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We Are Energy Beings! Recap of S07E11

This season deserves a special award for inspiring flat-line boredom, with each storyline offering at least one awful person dripping poison over anyone kind or thoughtful.
Natalie: Mike wants for me to be the bad one. What is this farce?
Mike: I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the I DON’T LOVE YOU.
When we last saw Mike, Natalie was spring cleaning his self-esteem the Marie Kondo way, except she torched everything that sparked joy to make room for more misery. Now he’s outside wondering why science hasn’t granted him the ability to beam onto an airplane to spare him the insult of standing in a Ukraine alleyway, waiting for his maybe-fiancée to flounce down the stairs and demand an apology for…something. Natalie, Our Lady of 1,000 Bluffs, somehow finds the strength and courage to amble down the stairs and sit in the backseat of an Uber for a melancholy airport adventure.
Natalie: Mike, everything is good. You must calm down and stop being so dramatic. This is gaslight like in movies. Now I must cure you of hysteria with vibrators and Valium.
Mike: I mean, do we have to keep filming? What if I jump out while the car is moving? Can that be your final scene?
Natalie thinks that in a perfect world Mike would apologize just for sport and then sweep her off her feet, which should be easy since they’re never on the ground. After several awkward airport moments Mike tells Natalie that he’ll call her later, but he needs time for detox and an exorcism. Natalie remains confused that Mike thought she loved him, based on the 30,000 times she said “I love you,” when he should have been able to read her rapidly changing narrative and anticipate ongoing rewrites. She approaches Mike to pretend she doesn’t know what’s going on, but Mike isn’t falling for that shit. He asks for a goodbye hug, she says no, and Mike bounces. Natalie sulks off to find her people in the Land of Bad Decisions, where Tania is waiting for her upon a throne of skulls.
Back home and no longer engaged, Mike is making pancakes for himself and Uncle Beau. Beau comes rushing in the door to ask Mike how the trip was, and to announce that he lost $25 at the casino last night and needs to borrow from the bank of Mike. So um…Mike’s entire life is apparently like this. Can Mike and Syngin get a beer together please?
Blake: I have friends.
Jasmin: I don’t care if Blake’s friends like me. I also don’t care if Blake likes me.
Blake is getting ready for his friend Everett’s birthday party, while Jasmin warms up her excuses for dodging it. Jasmin knows this party was the plan from the start, but decides against being a good introvert who tells him to go without her and to just enjoy himself. Instead, she attempts to smash Blake’s social butterfly in favor of a sober conversation about yoga and tea. She asks Blake if they can skip the pre-party dinner and just eat together, which Blake agrees to with the caveat that he will continue to express his dismay. Blake orders a drink, and Jasmin reminds him that you can’t talk to Jesus when you’re drunk.
Jasmin latches on to Blake drinking as her excuse for avoiding phase 2 of the evening’s pseudo-social interaction. She says she’s going to call her sister instead and pretend to be mad at him while being secretly relieved to enjoy blissful time away from his flock. What remains of Blake’s sense of humor about this situation gets lost trying to escape his hair. Jasmin tells the cameras that it’s selfish to ask her to go to a party, and totally forgets the part where it’s selfish to derail his plans because that plan is something she doesn’t want to do. Blake says that he’s tired of explaining her behavior to his friends. Neither one of these two is capable of having an adult argument, and are likely on a relationship subreddit as I type, posting a totally balanced report of their latest immature interaction.
Jasmin arrives at Janette’s clinical apartment, and declares that Blake refuses to do anything that interests her, because “everything is always about Blake.” She says that Finnish folks are calmer, while Janette tells her that she needs to keep trying to adapt, and by “keep trying” she means try at all.
Tania: Okay guys, I get it, I’m like, the villain here. Did anyone else just feel a weird rush of glee? That must be Mercury in douchebag and Mars going direct into asshole.
Totally grounded and focused financial wizard Fucking Tania has put her trusty pink shirt in time-out, for a responsible and goal-oriented phone call to an astrologer with a predictable funny name. But not before Syngin fetches precise room temperature water for her to swallow with her lizard tongue to maintain the skin suit that presents some approximation of humanity.
Syngin calls his mother to gather the data necessary for someone to cold-read Tania over Skype, and his mom clarifies that he was born at “twenty to three.” Resident expert Tania mansplains that this means 2:40, and this is apparently how she will feel superior today.
“We are energy beings,” Tania tanias. “And I was born at a certain time for a certain reason, and that reason is to vampire every shred of joy from Syngin’s twinkling soul.”
“Marie Kondo,” Natalia pipes in. “Clean out all of the joy.”
Astrologist Daizy October picked that name on purpose, and tells Tania something about “blueprints of the soul” which makes the first shelf of the New Age section of the bookstore start vibrating. She declares that Sagittarius is the archetype of travel, which is what one would say to someone who can afford Costa Rica but not a shed of one’s own.
Daizy: Now Mars in Scorpio, and Tania is in existence, which means there’s going to be some fighting, and sex is important. Syngin, blink if you need help.
Syngin: Oh yes.
Fucking Tania: Is that blood in the water? No wonder I’m hungry.
Syngin: By “oh yes” I meant yes, I need help.
Ms. October says that their souls bring them together, which would make sense if Tania had one, and asks if they’re soulmates. Syngin says their connection is so vivid he feels like he’s met her before, and then he died to escape her. Tania looks drunk on hurting Syngin, and pushes it further by insisting her first love was her soulmate, and he still is, even though she hasn’t been with that dude for like 8 years or so, and the restraining order keeps getting renewed over and over again. Syngin points out that they met in a star-crossed way, foolishly failing to note that hurting him is Tania’s entire objective.
“I feel like I don’t know what to say, because anything I say will hurt you, which is why I can’t stop laughing. I’m fine,” Tania reports. Then Syngin tells the cameras he needs a break to restore his essence, and Tania hovers in the doorway, eagerly anticipating the chance to harvest from him all over again.
So to recap: Tania, who trusts in the universe, does not trust that the universe gifted her Syngin, but instead believes that eventually she’ll be regifted the tattered remains of her original bottom, who has likely moved on to other astral alignments, and a thousand mile away zip code. Yep, this is pretty on brand for Tania.
Angela: I’m not the bad guy, I’m a tax payer!
Michael: I have a shopping list.
Angela’s chest is newly covered in an ancient pirate treasure map, guiding strangers to the booty in her bra. Her plan is to storm the American embassy and assert her tax payer status as a means of pushing this K-1 process forward. After ambling through the gates and harassing multiple members of security, she emerges and bellows to Michael. She says they wouldn’t let her into the embassy since she doesn’t have an appointment, and strangely, they don’t consider a white lady demanding a K-1 an emergency. Maybe she needed to explain that she’s working with the alternative reality where she can carry a child, and they wouldn’t give her Botox in her uterus.
The next day they go to Michael’s uncle’s house for dinner, but first they have to stop and pick up a microwave for Michael’s mother. Angela is worried that the material expectations increase with every dinner, and says that the gifts can’t keep growing in value.
“Please Angela. We need to present a love and respect microwave,” Michael persuades.
The man working at the store states a price far more than the microwave is worth, and then Michael says he should price it less because they’re going to get something else, too. This is his way of surprising Angela with a required gift for his uncle. She tells the shopkeeper that she’s got 15,000 stored under her best titty, and he should take it and call it good now that she’s his African sister. Okay then. The guy takes it, and she walks away with a microwave and kettle.
Angela is happy to visit his family, especially Michael’s mother, whom she loves so much. As the most junior, or newest, wife, Angela is expected to help cook and serve as a sign of humility. She awkwardly works on plantains while Michael insists he’s not expecting much in terms of domesticity once they are stateside, but he will expect her to cook, in addition to being the only breadwinner and caretaker for a bushel basket of people. Even the producer laughs, because the only thing Angela will be cooking in Georgia is Michael if he maintains that ridiculous idea.
Michael’s family starts asking about their wedding plans, and Angela explains that the K-1 is her family’s only opportunity to see her get hitched. They are eager for Michael to have a child with Angela’s ashy uterus, and his whole family starts weighing in on the matter, which nudges Angela right to the edge. She somehow keeps her mouth shut and remains respectful, even after Uncle says that if it doesn’t work Michael should move on to the next baby basket, which is a regional woman unlikely to arrive with household appliances. Are they trying to get on Maury? If you listen closely you can hear Angela’s internal kettle whistling away, and her microwave chiming ding-ding-ding.
Emily: You don’t have to be a Debbie Downer!
Betsy: I will be one ASAP!
Emily has freed Sasha from the clutches of Indiana in favor of her fake hometown Portland, where she takes him to Washington Park’s Rose Garden to show him how shitty west coast cities are, amirite Trump? Emily says that it’s going to be expensive to go from two-for-one Indiana to Portland’s most expensive suburb, confirming my suspicion that she’s from Lake Oswego, where Real Housewives ferment until their first divorce and rehab stint. This is good news for Sasha, who is very likely to find a wealth of personal training clients and his fourth wife there. Emily says they should get married ASAP, and Sasha agrees without knowing what ASAP means.
“After two weddings, third not so much,” Sasha shrugs. “Fourth will be court house. Fifth, maybe commitment ceremony.”
Emily heads back to scenic South Bend to save hundreds of dollars on a wedding dress. She says she’s leaning towards the Oregon coast as a wedding location, which makes sense if you don’t know that every venue from Brookings to Astoria is booked ages in advance, but she wouldn’t be the first or last person to turn that AirBnB into Plan A and Plan B. Emily’s sister is there to remind her that every idea she has about her impending nuptials is wrong, which is not fair to Emily, who knows every lace dress is better with piercing wind and sand. The salesperson hides in the dressing room from their endless passive-aggressive sparring, before coming out to place a veil and headpiece on Emily and make Betsy cry.
Robert: I’m terrible. Why are you always complaining?
Anny: I would like to go out with Robin or Mike now please.
Hey guys, you know how 90DF always has one trashy, delusional family that believes the fiancé is there to steal their no-money? Well, this round it’s fucking Robert, father of five who appears to be largely free from the burdens of child support...or who perhaps opts for tax-free employment for those very reasons. He’s dragging Anny and the other person who is nice to her (his sister Robin) to a restaurant to meet up with his equally-awful brother Kenny. Robin says that Bryson loves Anny and that she really likes her too, while Kenny gets busy disrespecting and humiliating her before she can work a “hello” out of her mouth.
Kenny wants to know how she’ll be in the future, and Anny suspects he doesn’t know what year it is, so she reminds him that they live in the present, and what matters is how they treat each other now. In response, Kenny says he’s not sure if he’s going to their wedding at all, carrying on the 9DF tradition of families that fail to notice it isn’t all about them.
Now fully defensive and uneasy, Anny asks if Kenny is cheap too, and Robin assures Anny that she wouldn’t be a fan of a thrift store shopping spree, either. This gets in the way of Robert and Kenny’s plan to disrespect women in public places, so Kenny asks if she always complains a lot. Anny corrects him that her issue is that Robert lies, and told her he had three kids instead of five, in addition to making endless empty promises of clothing, an apartment, and any expression of affection whatsoever. Kenny says that he has seven kids, which isn’t normally something you play as clap-back, but okay Kenny. Yes, seven is greater than five.
Anny has had it with them and their apparent plan to overpopulate the planet, and leaves and says that she feels alone. “That’s not the way you talk when you love somebody,” she says, speaking truth.
“Well, my fiancé only loves me on Thursdays. Do you want to get a beer with me and Syngin?” Mike is there for her.
Juliana: In this story, my family appears to be the villains, and this makes me sad.
Michael: I’m rich but my tux doesn’t fit.
On the day of the wedding, Max and CeCe are in conference about the gravity of the forthcoming nuptials, in between mugs of stiff black coffee and plates of almond biscotti.
CeCe: I’m feeling moderately uneasy, due to rigid societal expectations of appropriate age disparity. Surely if this were the era of Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” this wouldn’t even muddy my mind, but given the unfortunate modern conviction that a second spouse serves as an accessory and not a person, we have some educating to do.
Max: This seems a prudent way to address the offensive tongue of your friend Dakota, who has lived a sheltered life free from parental relationship development and sexual exploration. For now, I’ll simply relish the opportunity to wax poetic on their enduring love once mother has concluded her oratory.
CeCe: I have some concerns about you being assigned this important role, while I am relegated to the background. Is this sibling rivalry? Not very becoming of me, I’m sure.
Max: I validate your feelings of envy, but as the elder sibling I am allotted a generous portion of gloating which will carry all the way into the late stages of my adulthood.
CeCe: Is that when you argue with your wife about 401K distribution while I go to Burning Man in a modified school bus?
Max: Do you bite your thumb at me?
CeCe: I do bite my thumb at you, sir!
Meanwhile, Juliana’s friend Pao is there (no, not that Pao, who is only friends with Juan) along with her friend Cousy, who Juliana describes as like a second mom. Cousy lives in Milan, where Juliana met her during a modeling gig, and she sprung for the ticket to ease Juliana’s loneliness on her special day. In Michael’s wedding prep, we learn that he bought two tuxedos, and decides to wear the one that fits. Juliana wishes her mother could see her in her wedding dress, or was capable of acknowledging her existence when she’s not buying a car for her sister.
A gorgeous clear tent is set up to welcome wedding guests, all but two of which are friends or family of Michael. CeCe is on deck to tell Juliana she looks so pretty, while Max gives Michael a pep talk about toxic masculinity and exploring romantic relationships with an open heart. Cousy then hands her phone to Juliana to share a video she made of messages from Juliana’s friends who want to wish her well. Juliana keeps waiting for a relative to appear in this video, but it doesn’t happen, because apparently Juliana’s family has plenty of narcissists. Or maybe they’re hiding in the wings until the next episode? Either way, the family doesn’t so much as text her, and in the face of this intentional cruelty Juliana starts crying and struggles to stop, thawing the thickest layer of our cold black hearts.
Next time, Jasmin says she doesn’t want to work or smile or breathe, Sasha promises to love his third wife until he doesn’t, Juliana braces to be married by her future husband’s ex-wife, while Syngin finds a friend to mouth “help me” to when Tania is sleeping safely in her coffin.
Thank you Patreon supporters! Follow the link in my bio to bathe in my toxic pool!
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For Two Years a Former University Student Has Set-Up Unusual Protest Demonstrations in Buffalo, New York - No One Is Still Quite Sure What He’s Protesting

