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the diamond casino & resort wall art

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Where to get the Diamond Casino & Resort Wall Art?

I have received the 250k gift from rockstar.
However, I couldn't find the Diamond Casino & Resort Wall Art from the shop in the Casino.
Anyone has an idea where I can get that?
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(8/6) The Diamond Casino & Resort: Thank You Gifts - Claim the Ash Diamond Hoodie, The Diamond Casino Resort Wall Art, and GTA$250K This Week

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Why the Legion is Doomed to be Destroyed in a Total War with the NCR.

Even if the Legion were to win the Second Battle of Hoover Dam and conquer the Mojave Wasteland, they'd merely be buying themselves a little extra time and simply stall their inevitable demise. Note that the following analysis assumes that the Legion won the Second Battle of Hoover Dam and that the Courier died in Goodsprings.
To start off this analysis, let's begin with a run-down of the respective weapons, equipment and gear of the respective ranks of the NCR and the Legion going into the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. Beginning with the NCR garrison at Hoover Dam. The NCR Trooper comprises the core of the Republic's colossal armies and is the prime component of the NCR Army. A superb combination of volunteers and conscripts whose degrees of training, motivation, combat experience and access to equipment vary across the ranks, they're some of the most disciplined, most professional soldiers in all of the Wastes.
They're outfitted with modern military-grade ballistic vests that offer excellent protection against small arms fire, shrapnel and melee weapons alongside steel helmets. The NCR Army battalion that's stationed at Hoover Dam in particular is fully comprised of battle-hardened, fully-trained volunteer veteran NCR Troopers that are armed with 5.56 × .45mm NATO Marksman Carbines, 5mm Assault Rifles, 12-gauge Riot Shotguns and .308 Sniper Rifles to supplement their standard-issued 5.56 × .45mm NATO Service Rifles.
The NCR Patrol Ranger is one of the finest, most elite warriors in both the NCR military and the Wastelands, overall. Having survived a brutal training regimen that's so ludicrously difficult that 8-out-of-10 aspiring recruits wash-out, these purely volunteer harbingers of death have little to no equals in terms of skill, fighting prowess and strength.
They're outfitted with a suit of hand-made First-Generation Combat sporting a knife sheath, a hydration pouch and spiked spurs for unarmed combat that is impervious to any and all small arms fire, shrapnel and melee attacks. They're armed with 5.56 × .45mm NATO Marksman Carbines, .308 Sniper Rifles and .44 Magnum Trail Carbines.
The NCR Heavy Trooper is not only the elite heavy shock infantry of the NCR Army, but is also the proverbial sledgehammer through which the Republic may crush its enemies and obliterate all that may threaten its values.
Having earned their distinctive armor through immense sacrifice in blood, sweat and most of their young lives, they're the absolute best-trained, best-equipped, most battle-hardened, most professional, most skilled, most fanatically-devoted warriors in the whole of the NCR Armed Forces (rivaled only by the legendary NCR Veteran Rangers). Warriors that are more than willing to fight to their absolute last breath in defense of the Republic and all that it represents.
They're outfitted with NCR Salvaged Power Armor, suits of T-45d Power Armor that were captured from the Brotherhood of Steel during the Brotherhood War that have had their joint servomotors removed and their back-mounted power cylinders replaced with custom-built energy modules and built-in air-conditioning units so that Power Armor Training wouldn't be needed to wear them.
And while they're no longer legitimate suits of Power Armor in that they're no longer powered, they're still some of the absolute best and most protective suits of armor within the Republic's entire mammoth arsenal. Completely invulnerable to all but the most powerful conventional firearms, highly-advanced energy weapons, specialized ammunition and high-powered explosives, they can truly absorb Hellish amounts of punishment. They're armed with 5.56 × .45mm NATO Light Machine Guns, 5mm Miniguns, Heavy Incinerators, Flamers and Missile Launchers (albeit rarely).
The NCR Veteran Ranger is a living, breathing legend walking amongst the ruins and ashes of the Old World, drawing inspiration and hope from soldiers and citizens of the Republic as well as fear and terror from enemies and all those who dare to oppose the NCR.
Fabled for their unmatched fighting prowess, envied for their flawlessly unequalled marksmanship technique, feared for their unrivaled warfighting skills, awe-inspiring for their unsurpassed pugilist talent and legendary for their innate mastery over hardcore survivalist skills, the NCR Veteran Rangers are the absolute finest, best-trained, most battle-hardened, most professional, most skilled, most-elite and all-around most bad-ass warriors in not only the entire history of the Republic military, but also the whole of the Western Wastes, as well.
Centurions and Praetorian Guards of Caesar's Legion, Knights and Paladins of the Brotherhood of Steel and even the Republic's very own NCR Heavy Troopers have learned to shudder in terror and fear at the mere mention of the mythical phenoms of the Wastelands that are the NCR Veteran Rangers
These fabled guardian angels of the Republic are outfitted with the equally legendary Black Armor, a hyper-advanced suit of Third-Generation Combat Armor consisting of a highly-flexible vest of incredibly-rigid high-impact armored plating with adjustable straps on both the sides and the shoulders and a built-in throat protector that's mounted on the vest.
Combined with the state-of-the-art rounded-shell ballistic helmet sporting built-in lamps and infrared/visible light projectors as well as the complimentary highly-sophisticated armored mask with built-in low-light optics, an incorporated locking mechanism that joins the mask itself with the helmet shell, ear covers with built-in membranes that confer additional protection without inhibiting the wearer's hearing and built-in air filters, the mythical Black Armor is well-deserving of its stellar reputation.
As you can see, the NCR's forces are extremely heavily-armed, well-equipped and armed to the teeth with the absolute latest in top-of-the-line, high-powered firearms and state-of-the-art, highly-sophisticated energy weapons as well as superbly well-protected with an abundance of different varieties of military-grade body armors with varying degrees of effectiveness and even Salvaged Power Armor.
Now it's time for an evaluation of the Legion's weapons and technology. The Recruit Legionary is the primary foot soldier of Caesar's army and comprises the vast majority of the Legion's ranks. Trained and conditioned from before they could walk to become the perfect warriors, Recruit Legionaries are incredibly well-conditioned and in phenomenal physical shape, owing to a savagely intense training regimen that even the NCR Rangers would envy. Despite said conditioning, however, they're still the equivalent of literal cannon fodder with little-to-no actual skill in firearms usage and maintenance.
They're outfitted with a suit of makeshift featherweight armor that consists of sports equipment with bits and pieces of scrap metal atop a cloth tunic that's all lashed together with leather straps. An armor that's so weak that it couldn't even protect its wearer against the likes of a straight razor.
They're armed primarily with a "Machete" (what's really a lawnmower blade that's lashed to a stick) and "Throwing Spears" (what's really even bigger sticks with pieces of sharpened scrap metal fastened and jabbed into the tips), though they can rarely get their hands on firearms (albeit damn near broken ones) such as .357 Magnum Revolvers, .357 Magnum Cowboy Repeaters, 9mm Pistols, 20-gauge Single Shotguns, 20-gauge Caravan Shotguns, 5.56 × .45mm NATO Varmint Rifles and 10mm Pistols.
The Prime Legionary is the centerpiece of the Legion's fighting force and the core component of any Legion formation. Having survived 5 years in Caesar's forces, a remarkable accomplishment in and of itself, Prime Legionaries are no longer mere cannon fodder but are now the main frontline fighting force of the Legion. With the accompanying improvement in weapons and equipment as well as adequate firearms skills to make the promotion that much sweeter.
They're outfitted with the exact same armor as before, only with a slight improvement in protection. It still can't protect the wearer from shit, however. They're armed with the standard-issued "Machetes" and "Throwing Spears" though they also have much better access to more advanced weapons than before.
Melee weapons, such as Machete Gladius', Power Fists and Chainsaws, and firearms (of decent quality), such as 10mm SMGs, 12-gauge Sawn-Off Shotguns .44 Magnum Revolvers and .308 Hunting Rifles are all available to them in significant quantities.
The Veteran Legionary is the oldest, most experienced, most elite warrior within the lesser ranks of the Legion and is also the precise scalpel to the blunt, destructive warhammer of the Recruit and Prime Legionaries.
Having survived a full decade in Caesar's service, a monumental achievement in its own right, Veteran Legionaries are the elite rapid reaction force of the Legion that's tasked with neutralizing particularly tough adversaries that their lesser counterparts can't defeat and typically remain in reserve until otherwise needed for tipping the scales of a pivotal battle or campaign in the Legion's favor.
As they're the oldest Legionaries (a lot of whom have been with Caesar since day 1), they're also the most experienced, most capable Legionaries who are in their absolute prime in regards to martial prowess and physical resilience. They're second only to Centurions in terms of skill and experience, which is reflected in their improved access to superior weapons and equipment. They can also use and maintain firearms with frightening levels of efficiency.
They're outfitted with the same armor as before, though with even better protection. Still couldn't protect you from anything meaningful, though. They're armed with the usual standard kit in addition to melee weapons such as Fire Axes and Power Fists as well as firearms (of mint condition and with virtually unlimited access to) such as .44 Magnum Revolvers, .308 Hunting Rifles, 5.56 × .45mm NATO Marksman Carbines and 12.7mm SMGs.
The Decanus of the Legion is the lesser officer beneath the Centurion and is responsible for tactical small-unit operations and squad-level leadership. While not too different from ordinary Legionaries in terms of skill, equipment and even appearance, they still have slightly better access to weapons hence they deserve a separate segment.
Recruit Decanii can get access to 9mm SMGs and 10mm SMGs unlike Recruit Legionaries, Prime Decanii aren't any different from Prime Legionaries and Veteran Decanii can get access to 12.7mm Pistols unlike Veteran Legionaries (not a real improvement, I know). Everything else is exactly the same.
The Centurion is the absolute apex of the Legion's strength and the top field commanders of Caesar's armies, second in authority only to Legate Lanius and Caesar himself amongst a tiny select few of other superiors.
Having survived 15-20 years of a long, arduous life of fighting in Caesar's name (a completely unimaginable phenomenon, indeed) before finally earning the treasured armor of the Centurion (which they can decorate with the trophies of their fallen enemies at their leisure), Centurions are the absolute most elite, most skilled, most battle-hardened and ultimately the most dangerous warriors in the entirety of the Legion.
To even BEGIN to qualify for Centurion status, one must have fought in and survived numerous Legion campaigns as well as slain countless opponents in battle alongside the time requirement. All to ensure that only the finest of Caesar's warriors ever reach that level of authority in his Legion.
As the oldest, most experienced warriors in Caesar's army, the Centurions comprise the old guard of Caesar's army, most of them having served their lord since the very beginning. Their status all but ensures that they're reserved for only the absolute deadliest, most lethal of assignments that even Veteran Legionaries can't handle. They're ultimately only deployed if absolutely necessary.
In order to ensure that his Centurions can both accomplish their missions without even the slightest chance of failure and protect themselves without difficulty, Caesar has granted them unlimited access to the absolute finest weapons in his Legion's arsenal and has seen to it that they have acquired the absolute sharpest firearms skills that money can buy as a corresponding reward for their reaching Centurion status.
They're outfitted with Centurion armor which, while legendary amongst the Legion, really isn't that special. It's actually just Veteran Legionary armor with some cool decorations on it at the end of day.
Pieces of T-45d Power Armor on the right arm, the sleeve from a suit of NCR Ranger Patrol Armor and the pauldrons from an Armored Vault Suit on the left arm, the boots and shin guards from a suit of First-Generation Combat Armor on the lower legs, the crotch/thigh guards from a suit of NCR Ranger Patrol Armor on the upper legs, gloves from a suit of Leather Armor on the hands and a Super Mutant Brute chestplate on the torso, to be exact.
Realistically speaking, Centurion armor would be just about useless against virtually any weapon in the NCR's arsenal. Even a single 5.56 × .45mm NATO round fired from a basic Service Rifle would most certainly do the job, flawlessly.
They're armed with basic melee weapons such as Machete Gladius' and Chainsaws as well as high-tech melee weapons such as Thermic Lances (which are actually just repurposed metalworking tools) and Super Sledges in addition to powerful firearms such as .308 Hunting Rifles, 12-gauge Hunting Shotguns, 5.56 x .45mm NATO Marksman Carbines and even .50 BMG Anti-Materiel Rifles (albeit rarely).
Now we must now examine what will inevitably be a huge problem for the Legion even if they were to win the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. The Legion, even though it does in fact have access to some top-of-the-line weapons, only has them in an extremely limited capacity and strictly reserves them for only the highest-ranking, most elite Legion forces and field commanders.
The overwhelming bulk of the Legion's troops have little-to-no real firearms and what pitifully little that they can get their hands on are in extremely piss-poor condition. Not that it would matter, considering the fact that they don't have the proper training that's necessary to actually use them, much less maintain them.
The vast majority of Caesar's troops rely almost entirely on primitive makeshift melee weapons and their own martial prowess to fight their battles, which inevitably means that the Legion has to avoid direct engagement with NCR forces, instead relying on subterfuge and guerilla warfare to combat the Republic.
And it gets even worse for the Legion when one considers that the higher that its troops advance up the totem pole, the fewer Legionaries that it finds at the higher levels. A direct consequence of the Legion's overprioritization of quality and individual skill in combat is that it inevitably results in an extremely small cadre of elite warriors and field commanders surrounded by a sea of lesser soldiers and officers.
Combined with the fact that the Legion is only 34 years-old by the events of F:NV (meaning that even if one were to ignore things like inevitable attrition all throughout the Legion's war-filled history of expansion and conquest, they still wouldn't have that many Veteran Legionaries/Decanii and Centurions) as well as the fact that attrition over the years must be taken into account (the First Battle of Hoover Dam and the Legion's invasion of Colorado alone absolutely devastated their elite ranks), it's only obvious that the Legion's elite forces are relatively puny.
Furthermore, we know for a fact that there's enough Veteran Legionaries/Decanii for them to form a few of their own exclusive Centuria (a Century is 80-men-strong, I might add), with the Red Okie Centuria being a prime example of this. This definitely suggests that the Legion has at least a couple hundred Veteran Legionaries/Decanii at its disposal. As for Centurions, it's a little known fact that they're so incredibly rare in the Legion that they're actually explicitly ordered to not enter combat until absolutely necessary (i.e self-defense or if they're ordered into battle by a superior).
This, along with the fact that they're never really seen in any meaningful numbers in-game until the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, strongly suggests that there might only be at most several dozen Centurions in the whole of the Legion (there definitely wouldn't be over 100 of them). Either way, however, the Legion's elite forces are so pathetically tiny that they couldn't possibly justify the Legion having any meaningful amount of high-end weaponry.
The NCR, on other hand, doesn't have these problems as 1. the NCR prioritizes protection and firepower above all else for their forces and 2. even their most basic troops have exclusive access to essentially unlimited supplies of all manner of firearms and explosives as well as highly superb protection in the form of military-grade body armor.
Meaning that the NCR not only has a hopelessly insurmountable edge in firepower, technology and protection over the Legion, but that soldiers of the NCR also have a far higher life expectancy than their Legion counterparts, as well. All but ensuring that the NCR has a vastly higher volume of surviving battle-hardened combat veterans relative to the Legion that enables for the Republic to easily distribute extremely invaluable, ultimately irreplaceable combat experience and lessons learned in battle across the entirety of their military to a far greater extent than the Legion.
