does have an impact on user satisfaction by making sure site visitors aren't kept waiting. Indirectly, this can feed into the parts of Google's algorithm that look at user experience. By making sure that users are happy with the whole mobile experience, you show Google that your site visitors are important to you. — Andy Drinkwater

3. Utilize SERP Features

SERP features are becoming more valuable. They increase your visibility, authority, and, as a result, sales. As highlighted by SEMrush’s research data, the top search results often display a variety of SERP features, with the most common across the globe being reviews, site links, carousels, and images.
Our research has indicated that the “Reviews” SERP feature is most common; this makes sense, given that reviews are one of the most powerful tools you can use to increase sales. They can build trust quickly, and convey value to your audience.
Each feature listed above should all be readily apparent to search engine users and can be added using schema markups so that you can provide more information to users in the search results. This method will make you much more competitive and these features can be the difference between getting a sale or losing it to the business immediately above or below you in the search results.

4. Diversify Your Backlink Profile

When deciding which sites to prioritize in the algorithm, Google looks for signs of quality and credibility. Backlinks to your site from high authority domains will indicate that you have credible content and will help you to rank higher in the SERPs.
Pay attention to your competitors’ tactics and analyze which backlink types appear most frequently. By following their example, you can effectively grow and build a diverse backlink profile for your own site.
There are steps you can take to improve your backlink profile. Creating useful content on your site is a good step; your audience and industry peers will find this valuable and share it, linking back to you in the process.
Founder of Ecommerce Platforms Catalin Zorzini had some great advice to share about link building:
I always remind our readers that the number 1 rule in "link building" is to have link-worthy content on your own website. Weirdly enough, many entrepreneurs focus their efforts on outreach, but ignore their own content strategy. I think we should think of a strategy to earn links only after we have absolutely fantastic content on our website. Do we only have an About Us page and a few standard product pages? Why should anyone link to our website? Let's focus on "content building" first. Create some in-depth guides aimed at your audience: what do they need, what do they want, what are their difficulties, what are their dreams? And then you can reach out to others and show them what outstanding content you have created on your site, and ask if they are interested in a guest post from you. — Catalin Zorzini
We all know that link building is important, but knowing how to actually establish a backlink strategy is something else altogether. Elle Pollicott from Hallam Agency had a few best practices to share:
At Hallam, the link building strategies we create for our clients focuses on larger content campaigns, that are so interesting and engaging, websites actively want to link to them. In addition to that, we also focus on guest posting and link reclamation – which involves monitoring our clients’ brand names, service and products. When we build links for clients, the majority are follow links, with branded anchor text. Follow backlinks tend to be more advantageous as they pass on “link juice” to your site. However, nofollow backlinks can bring benefits too – especially if it’s from a high authority website, and it brings you quality, relevant traffic. A healthy backlink profile should contain a mixture of follow and nofollow backlinks, with a range of domain ratings (DR) – although the higher the DRs, the better. Ultimately, whether you create a blog post, interactive graphic or an in-depth tutorial; having original, valuable content on your site that your audience and industry peers will want to share, is the way to go when building your backlink profile. — Elle Pollicott

5. Invest in Technical SEO

Your site must be technically sound to find SEO success. If a search engine has difficulty crawling and understanding your site, how can it serve it to people in its results page?

We found that most of the top ecommerce sites included in the research did well with performance overall. Desktop sites scored 80% for crawlability, 85% for performance, 88% for international SEO, and 91% on HTTPS implementation. That being said, there is always room for improvement.
To perfect your technical SEO, you should:
SEO expert Craig Campbell shared some of his easy-to-implement tactics to make technical SEO a little less intimidating:
When it comes to ecommerce, I prefer woocommerce for smaller ecommerce sites or Magento for the bigger sites out there. The reason I prefer these platforms over platforms like Shopify is that you have full access to the source code and the server to ensure you can compress javascript, CSS, images, and whatever else you need to get that site loading fast. Canonicalisation is another common problem with ecommerce websites that many people get wrong. If you are selling black leather shoes with a nice product description but the shoes come in sizes, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, then for each product variant you will have a new URL. If Google crawls those product variations, then you are likely to be penalised for duplicate content. Google also struggles to understand which URL is the best one for the search term you are trying to target. To prevent this, implement the rel=canonical tag to any page to take you to the main page that you are trying to optimise, so that you are showing Google the main page you want to rank well. — Craig Campbell