Myra Kindle is an independent investigative reporter.
Her other reports:

Ström in a Storm

When Simon Ström locked himself out of his dormitory at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo in 2016, he thought it a minor inconvenience.
It didn’t dawn on him that with nearly the entire campus away for Thanksgiving break and a fast approaching storm incoming, in the next six hours he would freeze, his heart would stop, and he would be considered dead by the EMTs that found him.
There’s a remarkable story in Buffalo, New York about Simon Ström and his unlikely recovery from that event. It’s a story of the remote chances of success doctors faced when they wrapped Simon’s body in heating pads, slowly raising his core temperature from 64 to 98 degrees. It would detail the doctor’s astonishment when Simon recovered, and their amazement when he suffered no brain damage. It would cheer at the miracle that Simon was released from Mercy Hospital only two days after EMTs thought he had died, and it would reflect on the new university rules put in place to avoid such an accident from happening again.
That story, while incredible, is not entirely unique, and it is not this story.
This is the story of how a former SUNY Buffalo student has startled administrators and disturbed students with his unusual, unique, and often horrifying one-man campus protests.
Based on interviews with Mr. Ström, students, teachers, and officials at SUNY Buffalo, and supported with documentation and email correspondence, independent investigative reporter Myra Kindle, for the first time, tells the tale of how an unassuming student nearly brought Buffalo administrators to their knees, and how he has alarmed hundreds of students in the process.

Fed Up

Once known for his near-death frozen experience, Simon Ström is now known around campus for his disturbed antics. Students have adapted in their own way, ignoring him, avoiding him -- some even say they spend less time on campus because of him. With such a disturbance, the university decided they needed to step in.
This past January, Buffalo took the drastic step of expelling Simon from school. The SUNY Buffalo administration says that this action was not taken to deter Simon from protesting on campus, with one official saying, “The school can’t stop Mr. Ström from protesting in public space. However now that he is no longer a student, he will not be allowed entry into most buildings. He was expelled because of misusing the university facilities -- this is an appropriate response.”
Simon understands the university’s position. He even understand the idea that Buffalo wants to expel him for what he’s done. His issue, he says, is the university had another reason to expel him -- to leverage Simon’s immigration status against him.
The university adamantly denies this, and also believes the extent to which Mr. Ström’s demonstrations are bothersome to campus has been overblown.
“SUNY Buffalo did not take the choice to expel Mr. Ström lightly,” says Debra Wheeler, a State University of New York spokeswoman. “We understand how students visas work -- we know how serious an issue it is to be expelled and what that does to someone’s immigration status. In Mr. Ström’s case, it was the only solution to a very serious behavioral issue that just couldn’t be handled appropriately by law enforcement. Considering his behavior, I would’ve recommended this action in 2018 or earlier. In regards to student reaction, we’re glad that students at Buffalo have taken the demonstrations in stride. I know of no incidence of a student refusing to come to school simply because of Mr. Ström’s protests.”
The administration says they are not trying to use Mr. Ström’s immigration status against him, and that student life has been largely unaffected by Simon’s protests. On both points, there is notable evidence to the contrary.
Records show that, while the university may have expelled Simon for behavioral reasons, calls made to police about his continued protests regularly ask officers to check his immigration status -- something only the university could know about, claims Mr. Ström.
In addition, on the record interviews demonstrate that dozens of students, if not more, have been bothered or troubled by Mr. Ström’s behavior.
One student, commenting anonymously, said: “When he was regularly going to campus, I tried not to study at the library. I was too afraid I would run into one of his art exhibits, or worse, actually see him when he was doing one of his protests.”
In many accounts of Simon’s behavior on campus, students describe living-art performances that include elements of disgust or danger. In regards to his exhibits, students say many were murals dedicated to torture.
Alex Turner, a junior, said of Simon’s exhibits: “They were really messed up. They weren’t like album covers -- they were like legit detailed depictions of suffering. There was one time he dropped a twelve foot skinny poster from the second floor library-window. It was a picture of a woman burning at the stake, but super detailed and showed her body already mostly burnt, the flesh falling off. It was really not cool.”
Consistent in the opinions of students who have witnessed Mr. Ström’s demonstrations or seen his exhibits, is the notion that no one is quite sure what he’s demonstrating against, for, or trying to raise awareness around.
Commenting on the issue, Alex Turner echoes a common sentiment: “I really don’t understand what he was doing with the exhibits and the protests. Everything dealt with torture and depictions of hell, and he mentions the Davis building sometimes in person. It’s a shame --I heard Simon used to be this really smart kid, like a genius, but whatever he’s doing now -- he’s totally lost it because it makes no sense.”