Scores of battle-hardened NCR Troopers that distinguish themselves on the battlefield go on to enlist with the NCR Rangers upon receiving an invitation to do so (fun fact: the vast majority of NCR Ranger recruits and even NCR Rangers themselves are/were NCR Troopers who earned their new status while serving in the NCR Army), earn the coveted Salvaged Power Armor and become NCR Heavy Troopers or earn promotions to positions of authority in the NCR Army (prime examples being Colonel Cassandra Moore and Colonel James Hsu). All of the above information will have colossal long-term consequences for the Legion, at the end of the day.
With that out of the way, let's move on to the main argument itself. The most positive estimates of the Legion's total numbers and military strength would be at best 5,000-8,000 troops. Then we must take into account the fact that the Legion is going to suffer massive losses (easily numbering into the thousands) taking Hoover Dam from the NCR as the NCR garrison here is extremely well-defended, well-supplied and heavily-fortified by both an entire battalion of elite, battle-hardened NCR Troopers and God only knows how many NCR Patrol Rangers, NCR Heavy Troopers and NCR Veteran Rangers.
Combined with the fact that General Oliver's Compound is extremely well-defended with force fields, a turret system, NCR Veteran Rangers, NCR Heavy Troopers, elite NCR Troopers and an absolute labyrinth that's filled to the brim with all manner of booby traps ranging from rigged shotguns, bear traps and mines of all types to grenade bouquets and overhanging objects (and given that you see a pile of fresh Legionary and Centurion corpses at your feet whenever you enter the Compound during the "Veni, Vidi, Vici" quest it's more than safe to assume that Legion casualties will be extremely massive just securing this area alone), this only serves to bolster my claim that thousands of the Legion's troops will perish at Hoover Dam even if they were to take it.
With only a mere fraction of their original number (that 5,000-8,000 will have been massively depleted after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam), now the Legion has to set out and secure the rest of the Mojave Wasteland, which will prove to be completely impossible over time. The Legion will find next to no tribes to assimilate as they exterminate the Powder Gangers, Fiends, Vipers, Jackals and the Kings in all of their endings.
And while the Legion still has the Great Khans and the Boomers, they won't help much. The Great Khans are down to little more than a pitiful rag-tag band of holdouts after both their ass-whipping at the hands of Mr. House and their decimation at Bitter Springs by the NCR. A fact that only gets worse when we subtract the women and female children (breeding stock), the elderly, the sick and the disabled (killed off immediately) as well as mention the fact that the Frumentarius Karl does say in his journal that the Legion would have to decimate most of the tribe, anyways. Meaning that the Legion will at most get a couple paltry handful of warriors from them.
As for the Boomers (assuming that the "Volare!" quest isn't completed) will prove to be more than a huge cost than a real benefit to the Legion. The Boomers' artillery alone would kill hundreds, if not thousands, of Legionaries with the Boomers themselves, armed to the teeth with Missile Launchers, Fat Mans, Grenade Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Grenade Rifles, 5.56 x 45mm. Marksman Carbines and 5mm Assault Carbines in addition to Mr. Gutsy combat robots and Sentry Bots, killing hundreds and even thousands more before the Legion finally conquer them.
Also consider that the Boomers, who worship their artillery and weapons with a near religious reverence, will by no means let their weapons fall into the hands of savages. Thus we could easily see them sabotaging their artillery (how hard would it be to load an artillery shell and lob a frag grenade down the barrel, after all?; and given that the Boomers only have 3-4 artillery pieces it wouldn't take long to do) and munitions stockpiles (just a few bricks of C4 could easily destroy all of the Boomers' weapons and ammunition supplies) to keep them out of Legion hands, which only adds insult to injury.
Even worse for the Legion is that when we subtract those Boomers that died in battle (most likely all of the adult males), the women and female children, the elderly, sick and disabled the Legion will have only a handful of male children to their name (remember that the Boomers are a really puny tribe that depend entirely on their firepower to survive) which means that they will have achieved nothing despite their massive losses incurred from conquering Nellis Air Force Base.
Then we also consider the fact that the Legion doesn't enslave civilized communities or Independent Towns unless under extraordinary circumstances (as evidenced by Siri over at the Fort who hailed from an Independent Town in New Mexico and was a medical student there prior to its destruction by the Legion).
Of course, it wouldn't matter as even if they did, the entire New Vegas area is completely evacuated by the NCR in the event of a Legion victory at Hoover Dam as evidenced by Arcade Gannon's Legion ending where he's convinced to remain in Freeside (all of Freeside, North Vegas, Westside, East Vegas and the Strip, which is really just a resort for NCR tourists rather than an actual community, are evacuated with those few that don't make it out, Arcade included, being killed by the Legion).
And when we consider that Nelson was butchered, Camp Searchlight irradiated and Nipton destroyed by the Legion with Goodsprings being left alone and Primm just falling under Legion authority (no point in enslaving the town anyways considering how it's just one big retirement home alongside Goodsprings which is also evacuated by all save a few old, stubborn folks) then it's blatantly clear that the Legion will have very few civilized people left to enslave.
With an even smaller fraction of survivors thanks to their conquest of Nellis AFB (in addition to hundreds more casualties against the Mojave Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel, the Kings and what's left of House's Securitron police force and the Chairmen) the Legion will soon realize its folly and discover that both holding the Mojave Wasteland and continuing their advance West is literally impossible.
The Legion's logistical situation and acquisition of supplies will soon prove to be an insurmountable nightmare within mere weeks of their occupation of the Mojave. The loss of Nipton, Camp Searchlight and Nelson will serve to severely hamstring the Legion's logistics with the eventual deaths of New Vegas, Primm and Goodsprings only complicating the Legion's supply lines even further.
As 99% of the Strip's revenue comes from NCR tourists and soldiers on leave and given how the Legion will most likely tear down the casinos and ban whores, booze, chems and gambling under Caesar's law, the Strip will eventually shrivel up and die due to loss of revenue. North Vegas, East Vegas, Westside, Freeside, Primm and Goodsprings, which are entirely dependent on Republic trade and commerce for survival, will eventually suffer the same fate as NCR trade and business abandon the region out of both fear and hatred for the Legion.
Especially after the Legion's successful assassination of President Kimball which will see him martyred and ensure that the NCR will cut off all ties to the fallen Mojave Wasteland. With all of the Mojave's communities and towns dying off, the Legion's supply lines will crumble and face imminent collapse within only a few months time (Hoover Dam isn't a viable supply route as while it does allow the Legion to cross the Colorado River in force it's just too far to provide adequate, long-term support) which will only serve to doom the Legion's occupation of the Mojave Wasteland.
We must also take into account that the Legion will need every last man, Denarius and resource at its disposal if it so much as hopes to hold the region and continue the advance West. Which will force Caesar to relinquish the Legion's entire empire East of the Colorado in order to do so. In Legate Lanius’ own words, the Legion's expansion campaigns in the East have been faltering badly as Caesar's obsession with Hoover Dam, New Vegas and the West has seen the Legion's full strength syphoned off towards Hoover Dam as part of Caesar's plan to overrun Hoover Dam, conquer New Vegas and eventually invade the West.
Imagine the Hell that the Legion will have trying to secure the Mojave Wasteland, which will prove to be so bad that the Legion heartlands will have to be left defenseless, lawless and chaotic just to even begin to make such an ambitious feat even remotely feasible. Some would probably argue that Caesar would surely never abandon the East just for the tiniest, southernmost tip of Nevada and just one little city but I'd advise you to reconsider.
Caesar explicitly states that while the Legion does have their own cities back East, NONE OF THEM are ANYTHING like New Vegas. Why is that such a big deal, one might ask? It's simple, really. While the Mojave Wasteland was relatively untouched by the nuclear holocaust that was the Great War, thanks to the quick and decisive actions of Robert Edwin House, New Vegas is at best a total dump and at worst an absolute shithole.
Filled to the brim with disease, essentially overrun with Raiders, bandits and common criminals of all stripes, absolutely crushed beneath the iron heel of a colossal drug-addiction crisis, bursting at the seams with abject misery and poverty and rampant with starvation, New Vegas is without a doubt little more than a massive dumpster fire.
Things are so bad in that cursed place that you actually have children chasing rats in the streets just to survive, locals constantly complaining about hunger pains and withdrawals and scum ranging from the Fiends to random little hooligan punks constantly ransacking the place.
Westside, the South Vegas ruins, East Vegas, North Vegas and Freeside are all Hellish nightmares that are almost completely hopeless causes, at the end of the day. Even if one takes into account the diamond in the rock, the New Vegas Strip, you still wouldn't find many reasons to be impressed.
What you have is a tiny wealthy resort community that still looks like a dump (though it's still a major improvement from the rest of New Vegas), has highly dilapidated infrastructure (the Tops Casino still has a giant hole on the side of the building) and is surrounded by a wall that's held together with spit, grit and a whole lotta' duct tape.
And while the Strip is safe, orderly and prosperous by the standards of the Mojave Wasteland (a very shit standard, I might add), it's ultimately a very terrible place by the standards of the rest of the post-apocalyptic world (i.e. NCR territory and lands under Legion control). If Legion cities can't even match the standards of that shithole, what does that say about Caesar's willingness to hold them? Especially in light of what he'd be gaining in return?
Furthermore, Caesar often tends to view himself as a mere barbaric king of the Gauls, with his Legion being nothing but one big nomadic tribe of savages without a true home or purpose in his eyes, which is extremely depressing. Caesar sees New Vegas as a true city, a true capital, a true home for both himself and his Legion, a true Rome that he can rule over and could preside over a true empire in. And the West as that very true empire that he so desperately relishes.
Do you honestly believe that Caesar wouldn't trade his current empire (which he clearly holds in very low esteem and almost regrets ever conquering it) for his new Rome and a stepping stone towards eventually conquering his new Roman Empire (the stepping stone being the Mojave Wasteland)? He'd trade the whole of the East for New Vegas and the Mojave Wasteland in a heartbeat and in doing so will seal the Legion's fate and imminent doom.
With the Legion having completely relinquished the East (and therefore cutting themselves off from their resource base, source of revenue/income and escape route, in the process) their supply lines and logistical network in chaos and having absolutely no source of replenishment and reinforcements for their ranks, the Legion will slowly but surely disintegrate, trapped in a permanent holding pattern in the Mojave that'll bleed them dry and drain them of all their resources.
The NCR, meanwhile, will have simply dug in at the Mojave Outpost and fortified their defenses there. They'd have most certainly brought in the 3 VB-02 Vertibirds (which are armed with Gatling Lasers, Missile Launcher racks and Mini Nuke Launchers and outfitted with heavy armor) that were conducting combat air patrols of the NCR military base just a few miles away from the Mojave Outpost.
Far from stopping there, however, Colonel Royez (who's outfitted with the Scorched Sierra Power Armor which is a fully-operational suit of heavily-modified T-45d Power Armor upgraded with onboard medical systems capable of healing any injury and an improved back-mounted power pack from a suit of T-51b Power Armor that will be capable of resisting nearly all of the Legion's weapons and armed with a Plasma Caster chock full of overcharged Microfusion Cells so incredibly strong that it can kill a lvl. 50 Courier in Power Armor with just 2-3 hits!) and his men (NCR Heavy Troopers armed to the teeth with Gatling Lasers, Plasma Casters and Tesla Cannons as well as NCR Troopers armed with Tri-Beam Laser Rifles, Multiplas Rifles, Laser Rifles and Plasma Rifles) will also redeployed there from the same military camp, as well.
Republic artillery pieces can also be deployed there to help bolster the outpost's defenses, as well. A massive network of bunkers, pillboxes and trenches all along the hill below the outpost as well as machine gun nests, sniper nests, minefields and razorwire can also be established to further enhance the impregnable defensive perimeter of the new frontline. Once all of this is done, the NCR will then proceed to flood the outpost with tens of thousands of NCR Troopers, NCR Heavy Troopers, NCR Veteran Rangers
And when coupled with the fact that the Mojave Outpost is atop a high hill, is flanked by mountain ranges on both sides (which will completely prevent the Legion from attacking its flanks and rear), is right on the border with fully-controlled Republic territory (which will make it impossibly easy to keep well-supplied and will also ensure that Republic reinforcements are plentiful and easily available) and the fact that one could see everything up to Primm and Nipton from the Mojave Outpost (that particular area is also wide-open, completely exposed and lacks any real cover which means that any Legion force of any meaningful size would be spotted from miles away day or night which in turn will prevent Legion surprise attacks), the Mojave Outpost will truly become a 100% impregnable fortress.
To make things even worse for the Legion, there's absolutely no bypassing the Mojave Outpost either as the only areas that can allow such a short cut around the Long 15 are completely and literally impassable. The Big Empty is often described as a wall to any living thing approaching it, the Divide is little more than a death trap and is completely avoided by the Legion for obvious reasons and Death Valley is so inhospitable that even the NCR, with its fleet of military cargo trucks and Vertibirds, flat out avoids that area out of habit.
Any army stupid enough to try and cross through these areas will not return alive under any circumstances. Which in turn ensures that only through the Long 15 can the Legion hope to invade the West and given that the Mojave Outpost is purely impenetrable and that the Mojave Wasteland is completely entrapped with mountains and the Colorado River, the Legion will be completely trapped in the Mojave Wasteland and will never be freed from their holding pattern there.
The NCR simply bides its time and let's the Legion wear itself out and tear itself apart trying to hold the Mojave Wasteland, occasionally fending off Legion assaults on the Mojave Outpost whilst inflicting heavy losses on the Legion, launching several limited-scale offensives here and there so as to deplete the Legion's ranks even further and deploying NCR Veteran Rangers into the Mojave Wasteland so as to ambush Legion supply caravans and patrols to worsen the Legion's logistical nightmare.
After almost a year, the Legion will finally be vulnerable, it's forces stretched absolutely thin down to their absolute breaking point, their supply lines and logistics completely exhausted and expended alongside their supplies as a whole, the Legion's ranks reduced to little more than a tiny skeleton crew, the Legion completely scattered across the entire Mojave Wasteland unable to guard it or defend it any longer and the Colorado River at its back, with absolutely no way of escaping their inevitable demise.
At this moment, the NCR finally attacks with a full-scale assault across the entirety of the Mojave, completely and utterly destroying the Legion in its entirety and killing/capturing Caesar himself as Republic forces swarm across New Vegas and wipe out his Legion all around him within mere hours, days if the Legion is lucky. And so the NCR-Legion War finally draws to a close, with the back of the Legion broken forever and ceasing to exist.
Either way the Legion is fucked with a Legion defeat at the Second Battle of Hoover Dam being a mercy killing at best for the Legion.
(Sources are down below in the comments section).
submitted by GodBlessTheNCR316 to Fallout [link] [comments]

Diamond Casino Heist grinding guide

I haven't seen a good comprehensive guide for this, despite it being the best money making method in the game, so I thought I'd write a guide about it.