6. Implement AMP On Key Pages

AMP is essential in helping web pages load faster on mobile devices, improving the user experience significantly. Faster load times increase the likelihood that users will stay on your site, engage with it, and potentially purchase from it.
AMP won’t be a strong choice for all sites, particularly those that rely on dynamic pages or site features, but the majority of ecommerce sites should consider implementing it.
Of the sites that we analyzed, we found that only 10.7% had dedicated AMP pages; the vast majority (89.3%) did not, creating an enormous missed opportunity for enhanced mobile performance. The overall implementation of AMP is extraordinarily low, so ecommerce sites that adapt now have a huge opportunity to outrank their competitors by getting that valuable, all-encompassing mobile traffic.
To implement AMP successfully and see its maximum impact, you should:
  1. Watch for the most common AMP implementation mistakes and issues.
  2. Implement AMP on the pages that matter most. For many ecommerce sites, this will be your homepage and your product pages.
  3. Utilize the current AMP features available to you, including the amp-carousel to highlight multiple products or the amp-video to offer mobile-friendly video content.
  4. You can link your AMP with your Progressive Web App to increase site speed overall. You can combine your AMP pages with your PWAs with tools like the amp-install-serviceworker.
Max Prin, Head of Technical SEO at Merkle, shared his expert advice on AMP with us:
Should E-commerce websites use AMP? If the answer must be boolean I’d say Yes, but like a lot of things, it depends. It depends on the audience, resources, goals, current state of the site, and more. If an e-commerce site has a poorly designed and slow mobile site, then AMP might be a good solution right, before a full overhaul of the site. The AMP framework has considerably evolved over the last two years, especially when it comes to features required on e-commerce websites. And yet, adoption is very low like SEMrush’s data shows. I believe AMP can be valuable if the rest of the experience on the site is as fast and if creating another set of URLs can be avoided. Combining AMP and Progressive Web App (PWA) features on the same URLs can create an ideal implementation for both search engines and users, leveraging AMP for the speed and SERP features, and PWA for UX, engagement and conversions. — Max Prin

7. Optimize Visuals For Search and Conversions

Users are unlikely to purchase online if they don’t see high-quality images, so it is essential to make image optimization a primary consideration for conversions. Visuals also provide a potential source of traffic and revenue: image searches make up 21.8% of searches on web properties. This number is likely to increase, as usage of the emerging technology of visual search keeps expanding. To capitalize on these facts, it is essential that your images are fully optimized to drive conversions.
To successfully optimize your images for search and conversion rates, you should:
  1. Use JPEG image files, as they have a high quality but low file size.
  2. Using multiple images per product can increase conversions and give you more images to optimize. Incorporate your own images instead of stock photos to better stand out in the SERPs.
  3. Optimize each image correctly. Every image should have a file name and caption that uses your target keywords.
  4. Include image sitemaps on your site, so that Google can receive information about the images that you have uploaded.
  5. Add product images to the structured data of product pages with schema.org markups, allowing your images to show up in the SERPs and in relevant searches.
  6. Include alt attributes like image alt tags for every image. Even among top ecommerce sites, 15% had missing alt tags, so check your site now.