School Strategy

Simon Ström is 22. He wears an old “Coachella” t-shirt from high school, has medium size gauges in his ears, and ‘vapes’, incessantly.
Simon is also an undocumented immigrant. Originally from Sweden, until this past January he held an F1 student visa provided to him by SUNY Buffalo. Now that he has been expelled, he needs to return home or faces possible arrest or deportation.
Simon has complicated feelings on the issue. He believes that the administration may have been right to expel him -- he admits his behavior is bothersome -- but he says that now that he is an undocumented immigrant, university officials have been using that as a tactic to stop him from protesting.
“They always called the cops on me,” says Simon. “But now when the cops come, they sometimes ask about my citizenship. That never used to happen before, and no one knows I’m not a US citizen other than the school.”
In response to Mr. Ström’s claim, university president Satish K. Tripathi provided the following statement: “The State University of New York at Buffalo would never inform local police departments about the immigration status of one of our students. We believe that mixing legal status issues with other disturbances or minor crimes would be an abuse of power.”
While the school is adamant officials would never use Simon’s legal status against him, interviews and records show that Simon’s immigration status is regularly mentioned in police reports and emergency service transcripts identifying complaints about Simon.
In one transcript, a 911 caller repeatedly mentions that officers should look at Simon's immigration status when they arrive on the scene:
Operator: And what is he doing?
Caller: He lit [inaudible] on fire. Shouldn't [inaudible] …check his passport.
Operator: What was that, ‘mam?’
Caller: I think he’s here illegally. Check his [inaudible] visa.
Simon asserts that phone calls like this are being made by the administration, and that regardless of their reason for expelling him in the first place, using his immigration status as leverage to stop him from coming to campus is wholly inappropriate.
“I’m a tall, red-haired, white guy,” says Simon. “I went to high school in the United States. I speak perfect english, have an American accent -- the only reason you’d suspect I’m here illegally was if you already knew, and only the school knows.”
This is confirmed by several current and former friends of Simon who spoke to me for this story.
“I just assumed he was from Upstate New York,” said one, who agreed to comment anonymously. “Like when he told us his parents lived in Sweden? We got a big kick out of that. We had no idea he wasn’t from the US. Not to sound weird, but he just looks and sounds like everybody else.”
Asserting that a public university is attempting to deport him because of behavior originating in free speech protest is a serious accusation, but Simon stands by his position that it’s the school who is making the phone calls.
Of course, far more than just the administration is upset with Simon, and he himself admits this. When asked if, irrespective of knowledge of his legal status, anyone would possibly want to get him in trouble, Simon responds: “Yes, definitely. I’ve done a lot of things to get attention on campus, and a lot of it really disturbs people.”
Regardless of his legal status, Simon says that for now, he is determined to stay.
When pressed on why, he responds, “I know my demonstrations and exhibits are weird. I know the students and most of the school don’t understand what I’m doing. I understand all that -- but for now, I want to stay, at least until I can get more updates on what’s going on in the Davis building.”

Disturbing Behavior

For two years Simon Ström has conducted demonstrations and built exhibits on Buffalo’s north campus, and for two years students have noticed.
From the dozens of students I’ve interviewed about various incidences and scenes, I find that many are perturbed or frightened by Mr. Ström, and that nearly every student has their own horrifying or troubling demonstration that they were most bothered by.
“I hated the glass suit the most,” says Sarah Hickenlooper, a sophomore. “The guy [Simon] came to campus with shards of a mirror just taped to his body -- like sharp fucking pieces of glass all over. He looked weird, creepy, but I was also just worried him or someone else would get cut. Really, if you approached him in this suit or rubbed your elbow across him, you would come out bleeding. Now imagine, he’s walking down crowded hallways like that -- what are you supposed to do?”
“I still can’t get out of my head the chicken thing,” says Sarah Banks, also a sophomore. “Simon was walking around the south tunnel, and he had a live chicken with him, right? And then you could see he’s feeding the chicken something, and you’re like, ‘ok, weird, but maybe cute.’ But then you get closer and you realize he’s feeding the chicken, chicken-nuggets from McDonalds. The idea an animal would eat itself is super fucked up, but then the chickens just wouldn’t stop eating -- they just kept going and going.”
“How are people not talking about when he lit himself on fire?” says Daryl Jackson, a senior. “He literally lit himself on fire in front of the whole campus right after midterms ended last year. My girlfriend was in hysterics when he did it -- he was only on fire for a few seconds, but it came out of nowhere and obviously really fucked everybody up. I thought it was a terrorist attack or something.”
In terms of causing a disturbance, the incidences are damning, but Simon looks at it another way.
“The glass -- that was a reflection of who we are. The chicken… that was about how accepting we can be of horrible truths if they taste good. The fire -- that was what we’re doing to ourselves,” says Simon.
Elaborating on the fire, he adds, “That was a complicated one. I wore a fireproof suit under my normal clothes, covered myself in gasoline, and then lit myself on fire. I didn't have the mask on so I took a dive in a snow after a few seconds, but there was a good fire on me before I did.
While his protests might seem both extreme and somewhat aimless (at least from the view that you want someone to understand your message), Simon actually presents a much more cognizant case for his actions when you ask:
“Look, I understand someone isn’t going to see my protests and internalize the message behind them -- I get that’s not going to happen. What I’m hoping for is just that maybe someone wants to talk to me afterword, you know? Maybe they ask me what I was protesting about and what it means, and then maybe that starts a conversation.”
When asked if the methods of his protests are possibly disturbing to other students, Mr. Ström says, “Of course it’s disturbing to other students. Of course. But what I have to tell them is fundamentally disturbing -- maybe less so if you’re religious, but if you're an atheist, it’s a big deal. My protest methods only show the seriousness of the issue -- that’s it.”

The Issue

It’s understandable that Simon Ström is something of a social outcast on campus nowadays. He’s no longer a student, but Simon attended SUNY Buffalo for three and a half years. In that time he met people, friends, teachers, and now they want nothing to do with him.
It’s that loss of connection to a school that he nearly graduated from, and the risk he now faces of being arrested or deported, that I think it’s important to preface Mr. Ström’s message with this -- he’s lost his friends, his education, and risked his future, all in advocacy of an idea.
I preface what he says so strongly to emphasize what he’s lost over it, but also for another reason -- I don’t quite understand it.
“My reasons for this doing this are complicated,” he says. “I’m an atheist. I have been an atheist since probably before I was 12. I think a lot of people find atheism young nowadays. I think it’s the internet -- It’s hard to believe in something so dated like religion when the internet just tears that stuff apart for a lot of kids.”
“But then,” he continues, “growing up, I started to have a different take on atheism. Sometimes I’d almost be jealous of my religious friends cause I would think their beliefs gave them a sort of afterlife security that I lacked. Like, be jealous that a friend could go to heaven, or think he was. Meanwhile I’d think, ‘What am I looking forward to... some void?’”
“Even as a kid, I believed so strongly there was no god, that I thought, well, what I am looking forward to when I die then? But as got older, I started not to see it that way. I started to think about a void or nothingness in death as better than being judged by some god I didn’t understand. Maybe other atheists go through that same sort of transition from atheism, to jealousy of religious conviction, and then a rejoice in their atheism. At least, I mean I think atheists must feel the way I did.”
“Well,” Simon continues, “I guess I have good news and bad news about that for atheists. We’re right there’s no god, I mean there’s no dispute after what I saw. But that other part, about how there’s no afterlife? Yea, that’s wrong. There’s someone judging you. There’s going to be someone who is going to determine if you go into eternal bliss or eternal torment -- that’ll happen, atheist or not, god or no god. What's worse? We have no idea of what we're being judged on.”
As I look for an explanation from Mr. Ström, he goes on to tell me his belief is rooted in his experience in 2016 when he nearly died.
“When I took a taxi back to the dorm from the city,” he starts, “that was when I learned about this. I was standing outside the dormitory, trying to get in, realizing I didn’t have my card key with me. I pulled out my phone and it was dead. I was thinking maybe I should start trying to walk somewhere, maybe to a guard station or to the closest gas station, but I see this storm coming, so I stay put. Soon, and I mean like in a few hours, things start to get pretty scary.”
“After a while, I’m standing outside the dorm and I’m thinking, ‘Fuck, if I don't’ see an RA soon, it’s dark, I can't start walking now,’ and I realized I kind of had to stay where I was. So I stay put, waiting to see someone, but no one comes. When it starts to happen, it happens fast. I start to feel a little woozy, not long after, I pass out. Then, something weird happened. I saw something I wasn't supposed to see, and I saw it because I was between life and death."
Mr. Ström describes the space between life and death as a ‘bug’. One that, "gave me a doorway to a truth that religion tries their best to tell, but fails miserably to do so.”
“When I died, when my brain activity was so insignificant that I couldn't be thought of as alive. When you couldn’t feel my pulse and I was cold to the touch, I saw it.” Simon says. “I saw the fabric. I saw the system of it at work. I may not have recognized if it hadn’t been for the research at the Davis building, but I’m telling you, I know what it is, and I saw it."
‘It’, as Mr. Ström describes, is an elaborate sorting system. In fits and starts he can mutter what is said to be a black space, devoid of everything, light, feeling, and meaning. He says in his near death experience he could see the Earth below this void, and from it he saw bodies, countless thousands of bodies. As they rose from the Earth and to the void he was motionless. He could see the people being put into boxes, three of a kind.
In one, Mr. Ström describes children falling into a box. He can’t make out the ages but he describes them as toddlers. The shape of the box, he says, “indescribable in size and distorted in perception.” In the two other boxes he sees men and women of all types falling into one box or the other. “In one, they fall into a scream. In the other, they fall into laughter,” he says.
“There is heaven and there is a hell. There is even an undecided space for children," says Simon. "These places exist but god didn't make them. I saw it because I was between life and death, and I understood them because of my own work."
In reply to how he knows what the boxes are for, 'heaven' and 'hell' as he describes, he says: “Back when I was someone, when I was respected at this school, I designed something just like it. It’s why I've stayed in Buffalo so long -- I hope they know what they’re doing.”