What is the Casino Heist and why should I do it?

The Casino Heist is semi-challenging PvE content for 2-4 players. As of August 2020 it's the best paying grind in the game, paying out $1.5-$2 million split between heist members every hour and a half. If you're doing setups with one friend, you're both effectively earning ~$80k per setup mission.
If you have no friends who play GTA:O, try to find a buddy in game or on HeistTeams
It's possible to get even higher payouts, but discussing glitches is against the rules of this subreddit; go to gtaglitches for that stuff.

Getting Started

To do the Casino Heist you need an Arcade, preferably Eight-Bit (Vinewood) or Videogeddon (La Mesa) as they're the closest to the Casino and setup missions.
Not required, but strongly recommended as they'll make setup missions much easier:

Scoping and Vault Contents

All Points of Interest
All Access Points
Cash has the worst payout (up to $2.1 mil). You will always get cash the first time you host the Casino Heist.
Art has middling payout (up to $2.3 mil) but is very fast to steal, which means you can get detected, or hit the vault with fewer players, and still get the maximum take.
Gold is like cash but gives much better payout (up to $2.6 mil), with the disadvantage of making you run slightly slower when you leave the vault.
Diamonds only appear during special events, but have the highest payout for vault contents (up to $3.6 mil).

Choosing Approaches

The Big Con is the best approach, since the security tunnel entrance + Gruppe Sechs disguise takes you straight to the vault. Always choose it when possible.
Silent & Sneaky is like The Big Con, but is more difficult and takes longer.
Aggressive is relatively fast, but gives less time in the vault, making it much harder to get the maximum take for any target except Art.
In general, you should choose Aggressive for Art, The Big Con for other targets, and Silent & Sneaky only as a last resort. You should also choose Hard mode whenever possible as it gives you a 25% higher take.

Support Crew

Your Hacker is the most important support crew member, as they determine how long you have in the vault, and therefore your maximum take. My go-to is Paige Harris, who you unlock by owning a Terrorbyte. Avi Schwartzman is equally good and can be unlocked by destroying all Signal Jammers. If you don't have either of them, Christian Feltz is a decent stopgap measure; just be aware you'll have a good chance of missing out on profits.
The Driver determines your getaway vehicles, and is largely irrelevant since most people ignore the getaway vehicles and jack a car or a helicopter for their escape. I always go with Karim Denz and source the Sentinel Classic. It's only worth getting a more expensive driver if you want to unlock a car's trade price.
The Gunman determines the weapons you'll be using in the run. Again, mostly irrelevant, since Karl Abolaji's weapon loadouts are good enough even for a Hard Aggressive approach. Only get a more expensive gunman if you're going Aggressive and aren't confident in your headshotting skills or those of your crew.

Optional Preps

I don't recommend paying to skip any of the preps, because it eats significantly into your profits, and unlike MC/bunker missions, you can't easily make back the cost by doing other missions in that time.
Mandatory for every approach. Remember to get level 2 security passes, not level 1. The mission is very easy and saves you from having to do lots of annoying hacking minigames during the final heist.
This is mandatory for Aggressive and Silent and Sneaky, as destroying at least 3 shipments will remove the bulletproof helmets from guards and allow them to be headshotted. Most people also do this for Big Con just to be safe. Having at least one other player in your organization, as well as a Buzzard or Oppressor Mk2, makes this mission very easy.
Unlocked after completing all Casino Penthouse missions, this is a once-off mission that reveals security cameras on the radar on all future casino heists. Do it when you unlock it.
Reveals guards on your radar. Not required, but useful on every approach, especially Silent & Sneaky. Do this if you have time.
This mission is relatively easy and the EMP saves a lot of headaches in a Silent & Sneaky run. Not required, but worth taking the time to do.
This unlocks the best entry route for the Aggressive approach where you tunnel straight to the vault. Not required (Staff Lobby is almost as fast) but it makes the approach to the vault very easy.
Don't bother with this mission, other than to play through it once or twice for fun. The money from the deposit boxes isn't worth your time.
These missions are annoying and the disguises aren't that helpful. Collecting all playing cards gives you a permanent exit disguise you can use; I recommend doing that instead and never having to worry about this prep.
This mission gives you night vision. Basically, it's only useful if you plan on using the EMP but don't know the casino floor layout. Do it the first time you do a Silent & Sneaky run; by the second time, you should be experienced enough that you don't need it.
This unlocks new outfits that reduce the damage you take during the heist finale. Personally, I hate this prep, because a) the mission is annoying, b) the finale is easy enough without it, and c) the armored outfits are ugly. Do it if you aren't confident in your shooting skills, or if you plan to do the heist with only two players.

Finale Screen

Buyer: Always choose the High Level buyer for the best payout. The only difference is that you have to drive or fly a few more miles after you lose the cops -- more than worth the extra percentage of the cut.
Decoy: This makes the helicopter getaway slightly easier on the Aggressive approach, or if you screw up either of the other two approaches. I don't think it's worth the extra cost, but it could be worth it if you find yourself constantly having trouble getting to the helicopter.
Clean Vehicle: Completely useless. Don't bother.

The Big Con

Entrance: Security Tunnel
Exit: Staff Lobby

Silent & Sneaky

Entrance: Staff Lobby
Exit: Staff Lobby


Entrance: Sewer or Staff Lobby
Exit: Staff Lobby

The Getaway

No matter which approach you take, you'll eventually end up outside the casino, on the main road, with a 5 star wanted level. There are two main strategies people use here.


Bug: You're in a getaway vehicle far from any cops, but your wanted level won't go away. This happens because one of your heist teammates has high ping and the game is having trouble syncing your wanted levels.
Fix: Have everyone get out of the vehicle and wait until the bug goes away. If you're in a helicopter with no safe place to land, the offending teammate(s) may have to parachute out.
Bug: On Silent & Sneaky, guards take a few moments to spawn in after you disable the metal detector.
Fix: Don't go through the metal detector or shoot anyone until the guards finish spawning in.
Bug: The guards in the casino aren't moving, and the cameras have weird movement patterns or are facing towards walls.
Fix: Just keep going; this bug actually makes Silent & Sneaky / Big Con easier most of the time. If there's a frozen guard you can't get past, use the Nano Drone.
Bug: You're getting away from the casino undetected when the vision cones suddenly disappear from your radar. Despite this, the police aren't coming after you.
Fix: This is a visual glitch and you haven't actually been discovered. Just keep going.
Bug: Someone joins as a spectator, then leaves. You screw up the heist and have to restart. Then you fail the heist because "Your heist team quit."
Fix: Suck it up and reset.
Bug: You're suddenly busted because a body was found... even if you haven't killed anyone yet.
Fix: Suck it up and reset.
Bug: You're doing heist prep mission with a friend, and you can't pick up the equipment because "you can't steal heist prep while on a heist prep mission."
Fix: Suck it up and reset.
Bug: You collect a heist prep vehicle and drive to your arcade, but it doesn't trigger the end of the mission.
Fix: Suck it up and reset.
Hope someone out there finds this guide helpful. Comments and suggestions appreciated.
submitted by chinkeeyong to gtaonline [link] [comments]

What an amazing day in GTA 😃

Sorry for the optimistic and happy post but that was a really fun day.
Downloaded and installed within half hour of DLC going live. Loved the intro movie Wandered around the Casino floor, marvelled at being in the same proximity and rubbing shoulders with other players who were not in passive! Went outside for some fresh air to look at the exterior of the new building and took some photos. Enjoyed seeing so many player vehicles all parked up and it was nice to be able to check them out in relative calm. Discovered that passive mode has changed in three major ways, 1. Passive mode has five minute cool down 2. Passive mode cannot be used for two minutes after killing a player. 3. All weaponise vehicles are now in permanent non-passive mode
Thought about the implications of that a lot, weighed up the pros and cons and decided it was definitely evidence of Rockstar addressing some of the problems with griefing/ cheap kills/ passive popping etc Checked out all the websites to see if anything was new or on offer and scored some really good deals 1. The scramjet reduced by $3.5 million 2. A gorgeous Volatus helicopter (needed for aircraft concierge) reduced by just over $1 million) 3. Beautiful new stunning Enus (Bentley Continental) which I was able to transform into a GT3 car, all for less than $1 million.
Discovered that when you phone Pegasus now on your mobile, all of the menus for the different types of vehicles are separate - so no longer do you have to scroll through all of them!
Then time at last to actually visit my high roller penthouse..! Absolutely blown away by the level of detail and the sheer size of it. It’s like 4 luxury yachts together with a CEO office on top... The best interiors ever created in GTA. Spa, Hair stylist, private blackjack table, 2 exclusive arcade games, Champagne... all of it free.
Used the limousine service from the phone in the penthouse lobby and was openmouthed to realise that I could get from the Casino to Paleto Bay in 7 seconds flat. Along with nine other preset locations around the map.
Helicopter concierge requires you to pilot the aircraft yourself (much in the same way as the CEO works) and also landing on the helipad gives you the option to ‘auto land’ which is nice. (love my new Volatus with its sleek profile and retractable wheels)
Stunning panoramic sunset view over the city from the south end of the penthouse with its curved windows and a very pleasant rooftop area with nice pool (which I had great fun doing cannonballs into from the helipad) lol
Back into the casino and after a few games of roulette and blackjack I was up by about 15,000 chips and then I spun the wheel and won another 25,000... Tried some slot machines and a couple of horseraces, Went shopping, had a chuckle over some of the wall art and other trinkets and avoided the temptation of buying a mask that turned my head into a large Strawberry 🍓 Admired the new Bugatti on show and hoped that I can win it! Checked out the public garage and my own private 10 car penthouse parking. Easy to access and looks really good.
And then just a short while ago I realised that I hadn’t even thought about conflict or weapons or the usual BS that goes on on the streets of LS...
In conclusion, the Diamond Casino and Resort is a quality update and already it feels like before it - GTA was missing something.
With all of the things listed above I spent $13.5 million but I had a great day and I am actually really looking forward to spending some time here again.
It is a very long time since I have said this but -thank you Rockstar; you did OK with this one 👏
Things the Penthouse doesn’t have:
CEO Office (There is an office but the terminal is just for Internet) Snacks Sprunk/Cola machines.
Things the Penthouse does have:
Limited decor colour options Included Wall Safe and Weapons locker.
I think if I parked my Terrorbyte outside the Casino, I would have everything I need in one place!
By the way they also changed the interaction menu so that the Avenger, Terrorbyte, MOC etc are all listed in the same place under Services.
Along with the Pegasus menu, those are some pretty good quality of life changes.
Yes it’s super easy to be cynical and ungrateful but for a game I bought four years ago for about £30, I’m pretty happy I haven’t been shortchanged 😃
(level 442)
submitted by spicy_cinders to gtaonline [link] [comments]

I Ran Kingdom Hearts in FATE: Recap and Discussion

I Ran Kingdom Hearts in FATE: Recap and Discussion
Hey folks. I’m pretty new to reddit and I haven’t seen a post like this on this subreddit yet, so I hope I’m not violating any unspoken norms, but here goes. A little while back, I ran a FATE Core game based on the premise of the Kingdom Hearts video game series. It ran weekly for about a year, a total of around 40 sessions around 3 hours apiece. I’m feeling an urge to talk about it, so I thought I’d post a debrief-style summary of the game here. I’ll start with a quick rundown of the way the game was constructed, then a (admittedly probably pretty long) summary of the game itself, and then finish up with what I learned from the experience and hope to apply in the future. I’m presenting this for a moment’s entertainment, inspiration, constructive criticism and suggestions. And of course, for vanity. Always vanity.
This post is going to be a monster… it has taken about five hours to write and is sitting at around 12 pages on the google doc that I wrote it in, and I can’t find an option for collapsible spoiler blocks. So… sorry about that? TL;DR: It’s okay if you don’t want to read it all. We’re cool.
I may also crosspost it on other sites, because it was a lot of work. Haven't decided yet.
Constructing the Game
For a bit of background, this was a game I ran offline for three friends. It was our third game as a group, our second with me as the GM. I’ve been running games for a long time, mostly D&D but some White Wolf as well. I had never used FATE or really anything like it before, either as a player or GM, so it was pretty much all new to me. I chose FATE for this game because I wanted a generic roleplaying system that could encompass fantasy, sci-fi and realism-esque scenarios without too much modification. I was also looking for a rules-light system because my experiments with more complicated generic systems like GURPS and BESM had showed me that it was hard to maintain any kind of balance when players have different levels of experience and optimization ability.
The Kingdom Hearts video game franchise by Square Enix and Disney was, as I mentioned, the basic source for this game. If you’re not familiar with it, this post might not be of much interest to you, but I’ll give you a quick summary of the series anyway. The main characters travel between different worlds (most of which are based on Disney films like Aladdin and The Nightmare Before Christmas), meeting the characters of those worlds, exploring the settings, and battling an invading force of darkness (called the Heartless) while trying to find their friends and solve the mystery of the Heartless. Obviously there’s more to it than that, but that’s the basic premise.
The player characters in this game were meant to be the last survivors of worlds that had already been invaded and destroyed by the Heartless. The players were given the instruction to create an original character from an existing fictional or fictionalized world. I told them to imagine a certain level of power (think more Spider-Man and less Superman), but counted on the game system to keep all the characters balanced regardless of what their supposed power level might be. The game proper was to begin with their first meeting, after the destruction of their home worlds.
(As an aside, a world in this concept is essentially an entire separate universe with its own physics, technology and magic, but it’s really only as expansive as the story that gets told in it. So a world may be as large as a galaxy or as small as a building.)
As you might be able to tell from the setup, I was abandoning some of the central devices used in FATE and creating FATE characters. Since the characters had lost their home worlds and were going to be travelling between worlds, skills like Contacts and Resources didn’t really apply. Likewise, since they were meeting for the first time and all came from separate worlds, using tools like the Phase Trio to come with aspects also felt like a poor fit. So I made some modifications to the base system. These are presented as they actually happened, both ideas that worked out well and the ones that worked out poorly. So take them with a grain of salt.
For the player characters (as well as major helpful NPCs they met along the way), I set aside the usual ways of devising aspects and set the up like this. In addition to the High Concept, one aspect was devoted to the character’s World of Origin. This seemed like a good idea, because it could be invoked or compelled when a character was in or out of their element (so a character from a low fantasy world could invoke it when they were in a low-fantasy world to be familiar with the tropes of that genre, but it could be used against them if they’re in a futuristic space opera surrounded by technology they know nothing about). Instead of a Trouble, each character had a Darkness and a Light. This was a reference to one of the themes of the Kingdom Hearts franchise, the idea that every Heart has both light and darkness, and we are defined by what we choose to follow. In practice, these looked a lot like the World of Darkness’ Virtue and Vice traits: the best and worst aspects of the character’s nature. Because the first four aspects were pretty narrowly defined, the fifth aspect was left open for the player to use as they liked.
For Skills, I dropped Resources and Contacts for the reasons I mentioned above, and made a couple other alterations to suit a game that hops among vastly different universes. I changed Crafts to Tech (a more-or-less purely aesthetic change) and split Lore into Magic and Science. I think I also added Expression, as the skill of creating art. These weren’t really great moves-- Science (as distinct from Tech) and Expression were pretty much wastes of space as no one ever really used them. The Magic skill on its own would allow characters to understand and use magic that they encountered in their travels, and specific effects (i.e., casting spells) required stunts.
I also renamed Fate Points to Heart Points, a purely cosmetic change that brought the game a little closer to its Kingdom Hearts inspiration.
One of the other fundamental premises of FATE was also dropped: player collaboration in the creation of the world. I’m not a monster, and of course when players had suggestions about things they wanted, I would do my best to make them happen, but ultimately I was making all of the decisions about where they were going and what they were doing. Realistically, this was a pretty railroady game, but it was fun so I don’t think the players minded much.
One of the centerpieces of the game was a set of modular equipment that the player characters obtained around the end of the second session: the Keyblade that is emblematic of the Kingdom Hearts series, as well as a Magic Shield and Magic Staff. Each of these granted one stunt and one aspect (for example, the Keyblade could unlock things at the cost of a Heart Point, and had the aspect “A Sword of Terrible Destruction”). In addition, each of these items could be modified by attaching a Keychain, which altered its name and in-game appearance and granted either an additional aspect or (more often) an additional stunt. Each player started with a single Keychain representing their world of origin, and additional keychains were earned as story rewards, a new one each time the players defeated a boss and completed a world. In practice, this was represented by three envelopes with holes cut into them in different places so that different parts of an index card showed through depending on which envelope they went into.