8. Implement Schema Markup

Schema markup lets you tell Google and customers exactly what you want them to know about your product and site in one quick snapshot that is easy for both to understand.
Anyone not making the most of schema is missing out on better CTR, traffic, and SERP features – and right now, that includes 47.88% of even the top ecommerce sites. Of the 52% of ecommerce sites that had implemented schema markups, 44.96% were using Open Graph protocol.
After Open Graph markup, the next most popular option was Schema.org markup at 19.98%, and Twitter Cards schema which was used by 16.32% of businesses. Several sites that had implemented schema were using multiple types of markup.
To unlock the full potential of schema and improve site performance, you should:
  1. Start by adding product schema markups to your site, including product price, SKU, descriptions, and reviews.
  2. Most schemas are underused, despite their great benefits; Schema.org is only being used by 19.98% of top ecommerce sites even though it gives businesses the chance to add valuable information to their SERPS that will appeal to customers and increase conversions.
  3. Use the Structured Data Testing Tool to ensure that all new or adjusted schemas are error-free.
  4. Watch out for changes on Google. Google can (and does) alter its rules for particular schema types, so every time you update yours, make sure that you match current standards.
  5. Tools can automatically create schemas for your store, including Woocommerce’s native schema functionality. You can also use schema-generating tools like the Schema Markup Generator.
  6. Only put information in a schema that is readily available on the site page. You can’t list reviews on a page where no reviews are featured, for example.
SEO Consultant Jason Barnard shared some valuable insight about schema markup:
Schema markup provides easy-to-digest confirmation of your webpage content to crawlers and search engines (such as Google and Microsoft). It is most usefully leveraged to explicitly confirm “Who you are and what you offer,” so it is easy to understand why I would say that it is absolutely essential to e-commerce sites. Details about your offers are often very difficult for these machines to extract automatically from your site. Providing machine-readable details about your products, prices, delivery options, taxes, manufacturer, etc. helps enormously will help on several channels in the short and long-term: SEO, Google Shopping, and Search Ads. Your first markup should be “who we are” corporation markup on your About Us page. Next would be “what types of product do we sell,” which would be collection markup on your category pages. Finally, and the biggest direct payback, is “what products, to whom, at what price,” which would be Product and Offer markup on your product pages. — Jason Barnard

9. Understand the Difference Between Impulse Shopping and Planned Shopping

To maximize sales, it is important to optimize your site and your ad campaigns to appeal to both planned shoppers and impulsive buyers.
Appealing to customers that plan means providing a variety of in-depth information on the site, featuring reviews, and building relationships when possible. Impulse buying, on the other hand, is much more emotional than logical. To capture those impulse buyers, consider using the following emotional triggers:
The most popular emotional trigger was the offer of free shipping, which appeals to users because it lowers their cost and makes them want to act before missing out. “Official site” and “Shop Now” were options two and three, showcasing the importance of both building trust with the customer and establishing urgency.
The rise of online shopping has made it easier for impulse purchasing to happen quickly. You don’t even need to get users in the store; you just have to show them a well-timed ad with an emotional trigger. That being said, more buyers are researching products for longer, so you need to appeal to both types of purchasers.
To appeal effectively to all customers, you should:
  1. Use emotional triggers like “free shipping” to create urgency and increase impulse purchasing; this can work for true impulse buyers, but also for those who have been researching your product and waiting for a deal to strike.
  2. Post deals as early as possible. Many stores shared their Black Friday bargains by posting them online in early November, which made it easy for researchers to assess which deal was best for them and helped them decide who to purchase from.
  3. Remember that even “impulse purchasers” often do some preliminary research. They may decide on a whim to buy that PS4 on Black Friday, but they might also do a few quick searches to see who has the best deal. Having as much transparent information posted as possible will help win these customers.
Joel Bondorowsky, Founder of PPC Designs, shared his insights on consumer behavior:
Consumers making an impulse purchase as opposed to a well-planned purchase have different states of mind. The ads, and subsequent sales copy, that effectively sells to one may not work for the other. Consumers making well-planned purchases are at the bottom of the decision-making funnel (ready to take action and purchase.) These people know what they want, thus will respond best to ads that clearly reflect the product. Uncomplicated sales funnels increase confidence that the consumer is getting what they are looking for. Due to the strong intent to buy this exact item, these users can be most productively targeted with search advertising. Display ads placed on websites that are relevant to the product itself can also be effective. Impulse purchases, by contrast, reflect the minds of consumers who are uncertain about what they desire. These users can be easily swayed to purchase something that they might not have wanted. Often, they are at the top of the decision-making funnel (first becoming aware of or interested in a product.) Ad copy that reflects a curiosity, and then potentially triggers an interest, can work best to bring them into your sales funnel. Sales copy, which turns that interest into a desire is essential to get them to take action and purchase. These consumers are much more plentiful, and their traffic is cheaper. They can be targeted with display or social media ads based on who they are (demographics) and what they are interested in. — Joel Bondorowsky