Expert Opinion

It’s clear that to understand Simon Ström and his nearly indecipherable message -- one that, as he says, is of extra importance to atheist’s like him -- I must first learn what he was working on in the Davis building.
There, at the Davis Engineering and Applied Sciences building, in the large well funded state research lab, I’m surprised. When I ask about Simon Ström, I don't hear horror stories about broken glass or feeding a chicken -- I hear legitimate praise and a deep sadness for a respected researcher now gone.
Dr. Alice Han, the lead working on a project Simon contributed to his freshman year, said: “He is deeply missed by everyone. I have very few undergrads working on my team -- it’s one of our most complicated projects. He was a really great help -- a legitimate genius at his age. It’s a shame he could only work with me those first few months of the Fall of 2016. Even in that short time, he built so many fundamental systems necessary to our project. I really don’t think we could’ve even imagined their implementation without him."
In response to if she had heard about Mr. Ström’s unusual protests on campus, Dr. Han says, “Yes, I know. It’s a terrible thing. He’s clearly going through something. I don’t know for sure, and maybe I shouldn’t be saying this because he was once a student -- but around his near death experience, he just couldn’t do the work anymore.”
Dr. Han says the project that Simon and herself were working on is currently ongoing, and that it is one of the most prestigious and well funded at the 30,000 student university.
In response to what the project is, Dr. Han describes it as: “Do you remember that movie, I guess it’s old now, the Matrix? We’re building a simulated world, sort of like that. It’s really cool research, bleeding edge.”
I’m curious and ask Alice what the purpose of making such a city is.
She responds, “Oh, well so many! If we could make the people in the simulation real enough, as in indistinguishable from human and not unknowing they’re in a simulation, we could run all types of experiments that would be impossible to conduct in the real world.”
In one example, she says, “Suppose you want to know what would happen to humans if Earth’s gravity was different. Here, on Earth, we can’t test that. But in a digital world, you could. We could change gravity in our simulated world and see what happens over generations to our digital citizens. We can see if they’d get taller, shorter, or how their bone density is affected.”
Dr. Han proceeds to tell me several additional examples of experiments you could run with a digital world, but I stop her when one example sticks out.
“One idea,” she starts, “and this is one Simon actually helped work on -- to create an afterlife in a simulated world, and then test if the digital people in that world have religions that mimic the afterlife we create."
I inquire further and ask how Simon contributed to the project.
“The experiment on religion wouldn't be possible without Simon’s contributions, actually. He developed the complicated process that moves the conscious minds of these digital people when they die to a digital heaven, hell, or purgatory that we made. Simon figured out a tunneling system -- essentially it lets you move them from the ‘alive’ space to the ‘dead’ space without the digital people ever knowing. Even if they have great scientific discoveries in their digital world, as long as dead is dead and alive is alive, they’ll never become aware of the digital afterlife we made. This is fundamental to test if there's any other way that information can permeate between the afterlife and the living in the digital world.”
A final question for Dr. Han; I briefly describe the three boxes that Simon described people falling into -- I ask her if there's an explanation for where Simon could have come up with his experience.
She says, “Simon actually made a system just like that. He created the three dividing spaces of heaven, hell, and no judgment -- a nicer version of purgatory. Originally it was just going to be a good afterlife and a bad afterlife in our design, but he didn’t feel comfortable having our ‘god algorithm’ making good/bad determinations on children the same way it does on adults. I told him they’re just fake people in a fake world, but he was adamant we build a third space where children wouldn't be judged.”
I inform Dr. Han of what Simon has said to me in interviews about his near death experience. I show her the transcript, and I relay this message because I think I see a connection between what Simon was working on and his near death experience. Dr. Han sees it too.
“Oh my god,” she says. “I never realized how he combined our legitimate research with his near death experience. He must've have dreamed up the whole thing when he was freezing to death, confusing it with what we’ve worked on in the lab.”
I tell her it’s an explanation that is certainly more plausible than Simon’s story.


After speaking to Dr. Han, I sought another interview with Simon Ström.
I believed that, if I could speak with him again and force him to look at the similarities between the vision he saw in his near death experience and the research he was working on at the time, that he would come to the reasonable conclusion that he imagined his experience.
Unfortunately, I could not have that conversion. Simon Ström has already departed Buffalo for his home in Jakobsberg, Sweden.
He does not agree to a phone interview, and instead emails that since he has returned home, he does not want to test his parents by continuing to speak with me for this story.
“They’re already furious,” he writes. “People here learned about the protests I was staging and it’s been a huge embarrassment for me and my family. For right now, I just want to move on.”
When asked why he returned to Sweden, Mr. Ström writes, "It was my decision, my parents encouraged it, but I decided I needed to go back. I finally was able to discover what’s going on in the Davis lab. In short, it doesn't look like they’re going to stop doing what they’re doing, so I have no reason to stay in the States.”
Through email we continue to converse enough that I am able to point out that Dr. Alice Han and him were working on a project with striking similarities to his vision. Bluntly, I tell him I believe he did not witness a godless sorting system of humans in the void he describes, but rather that he was mixing in details from the project that he was working on at the time.
Through email, he responds: “I know that possibility Myra. I’ve definitely considered that my subconscious slipped in details of the project I was working on with Dr. Han. I thought long and hard that maybe what I saw was just my imagination. I know the details are similar in terms of the three boxes. I also pondered that maybe the bodies I saw floating to the sky was what my mind imagined the transition program looked like -- the one I built to move digital bodies from life to death in Han's simulated world.”
“But I reject all that,” he continues. “I believe my vision is real, even if that means I'm saying we live in a simulated world. I know that that's crazy. I know that's unlikely, but I believe it.”
In our last email correspondence, I ask Mr. Ström to confirm that he believes the vision he saw means we, now, live in a digital world. I also ask if he has proof beyond the account of his vision when he nearly froze.
He writes back, “It's a simulation. I don’t have proof exactly, but I have an argument. For all the men and women that have ever lived on Earth -- that might just be around 100 billion. The simulated worlds Dr. Han and I are working on, each one might hold 10 billion people, and we’ll run that experiment tens of thousands of times. Over time, more conscious human beings will eventually live through a simulated world than will ever have lived in a physical one. Well if I'm just another conscious mind, one of many that have lived and died, by all odds, I’m in a simulation. And as an atheist, that scares me. There might not be a god, but if this world is simulated, who knows what programmers have cooked up for after we die? Who knows by what parameters of good or bad or some other experiment we'll be judged?”
Still in Buffalo, I head back to the Davis building one more time to see Dr. Han. What Simon wrote to me has struck something of a chord. I know we’re not in a simulation built by him and Dr. Han, but the idea that one day humans will wake up in those boxes is frightening.
At Davis engineering, I ask Dr. Han about what Simon wrote about, and asked what she’s working on.
She’s silent after I relay Simon’s fear about the probabilistic odds that he is a conscious mind living in a machine.
“It’s a bit silly, but I suppose it’s true,” she says. “First though, to assume there is any chance we’re in a simulated world, you have to know that one could actually be built. But yes, after you know it's possible to build one, it makes sense that over time more and more people would live through a digital existence than a real one. Simply put, more people will eventually have lived in one of these boxes than will have ever lived on Earth."
She continues, “But these emails… they also confirms something else. His demonstrations and exhibits are definitely a poor attempt at a visceral demonstration against what we’re researching.”
She’s standing next to a centerpiece of the research lab, a prototype of their first digital city.
“Simon is worried we’ll be cruel to the people in this world,” she says, staring at the prototype. “I think he’s worried we’ll put them some in a real hell when they die in their digital world.”
I inquire on whether the prototype works.
She says, “Yes, it works. Right now there are 8 billion people living in this box, simulated minds going about their daily lives.”
I ask what the experiment is and if the prototype world does indeed have a heaven and hell.
Dr. Han responds, “Yes, actually. This one is running the experiment that Simon helped work on. Funny, I’m an atheist myself, but in this little box, I guess they really do have to worry about a god to judge them.”
Driving back from Buffalo, a thought runs through my mind. I know that we do not live in the box in Dr. Han's lab, but I wonder, is it possible we could be living in one like it?
If it's the case that by poor probability you are a conscious mind in a simulation, an afterlife wouldn't be made by an all knowing god to punish or reward. It would be made by programmers and designers with intentions unknown, and I think, perhaps the whims of a programmer is scarier than any religion I know.
Myra Kindle is an independent investigative reporter. She covers tech, law, politics, and other stories that would be impossible to write about in more traditional outlets.
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What's happening around town (Wed, Jul 24th - Tue, Jul 30th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Jul 24th

  • 🎨 Advancing Academic Skills Through Visual Language (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 10:00am
  • 🍴 Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • Bi-Weekly Meetup (51st st. Speakeasy - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • 🎓 Botanical Balance FREE Yoga (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:45pm Botanical Balance FREE YOGA presented by Fowler Toyota, sponsored by Tinker Federal Credit Union and Stephenson Cancer Center Tuesdays, 5:45 pm and Saturdays, 8 am Check in at the Visitor Center and find out location which changes depending on the season Instructors provided by This Land Yoga Bring a mat, water, and an “open mind”…
  • 🍴 Dope Poetry Night (ICE Event Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Every Wednesday night at the Ice Event Center Sports Bar and Grill located at the heart of Oklahoma City! Sign ups begin at 7pm and show begins at 7:30pmish. Free Admission! Free vendor set up! Bar Restaurant
  • 🎭 Drama Camp (Cole Community Center - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Jul 26th Start Time: 9:00am
  • KampOut! Summer Day Camp (First Presbyterian Church - Edmond) Thru Fri, Jul 26th Start Time: 9:00am KampOut! and First Presbyterian Church are bringing the exciting experience of Kanakuk, one of the largest Christian summer camps in the nation, to Edmond in the form of a high-energy traveling day camp.
    KampOut! offers five days of faith-based, non-stop excitement to children in kindergarten through 5th grade. It will be held at First…
  • KampOut! Summer Day Camp (North Pointe Baptist Church - Edmond) Thru Fri, Jul 26th Start Time: 9:00am KampOut! and North Pointe Baptist Church are bringing the exciting experience of Kanakuk, one of the largest Christian summer camps in the nation, to Edmond in the form of a high-energy traveling day camp.
    KampOut! offers five days of faith-based, non-stop excitement to children in kindergarten through 5th grade. It will be held at North Pointe…
  • Kids Take Over The Cowboy – Daily Fun for Kids (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jul 27th Start Time: 10:00am There’s never a bad time to bring your kids to The Cowboy, but July is especially packed with activities that will keep your little ones busy for hours while keeping everyone in the cool indoors. Kids-Only Secret Messages Exploring the Museum has never been more fun! Each kid gets a decoder spy glass which will allow them to “decode”…
  • 😂 Rob Little (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jul 27th
  • SINGO Wednesdays (Lower Bricktown - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Beat the midweek hump with the new bar game that everyone is talking about! SINGO is a new and exciting musical spin on the traditional game of Bingo. Instead of listening for a number, players are listening to their favorite music. Enjoy 1/2 price domestic drafts & discounted appetizers! Plus we will be giving prizes each night to the winners.…
  • 🎨 SONIC Summer Movies (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm Stay tuned for our 2019 line-up!
  • 🎨 SONIC Summer Movies: Aquaman (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm SONIC Summer Movies Wednesday, June 19 – July 24 Devon Lawn and Bandshell 8pm Pre-show festivities; 9pm Movie begins \u202fFREE Thanks to SONIC! SONIC Summer Movies at Myriad Botanical Gardens, a much-loved summer tradition is back. Activities, food and lots of fun returns each Wednesday, July 5 to July 26, on the Great Lawn. Thanks to SONIC…
  • 🎨 Summer Signature Tour (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Fri, Jul 26th Start Time: 1:00pm
  • Titanic (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jul 28th Watch the story of 1912 come alive as Lyric Theatre presents: Titanic. This Tony Award-winning musical will feature a 100+…
  • 🎓 Titanic (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm The Resounding Aspirations of Voyagers! The engineering feat of 1912 takes center stage in this Tony Award-winning Best Musical. Based on real people...
  • Titanic By Lyric Theatre (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jul 28th Start Time: 1:00pm
  • Weekly Walkups: Reading Wednesdays (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Weekly Walkups June 24 – August 9, Monday – Friday, 10am – Noon Children’s Garden Porch Drop-in activities; $2 suggested donation per child Come to the Children’s Garden for some fun activities that explore the world of plants. Groups of 10 or more please contact Lily Christman, at 405-445-5162, for more information about group…
  • Youth National Arabian & Half-Arabian Championship Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jul 27th