Basically this.
I definitely made some alterations to the Kingdom Hearts premise as well. The Keyblade wielder was not automatically the central character of the story; all three characters got to share equally in the glory. I dropped Gummi Ship travel and Summoning, and most of the way magic worked. I also expanded the range of world options well beyond Disney films, as you’ll see in the summary. I retained a lot of series’ premises and conceits as well, like meeting an ally and teaming up with a native of each world. Some of the retentions were really poor choices in hindsight (notably, to the irritation of all you true FATE afficionados, I retained the combat focus of the video games, getting the player characters into Win-or-Die combats almost every session) but more on that in the “what I learned” section at the end.
The premise of the game, hopping around among different fictional worlds, allowed me a lot of opportunity to have fun with players. Sometimes they got to explore worlds they were familiar with and sometimes I got to introduce them to a new property they had never encountered before. I got to build in little jokes, in the names of aspects and stunts for NPCs, and use lots of media like music and pictures to set the appropriate tone (at one point, I even got to use a short excerpt of an audiobook). I even got to use my fairly meagre photo-editing skills to create some fun images (usually, transforming familiar villains into Heartless). I’ll include one of the cooler images in the summary below.
Also I got to do impressions. A lot of impressions.
Game Summary
For this summary, I’ll cite the many sources that I drew on in parentheses and italics.
To begin with, the characters that my players came up with were, in no special order:
Meky, an Ork Mekboy from the world The Grim, Dark Future (Warhammer 40,000). Meky’s backstory included that he had been created in an Eldar Lab with some sort of cognitive enhancement, such that he was moderately less of a mindless killing machine than most of his Ork brethren.
Imara, a guardian angel from the world of Innistrad (Magic: The Gathering); and
Rhiannon Blackwell, a young Ravenclaw student witch from the world of Hogwarts (Harry Potter series).
World 0: The Ocean Beyond Space and Time (Marvel’s Exiles comics)
After the destruction of their individual worlds, the characters fell through the space between worlds for an indefinite time, before suddenly appearing over an infinite ocean and landing in a little yellow life raft. After getting their bearings, discovering the mysterious Keychains they are each holding for some reason, and meeting each other, they spot a kitchen floating on surface of the water. Traveling to it, they meet the enigmatic Timebroker who explains that each of their worlds was destroyed when the Heartless consumed its heart, but they were saved from destruction because of their strong hearts, and he brought them to this Ocean outside of time and space to send them on their important mission. Before they can begin, however, they need to retrieve the treasures of this realm from another whose strong heart brought him to the Ocean after his world was destroyed, the pirate king Captain Bloth (The Pirates of Dark Water). He also gives them the Tallus Card, an artifact that will help him to guide their travels.
The PCs infiltrate Bloth’s pirate ship, fight the monstrous Constrictus in the hold, and ultimately kill Bloth and retrieve the treasures: a Key, a Rod and a Disc made of green crystal. By attaching their Keychains, they transform the treasures into the Keyblade (Meky), the Magic Staff (Rhiannon) and the Magic Shield (Imara). Meky also claims the gigantic pirate ship as his own, but he doesn’t have any time to enjoy it because the Timebroker’s magic whisks the group away to their first real world.
World 1: Monstropolis (Monsters Inc.)
The team appears in a bathroom stall. They encounter a furry blue monster, Sully, who is trying to find the creature he accidentally let into his workplace while working late. He is doubly freaked out when he sees Rhiannon, since she’s a child and children are toxic to monsters. After sorting out that mess, they search the building together and find the creature: one of the Heartless! They dispatch it, then retreat to Sully’s apartment to plan. They learn that the monsters of Monsters Inc. use special doors to travel to the human world to harvest the screams of children to power their city. Imara is not at all comfortable with this, but Rhiannon, who is used to magic working in strange and macabre ways, is weirdly OK with it.
Along with Sully’s roommate Mike, they infiltrate Monsters Inc. in disguise to look for a “special door” that will take them to another world. On the “scare floor” they battle a group of the Heartless along with the invisible evil monster Randall Boggs, which causes the rest of the monsters to flee and quarantine the floor. Using the Tallus Card, they make contact with the Timebroker who calls up two doors to other worlds, instructing them to travel to each world, defeat the Heartless there, and use the Keyblade to open the path back to this world. Mike and Sully stand guard as the PCs enter the first door.
World 2: Frank (Osmosis Jones)
The team arrives in what they quickly determine to be a colossal human mouth. They meet Osmosis Jones, a white blood cell charged with serving and protecting the world of Frank. Realizing that the Heartless are probably looking for the heart of Frank, they travel to his actual heart. There, in what is essentially a giant highway interchange, they do encounter the Heartless in the form of three viruses: Fever, Chill and Weird (Dr. Mario). They defeat the Heartless, but in the process do significant damage to the structure, getting all the PCs and Jones in trouble with the Mayor of Frank. They pretty promptly get out of trouble when the Heartless attack City Hall (a clever move by a player invoking one of the game aspects: “The Heartless are invading!”). The PCs finally find the Heartless leader, an original creation of mine called Opprobrius, guarding the world’s exit in the filthiest slum of Frank, the rectum. The combat is appropriately hilarious and gross, but the PCs prevail and destroy Opprobrius, opening the way to leave and try the second door.
World 3: Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park, duh.)
They players arrive in a jungle. Searching around they find a triceratops being set upon by tiny Heartless dinosaurs. In the midst of battle, they have a tense encounter with a velociraptor, but ultimately it helps them to defeat the Dark Compsognathi. They carefully befriend the velociraptor, whom Meky names Red Shredda. Along with Red Shredda, they explore the island, avoiding most of the big dinosaurs, and finding the remains of human structures but no evidence of people. They locate food and get the computers and security cameras up and running, and locate where the Heartless are thickest. Meky takes the time to soup up a gas-powered jeep and they charge into battle, Meky at the wheel of his jeep, Rhiannon riding on Red Shredda and Imara flying above. They defeat the leader of the Heartless, another creation of mine called the Idolasaurus Rex, and move on again.
World 3.5: Back to Monstropolis
Back in Monstropolis, they meet Roz, a high-ranking government official. She informs them that the owner of Monsters Inc., Mr. Waternoose, is in league with the Heartless and has barricaded himself in another scare floor. The PCs agree to take out Waternoose in exchange for some supplies and unlimited use of the scare floor. They break into the backup scare floor and encounter Waternoose, empowered by the Heartless and backed by a couple of flying Heartless called Screamers. It’s a tough battle, but they triumph, earning the right to continue using the scare floor as long as they need it. Obligingly, the Timebroker retrieves two more special doors for them to use to access other worlds.
World 4: Hyrule (The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time)
The PCs arrive in a dark, spooky subterranean temple. They work their way through some puzzles, face some monsters, and learn that they are in the Shadow Temple (whatever that is). They encounter Navi, the fairy, who informs them that she was here with her ally Link, the Hero of Time, but that he was snatched up by a powerful Wallmaster (floating grabby hand). As they proceed through the Temple, Rhiannon also gets snatched up by a Wallmaster and finds Link trapped in a hidden chamber. Together they defeat the Wallmaster and work their way back to the others. More puzzles (basically, they just played through the Shadow Temple as in the video game, with a few of the less interesting puzzles removed), and face Bongo Bongo, a malevolent ghost that has been powered up by the Heartless. Defeating him, they unlock the path out. Rhiannon develops a teensy crush on Link, which Imara blows way out of proportion and never lets her forget about.
World 5: Royale-les-Eaux (Casino Royale)
The team comes upon a scene of destruction after a bomb has gone off in a French resort town. They battle the Heartless and rescue one of the bombing’s victims, a suave Englishman who introduces himself as Bond. James Bond. (This included one of my favorite moments in the game, when after the combat James approaches the angel Imara saying “My God, were you hurt? No, I don’t mean in the fight… I mean when you fell from Heaven.”)
I suppose it’s worth mentioning that another convention that I kept from the Kingdom Hearts series is that folks are pretty flexible about the weird strangers showing up in their midst.. Like, in the original games, no one seems particularly distressed by a giant anthropomorphic duck suddenly being a thing in their world. In this world, which is so like our own real world, no one was really troubled by the giant slavering green ork… they just figured he was “probably American.”
Anyway, the PCs team up with James Bond to take down his foe, the evil Le Chiffre. They learn to play baccarat, don appropriate evening wear (Meky modified his tuxedo to shoot a smokescreen when required), and take on Le Chiffre in a game of Chemin de Fer baccarat. They lose badly, partly because none of the players really understand baccarat yet, partly due to bad luck, and partly because Le Chiffre cheated with the help of the Heartless. On the way home from the humiliating defeat, they encounter two more Heartless foes in the form of the White Spy and Black Spy (Spy vs. Spy comics created by Antonio Prohias). They defeat the Heartless (or rather, trick them into defeating each other) and regroup. CIA operative Felix Leiter fronts them the money for another go at Le Chiffre (“It’s the least I could do, for a fellow American.”)
Thanks to some good luck and slightly less cheating on my part, the group manages to bankrupt Le Chiffre. At that point, a blonde woman in a pink dress offers to empower Le Chiffre with the power of the Heartless, and then disappears while Bond and the player characters take on the powered up gambler. They win, unseal the path, etc. etc.
World 7: Red Dwarf (Red Dwarf)
Back in Monstropolis, the Timebroker provides them with only one door and insists they must hurry as he senses the next world is on the brink. Arriving in a spaceship corridor amid an inky black haze, the PCs encounter first an Eldar warrior, then a Planeswalker and finally the great Harry Potter himself. The three inform the team that the Timebroker had made a mistake and they were never supposed to have been sent on this mission. To punctuate the point, they magically steal the characters’ magic weapons and abandon them in this empty world where they will be “safe.” The PCs explore the world, finding that it is a vast, empty spaceship with nothing to do, nothing in the vending machines but sprout soup, sprout salad and sprout surprise, and no company but a senile computer.
Gradually they are able to put together that they are being affected by a hallucinogenic toxin and find a way to counteract it. Together they rouse the other occupants of the ship and lead them into battle against the Heartless Despair Squid in the ship’s water supply. Another victory! Back in Monstropolis, the Timebroker provides them with two more doors, but cautions that in these worlds, the Heartless have been at work for some time and are rather entrenched.
World 8: Etheria (She-Ra, Princess of Power)
(For what it’s worth, this game ran before the She-Ra reboot was even announced. I was drawing inspiration entirely from the classic 80s Filmation series.)
The characters find themselves in a fantasy world that has been occupied by a Heartless army called the Horde. They take on a squad of troopers with the help of a princess called Adora who is a leader of the rebellion against the Horde. Together with Adora and another surprise ally, She-Ra (who is weirdly never seen at the same time as Adora. Weird.) they raid the fortress of the evil witch Shadow Weaver and her Heartless allies to rescue the rest of the rebellion. Then they lead the rebellion in a raid on the Horde’s headquarters in the Fright Zone, and clear another world of the Heartless menace.
(I know it reads fairly quickly, but this world took at least five or six sessions of game time as the players explored, roleplayed interesting encounters, built and repaired equipment and strategized their battle plans.)
World 9: Beach City (Steven Universe)
This time, the PCs arrive in a quiet beach town which is largely abandoned because it’s been under siege by the Heartless for some time. The usual defenders of the town, the alien Crystal Gems, are nowhere to be seen. The team meets young Steven Universe, a ward of the Gems, who explains that the Gems disappeared into their temple weeks ago and have not been seen since. Together, Steven and the PCs navigate the temple and find the Gems generating a shield to protect the heart of the temple (which is also the heart of the world) from Heartless attackers, led by the blonde in pink that they saw in Royale-les-Eaux (who has switched her dress for a bodysuit). The PCs square off two original creations I called Onyx and Obsidian. Just when victory seemed assured, Onyx and Obsidian fused together into Black Diamond, and the fight started over (this was my first use of the multi-stage bad guy trope (THIS ISN’T EVEN MY FINAL FORM)). Anyway, tough as Black Diamond was, the good guys won, although once again the woman in pink slipped away.
Instead of earning a Keychain with this victory, the heart of the world expressed itself in a different way: Each PC was embedded with a gemstone that allowed them to fuse together. This was a combination of the fusion used in the Steven Universe series and the Drive Formes from Kingdom Hearts II. Basically, how it worked was that any two PCs could spend a Heart Point each and combine together into one body. Each new form (every possible pairing of the three characters) had its own character sheet with a description, new aspects and better skills, and all of the two characters’ stunts plus a special superstunt. For example, Meky and Rhiannon combined into the Curiosity Forme, a four-armed giant who can use magic and technology interchangeably thanks to a stunt called “Clarke’s Third Law.” The major drawback is that the players both have control of the combined Forme and need to stay in synch: if they disagree too much, or if one player takes too much control, they automatically break apart. This was a fun mechanic to play with.
World 9.5: Back to Hyrule
Upon returning to Monsters Inc., the PCs learn that their ally Link is about to raid the fortress of the leader of the Heartless in Hyrule: the Great King of Evil, Ganondorf! This one played a little like the Shadow Temple, only the heroes had to navigate six chambers with different kinds of challenges before facing Ganondorf. There were riddles, a platforming challenge (being chased by a wall of fire!), and that sort of thing. They also faced off against not only a Heartless Shadow Link, but Shadow versions of Imara, Rhiannon and Meky as well. As those who have played Ocarina of Time might well imagine, Ganondorf was also a two-stage boss, first facing the Great King of Evil then the Heartless-empowered Ganon. At the end of this fight, having already gained the Keychain of this world the last time they were here, they got a power-up from the Triforce itself, earning the ability to fuse all three together into the completely badass Master Forme.
World 10: Dead Manhattan (Marvel Zombies)
They find themselves in a city that has been torn apart, with apparently no one left alive. The PCs are attacked by cannibalistic zombie versions of Angel and Beast of the X-Men, realizing to their horror that these creatures aren’t being influenced by the Heartless, they’re just the awful inhabitants of this world. They destroy Angel and decapitate Beast, keeping the helpless but still animate head of Hank McCoy as a fun prop for the rest of this world. Proceeding through the city, they meet the Black Panther, protector of a small handful of human survivors hiding out beneath the city (again, for what it’s worth, this campaign was run before the global phenomenon that was the Black Panther movie. I chose the character because he featured in the Marvel Zombies comics, and because he’s the best Marvel hero (Fight Me)). Getting back to the survivors, the PCs meet the mutant Forge, but also realize that they have led Zombie Spider-Man and a gang of Zombie Heartless right to the survivors. There follows a brief and bloody battle, and then the team heads off to raid Avengers Tower.
There, with help from Forge and Black Panther, Meky modifies one of Spider-Man’s tracer beacons to work between worlds. Afterward, on the top floor, they encounter the woman in pink. She’s weirdly calm and gracious as she introduces herself as Dr. Blight (Captain Planet and the Planeteers) and tells them that she has been working as an agent for the Heartless ever since they helped her destroy her own planet. The reason she’s so chill now is that on this world she has created her ultimate weapon, and after it’s gone she’ll just keep moving it from world to world consuming as she goes. She leaves, but not before they plant the interdimensional tracer on her, and not before she sees the arrival of the ultimate consumer of worlds… a Heartless Zombie Galactus.