10. Choose The Right Attribution Models

The customer’s buying process is often more complicated than seeing a single ad, going to the site, and purchasing; they may need to interact with multiple ads, check the site several times, and maybe sign up for an email first. Therefore, it is essential that the right decision is made when selecting an attribution model(s), which help you assess which touch points actually helped you get the conversions.
There isn’t a ‘right’ answer when it comes to assigning an attribution model to analyze paid traffic performance. However, you do need to select one that supports early interactions as this is where the main paid touch points will be found.
The last-click model of attribution is commonly used but often isn’t truly reliable. Many other touch points likely came before that affected the conversion, and aren’t accounted for.
Our recommendation is to use an attribution model that supports multiple touch points instead of just one. So, Linear or Position Based models could be appropriate choices. Those that use Google Ads may have access to a Data-Driven Attribution Model (DDAM) which is fluid, segmenting the value of each conversion in a bespoke manner to different interactions. Google has reported that the DDAM can improve the accuracy of assigning conversion value by up to 15%.
If you want to best assess what marketing efforts and PPC campaigns are working most effectively for you, you should:
  1. Choose the right attribution model. Using Linear or Position Based models will take multiple touch points into account.
  2. If available to you, use the Data-Driven Attribution Model for your Google Ads; it is more fluid and, thus, often more accurate.
  3. When deciding on an attribution model, look through the current analytics that you have set up. If you have the default Last Click enabled, for example, and it is telling you that only search traffic is getting you conversions even though you are seeing significant clicks from Google Ads to those product pages, you will likely realize that the attribution model isn’t accurate. To find the best one for you, you may have to test out different models to see which one helps you make sense of conflicting data.
Elliot Kemp from Hanapin Marketing had an abundance of useful information about selecting the right attribution model:
The overwhelming majority of Hanapin clients are using an attribution model outside of last click, and for good reason. The best option, and what more and more advertisers are looking to move to, is a data-driven model. This will divide up a conversion between campaigns that played a role in the conversion path. DDA does require at least 600 conversions in a 30 day period to be eligible, which disqualifies the majority of advertisers. Linear and position based models are more data-driven than last click, easier to access for small advertisers, and can provide a decent picture into the entire conversion journey. Linear attribution evenly divides a conversion up between all clicks on the path, while position based gives 40% of the conversion to the first and last click, with the remaining 20% spread out across other clicks on the path. These models are still limited in comparison to DDA, as DDA builds a custom model specifically for your account that divides up every conversion. At the end of the day, the most important piece when selecting an attribution model for your clients is choosing one that your client fully understands and one that will give a full and true picture into performance for the campaign types you’re running. — Elliot Kemp

11. Turn Global Events into Sales

Ecommerce businesses have an incredible opportunity to take advantage of major sporting events. Users spend more money and invest their money in products they wouldn’t normally purchase.
To put into context the influence these events have on online activity, the 2014 World Cup is an excellent example. Over the course of the event, host country Brazil saw a 27% increase in ecommerce sales; this resulted in an estimated $16.6 billion boost to the Brazilian economy. Even more impressively, Germany saw a 75% increase in ecommerce activity in the days following their World Cup win.
So, why not take advantage of these sporting events? Take a look at techniques that you can use to gain more conversions during sporting events:
  1. Researched and targeted paid ad campaigns will help you expand your presence significantly, leading to more conversions. Make sure you’re including keywords and common terms used during sporting events, and feature relevant products that have strong selling performance.
  2. Offer fast, free shipping; this will help you to stay competitive and can help you get purchases from last-minute shoppers you might have lost otherwise.
  3. Offer product recommendations on your site, using featured products sections to show visitors additional items they might like. This method increases the likelihood that they will buy more than one item.
  4. Assemble high-value bundle promotions to increase purchase value. Offer deals like customers getting free name/number printing on their items if they purchase a full England kit, for example.
  5. Create a sense of urgency to drive more sales. Urgent situations cause people to think less clearly about their purchase, resulting in buying through impulse. Set up countdown timers and low stock indicators to indicate scarcity, too.
David Sayce, Digital Marketing Consultant and Director of South East London Chamber of Commerce, shared his insight on major events and ecommerce purchases:
In the last 10 years, we have seen a major shift in user buying habits and behaviour through technology and customer expectations. While online sales are growing at a fast rate, offline sales still account for 82% of sales (according to the ONS). Online spending has quickly increased whilst spending within stores has remained stable. Consumers are now buying more online than ever before, and it means that they’re buying more overall. As consumers behaviors and relationships with brands change, be agile and fast to act. For events such as sports where you target a fan base, consider the potential outcomes and how you can still be relevant and personal to the consumer. While businesses have realised that they must integrate digital channels to engage with their consumers to maintain relevance and drive the conversation, few realise how fast the change needs to happen, or how transformational it needs to be, or even the resources required to be successful. As consumers gain more power to choose where, when and how they interact, they will begin to choose a smaller number of organisations to engage with and newer generations may not be a loyal as those previously. It is a transformation of business and operating models that is needed to stand the test of time in the digital era. — David Sayce

submitted by vendetta4guitar to SEMrush [link] [comments]