Thursday, Jul 25th

  • $13 Thursdays (Andy Alligator's Fun Park & Water Park - Norman) Start Time: 11:00am Craving fun? We’ve got you covered! Tickets to Andy Alligator’s Water Park are just $13 per person on Thursdays for a limited time. Save up to $7 per person and cool off with a family fun trip to the Water Park!
    Tickets must be purchased at the park. Not available online.
  • 🎨 An Evening of Watercolor (Edmond Senior Center - Edmond) Start Time: 6:00pm Through step-by-step demonstrations and individual hands on help, you'll learn the basics to include a variety of watercolor techniques in a small, no pressure class. Instructor Jim Pourtorkan, a professional watercolor artist Cost: $20.00 per person includes all supplies for this class Pre-register Refreshments will be provided…
  • 🏆 Blood Drive (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm
  • 🎭 Drama Camp (Cole Community Center - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am
  • Flower Gardening (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Thursday, July 25, 6:30pm The Garden Classroom Member $9; Nonmember $14 Elia Woods, CommonWealth Urban Farms Register by Tuesday, July 23 REGISTER HERE Fill your home with flowers and learn about the easiest varieties to grow in Oklahoma City. Also, discover how to design and prepare your garden bed, discuss seeds versus transplants, annuals…
  • KampOut! Summer Day Camp (First Presbyterian Church - Edmond) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am KampOut! and First Presbyterian Church are bringing the exciting experience of Kanakuk, one of the largest Christian summer camps in the nation, to Edmond in the form of a high-energy traveling day camp.
    KampOut! offers five days of faith-based, non-stop excitement to children in kindergarten through 5th grade. It will be held at First…
  • KampOut! Summer Day Camp (North Pointe Baptist Church - Edmond) 1 day left Start Time: 9:00am KampOut! and North Pointe Baptist Church are bringing the exciting experience of Kanakuk, one of the largest Christian summer camps in the nation, to Edmond in the form of a high-energy traveling day camp.
    KampOut! offers five days of faith-based, non-stop excitement to children in kindergarten through 5th grade. It will be held at North Pointe…
  • Kids Take Over The Cowboy – Daily Fun for Kids (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jul 27th Start Time: 10:00am There’s never a bad time to bring your kids to The Cowboy, but July is especially packed with activities that will keep your little ones busy for hours while keeping everyone in the cool indoors. Kids-Only Secret Messages Exploring the Museum has never been more fun! Each kid gets a decoder spy glass which will allow them to “decode”…
  • Once Upon A Mattress (Mitch Park Amphitheatre - Edmond) Thru Sat, Jul 27th Come to the Mitch Park Amphitheatre in Edmond for a twist on the classic story of the princess and the pea. In "Once…
  • 😂 Rob Little (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jul 27th
  • 🏆 Summer Nights (Rose State College - Midwest City) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • 🎨 Summer Signature Tour (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 1:00pm
  • Titanic (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jul 28th Watch the story of 1912 come alive as Lyric Theatre presents: Titanic. This Tony Award-winning musical will feature a 100+…
  • Titanic By Lyric Theatre (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jul 28th Start Time: 1:00pm
  • Weekly Walkups: Think Green Thursdays (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Weekly Walkups June 24 – August 9, Monday – Friday, 10am – Noon Children’s Garden Porch Drop-in activities; $2 suggested donation per child Come to the Children’s Garden for some fun activities that explore the world of plants. Groups of 10 or more please contact Lily Christman, at 405-445-5162, for more information about group…
  • 🍴 Wine for the People: It's all Greek to me! (Vast - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:30pm Take a #cloudwine staycation and explore Greece by the Glass at Wine For The People, July 25, at VAST. We'll whisk you away to the Mediterrean with unlimited, Grecian-inspired bites along with a variety of wine pairings, poured by the experts at Thirst Wine Merchants. What would a getaway be without photos? Enjoy the MVP photo booth and snap…
  • Youth National Arabian & Half-Arabian Championship Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Jul 27th

Friday, Jul 26th

  • Andy Alligator's Water Park After Dark (Andy Alligator's Fun Park & Water Park - Norman) Start Time: 7:30pm Andy’s After Dark is back on July 12th and July 26th from 7:30-9:30pm! Admission to this 18+ event is $14.95 per person and FREE for season passholders.
  • Beast Feast (Crossings Community Church - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm You don’t want to miss Crossings 11th Annual Beast Feast at Crossings OKC on July 26 from 5:00-8:30 p.m.! You’ll enjoy a sportsman’s feast, hunting and fishing expo, fellowship, prizes, and a special message from guest speaker Brad Clay from Final Descent Outdoors.
    Doors will open to the public at 5:00 p.m. and dinner will be served prior…
  • 🎓 Dancing in the Gardens: 70s Disco (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Friday, July 26 7-8pm: Dance Lessons 8-10pm: FREE Dance Seasonal Plaza FREE and Family Friendly Can you feel the Friday night Disco Fever? All ages are invited to join us to learn how to hustle. Beginning at 7 p.m., dance instructors will give a disco dance demonstration followed by a FREE lesson for all. At 8 p.m., D.J. Brian Smith from Mutt…
  • Day Care/ Day Camp Summer Break Specials (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Visit the National Cowboy Museum for a fun, interactive experience with your children’s group. Select one of the following programs or choose a self-directed tour. Animals in Art engages children pre-K through second grade in tracking different animals in art and exploring their habitats with the help of verbal cues, animal tracks and fur.…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Memphis Redbirds (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jul 28th Start Time: 7:05pm
  • 🎭 Drama Camp (Cole Community Center - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am
  • Fiesta Friday (Calle Dos Cinco - Oklahoma City) Celebrate the rich culture of the Historic Capitol Hill area in Oklahoma City this summer. On the fourth Friday of each…
  • Food Truck Fridays (Moore Central Park - Moore) Sample a variety of tasty, creative eats served up fresh from food trucks on hand. At Food Truck Fridays in Moore, line up…
  • 🎓 Free Zumba (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Ham Holiday (Oklahoma City Community College - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Come out to the annual Ham Holiday hosted by Central Oklahoma Radio Amateurs. The 2019 event will be held in a new location…
  • 🏃 HOTTER Friday Night 5K (Wiley Post Park - Oklahoma City)
  • Indian Hills Powwow (Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jul 28th The Indian Hills Powwow in Oklahoma City is an exciting Native American gathering that is open and free to the public. Held…
  • Jimmy Davis And Jed Zimmerman (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • KampOut! Summer Day Camp (First Presbyterian Church - Edmond) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am KampOut! and First Presbyterian Church are bringing the exciting experience of Kanakuk, one of the largest Christian summer camps in the nation, to Edmond in the form of a high-energy traveling day camp.
    KampOut! offers five days of faith-based, non-stop excitement to children in kindergarten through 5th grade. It will be held at First…
  • KampOut! Summer Day Camp (North Pointe Baptist Church - Edmond) Last Day Start Time: 9:00am KampOut! and North Pointe Baptist Church are bringing the exciting experience of Kanakuk, one of the largest Christian summer camps in the nation, to Edmond in the form of a high-energy traveling day camp.
    KampOut! offers five days of faith-based, non-stop excitement to children in kindergarten through 5th grade. It will be held at North Pointe…
  • Kids Take Over The Cowboy – Daily Fun for Kids (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am There’s never a bad time to bring your kids to The Cowboy, but July is especially packed with activities that will keep your little ones busy for hours while keeping everyone in the cool indoors. Kids-Only Secret Messages Exploring the Museum has never been more fun! Each kid gets a decoder spy glass which will allow them to “decode”…
  • 🎭 OCU Alumni Night at the Ballpark (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:05pm RSVP: Gather with other OCU alumni from across the decades for a night at the Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark watching...
  • OICA Heroes Ball (Skirvin Hilton - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Attention all super heroes for Oklahoma’s children! The 3rd Annual OICA Heroes Ball is scheduled for July 26, 2019 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the Skirvin Hilton in Oklahoma City! We hope you will assemble with us and others to recognize those in our state who go the extra distance for our children. This is a black tie event, but we also encourage…
  • Once Upon A Mattress (Mitch Park Amphitheatre - Edmond) 1 day left Come to the Mitch Park Amphitheatre in Edmond for a twist on the classic story of the princess and the pea. In "Once…
  • Chandler Open Rodeo (Tilghman Park - Chandler) Day 1 of 2 The 79th annual Chandler Open Rodeo, hosted by the Chandler Round-Up Club, features traditional rodeo events such as…
  • Parker McCollum in Concert (The Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City) See Americana rock musician Parker McCollum live in concert at The Jones Assembly in Oklahoma City. McCollum approaches…
  • REO Speedwagon in Concert (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm Enjoy the classic sounds of REO Speedwagon live onstage at Riverwind Casino in Norman. Formed in 1967, signed in 1971, and…
  • 🎭 The Return of The Golden Girls (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 😂 Rob Little (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • Splash Bash 2019 (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 7:00pm UCO Alumni Association is hosting its fourth annual Splash Bash at Pelican Bay Aquatic Center in Edmond! Bronchos are taking over the water park from 7-9...
  • Sprouting Chefs: Summer Smoothies (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 2:00pm Friday, July 26, 2-3pm The Garden Classroom Member $10; Nonmember $12 Donna Jung, FCS Extension Educator with Canadian County For families and children ages 5 and up Register by Monday, July 22 REGISTER HERE Stay cool with us this summer as we learn how to make refreshing and healthy smoothies out of fruit and vegetables. We’ll discuss healthy…
  • Stone Tide, Death By Knowledge, and Tribesmen (Blue Note - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎨 Summer Signature Tour (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 1:00pm
  • Sundowners Support Group (Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00pm Sundowners Support Group offers support for those that are caring for someone in their life who is experience Sundowners Syndrome, dementia, Alzheimer's or other age related cognitive issues.
  • Titanic (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jul 28th Watch the story of 1912 come alive as Lyric Theatre presents: Titanic. This Tony Award-winning musical will feature a 100+…
  • Titanic By Lyric Theatre (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jul 28th Start Time: 1:00pm
  • Weekly Walkups: Find It Friday (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Weekly Walkups June 24 – August 9, Monday – Friday, 10am – Noon Children’s Garden Porch Drop-in activities; $2 suggested donation per child Come to the Children’s Garden for some fun activities that explore the world of plants. Groups of 10 or more please contact Lily Christman, at 405-445-5162, for more information about group…
  • Youth National Arabian & Half-Arabian Championship Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left