Modified from an image I found on google. Unfortunately I can't find an artist to credit. Anyone know who did the original?
The players have to scramble to create some kind of weapon capable of neutralizing Galactus, but after an epic battle with the help of Black Panther and some surprise help from Zombie Hulk, they bring him down. And then they get the heck out of that blighted and terrible world.
Back in Monstropolis, the Timebroker informs them that the tracer has worked and he knows where Dr. Blight is based a world called The Universal Library. Trouble is, like the Ocean Beyond Space and Time, it’s “not a real world,” and they can’t travel to it by means of the doors. They finally come up with a plan so crazy it might work, to travel to a world that is on the brink of destruction, and then let it fall so they can travel to the Library through the space between worlds. The trouble is, they would have no way of getting back to Monstropolis. Hmmm.
World 11: Fantasia (The Neverending Story)
This world is presented as one where the Heartless have already succeeded in consuming its heart, and it exists now only as a few stones spinning through space until they finally disappear. The PCs spot a gleaming white tower and make their way to it, and they meet the last survivor of this world, the Childlike Empress. She explains that she can give them a tiny fragment of the heart of her world, and that it is the seed from which the world can be made again. She extracts a promise that they will find a way to make her world anew, then gives them the seed which transforms into a Keychain. This is, incidentally, a big step toward resolving some of the lingering mysteries of the game-- the Keychains are a piece of the world’s heart, and any piece of the world’s heart can be used to make the world anew. So the characters have been carrying around the means to rebuild their worlds from the very beginning. Pathos!
Then the last of Fantasia disappears and the characters spend a little time floating melancholically in space. Then, Meky’s pirate ship from the beginning of the game sweeps in to conduct them to their final challenge. (Soundtrack: https://youtu.be/uaadF_VSvIE?t=137)
World 12: The Universal Library (original-ish)
So, after breaking through the Heartless defenses around the Universal Library, the characters navigate a maze of bookshelves and have some book-related encounters (Rhiannon finds a copy of the Monster Book of Monsters from her own world, then they fight a Heartless version of the Library Ghost from Ghostbusters). They first take on Dr. Blight and her evil computer M.A.L., then press past her chamber to find the real mastermind behind it all. He introduces himself as Gehn (Myst series) and explains that using his power he created all of the worlds the characters visited by writing them into his special linking books. Determining that he is evil and insane, the team takes on Gehn. To achieve his second stage, Gehn draws on the power of the books he has written and combines himself with bosses that the characters already faced, the Idolasaurus Rex, the Despair Squid and the evil gems Onyx and Obsidian, to become Giga Gehn. He was an impressively powerful baddie, but the PCs pulled out all the stops and combined into Master Forme with carefully selected Keychains on all their weapons, and basically thrashed him easily.
After the defeat of Gehn, the characters encounter the true master of the Universal Library, the old wizard The Pagemaster (The Pagemaster). He explains that the books can be used to travel among worlds as easily as the doors (“For what is a book, besides a doorway to another world?”), and then explains that the process of restoring a world from a Keychain-seed is different for every world. He helps them to restore Fantasia by giving the Childlike Empress a new name (to my eternal shame, I didn’t write down what name the players chose, and I cannot remember it), and helps Rhiannon to restore her own world. He tells her that she can return to her world now and give up the quest, but she decides she can’t go home until she’s helped Meky and Imara restore their worlds as well. Thus endeth the game.
Secret World 13: Who-Ville (How the Grinch Stole Christmas)
The Christmas season after the game ended, my players and I got together with our partners for a Christmas party. Had a nice dinner, played some board games. Y’know, the stuff mature adult nerds do. As a special treat for the players, I read out a poem I wrote for them featuring their characters battling the Heartless in the Seussian world of the Grinch. It was mostly for laughs, making good use of the in-jokes we developed over the year, but it deserves a mention here because I declared it canon and gave them a Keychain at the end. Basically, they harass the Grinch and then fight a giant Heartless using the power of Christmas. If you’re curious, I have the whole thing in a google doc.
What I Learned, and Will Hopefully Apply If I Run It Again or Run a Sequel Game
So, yeah, that was the game. The door has been left intentionally open for a sequel, but there are some bugs I need to work out first. The game was tremendously fun, don’t get me wrong, but there were some issues of ill-fit between the system and the way I was trying to use it that became annoyances and I’m hoping to address those before I venture back in.
I don’t mind that I abandoned the collaborative world-building elements that are typical for FATE. Taking charge of what worlds they were entering allowed me to surprise and delight my players and challenge them to think creatively in ways that I think would be more difficult if they had more input into where things were going. Moving forward, I would like things to be a little more open-world(s) where they’re not just following rails through the story, but I’m still putting thought into how to achieve that.
The biggest issue I could perceive in the game was the issue of frequent combat. This is largely my own fault for basing it on a game where combat is the main gameplay element, and in which the collective enemy is explicitly a force bent on the mindless destruction of everything that exists. That made it really hard to escape from Win-or-Die combats occurring at almost much every major plot event. Add to that that the most interesting feature of this game is modular weapons, and deathmatches felt pretty inescapable. Although probably the right answer is modifying the premises of the game and universe such that combat is a less central feature, most of the thinking I’ve been doing around it has been how to keep the combat and fix the other issues.
As far as I have been able to tell, the most fundamental problem with frequent Win-or-Die combat is that it gets boring. Although the way conflicts are run in FATE makes for combats that are narrative and cinematic, tactically there seems to be very little difference from one to the next. I did my best, especially later in the game, to provide settings and bad guys that required the players to think laterally rather than just charge in swinging (several of the later bosses like Ganondorf and Galactus were technically invincible, so the players had to find ways to bend the rules in order to win), but the mechanics of the game are so simple that this is hard to achieve mechanically. I like the idea of incorporating sets of rules for more tactical combat, so I’m interested in suggestions around this. I’m also thinking about ways to engage in conflicts beyond the physical and mental, like having to take someone down in a financial conflict in a world like Royale-les-Eaux, or a music-based world where the enemy is defeated with the Power of Rock.
Relatively early on, we stopped using Boosts in conflicts. I like the idea of them, but when combat takes up a significant percentage of your play time and you have to come up with ideas for a dozen boosts every session, it gets either very repetitive or very frustrating, or both. Instead, I just introduced the idea of Momentum where, if you would gain a boost instead you gained Momentum which gave you +2 on your next roll. You can’t stockpile Momentum, you use it on the next roll whether you need it or not. It’s simple, it’s straightforward, it’s way less creative but quicker and easier.
Another issue that came up from the combination of frequent combat and regular worldhopping is this: the only real consequences that the players had to deal with long-term were the ones that they carried with them. An injury travels from world to world, but if you mess up something in the world, you can just move onto the next and forget about it. As a result, my players hoarded their Heart Points for more or less exclusive use in combat. The best I’ve been able to come up with to address this issue is to have separate pools of points for battle and non-battle purposes, although now that I think of it, it would probably also be a good idea to move away from the trope of hitting each world once. If the characters actually have to revisit worlds they’ve already messed up, they might have more investment in making sure things go smoothly outside of combat too.
I also would probably switch to a model where refresh happens at story points rather than at the start of each session. At least once (maybe more than once?) I can recall the players saying “Let’s stop here for tonight. I want to refresh my Heart Points before the next scene.” And I’d rather avoid that being a thing.
A final issue that I noticed with the frequency of conflicts (and also exacerbated by worldhopping lack of consequences, I guess) is the fact that certain skills wound up being a LOT more useful than others. Meky and Imara had nearly identical skill pyramids by the end of the game, and the only real difference for Rhiannon was emphasizing Magic instead of Fight. If I stick with frequent combat in future iterations of this idea, I’ll probably want to subdivide some of the more combat-relevant skills so that at least each one is less obviously more important than the non-combat skills. Coming up with combat uses for non-combat skills is also on my drawing board, probably as one piece of introducing more tactical rules.
Another thing that I noticed in running this game was that aspects weren’t working quite the way I expect them to. There was very little compelling of aspects-- it came up maybe ten times over the span of the whole campaign. I think partly this was the lack of investment in any given world, but also I probably wasn’t encouraging the players to generate aspects that were sufficiently double-edged. I certainly wasn’t giving the NPC’s interesting enough aspects… to be honest, I mostly used their aspects as a chance for wordplay and referential jokes. The players didn’t really invoke aspects outside of combat either (see above re: hoarding points), which led them to go for mostly combat-relevant aspects. I suppose using separate pools would be one solution to this, but I’m open to ideas for others.
So, that’s the story. If you actually read the whole thing, I am both grateful and impressed. I warmly welcome any questions and constructive comments. Destructive comments I will welcome less warmly, but I’m pretty easy-going so feel free to rip me a new one if that would bring you joy.
submitted by gscrap to FATErpg [link] [comments]