Fifa delay (my own research)

This FIFA is worse than ever before with delay. I usually get elite 1 in the weekend league, I often lose the matches against profiles that are not on futwiz. I just feel that EA is in the game. That makes it just 50/50 games.
But to come back with the delay, you have 3 kinds of gameplays this fifa
1. slow delayed (1 sec button delay) players no longer move forward. You have to press x each time before you get the ball or it will be too late. You get a lot of kick-off goals in this gameplay and you feel powerless.
2. The normal gameplay. You do not feel a button delay (or a little) everything is defensible you can plan the attack exactly what you want. ( its the same feeling as the offline modus its perfect)
3. fast-delayed gameplay. Everything you tackle is along the ball. You feel that you can not defend anymore. it seems that all players are on steroids. nothing is to defend betting in this gameplay often end 6-5 7-6 etc, you can lose from a 100k squad in this gameplay
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyW2DB7oENk&t=853s (this is what i mean with the number 3)
I think you all recognize this. number 1 and 3 are simply the gameplays why some competitive players have not qualified to events this year.
Now I have asked myself a few questions and studied this very closely.
Is it my internet?
No, IIt isn't because I have a cable connection and the best possible internet in the Netherlands
Then I wondered if other people would have the same gameplay at exactly the same time.
At the moment it was gameplay number 3. (look back by number 3) (the fast glitched on steroids and you always tackle next to the ball, you can not defend anymore)
I put the streams of (Mo aubamayang eu ps4 player) (futwiz zelenious eu xbox player) and the stream of a player that live in America.
All 3 players had the same (number 3 steroids gameplay) and they almost lost all at the same time. With everyone you saw that nothing to defend was players tackled next to the ball etc. So it is not the internet connection it is all the fault of EA.
A day later it was the number 1 gameplay. ((the 1 sec button delay) players no longer move forward.
I started looking up all the streamers at twitch who were playing fut champs on different consoles and again. Everyone in the stream almost lost through the same slow unresponsive gameplay. the xbox and ps4 players had the same gameplay at exactly the same time. Just like at the number 3 gameplay they had that at the same time.
What can we say now
EA has thrown ps4 and XBOX on the same servers.
American are also on the same servers.
It also happens often that the game suddenly goes from a perfect gameplay to a slow (number 1) 1 second delay gameplay where players do not walk forward in the same game. On stream you see all xbox and ps4 players at the same time suffer with the same problem (exactly on the same moment). In this matches pro s lost against profiles that are not on futwiz.
The problem is with EA and not with our internet connections. How else can it be that everyone experiences the same gameplay at the same time.
and create a separate xbox and ps4 server. What you have probably done now is put together on a server.
and people from hungary etc do not complain about the delay and lag. You get exactly the same gameplay as the Germans and Dutch.
it is not that the delay is because there are too many people playing. I played in the qualifying month at midnight and had a 1.5 second button delay. the delay does not come because the servers are overloaded. even this weekend it was even worse at night than during the day, and I do not know who is playing at this stage in Europe at 4 o'clock in the night ...
EA please do something about this! we have a lot of questions but we didn t get answers...
Fix this in fifa 19
Because when the gameplay is good its the best game in the world :)
submitted by fifaajordi to u/fifaajordi [link] [comments]

can i play fifa 19 offline on ps4 video

FIFA 19 Graphics Comparison (PS4 Pro vs PC) - YouTube How to Get FIFA 20 on PS4 for Free? - YouTube HOW TO FIX FIFA 19 LAG /HOW TO PLAY ON LOW END PC WORKING ... FIFA 19 PLAYER CAREER MODE - HOW TO BECOME A 90 RATED ... How to play FIFA 20 on PC with PS4 Controller : Fix All ... HOW TO PLAY FIFA 19 DEMO EARLY  DOWNLOAD TUTORIAL PS4 ... FIFA 19 NEW UPDATE IS OUT NOW - How To Download It On PS4 ... FIFA 19 PPSSPP Camera PS4 Android Offline 600MB Best ... PLAY FIFA 19 ON WINDOWS 7,8 & 10 ON LOW END PC  ALL FIXES ...