Saturday, Jul 27th

  • 🎓 Botanical Balance FREE Yoga (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am Botanical Balance FREE YOGA presented by Fowler Toyota, sponsored by Tinker Federal Credit Union and Stephenson Cancer Center Tuesdays, 5:45 pm and Saturdays, 8 am Check in at the Visitor Center and find out location which changes depending on the season Instructors provided by This Land Yoga Bring a mat, water, and an “open mind”…
  • Canadian River Cruisers Car & Motorcycle Show (Norman) The Canadian River Cruisers Car & Motorcycle Show features approximately 150 automobiles and bikes on display for you to…
  • Descendants 3 Disney Junior Event (Penn Square Mall - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 2:00pm Penn Square Mall invites the community to a ‘Descendants 3’ event. Aimed at entertaining and delighting children of all ages, the event will take place on Saturday, July 27 from 2 – 4 p.m.
    During the ‘Descendants 3’ event, children will be able to participate in a variety of activities including a craft project to create their own…
  • 😂 The Dinner Detective (Skirvin Hilton - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm America’s LARGEST interactive comedy murder mystery dinner show is now playing at the Skirvin Hilton Hotel! At The Dinner Detective, you’ll tackle a challenging crime while you feast on a fantastic dinner. Just beware! The criminal is lurking somewhere in the room, and you may find yourself as a Prime Suspect before you know it! Our shows…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Memphis Redbirds (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 7:05pm
  • Edmond Farmer's Market (Festival Marketplace - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am
  • Gardens Monthly Walking Tour (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Guided Walking Tour Last Saturday of Every Month, 10-11am Garden Grounds FREE Expand your knowledge of Oklahoma plants and find inspiration for your own garden with our educational walking tours. Each month will feature different plants from our outdoor collection that make great choices for our region – from year-round color to…
  • Ham Holiday (Oklahoma City Community College - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Come out to the annual Ham Holiday hosted by Central Oklahoma Radio Amateurs. The 2019 event will be held in a new location…
  • Indian Hills Powwow (Oklahoma City) 1 day left The Indian Hills Powwow in Oklahoma City is an exciting Native American gathering that is open and free to the public. Held…
  • Kids Take Over The Cowboy – Daily Fun for Kids (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am There’s never a bad time to bring your kids to The Cowboy, but July is especially packed with activities that will keep your little ones busy for hours while keeping everyone in the cool indoors. Kids-Only Secret Messages Exploring the Museum has never been more fun! Each kid gets a decoder spy glass which will allow them to “decode”…
  • National Day of the Cowboy Celebration (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Round up your posse and head to the National Day of the Cowboy celebration. Held at the National Cowboy & Western…
  • New World Comic Con (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) No matter what your favorite imprint, suit up and head to the Oklahoma State Fair Park for the New World Comic Con. This…
  • Once Upon A Mattress (Mitch Park Amphitheatre - Edmond) Last Day Come to the Mitch Park Amphitheatre in Edmond for a twist on the classic story of the princess and the pea. In "Once…
  • Chandler Open Rodeo (Tilghman Park - Chandler) Day 2 of 2 The 79th annual Chandler Open Rodeo, hosted by the Chandler Round-Up Club, features traditional rodeo events such as…
  • 😂 Rob Little (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Succulent Birdhouse Workshop (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Saturday, July 27, 1pm The Garden Classroom Member $55; Nonmember $70 Chelsea Hughes, Calvert’s Plant Interiors Register by Thursday, July 18 REGISTER HERE Enjoy creating a unique summer project – a succulent birdhouse. This living work of art can adorn an outdoor or indoor space; it will be hard to tell who loves it more, you or the birds.…
  • Summer Music Series (Riversport Adventures OKC - Oklahoma City) Spend your summer Saturdays surrounded by water, great music and a fantastic view of the Oklahoma Ctiy skyline during the…
  • 🎓 Take Charge of Your Health & Wellness: Essential Oils Class (FREE class plus FREE Gift for attending) (Pinot's Palette - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am Have you been curious about essential oils? Are you interested in learning about natural options for keeping your family healthy? Would you like to create inexpensive, non-toxic home cleaning products and have the ability to care for your family's health concerns in the privacy of your own home with no side effects? Do you need safer, more…
  • Titanic (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Watch the story of 1912 come alive as Lyric Theatre presents: Titanic. This Tony Award-winning musical will feature a 100+…
  • Titanic By Lyric Theatre (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 1:00pm
  • 🎓 U.S. Cellular Workshops: National Parks and Recreation (U.S. Cellular - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am As much fun as staying at home can be, sometimes going on a local adventure or taking a trip through a famous national park can be even more rewarding. Whether you are a novice or veteran explorer, the latest mobile technology and apps can help compliment your traveling experience. Enjoying the great outdoors has never been easier, thanks to…
  • 🏆 WWE LIVE! SummerSlam Heatwave Tour (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Youth National Arabian & Half-Arabian Championship Horse Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • 🏆 Zoo Amp Ticket Giveaway (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm

Sunday, Jul 28th

  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Dodgers vs. Memphis Redbirds (Chickasaw Bricktown Ballpark - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 7:05pm
  • Indian Hills Powwow (Oklahoma City) Last Day The Indian Hills Powwow in Oklahoma City is an exciting Native American gathering that is open and free to the public. Held…
  • Sunday Twilight Concert Series (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Bring a lawn chair, a picnic and the whole family to the Sunday Twilight Concert Series on the Myriad Botanical…
  • 🏃 Territorial Triathlon (OLY/Sprint) (Lake Guthrie - Guthrie) This race venue is a unique location outside of Guthrie, OK at Guthrie Lake. This lake is a great location for having a Triathlon. Being a no wake lake makes it off limits to jet ski's and other water sports. The race offers an Olympic/Sprint to include M/F Aquabike - Athena-Clydesdale
  • Titanic (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Last Day Watch the story of 1912 come alive as Lyric Theatre presents: Titanic. This Tony Award-winning musical will feature a 100+…
  • Titanic By Lyric Theatre (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 1:00pm

Monday, Jul 29th

I was unable to find any published events for Jul 29th.

Tuesday, Jul 30th

  • Hamilton (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Aug 18th Visit the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall to watch OKC Broadway perform the story of Alexander Hamilton. Known as one…
  • Wheeler Criterium (Oklahoma City) Once the weather starts warming up, gather your crew and head south of the Oklahoma River for the Wheeler Criterium each and…

See Also

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The LIST: Metro Happenings Thursday March 01 - Sunday March 04, 2018

Thursday March 01, 2018

Friday, March 02 2018

Saturday, March 03, 2018

Sunday, March 04, 2018

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Ads for 2017-03-20 (1 / 2)