banditti has been created

By Thomas Mann Translation by H. T. Lowe-Porter I love to call up the picture of my father as he presided at the head of the table, with his white imperial, and his belly con- fined in a white silk waistcoat. His voice was weak and sometimes he would be seized by self-consciousness and look down at his plate. Yet his enjoyment was to be read in his eyes and in his shining red face. "C'est épatant," he would say. "Parfaitement" ——and with his fingers, which curved backwards at the tips, he would give delicate touches to the table-service. My mother and sister meanwhile were abandoned to a gross and soulless gluttony, between courses flirting with their table-mates behind their fans. After dinner, when the gas-chandeliers began to be wreathed in smoke, came dancing and forfeit-playing. When the evening was advanced I used to be sent to bed; but as sleep, in that din, was out of the question, I would wrap myself in my red woollen cover- let and in this becoming disguise return to the feast, where I was received with cries of joy from all the females. Refreshments such as wine jellies, lemonade, punch, herring salad, were served in relays until the morning coffee. The dance was free and untram- melled, the games of forfeits were pretext for much kissing and caressing; the ladies bent over the backs of their chairs to give the gentlemen stimulating glimpses into the bosoms of their frocks; and the climax of the evening arrived when some humorist turned out the gas and there was a general scramble in the dark. These parties were undoubtedly the cause of the unfavourable criticism which spread about the town; but according to the reports which came to my ears it was their economic aspect that was the target for gossip. For it was only too well known that my father's business was at a desperate pass and that the dining and wining and fireworks must give it the coup de grâce. I was sensi- tive enough to feel the hostile atmosphere when I was still very young; it united, as I have said, with certain peculiarities of my own character to give me on the whole a great deal of pain. The more cordially, then, did I appreciate an incident which took place at about this time; I set it down here with peculiar pleasure. I was eight years old when my family and I spent some weeks one summer at the famous and neighbouring resort of Langen- schwalbach. My father took mud baths for his gout, and my mother and sister made themselves talked about for the size and shape of their hats. Of the society we frequented there is little good to be said. The residential class, as usual, avoided us. The better-class guests kept themselves to themselves as they usually do; and such society as we could get had not much to recommend it. Yet I like Langenschwalbach and later on often made such resorts the scene of my operations. The tranquil, well-regulated existence and the the sight of aristocratic and well-groomed people in the gardens and on the tennis courts satisfied an inward craving of my soul. But the strongest attraction of all was the daily con- cert given by a well-trained orchestra to the guests of the cure. Though I have never attained to any skill in any branch of the art I was a fanatical lover of music; even as a child I could not tear myself away from the pretty little pavilion where a becomingly uniformed band played selections and potpourris under the direc- tion of their gypsy leader. Hours on end I would crouch on the steps of that little temple of art, enchanted to my very marrow by the ordered succession of sweet sounds and watching with rap- ture every motion of the musicians as they attacked their instru- ments. In particular I was thrilled by the gestures of the violinists and when I went home I delighted my parents with an imitation performed on two sticks, one long and one short. The swinging movement of the left arm in producing a soulful tone, the soft gliding motion from one position to the next, the dexterity of the fingering in virtuoso passages and cadenzas, the fine and supple bowing of the right wrist, the cheek cuddled in such utter aban- donment to the violin——all this I succeeded in reproducing so faithfully that the family, especially my father, burst into enthu- siastic applause. And being in good spirits due to the beneficial effect of the baths, he conceived the following little joke, with the connivance of the long-haired and almost speechless little bandmaster. They bought a small cheap violin and plentifully smeared the bow with vaseline. As a rule not much attention was paid to my appearance; but now I was arrayed in a pretty sailor suit with gilt buttons and lanyard all complete, also silk stockings and shiny patent-leather shoes. And one Sunday I took my place at the side of the little conductor during the afternoon promenade concert and assisted in the performance of a Hungarian dance, doing with my violin and my vaselined bow what I had done with my two sticks. My success was tremendous. The public, gentle and simple, streamed up from all sides and assembled before the pa- vilion to look at the infant prodigy. My pale face, my utter absorp- tion in my task, the lock of hair falling over my brow, my childish hands and wrists in the full, tapering sleeves of the pretty blue sailor suit——in short, my whole touching and astonishing little figure captured all hearts. When I finished with a full sweep of the bow across all the fiddle-strings, the garden resounded with applause and delighted cries from male and female throats. The bandmaster stowed my bow and fiddle safely away and I was set down on the ground, where I was overwhelmed with praises and caresses. The most aristocratic ladies and gentlemen stroked my hair, patted my cheeks and hands, called me an angel child and an amazing little devil. An old Russian princess in violet silk and white side-curls took my head between her beringed hands and kissed my brow, all beaded as it was with perspiration. Then in a pitch of enthusiasm she snatched a lyre-shaped diamond brooch from her throat and with a perfect torrent of ecstatic French pinned it on the front of my blouse. My family approached and my father made excuses for the defects of my playing on the score of my tender years. I was escorted to the confectioner's, where at three different tables I was regaled with chocolate and cream cakes. The scions of the noble family of Siebenklingen, whom I had admired from afar while they regarded me with cold disdain, came up and asked me to play croquet, and while our parents drank coffee together I went off with the children in the seventh heaven of delight, my diamond brooch upon my blouse. That was one of the happiest days of my life, perhaps quite the happiest. The cry was set up that I should play again; actually the management of the Casino approached my father and asked for an encore; but he refused, saying that he had only permitted me to play by way of exception and that repeated public appearances were not con- sistent with my social position. And besides our stay in Bad Langenschwalbach was drawing to a close. I wish now to speak of my godfather Maggotson, by no means an ordinary man. He was short and thickset in build, with thin and prematurely grey hair, which he wore parted over one ear and brushed across his crown. He was clean-shaven, with a hooked nose and thin, compressed lips, and wore large round glasses with celluloid rims. His face was further remarkable for the fact that it was bald above the eyes, having no brows to speak of; also for the somewhat acidulous disposition it betrayed——to which, indeed, he was wont to give expression in words, as for instance in his cynical explanation of the name he bore. "Nature," he would say, "is full of corruption and blow-flies, and I am her offspring. Therefore I am called Maggotson. But as for why I am called Felix, that God alone knows." He came from Cologne, where he had once moved in the best social circles and often acted as carnival steward. But for reasons which remained obscure he had been obliged to leave Cologne; he had gone into retirement in our little town, where he very soon——a considerable time before my birth——became an intimate of our household. At all our eve- ning companies he was a regular and indispensable guest and in high favour with young and old. He would purse his lips and fix the ladies through his round glasses, with appraising eyes, until they would screech for mercy, putting their hands before their faces and begging him to turn away his gaze. Apparently they feared the penetrating artist eye; but he, it would seem, did not share in their awe of his calling, and not infrequently made ironic allusions to the nature of artists. "Phidias," he would say, "also called Pheidias, was a man of more than average gifts——as might perhaps be gathered from the fact that he was convicted for theft and put in jail at Athens for having appropriated to his own use the gold and ivory entrusted to him for his statue of Athena. But Pericles, who had discovered him, had him set free, thereby prov- ing himself to be a connoisseur not only of art but of artists as well; and Phidias——or Pheidias——went to Olympia, where he was commissioned to make the great chryselephantine stature of the Olympian Zeus. But what did he do? He stole the gold and ivory again——and there in the prison at Olympia he died. An extraordi- nary combination, my friends. But that is the way people are. They want people to be talented——which is already something out of the ordinary. But when it comes to the other qualities which go with the talents——and perhaps are essential to them—— oh, no, they don't care for these at all, they refuse to have any understanding of them." Thus my godfather. I have set down his remarks verbatim because he repeats them so often that I know them by heart. I have said that we live on terms of mutual regard; yes, I be- lieve that I enjoyed his especial favour, and often as I grew older it was my especial delight to serve as his model, dressing up in all sorts of costumes, of which he possessed a large and varied collec- tion. His studio was a sort of lumber-room with a large window under the roof of a little house standing by itself down on the Rhine. He rented this house and lived in it with an old serving- woman, and there I would pose for him hours at a time, perched on a rude model-throne while he brushed and scraped and painted away. Several times I sat for him in the nude for a large picture with a Greek mythological subject, destined to adorn the dining- room of a wine-dealer in Mainz. When I did this my godfather was not chary of his praise; and indeed I was a little like a young god, slender, graceful, yet powerful in build, with a golden skin and proportions that lacked little of perfection. If there was a fault it lay in that my legs were a little too short; but my god- father consoled me for this defect by saying the Goethe, that prince of the intellect, had been short-legged too and certainly had never been hampered thereby. The hours devoted to these sittings form an especial chapter in my memory. Yet I enjoy even more, I think, the "dressing up" itself; and that took place not only in the studio but at our house as well. Often when my godfather was to sup with us he would send up a large bundle of costumes, wigs, and accessories and try them all on me after the meal, sketching any particularly good effect on the lid of a pasteboard box. "He has a head for costumes," he would say, meaning that everything became me, and that in each disguise which I assumed I looked better and more natural than in the last. I might appear as a Roman flute-player in a short smock, a wreath of roses twined in my black locks; as an English page in snug-fitting satin with lace collar and plumed hat; as a Spanish bullfighter in spangled jacket and large round sombrero; as a youthful abbé of the Watteau period, with cap and bands, mantle and buckled shoes; as an Austrian officer in white military tunic with sash and agger; or as a German mountaineer in leather shorts and hob- nailed boots, with the bock's-beard stuck in his green felt hat—— whatever the costume, the mirror assured me that I was born to wear it, and my audience declared that I looked to the life exactly the person whom I aimed to represent. My godfather even as- serted that with the aid of costume and wig I seemed able to put on not only whatever social rank or national characteristics I chose, but I could actually adapt myself to any given period or century. For each age, my godfather would say, imparts to its children its own physiognomical stamp; whereas I, in the costume of a Florentine dandy of the end of the Middle Ages, could look as though I had stepped from a contemporary portrait, and yet be no less convincing in the full-bottomed wig which was the fashionable ideal of a later century.——Ah, those were glorious hours! But when they were over and I resumed my dull and ordinary dress, how stale, flat, and unprofitable seemed all the world by contrast, in what deep dejection did I spend the rest of the evening! Of my godfather I shall say no more in this place. Later on, at the end of my strenuous career, this extraordinary man inter- vened decisively in my destiny and saved me from despair. I search my mind for further impressions of my youth, and am reminded at once of the day when I first attended the theatre, at Wiesbaden, with my parents. I should interpolate here that in what I have so far set down I have not too anxiously adhered to the chronological order but have treated my younger days as a whole and moved freely within them from episode to episode. When I posed to my godfather as a Greek god I was sixteen or seventeen year old and thus no longer a child, though very back- wards at school. But my first visit to the theatre fell in my four- teenth year——though even so my physical and mental maturity, as will presently be seen, was well advanced and my sensitive- ness to certain classes of impressions much keener than is or- dinarily the case. What I saw that evening made the strongest impression on me and gave me food for perennial reflection. We had first visited a Viennese café, where I drank sweet punch and my father imbibed absinthe through a straw——and this al- ready was calculated to stir me to my depths. But how put into words the fever which possessed me when we drove in a droshky to the theatre and entered the lighted auditorium with its tiers of boxes? The women fanning their bosoms in the bal- cony, the men leaning over their chairs to chat; the hum and buzz of conversation in the stalls where we presently took our seats; the odours which streamed from hair and clothing to mingle with that of the illuminating gas; the confusion of sounds as the orchestra tuned up; the voluptuous frescoes displaying whole cascade of rosy foreshortenings——certainly all this could not but spur my youthful senses and prepare my mind for all the extraordinary scenes to follow. I had never before save in church seen so many people gathered together; and this playhouse, with its impressively complex seating-arrangements and its elevated stage where the elect, in brilliant costumes and to musical accom- paniment, performed their dialogues and dances and developed the activities required by the plot——certainly all that was in my eyes a church where pleasure was the god; where men in need of edification gathered in the darkness to gaze upwards open- mouthed at a sphere of bright perfection where each saw em- bodied the desire of his heart. The piece was an unpretentious offering to the comic muse—— I have even forgotten its name. Its scene was laid in Paris, which delighted my poor father's heart, and it centred round the figure of and idle young attaché, the traditional fascinator and lady- killer, played by the highly popular leading man, whose name was Müller-Rosé. I heard his real name from my father, who rejoiced in his personal acquaintance, and the picture of this man will remain forever in my memory. He is probably old and worn- out by now, like me, but at that time his power to dazzle all the world, myself included, made upon me so strong an impression that it belongs to the decisive experiences of my life. I say to dazzle, and it will be seen hereafter how much meaning I would convey by that word. But first I will essay to set down from my still very lively recollections the impression which Müller-Rosé made upon me. On his first entrance he was dressed all in black—— yet he radiated brilliance. He was supposed to come from some resort of the gay world and to be slightly intoxicated——a state which he knew how to counterfeit to perfection, yet without any suggestion of grossness. He wore a black cloak with a satin lining, patent-leather shoes, evening dress, white kid gloves, and a top hat which sat far back on his glistening locks, arranged in the then fashionable military parting, which ran all the way to the back of the neck. And every article of all this was so irre- proachable, so well-pressed, and sat with a flawless perfection such as in real life could not endure above a quarter of an hour and made him seem like a being from another world. In particular the top hat, light-heartedly askew on his head, was the very pat- tern and mirror of what a top hat should be, without one grain of dust and with the most beautiful reflections, exactly as though they had been painted on. And this superb figure had a face to match, of a rosy fineness like wax, with almond-shaped, black- rimmed yes, a small, short, straight nose and an extremely clear- cut, coral-red mouth and a little black moustache, even as though it were drawn with a paint-brush, following the outline of his arched upper lip. Reeling with a supple poise such as drunken men in everyday life do not possess, he gave his hat and stick to an attendant, slipped out of his cloak, and stood there in full evening fig, with diamond studs in his pleated shirt-front. As he drew off his gloves, laughing and rattling on in a silvery voice, you could see that his hands were white as milk outside and adorned with diamond rings, but inside pink like his face. He stood before the footlights at one side of the stage and trilled the first verse of a song all about what a wonderful life it was to be an attaché and a favourite with the ladies. Then he spread out his arms and snapped his fingers and waltzed apparently delirious with bliss over to the other side of the stage, where he sang the second verse and made his exit. Being recalled by loud applause, he sang the third and last verse in front of the prompter's box. And then with easy grace he began unfolding his rôle as called for by the plot. He was supposed to be very rich, which in itself lent his figure an almost magical charm. He appeared in a suc- cession of "changes": immaculate white sports clothes with a red belt; a full-dress, slightly outré uniform——yes, in one delicate and hair-raising situation, pale-blue silk underdrawers. The com- plications of the plot were audacious, adventurous, and risqué by turns. One saw him at the feet of a countess, at a champagne supper with two predatory daughters of joy, and standing with raised pistol confronting his fatuous rival in a duel. And not one of those elegant but strenuous occupations had power to derange one fold of his shirt-front, extinguish any of the brilliance of his top hat, or deepen the delicate tint of his complexion. He moved so easily within the frame of the musical and dramatic conven- tions that they seemed, so far from restricting him, to release him from the limitations of everyday life. He seemed pervaded to the finger-tips by a magic which we know how to express only by the vague and inadequate word "talent"——the exercise of which obviously gave him as much pleasure as it did us. He would fit his fingers round the silver crook of his cane, would let his hands glide into his trouser pockets, and these actions, even his getting out of a chair, his very exits and entrances, had a quality of con- scious gratification which filled the heart of the beholder with joy. Yes, that was it: Müller-Rosé heightened our joy of life—— if the phrase is adequate to express that feeling, mingled of pain and pleasure, envy, yearning, hope, and irresistible love which the sight of the consummately charming can kindle in the human soul. The public in the stalls was composed of middle-class citizens and their wives, clerks, one-year service men, and little girls in blouses; and despite the rapture of my own sensations I was able and eager to look about me and interpret the feelings of the audi- ence. On all these faces sat a look of almost silly bliss. They were rapt in self-forgetful absorption, a smile played about their lips, sweeter and more lively in the little shop-girls, more brooding and dreamy in the grown-up women, while on the faces of the men it expressed the benevolent admiration which simple fathers feel in the presence of sons who have passed beyond their own sphere and realized the dreams of their youth. As for clerks and the young soldiers, everything stood wide open in their upturned faces——eyes, mouths, nostrils, everything. And their smiles seemed to be saying: "Suppose it was us, standing up there in our under- drawers——how should we be making out? And look how he knows how to behave with those shameless hussies, just as though he were no better than they!"——When Müller-Rosé left the stage a power seemed to have gone out of the audience, all their shoul- ders sagged. When he stormed triumphantly from the back-stage to the footlights, holding a note with arms outspread, every bosom seemed to heave in his direction and the ladies' satin bodices creaked at the seams. Yes, as we sat there in the darkness we were like a swarm of night-flying insects rushing blind, dumb, and drunken into the flame. My father was royally entertained. He had followed the French custom and carried hat and stick into the theatre with him. When the curtain fell he put on the one and with the other banged on the floor loud and long. "C'est épatant," said he several times, quite weak with enthusiasm. At last it was all over and we were outside in the lobby, among a crowd of clerks who were quite up- lifted and trying to walk, talk, and hold their canes like the hero of the evening. My father said to me: "Come along, let's go and shake hands with him. Good Lord, weren't we on pretty good terms once, Müller and I? He will be delighted to see me again." So we instructed our ladies to wait for us in the vestibule and went off to pay our respects. We passed through the director's box, next the stage and already dark, then through a little door and behind the scenes. Stage-hands were clearing away in the eerie darkness. A little creature in red livery, who had been a lift-boy in the play, stood leaning against the wall sunk in reverie. My poor father pinched her playfully where her figure was amplest and asked her the way to the dressing-rooms, which she pointed out with rather an ill grace. We went through a whitewashed corridor, where uncovered gas-jets flared in the confined air. From behind several doors issued loud laughter or angry voices, and my father gestured with his thumb to call my attention to them as we went on. At the end of the narrow passage he knocked on the last door, laying his ear to his knuckle. From within came a gruff shout: "Who's there?" or "What the devil do you want?" or words to that effect. "May I come in?" asked my father in reply, where upon the voice instructed him to do something else with which I would not sully the pages of my narrative. My father smiled his deprecating little smile and called through the door: "Müller, it's Krull, Englebert Krull. I suppose I may shake you by the hand, after all these years?" There was a laugh from inside and the voice said: " kjhkh, so it's you, old horse! Always on the hunt for some sport, eh?" And as we opened the door it went on: "I sup- pose you won't take any harm from my nakedness!" We went in. I shall never forget the disgusting sight that offered itself to my boyish eyes. Müller-Rosé was seated at a grubby dressing-table in front of a dusty and speckled mirror with side wings. He had nothing on but a pair of grey tricot drawers, and a man in shirt-sleeves was mas- saging his back, the sweat running down his own face. The actor's visage glistened with salve and he was busy wiping it off with a towel already stiff with rouge and grease paint. Half of his coun- tenance still had the rosy coating which had made him radiant on the stage but now he looked merely pink and silly beside the cheesy pallor of the man's natural complexion. He had taken off the chestnut-brown wig and I saw that he was red-haired. One of his eyes still had deep black shadows beneath it and metallic dust clung to the lashes; the other was inflamed and watery and leered up at us with an indescribably gamin expression. All this I might have borne. But not the pimples with which Müller-Rosé's back, chest, shoulders, and upper arms were thickly strewn. They were horrible pimples, red-rimmed, suppurating, some of them even bleeding; even today I cannot repress a shudder at the thought of them. I find that our capacity for disgust is in direct proportion to our capacity for enjoyment, to our eagerness for the pleasures which this world can give. A cool and indifferent nature could never be so shake by disgust as I was at that moment. Worst of all was the air of the room, compounded of sweat and exhalations from the pots and jars and sticks of grease paint which strewed the table. At first I thought I could not stand it above a minute without being sick. However, I stood and looked——but I can add nothing to this description of Müller-Rosé's dressing-room. Perhaps I should re- proach myself for having so little that is objective to report of my first visit to a theatre——if I were not writing primarily for my own amusement and only secondarily for any public I may have. I am not bent on sustaining any dramatic suspense, leaving such ef- fects to the writers of imaginative tales, who must contrive to give their inventions the beautiful and symmetrical proportions of a work of art——whereas my material is derived from my own expe- riences alone and I feel I may dispose it as seems to me good. Thus I shall linger upon such events as were of especial value or signifi- cance to me, neglecting no necessary detail to bring them out; passing over more lightly those of less personal moment. I have well-nigh forgotten what passed between my father and Müller- Rosé on that occasion——probably because other matters took my attention. For it is undoubtedly true that we receive stronger im- pressions through the senses than through the mind. I recall that the singer——though surely the applause which had greeted him that evening must have left him in no great doubt as to his tri- umph——kept asking my father whether it had "gone over" or how well it had "gone over." I perfectly understood how he felt. I have even a vague memory of some rather ordinary turns of phrase which he wove into the conversation, as for instance, in reply to some insinuation of my father's: "Shut your jaw——" then adding in the same breath: "over a quid of tobacco, there's some on the stand." But, as I said, I lent but half an ear to this or other specimens of his mental quality, being altogether taken up by my own sense impressions. "So this, then"——ran my thoughts——" this pimpled and smeary individual is the charmer at whom the indistinguished masses were just now gazing up blissful-eyed! This repulsive worm is the reality of the glorious butterfly in whom all those deluded on- lookers thought to see realized all their own secret dreams of beauty, grace, and perfection! He is just like one of those disgust- ing little creatures which have the power of being phosphorescent in the evening." But the grown-up people in the audience, who on the whole must know about life and who yet were so frightfully eager to be deceived, must they not have been aware of the decep- tion? Or did they just privately not consider it one? And that is quite possible. For when you come to think about it, which is the "real" shape of the glow-worm: the insignificant little creature crawling about on the flat of your hand, or the poetic spark that swims through the summer night? Who would presume to say? Rather call up the picture you saw before: the swarms of moths and gnats, rushing blindly and irresistibly into the flame. With what unanimity in the work of self-delusion! What can it be, then, but such an instinctive need as this is implanted by God Him- self in the heart of man, to satisfy which the Müller-Rosés are cre- ated? Here beyond a doubt is operative in life a wise and indis- pensible economy, in the service of which such men are kept and rewarded. How much admiration is his due for the success which he achieved tonight and achieves every night! Let us then smother what disgust we feel, in the realization that he knows all about his frightful pimples and yet——with the help of grease paint, lighting, music, and distance——can move before his audience with such complete assurance as to make them see in him their heart's ideal and thereby endlessly to enliven and edifying them. And more: let us ask ourselves what it was that urged this miserable mountebank to learn the art of transfiguring himself nightly. What are the secret sources of the charm which possessed him and radiated from his finger-tips? The question needs but to be asked to be an- swered: who does not know the magic, the ineffable sweetness—— to which any words we have are all too pale——of the power which teaches the glow-worm to light the night? This man could not hear too often nor too emphatically that his performance gave pleasure, pleasure beyond the ordinary. It was the yearning of all his being towards that host of yearning souls, it was that inspired and winged his art. He gave us joy of life, we in our turn sated his craving for applause; and was this not a mutual satisfaction, a true marriage of desires? The above lines indicate the main current of the thoughts which surged through my eager and overheated brain as I sat there in Müller-Rosé's dressing-room, yes, and for days and weeks after- wards possessed my musings and my dreams. And always they were accompanied by emotions so profound and shattering, such a drunkenness of yearning, hope, and joy, that even today, despite my great fatigue, the memory of them makes my heart beat faster. In those days my feelings were of such violence that they threat- ened to burst my frame; often they made me somewhat ailing and thus served me as a pretext for stopping away from school. It would be superfluous to dwell upon the reasons for my grow- ing aversion to this odious institution. I am only able to live when my mind and my fancy are completely free; and thus it is that the memory of my years in prison is actually less hateful to me than those of the ostensibly more honourable bond of slavery and fear which chafed my sensitive boyish soul when I was forced to at- tend at the ugly little white box of a school-building down in the town. Add to these feelings the isolation from which I suffered, the grounds of which I have set forth above, and it will surprise nobody that I early had the idea of taking more holidays than the law allowed. 
From Thomas Mann: Stories of Three Decades, Translated from the German by H. T. Lowe-Porter. Copyright, 1930, 1931, 1934, 1935, 1936, by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. The Modern Library edition, Random House, Inc. pp. 349—360.
submitted by MarleyEngvall to banditti [link] [comments]