So guys the official fifa18 for PC,PS4,etc. has already launched but there is no any movement in our android device.But some of the best team hardwork finally achieve this mod.With good performance.The best thing about this game it is offline.So you dont have to worry and you can play without a network connection,that is so cool.And without internet connection they provide good graphics to ... These are arranged by priority regarding your build up. If you can shoot, then go for it. If you can't, dribble. If you have no space to dribble, pass the ball! Check Out Basic Controls In Beginner Guide Use Or Create Spaces. Another way for you to set up your offense is to use or create spaces that you can get into. I have had this issue of button delay on FIFA since 19 but i have always attributed it to my PS4 or my TV. Now i have changed both, the TV and now have a PS5 but when playing games offline and online, my buttons still delay. when i give a pass, shoot, tackle or change direction, the player still takes one more step before the command. FIFA 19. Yes, FIFA is not the ... Just turn on the Passive Mode in San Andreas and you can cruise around, play some ... it is the depth of content offered in its offline and online versions that ... Electronic Arts has revealed that FIFA 21 will not allow players to cross-play between different consoles and PC when it launches later this year. FIFA 19 game modes allow players to customize their gaming experience. Enjoy single player games in offline modes while multiplayer games are available for both offline and online modes. Online Game Modes. Play online when you want to step up the competition when playing FIFA. 3. FIFA 19, everything is going well and this issue comes back, before anyone calls this a placebo or say it's only in my head, I got my friend's PS4 over and compared the gameplay and let me tell you the difference is immense. I don't what to do, do note the issue only occurs with FIFA, every other game is running fine. Get full access now to FIFA 19 on PC with Origin Access Premier, or try the game early for up to 10 hours with Origin Access Basic. As a subscriber, you’ll also be able to play an ever-growing collection of 125+ PC games, and save 10% on FIFA Points and other Origin purchases. Cross-Play: Games You Can Play With Friends Over PS4, Xbox One, Switch, And PC Here's a quick list of exciting games on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch that you can play with friends on different ... FIFA 19 – PS4 Review. September 30, 2018 in PS4 tagged fifa / football / simulation / soccer (whatever) / sports by Richie. ... Here you can play offline games with special rules. The best is Survivor mode where you have a player randomly sent off every time you score.

can i play fifa 19 offline on ps4 top

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FIFA 19 Graphics Comparison (PS4 Pro vs PC) - YouTube

This is the third fix video, make sure you followed other two videos correctly and apply update 7 ( otherwise this won't work ). Links for the two fix videos... How different does FIFA 19 look when played on PC and PS4 Pro? Watch this video to find out!Read more about this: https://www.altchar.com/reviews/576532/fifa... HOW TO GET FIFA 19 DEMO EARLY EARLY ACCESS PES 2019 LIVERPOOL CAREER MODE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBtG1Dlah60 Follow me: https://twitter.com/#!/T... Hi everyone, In this video I am going to show you how to play FIFA 20 on PC using your PS4 Controller and how to fix pretty much all the problems.#FIFA20 #PC... This video showcases tips and tricks on how to become high rated in FIFA 19 My Player Career Mode. I let you all know the best techniques to use to help you... FIFA 19 PPSSPP Camera PS4 Android Offline 600MB New Kits 2020 & Full transfers Update Best Graphics» Mediafire Link :- PSP Emulator Gold : http://bit.ly/2FAU... Here is a quick tutorial on how to download the new FIFA 19 Update (October Update) for PS4 and Xbox One. 🔴 FIFA 19 Career mode transfer guide that tells you... Is it really possible to get free FIFA 20? How to get FIFA 20 for free on PS4 right now? If you are interested in answers to these and many other questions,... help me reach 5k subscribers subscribe like and share pay ur regards in comment section below:)this is best video on whole youtube to play fifa 19

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