Subreddit Title Brand
mildlyinteresting My Sam's Club sells giant salads way over 5 pounds Sam's Club
todayilearned TIL FedEx has an hidden arrow in their logo; it cannot be unseen. FedEx
worldnews Taxi hailing app Uber has been thrust deeper into turmoil with the departure of company president Jeff Jones, a marketing expert hired to help bolster its reputation. Jones quit less than seven months after joining the San Francisco company Uber
AskReddit How much would a single payer healthcare system cost in the United States? United
Showerthoughts The United States is currently going through one of the most serious political crises since the Cold War. United
worldnews [Top Intel Democrat: 'Circumstantial evidence of collusion' between Trump and Russia "There is circumstantial evidence of collusion. There is direct evidence, I think, of deception and that's where we begin the investigation."](
Jokes I prefer Facebook to Twitter... Facebook
gaming I'm just gonna leave this here too point out how broken Xbox can be with their "act of enforcement" system... Xbox
videos Woman interrupted during BBC interview BBC
pics I just searched "common handgun ammo" for a story, and Google suggested, "People also search for: What is the best guns?" Google
personalfinance What else can I invest in besides Target Date Fund? Target
videos Following false allegations of its chicken being only 50% chicken, Subway publishes a video showing how it's made. Subway
mildlyinteresting Saw BIGMACK getting a big Mac at McDonald's drive-thru McDonald's
AskReddit What is your worst Uber ride story? Uber
pics Got this from Pizza Hut in 1994. Pizza Hut
Showerthoughts I have never wanted to highlight something on my screen and right-click "print" in Google Chrome Google
videos Hiking the Continental Divide Trail Continental
AskReddit Why is there such a strong circlejerk against the United States on Reddit even when it doesn't have anything to do with Trump? United
Music System 7 - Sirenes Laurent Garnier Remix Melodic Techno/Deep House Garnier
Showerthoughts "Croth" can be either Mike Tyson saying cross or an asian saying cloth Tyson
AskReddit If George W. Bush had had Twitter during his presidency, what would his tweets be like? Twitter
WritingPrompts WP In an effort to promote the brand, Taco Bell has just finished building their first joint in the settlement on Mars. Several months later it is the last fast food joint in the solar system. Bell
pics My daughter supervised by an adult sporting the latest Target fashion line! Life in plastic, it's fantastic! Target
videos [Stan Wawrinka calls Roger Federer an "asshole" BNP Paribas Open 2017](
funny [Stan Wawrinka calls Roger Federer an "asshole" BNP Paribas Open 2017](
explainlikeimfive ELI5 Why is the Holy Grail the center of so many movies Indiana Jones, Da Vinci Code, etc. Vinci
Showerthoughts Every time I see those Coca-Cola commercials where someone drops an ice cube in a glass of coke or pours it from very high is, what a damn mess and who is going to clean that up Coca-Cola
Showerthoughts When I work with older people who regularly use computers but don't know how to use Microsoft Suite software they're basically saying that they have refused to learn the fundamental tools of their trade for the past 26 years. Microsoft
Showerthoughts If Apple has “Air”, Amazon has “Fire”, and Google has “Earth”, why doesn’t Microsoft have “Water”? Apple
Showerthoughts If Apple has “Air”, Amazon has “Fire”, and Google has “Earth”, why doesn’t Microsoft have “Water”? Google
Showerthoughts If Apple has “Air”, Amazon has “Fire”, and Google has “Earth”, why doesn’t Microsoft have “Water”? Microsoft
videos Man stung on Facebook live gets swarmed by angry people at park. Facebook
personalfinance Any Wells Fargo users try their new investment thing yet? Wells Fargo
funny Expert’s Kids Interrupt Live BBC Interview, Parodies Ensue!! BBC
personalfinance $19k in credit debt with Chase and B of A. Closed the accounts. How can I lower the interest? Chase
DIY Minnesota Judges Approves Search Warrant, Orders Google to Submit User Data – Data-Pane.Com – Public Records Google
funny Expert’s Kids Interrupt Live BBC Interview, Parodies Ensue!! BBC
todayilearned TIL Sasha Chhetri is back with new campaign for Airtel as fastest mobile network in India Airtel
videos Nerdy Uber Driver Surprise Uber
videos How To Make Attractive Thumbnail On Youtube Videos Youtube
AskReddit Serious What is the measurement for EOS 700D Canon connection point for a tripod? Canon
gaming Console gamers of reddit, Xbox or Playstation and why? Playstation
gaming Console gamers of reddit, Xbox or Playstation and why? Xbox
videos [BETTER THAN FIRST CLASS!!! springbreak
videos Czech police chase a stolen Audi ends spectacularly in a ditch Audi
books 142-82-5,Magnesia fume, Synonym, Target organs, Boiling point, Trade names, Name of the chemical compound, Molecular weight, Melting point, Freezing point, Specific gravity, Ionization potential, Vapor pressure. Target
Futurology How Google trains its AI and why Russians will hack the weather Google
Showerthoughts I would throw my Xbox controller on the ground if I lost but if I got a free win for throwing my controller on the ground I would never agree at the risk of breaking my controller Xbox
gaming I would throw my Xbox controller on the ground if I lost but if I got a free win for throwing my controller on the ground I would never agree at the risk of breaking my controller Xbox
gaming I'm trying to get my TV picture to look better by messing around with the settings, but when I adjust the TV settings how Xbox tells me to, it looks worse. Xbox
pics Falling rocks smash Ford truck. Ford
todayilearned TIL McDonalds had the support of Coca Cola's investment in 1955 when it started. Now McDonald's is Coke's largest restaurant customer and the two companies maintain a unique, symbiotic relationship McDonald's
Showerthoughts 17 is the perfect age, yesterday I was debating whether to go to John Wick 2 or Lego Batman. Lego
Showerthoughts I wonder what was on the tapes that people would send to MTV when jackass was around that made them tell everyone to not send them things because they wouldn't open them. MTV
videos Neil Degrasse Tyson on UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors Tyson
WritingPrompts WPYears after being diagnosed you have become a functional schitzophrenic. Today your Uber driver asks if the lady is coming with you, while pointing at one of the people in your head. Uber
Showerthoughts The first Uber user must have been pretty balsy... Uber
Music How Do You Put Apple Music on iPod Nano? Apple
movies Stephen King’s ‘The Dark Tower’: Is Sony In Huge Trouble With The Blockbuster? Sony
news Facebook May Launch Its Hardware Products To Compete With Google, Apple And Snap Apple
food Homemade Gaufres au chocolat et au caramel au
AskReddit What your "I'm never going back to Walmart again" story? Walmart
AskReddit Serious What would happen if Walmart and other like stores went of business? Walmart
Showerthoughts Jared from Subway began and ended his career trying to get into smaller pants. Subway
Art Trial by battle, Chase Stone, Digital, 2015 Chase
worldnews One of corporate South Korea’s most powerful families is set to be seen together for the first time in years on Monday. The occasion: a trial of criminal charges against Lotte Group founder Shin Kyuk-ho and his three oldest children. Lotte Group
Showerthoughts Jared from Subway began and ended his career trying to get into smaller pants Subway
worldnews North Korea's latest rocket-engine test showed "meaningful" progress, South Korea said on Monday, while an analyst said it was a dangerous step towards the North's goal of developing a rocket that could hit the United States United
UpliftingNews Norway is the happiest place on earth, according to a United Nations agency report - toppling neighbour Denmark from the number one position United
worldnews Norway is the happiest place on earth, according to a United Nations agency report - toppling neighbour Denmark from the number one position United
worldnews Trump Russia claims: US intelligence chiefs to give evidence - BBC News BBC
Documentaries BBC Newsnight: In the Line of Fire 2003 - Iraq War. Kurdish and American convoy is hit by friendly fire while a BBC crew films. BBC
pics These Canon lens look like Death Star Canon
news A Hard Hit To Indian Employees By Infosys As It Abolishes H-1B Visa For Junior Staff Infosys
worldnews Nearly half of Canadians want to deport people who are illegally crossing into Canada from the United States, and a similar number disapprove of how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is handling the influx, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Monda United
nottheonion At $159, Apple made AirPods too cheap Apple
worldnews M&S pulls Google ads over 'brand safety' fears Google
todayilearned TIL: The United States consumes 80% of the world's opioids United
worldnews Article 50: Theresa May to trigger Brexit process next Wednesday - BBC News BBC
AskReddit Ex-watchers of Epic Meal Time, why did you stop? At one time EMT was huge on Youtube and always trending. I never hear anyone talk about them anymore. My SO told me told me that after 20+ videos of gross fattening foods, he was good. Were you a watcher and are you still, if not then why? Youtube
pics Wrapped Porsche 918 Spyder for Gumball 3000 Porsche
worldnews A Canadian photographer has been banned from Facebook after criticism over her photos of naked women posing behind a mannequin. Facebook
nottheonion At $159, Apple made AirPods too cheap Apple
videos [Stan Wawrinka calls Roger Federer an "asshole" after losing BNP Paribas Open 2017](
funny [Stan Wawrinka calls Roger Federer an "asshole" after losing BNP Paribas Open 2017](
AskReddit What was posted about you on Facebook that immediately made you panic and contact the op to remove it? Facebook
gadgets Line Dock Restores All The Ports Apple Removed From The 2016 MacBook Pro While Adding a 20,000 Mah battery with Qi charging and a 1TB SSD Apple
worldnews Red star over Hungary? Heineken may see trademark banned Heineken
AskReddit Serious Women what are some of your own personal reasons for the new wave of feminism in the United States? What are some of the things that you think that women are oppressed by in our present time? United
funny Saw this at a Lego exhibition Lego
worldnews S Korea complains to WTO about China over Thaad - BBC News BBC
Jokes The lesbian couple next door bought me a Rolex for my birthday Rolex
AskReddit What is the best Google auto-complete suggestion that you have seen? Google
AskReddit What are the laws regarding sword-carrying in the United States? United
Jokes If Google had a porn site, what would the name be? Google
videos Today is Mister Rogers Birthday. He would have wanted you to reflect on the kindness and love in your life. Rogers
videos McLaren F1s and Porsche GT1s in the paddock and pulling off at Goodwood 75th members meet. Porsche
gaming Baby Lego Bender. Lego
AskReddit Europeans who visited the United States, where did you go and how was it? United
LifeProTips LPT: Depending on what company you work for, Verizon will give you a percentage off of your data plan and accessories if you show them your company badge, ID, or a pay stub Verizon
pics Blue Angels over Casino Beach, Pensacola Florida Casino
todayilearned TIL In 2009 Burger King ran a promotion that awarded you a Whopper for every 10 friends you unfriend on Facebook. The ex-friends would receive a message from Burger King informing them their friendship was worth less than a Whopper Burger King
mildlyinteresting My sports bag zipper has Nike in all lowercase Nike
todayilearned TIL Toyota, makers of Lexus vehicles, once filed a lawsuit against a nude model who goes by the name Alexus Winston for trademark infringement. Winston
todayilearned TIL Toyota, makers of Lexus vehicles, once filed a lawsuit against a nude model who goes by the name Alexus Winston for trademark infringement. Lexus
worldnews Red star over Hungary? Heineken may see trademark banned Heineken
funny Today's Google Doodle. Gotta be a rat - mice don't get that big. Google
gifs It's Magic. - Create, Discover and Share GIFs on Gfycat Discover
pics This new UPS rule is bullcrap. UPS
Showerthoughts Couldn't any book about Henry Ford be considered an auto biography? Ford
AskReddit What happens if you put a UPS shipping label on a USPS priority mail envelope and drop it in a FedEx dropbox? UPS
AskReddit What happens if you put a UPS shipping label on a USPS priority mail envelope and drop it in a FedEx dropbox? FedEx
AskReddit What is a little known fact of history that was integral to forming the United States? United
news David Rockefeller, Philanthropist and Head of Chase Manhattan, Dies at 101 Chase
worldnews David Rockefeller, Philanthropist and Head of Chase Manhattan, Dies at 101 Chase
news David Rockefeller, Philanthropist and Head of Chase Manhattan, Dies at 101 Chase
news LGBT community anger over Youtube restrictions which make their videos invisible Youtube
news David Rockefeller, Philanthropist and Head of Chase Manhattan, Dies at 101 Chase
AskReddit What is the weirdest thing you found, when browsing in Google maps street view? Google
worldnews David Rockefeller, Philanthropist and Head of Chase Manhattan, Dies at 101 Chase
mildlyinteresting This Rolex ad knows what time it is and the second hand moved in real time Rolex
videos Mike Tyson tells Larry Merchant how to knock your opponent out. Tyson
funny Other guys read they're girlfriends messages, I go onto Facebook and find out what girls really talk about. Facebook
OldSchoolCool Harrison Ford by the pool, 1970s Ford
funny probably the best eBay listing I've seen eBay
Documentaries Espionage: Target You 1964 Case Studies of How US Government Leaks Occured and How to Prevent Them Target
funny Was at Walmart today, and this kinda reminded me of that Max payne 3 photo a few years back. 423 copies... I counted. Walmart
pics Happy 11th Birthday to the First Son of the United States, Barron Trump! United
worldnews David Rockefeller, Philanthropist and Head of Chase Manhattan, Receiver of 7 heart transplants, Dies at 101 Chase
funny there is an entire side of eBay specifically for the market of cheeto shapes eBay
Showerthoughts I used to think having a time machine would be cool because I could hang out with myself. Thanks to Facebook memories, I now know I would hate hanging out with 4-years-ago-Me. Facebook
gadgets Developer gets a Game Boy emulator running on the Apple Watch, because he can Apple
worldnews David Rockefeller, Philanthropist and Head of Chase Manhattan, Dies at 101 Chase
AskReddit What is the worst Subway sandwich possible, using actual ingredients from Subway? Subway
Jokes What does AT&T call their reduced data plan sold exclusively to fat chicks? AT&T
AskReddit If Mr. Rogers was President of the United States, how do you think the US would get along? United
AskReddit If Mr. Rogers was President of the United States, how do you think the US would get along? Rogers
nosleep The Apple Doesn't Fall Too Far From The Tree Apple
AskReddit When does Ford Truck Month end? Ford
food I ate Vegan KFC style chichen KFC
photoshopbattles PsBattle: Mike Tyson on his throne Tyson
pics Old Pepsi Board by a Local Drag Strip Pepsi
worldnews Boscastle ankle break woman rescued by webcam 200 miles away - BBC News BBC
LifeProTips LPT: Download both Uber and Lyft apps and compare prices before ordering. One is almost always cheaper than the other. Uber
todayilearned TIL Elon Musk was ousted from Paypal when he wanted to move everything from Unix to Microsoft. Paypal
gaming Portal in Real Life with Microsoft Hololens Microsoft
AskReddit What is the worst kind of Lego to step on? Lego
worldnews Billionaire Banker David Rockefeller, Former Head Of Chase Manhattan, Dies At 101 Chase
sports [Jay Glazer explains how Tom Brady's Super Bowl jersey was stolen FOX Sports](
videos Racing A Maserati In A £50,000 Fiat 500 Fiat
videos Why Is the Sky Blue? in 60 seconds or less Sky
AskReddit Serious How Can you purchase a new computer with Paypal credit and receive it by this Friday? Paypal
videos BuzzFeed Ain't So Bad Now and The BBC Interview My thoughts BBC
worldnews Bill Gates tops Forbes' rich list but Trump's wealth slips - BBC News BBC
Showerthoughts I wonder if Starbucks drink sizes are made to confuse people. They make ZERO sense. Starbucks
news A simple command allows the CIA to commandeer 318 models of Cisco switches Cisco
Showerthoughts In the '90s I saw a talk show featuring Bill Gates. The audience cheered after the presenter calculated the vast sum of money Microsoft had earned Bill during the hour he spent on the show. Today, he would be booed. Microsoft
Documentaries Rogue Waves 2002 - Little known fact that once a week and ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean. This is a BBC Horizons doc about rogue waves BBC
news After years waiting for Google Fiber, KC residents get cancellation e-mails Google
television ‘Top Gear’ Spinoff ‘Top Gear America’ Greenlighted By BBC America BBC
television Dave Chappelle on escaping fame, returning to stand-up with Netflix - CBS This Morning CBS
videos 1985 Budweiser commercial. Budweiser
LifeProTips LPT Dont have a Costco Card but want that cheap alcohol? Alcohol sales cannot be prohibited through a membership. Simply tell the front store attendant you are buying non member goods! Costco
aww A Land Rover Ruffer Fluffer Land Rover
Showerthoughts I've bought every single version of Microsoft Office up till now and I still have no idea what the fuck Microsoft Publisher does Microsoft
Showerthoughts Waze and Google Maps should tell you why it's picked the current routing. I don't usually trust a new route. Google
photoshopbattles PsBattle: Mike Tyson sitting on a giant inflatable throne. Tyson
AskReddit serious What is a realistic way to fix the United States government? United
videos Epic Facebook Comebacks! Facebook
food I made French dip burrito with a mushroom infused au ju glaze pro/chef au
gaming The Story Of Bleem - Play Playstation Games On The Dreamcast & PC! Playstation
Jokes What happens when you give Ritalin to a Ford Fiesta? Ford
videos The Story Of Bleem - Play Playstation Games On The Dreamcast & PC! Playstation
gaming New Historical Total War In Development! What do you think it'll be? Total
videos For Mr Rogers' Birthday: "Garden of Your Mind" Mister Rogers Remixed Rogers
AskReddit Reddit, which controller is better Xbox One or PS4? Xbox
EarthPorn Essex, United Kingdom OC 2048 x 1365 United
Showerthoughts California's 2017 registration sticker is Orange this year. So every car in California has a little bit of SF Giants orange on it. Orange
funny Today's Google Doodle is definitely NSFW Google
mildlyinteresting My Nike shoes have a toecap design that looks like an Adidas trefoil logo Nike
news Royal Jordanian Airlines bans electronic devices on flights to United States United
videos William of Orange For idiots Orange
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GTA Online Silent And Sneaky Full Casino Heist All Preps ... YouTube South Point Las Vegas will Probably SURPRISE You - Full ... Au lit avec ma meilleure amie - Je suis lesbienne - YouTube Walking thru South Point Casino - YouTube History Buffs: Casino - YouTube