Campaign: Azania - South Africa

Below is what I have created for my upcoming campaign. They will be mainly playing in Cape Town in Azania.
- Most of this information has been created by me, as there was not a lot of "cannon" game information in the books. where there was info, I tried to use it as much as possible. (but I also had to make it mine, so...some liberties have been taken).

My questions are what do you think about it, should I change or add anything...or is it a nice starting point for what players would know about the nation and city they live in.

Azania (South Africa):
The Azanian Confederation was formed in 2040 when the Cape Republic, Oranje-Vrystaat, Trans-Swazi Federation, and Zulu Nation decided to combine into one nation.
It fully participates in the Global SIN Registry

The whole central and northern area is on a great plateau
· Northern Azania is almost all rain forest
· Easterly and center Azania is all arid desert
· Center Azania is mostly savannah and scrublands
· Westerly and center Azania is all plainlands
· Southern coast of Azania is varied and mountainous
There are gold mines and diamond mines that give Azania it’s wealth
· It is not uncommon to see slaves and indentured servants
· Generally, the climate is temperate (remember that the seasons are opposite of North America)
· It doesn’t rain often, but when it does, it rains for a long stretch of time.
o This doesn’t include the far northern and the eastern region around Pretoria and Zulu
o This also doesn’t include Cape Town that has a dragon that makes it rain
There are several highways that crisscross the nation (The below are the ones that are still mostly intact and maintained)
· The N1 is the fastest route to and from Cape Town to Pretoria
o The “No-Oners” is a gang that is found between Cape Town and Pretoria and frequently travel the N1 looking for those targets that are easy pickings. They are responsible for smuggling and trafficking the majority of contraband between the cities.
· The N2 is along the south coast from Cape Town
· The N7 will take you north up towards farmlands where it abruptly ends in a crater
· The N12 breaks from the N1 and takes you north through farmlands to the “Central Kalahari Reserve”
o The “Grey Coats” are a gang that operates from where the N12 breaks north, and highway road travel is safe if you pay the tolls that they enforce throughout the stretch. They are not that large though and will stay away from protected targets.
· The N3 will take you to and from Pretoria to New Hlobane
A super railway system runs the entirety on the country, and the main line runs from Cape Town to Pretoria
· It runs semi close to highway N1 (running next to it at a few stretches and runs a couple miles away at others)
· This rail system is protected and well maintained
· It is also instrumental for getting workers, tourists, and cargo between the cities
· English and Afrikaans are tied for the most known/used languages
o English is more prevalent in the large cities and Afrikaans is more prevalent everywhere else
· The second most used language is Portuguese, and the third language is German
· The largest language spoken with in the Wakyambi Elves is Zulu
· After that; it is crime languages (Russian, Italian, Cantonese) and dialects (Swazi, Tsonga, etc.)
Flora and Fauna:
· The biodiversity here is too numerous to list, but all the standard African critters are present
o Awakened creatures are in excess, take a guide or ranger with you
§ Those that stray far from the highways and roads end up missing
Cape Town:

If someone could describe Cape Town in a single sentence it would probably be…
· A land where riches such as diamonds, gold, and uranium spring from the soil like savannah grass, life is still the cheapest of commodities and people are still desperate enough to indenture their offspring to corporate strip mines.
It is not the biggest city in Azania, but it is the most diverse and the capital of the country, as well as being the home to the most elite and powerful creatures in the nation.
Leadership (movers and shakers):
Mujaji (f (dragon) The Rain Queen – Great Feathered Serpent)
Richard Wong (m (dwarf) Mayor)
Jan Vermeer (m (human) CEO of DeBeers-Omnitech ()Diamonds)
Erich Sladek (m (ork) Lone Star Police Chief)
Jabu Goduka (m (human) District Attorney)
Tanya Solari (f (Elf) Ares District Director)
Quinton Lavigne (m (human) Neo-Net District Director)
Steven Mbulo (m (troll) Military General)
Rondo Gibbon (m (dwarf) Shiawase District Director)
Tricia Mika (f (human) Evo District Director)
Newton Buccan (m(ork) Elite – Wealthy Investor)
Cayla Maille (f (human) Elite – Wealthy Philanthropist)
Watha Yol (m (Elf) Elite – Wealthy Investor)
Mabuki Njombo (m (elf) Former “Rain Queen” Shaman)
Luis Barreto (m (human) Pirate/Philanthropist/Humanitarian)
Malcolm Slayton (m (human) Silver Skull Transportation CEO)

Parliament council members:
These are a few of the persons that handle all the nation’s major decisions and also reside in Cape Town.
(where-as not an official member, Mujaji is always welcome when she wants)
Nancy Finch (f (human))
Sarah Tempra (f (dwarf))
Fando Vuyo (m (Elf))
Demetri Olof (m (human))
Elizabeth West (f (human))
Sean Killdeer (m (troll))
Peter Williams (m (human))
Hank Ford (m (ork))