They have a few types of suites available that cost $150, $175 and $225 per night which is about $100-$175 more than a regular room. I'm curious if anyone has upgraded to a suite for maybe $50-$100 per night or if suites are just something not discounted at South Point. Thanks! JUNIOR SUITES. South Point's Junior Suite features an Executive Desk in nook, separate bedroom with Roman Tub and the same amenities as all our accommodations offer. The Junior 1 Bedroom Suite is 835 square feet and sleeps two. The Junior 2 Bedroom Suite is 1,335 square feet and sleeps six. 1 & 2 BEDROOM SUITES. These well appointed suites feature a main living area with sofa seating, a bar South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa is a resort located in the heart of the premiere southwest Las Vegas valley, just minutes away from the famous Las Vegas Strip. Some of our many amenities include a 16-screen Century Theatre movie complex, 64-lane bowling center and a variety of 11 restaurants that cater to all appetites and tastes. Our Las Vegas casino features a large selection of table games MGM Signature Luxury Junior Suite Property 46: MGM Signature Luxury Junior Suite. studio. 1 BA. 520 Sq. Ft. Property Type studio1 Bathroom520 Square Feet. 6.5 mi to Casino at South Point Hotel. No reviews yet. $98 avg/night. Previous Image Next Image. Free cancellation up to 14 days before check-in. The lil Vegas Gem!!! Property 47: The lil Vegas Gem!!! condo. 2 BR. Property Type condo2 1895 reviews of South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa "This hotel is surpisingly nice and new, but far from the strip (10 minute drive). Other than location, I would HIGHLY recommend this hotel for familes as there is a bowling alley, an arcade, and a decent pool. The room is very clean and bigger than average. Bathroom is decent, and beds as well. The South Point Hotel Casino-Spa features a casino with slot and video poker machines and 60 game tables. The hotel also offers a 400-seat showroom, which features nightly shows and live music on weekends. The rooms at the South Point feature a 42-inch flat-screen TV and an electronics charging station. The rooms feature 24-hour room service and a coffee machine. Guests at the South Point Junior Suites. South Point's Junior Suite features an Executive Desk in nook, separate bedroom with Roman Tub and 50 inch view surface with 4k resolution televisions. In-room internet & fitness center access are included in resort fee. The Junior 1 Bedroom Suite is 835 square feet and sleeps two. This suite may be booked online or by calling 1-866-791-7626. The Junior 2 Bedroom Suite is 1,335 South Point Hotel, Casino, and Spa. 1 bed. Starting At. $135. Signature One Bedroom Balcony Suite 2 options. The Signature at MGM Grand. 1 bed. 950 sqft. Starting At. $135. Executive King Suite. MGM Grand Hotel & Casino . 1 bed. 675 sqft. Starting At. $135. Remodeled Elegant Suite 2 Queens. Paris Las Vegas. 2 beds. 860 sqft. Starting At. $134. Premium Room, 2 Double Beds, City View. The Westin Das South Point Hotel Casino-Spa verfügt über ein Casino mit Spielautomaten, Video-Pokermaschinen und 60 Spieltischen. Freuen Sie sich im Hotel zudem auf einen Showroom mit 400 Plätzen, in dem an Wochenenden abendliche Shows und Livemusik stattfinden. Im South Point wohnen Sie in Zimmern mit einem 42-Zoll-Flachbild-TV und einer Ladestation für Elektrogeräte. Die Zimmer bieten einen 24

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