Robben Island:
· Robben Island is an island located on the table shelf and is approximately four miles northwest away at its closest.
o By boat it takes approximately three and a half hours to ferry there, as there are many maritime hazards.
o It is most notably known for the military base and the prison it houses
§ It also has a small airport and community of military family members
Neighborhoods (the bowl):
Those that live in the bowl are not necessarily any better off then those that live in the fringe, they just get away with more.
Some well-known locales:
· Visible from almost anywhere in Capetown, the blue harbor swarms with ships of all flags.
· This is the city’s seaport and despite Mujaji’s attempts, this remains in the hands of pirates and gangs.
· However, with the presence of corporate district offices, there is a common set of unspoken rules that keep trouble to a minimum.
· Victoria Wharf Mega-mall
· Cape Town Customs Office
· Two Oceans Aquarium
Mouilli Point:
· This neighborhood lies west of the waterfront, but still on the coast and lies within the harbor, and it also houses the large stadium (Green Point Stadium) where several sports are played.
· Several elite condominiums and resorts have also been built here.
· Home to upscale fortified gated estates of the super wealthy.
· This is also the home of the largest park in the city.
· Metropolitan Golf Club
· Green Point Stadium
· The Granger Hotel
· This area has seen the most renovation and revitalization in the past decade with an uncountable amount of nuyen poured into it.
· It rivals other large city downtowns like Seattle, Detroit, and Berlin in way of scope and verticality.
· Several large corporations have headquarters or district offices here, as well as housing large mega-mall/apartment complexes.
· Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden (Biotech greenhouse dome)
· Castle of Good Hope
· Cape Town City Municipal Buildings
· Arcade Café (BaClub)
· The Gin Bar (BaClub)
· Publik (Dance Club)
· Quiksotic Train Terminal
· Ares Macrotechnology Capital Building
The Gardens:
· This neighborhood is located south of Mouilli Point and is home to middle/upper-class families and tourists.
· The closer you live to the mountain, the nicer houses you will find, and the closer to the coast you will find apartment complexes.
· This district is also named after its many gardens, botanical works of art, and luxurious fountains.
· Newmark Hotel and Garden
· Protea Zoo
· Stella Varis Garden and Fountain
· South of the Garden along the coast and tucked away from the drek of city life you can find Castlen.
· There are few ways to get to this uber-rich neighborhood and all are closely monitored. There is a stretch for commercial…
· To even work as a servant in this neighborhood, you have to go through a vigorous background check.
· The Crystal Fairway (Golfcourse)
· The Roundhouse (5-star restaurant)
· Bungalow 52 (Dance Club)
· This neighborhood is located south of the downtown district, and has some of the best nightly views, too bad it is overpopulated.
· This area would be the slums of the bowl, with houses practically built adjoining and on top of each other.
· Those with the most money can afford the houses closer to the mountainside and thus upper manses with views.
· De Waal Park (and accompanying Molteno Reservoir)
· Marko’s Killa’ Party (Outdoor Club, Amphitheater)
· The Lions Hotel
Neighborhoods (the fringe and sprawl):
For all the money spending going into the neighborhoods of the “Bowl”, the rest of the sprawl has been left to filth and decay
Some well-known locales:
Lower Addeley:
· East of Waterfront and northeast of Longmarket, the “Low-ady” is mostly industrial shipping and industrial manufacturing
· This is also where the airport is located.
· It has been rebuilt to accommodate leisurely activities.
Far north, is where the dismantling of old ships happens, they are run-a-shore and those that want, get to work on them.
· Cape Town Airport
· Brooklyn Tower “the Brook” (Mega-mall)
· Buffelsfontein Hotel
· This area is actually four neighborhoods that all border each other where the N1 and N7 highways intersect.
· These areas are mostly lower-class poor and industrial neighborhoods, that most choose to forget or look the other way.
· Summer Green: Spearhead Business Park
· Summer Green: Chemira Tek HQ
· Edgemead: De Akker Pub (Bar)
· Edgemead: Cape Town Community College
· Acacia Park: St. John’s Church
· Acacia Park: Maitland Cemetery
· Glenwood: Planet Bar (BaClub)
· Glenwood: N1 City Mega-Mall
· This neighborhood lies east of downtown and is one of the more affluent (but still middle-class) and commercial areas of the fringe.
· It also could be because it is pretty much just a huge bazaar and one can find pretty much anything here for a price.
Tourist and criminals travel these streets and visit these locales.
· Indra (Dance Club)
· Dunn’s Dungeon (BaClub)
· Magica Roma (Bawell known magic shop)
· The largest neighborhood in the fringe, it is located east of Vesperdene and is like a small city in its own right.
· West of the N7 is mostly made up of lower-class apartment complexes and east of the N7 is middle-class suburbanite homes.
There is a downtown that spans the whole distance of the N7 within the boundaries of this area.
· West of N7: Star Holiday Mega-Apartments
· West of N7: Neo-Net Grid Housing
· West of N7: Morningside Mega-Apartments
· East of N7: GrandWest Casino and Resort
· East of N7: Renegades Pub (Bar)
Gugulethu (the Gut):
· This area is located south of Vesperdene and is a slumland.
· Whereas not as bad as Longmarket, it is still the bottom of society and slummy
· Belmont Square (series of Mega-Apartments)
· Cambridge Quart (series of Mega-Apartments)
· Rondebosch Commons (Park)
· This neighborhood is located south of the Pinelands and east of Gugulethu.
· This is also where a lot of gang activity takes place, as does smuggling and black-market importing.
This is a neighborhood where even Lone Star will refuse to go to answer calls of criminal activity.
· Mostly slums and nobody ever goes there to visit
· These are mostly just metal shacks huddled together.

Organized Crime:

Mujaji recently decimated the powerful crime families, in an order to stem their illicit activities, this has left a large power vacuum in the city, that criminals and shadowrunners alike are weighing the options to take. There are three factions that have seemingly survived the “purging” and are vying for control of the cape.
· With the deaths of the boss Anthony Ferraro and underboss Killian O’Neill, the Mafia has been in an inter-political war where the “capos” are struggling to decide on a leader.
o Joseph Ferraro claims he has the greater entitlement to the spot, as his Uncle was the boss.
§ Joe is also rumored to be the richest and rumored to live in the “Castlen” neighborhood.
o Sean O’Neill is demanding he is the rightful heir to command, as he is the son of the underboss.
§ Sean is rumored to control the largest force of mobsters.
o Nicolas Panchini is claiming that it is time for new blood and ideas, as the last regime brought death.
§ Nick makes sure to get any rumors squashed but ask around everyone has ideas.
· The Vory were also decimated and lost a lot of their command; however, they were quick to hash out new leadership quickly; and in doing so have also been able to take territory from the Mafia.
o It is rumored that the new “Prakhan” (leadeboss) is “Vetka Artov”, she used to be the “Obshchak” (security overseer)
§ This is a tall muscular female troll, no one messed with her before, and now even more so…
· The “Blue Lotus” Triad survived and has quickly claimed with force the old Yakuza territories of Vesperdene
o It is rumored that have a powerful backer assisting them.

There are eight main gangs that reside within and battle for neighborhoods; then there are several minor subsidiary gangs that control smaller “blocks” within those larger main gang territories. Below are the gang names and within that will be listed a few minor gangs they control.
· The “Drek-Heads” reside in and claim the northern part of the “Lower Addeley” as their own. It is rumored that the Drak-Heads are being led by Luis Barreto, a rumor that he vehemently denies. And no one has been able to expose this rumor to be the truth.
o The “Scrappers” control the criminal enterprises of “Dismantlers Corner” north of “Lower Addy”.
o The “Picaroons” reside in the “Racine Block” of the “Lower Addy” and are known for carjacking and piracy.
· The “Clowns” used to be part of the largest gang in the entire nation, the “Hard Time Kids”, but a recent schism has wrenched them apart. They are now known as the Clowns and despite the name are just as bad, if not worse than they were. They reside mostly in the “Longmarket” but are found in the “Pinelands” too.
o The “Jesters” reside in the “54th Block” of the western “Pinelands” and are more small-time criminals than anything else.
§ The 54th Block is also the location of the “Morningside Mega-Apartment Complex”
o The “Ha-ha Boys” reside in “Beggar’s Point” in “Longmarket” and are more violent than the clowns.
· The “Harvesters” are mostly found in the Matrix where they steal and extort the common wageworkeslave. Outside of the Matrix they reside in southern “Buisenkant” and deal in counterfeiting, Loansharking, and gambling.
o DotEXE” works for them outside of the bowl and resides in the “Frankfort Block” of Vesperdene.
· The “Tusks” are primarily an ork and troll gang that will sometimes allow those that are not orks and trolls entrance if they prove their worth and dedication to the gang. They reside in within the “Acacia Park” region of the crossroads.
o There are no smaller gangs that work directly for the Tusks.
o The Tusks associate with many gangs and on any given day they could be an ally or an enemy.
· The “Reapers” are the only major gang that requires you to be awakened to join. They mostly deal with the occult and some even call them a cult with their rituals and practices. They reside in “the Gut”, but their influence is felt through-out the entire city by way of the astral realm.
o The “Spirit Guides” are an organization that claims no affiliation with the Reapers, however, most of the known members of the Reapers were once Spirit Guides. The guides are a pseudo religious group that worships astral creatures. They have “lodges” located all over the city. However, unlike the Reapers they will recruit non-awakened.
· The “Draak Elwe” are a group of gang bangers that consider themselves trophy hunters more then a street gang. They call Vesperdene their home, but travel throughout the city and nation hunting the Zulu Wakyambi and other; quote, “over-abundant species’.
o There are no smaller gangs that work directly for the Draak Elwe.
· The “Red Demons” are the city’s resident go-gang. They reside and strike bystanders along the northern part of the N7. This leads to clashes with the Drek-Heads and the scrappers. Lone Star has also upped its manpower in this region, but with an already tight shift of officers working night and day, it has been hardly an improvement.
o The “Speed-Freaks” are a gang that deals with primarily moving cargo safely for a cost. They can be found in any blackmarket where one would need to get things into or out of city limits.
o The “Road-Master” is a gang in his own right, although there are many who take up the mantle of road-master within it this gangs ranks, it is believed that there is an original person, an old shadow-runner, that controls the far northern stretch of N7, by the boarder through military like force. No one has ever seen him or has there been a recent accounting of an attack.
· The “Sisters” were recently run out of Acacia Park and their church, the famous St. John’s Church, by city municipalities and have moved to the “Summer Green” region of the crossroads. They are a religious gang that is all female and is militant and brutal.
o The “Crusaders” are the militant arm of the Sisters and are just as violent and vicious as their historic counterparts.
Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vaal (Johannesburg):

Northeast of the center of the country you will find the remains of Johannesburg, a once great city is now just a huge slum encircling the inner city reserved for the elites and administrators that run the labor camps.
· This is the largest city in Azania, but that size comes from two cities merging and the vast sprawl that extends from the center
Leadership (movers and shakers):
Marielle Castilione (f (human) Mayor)
Trenton Jobs (m (human) Metro Police Force Chief)
Tandi Izula (m (ork) District Attorney)
Galen Kader (m (human) Saeder-Krup District Director)
Vala Ifu (f (Elf) Neo-Net District Director)
Ganya Ulwazi (m (elf) “King of the Garden” ()lord of the slums)
Malik Basset (m (shapechanger) Prime Minister of Azania)
Nandi Mogayna (m (human) Council of city affairs – Transportation)
Darron Frack (m (Elf) Council of city affairs – Logistics)
Lori Hadel (f (human) Council of city affairs – Human Services)
Zonke Opopa (m (dwarf) Council of city affairs – Safety)
Ingwe Layga (f (human) Council of city affairs – Operations)

Parliament council members:
The Parliament Building can be seen in the very center of the picture above
These are a few of the persons that handle all the nation’s major decisions and also reside in Pretoria.
(where-as not an official member, Mujaji is always welcome when she wants)
Yuko Locke (f (Elf))
Kwanele Nana (f (human))
Lunga Catz (m (human))
Cole Hayland (m (Elf))
Mercy Bennett (f (human))
Jama Mange (m (human))
Kennith Stoyer (m (dwarf))
Maddie Sharp (f (ork))
Ndonsa Endika (f (troll))
Gentry Foster (m (ork))
Eli Wood (m (human))
Nolan Richards (m (human))
Kayla Steward (f (Elf))
Abelo Nowlz (m (human))
Ufasimba Dulaka (m (Elf))
Isabelle Mitchel (f (human))

The neighborhoods are broken into zones, these zones have names associated with them, but can be commonly identified by numbeletter
Zone “A” and “B” are both inside the massive walls, the other six zones are numbers and represent 1/6th of the outer portion of the city, alphabetically.
Zone A – (Randburg – dual inner circles ):
· This is where the elite and rich live, and it is protected as such.
· Most of this part of the city is clean and white
· Travel to and from and even through in some places is closely monitored and check pointed.
There are no ground passageways outside of this zone that lead outside of the walls, that are not heavily monitored.
Zone B – (Johannesburg – outer circle)):
· This where the uppemiddle class and also the servants live.
· Travel through-out this area is as free as any other city, however, there are check points to move outside of the walls.
· Lone Star has a national large headquarters here.
· The largest “Urban Brawl” stadium is located here and spans several city blocks

Starting clock-ways (north) and going around...
Zone One – (Tembisa):
· This is mostly commercial and lower-class to middle-class residents that live in this zone.
· This section is built up and is mostly made up of multi-story buildings and well-kept streets.
Those that visit Pretoria for work or pleasure will often stay here if they cannot afford the inner circles.
Zone Two – (Kempton Park):
· Mostly lower-class residential, and unmaintained parks dot this zone with habitation.
· This glorified slum is not as densely populate as zone 04 or 05, and as such, the shacks are a little more well build and most are built on a stone/brick foundation and have a second or third story.
· The further you get away from the city This zone is farmland.
Zone Three – (Alberton):
· One can find mostly slums and industrial parks here, it is not uncommon for large caliber weaponry to be brandished here with no repercussions.
· For a price though, you can rent personal security while there.
· The “king” controls this zone as well and has his own personal security force that he employs to keep the peace.
Zone Four – (Soweto):
· This cesspit and slum, is also the largest zone, and extends out to the Driefontein Mine
· This zone is controlled by slums Ganya Ulwazi, the self-proclaimed “King of the Slums”. As such no work gets done without his approval and assistance.
· This zone is mostly comprised of tightly condensed shacks.
Zone Five – (Roodepoort):
· This is all lower-class with a few strips of slumlands near the south
· This zone is mostly farmland and that land acts as a barrier from the slum of zone 04 and the nicer zone 06.
· Parts of the southern region and the farmlands of this zone are controlled by the “King” and his “Pretorian Guard”
· It is crucial that the food crops are maintained and defended.
Zone Six – (Steyn City):
· One of the smaller zone, it is sandwiched between Pretoria and “The Cradle Game Reserve”
· It has some of the best gardens in any of the outer zones and a lower-class population that works diligently to keep and maintain the look. However, they do not take kindly to visitors or tourist.
· Everyone here feels a duty to pitch in and help out.

Organized Crime:
· Most of the criminal activities are handled by the gangs of Pretoria
o They constantly work together to make sure not one gang gets too big to take control, and this is all rumored to be orchestrated by one man. The “King of the Slums”
o There is a rumor that this is enhanced by the vast wealth exchanging hands and no one wanting to rock the boat
· The Metropolitan Police Force is also a well-paid elite subsidiary of Lone Star and does its best to keep crime to a minimum throughout the city and the subsequent zones.

There are three main gangs within the city of Pretoria and one that plies in criminal activities but rumored for the good of the people…sort of like the old stories of Robinhood.
· The “Hard Time Kids” reside in Alberton (Zone 03) and are the original gang before the schism that broke the most powerful into the two most powerful and largest in their respected cities.
o The “Bucket Brothers
· The “Tusks” that reside within Pretoria are a colony gang that broke away when those from Cape Town started allowing non-ork and non-trolls into their ranks. They reside in Styen City (zone 06)
o Like their counterparts, they are too violent to work with any minor gangs for too long.
· The “Stutzer” are a white only branch of the Humanist Poli-club that works exclusively in South Africa. They reside mostly in Kempton Park (zone 02). They attack everyone that isn’t human and white.
o The “5th Reich” is a German only branch of the Stutzer and a lot of members are in both gangs, you must speak German as a natural language and be able to trace your lineage. It is rumored that they are the ones that are actually in command.
· The “Pretorian Guard” are as much a gang as any other group of misfit criminals. They reside primarily in Soweto (zone 04), but their reach extends all the way into the capital and inner circle. They act as defenders of the people more than violent hoodlums.
o The king is a Wakyambi (elf) and is believed to have been in the city before everything went down 60+ years ago. Thus, he has a lot of pull and influence within the city and its residence.
Zulu Nation:

Far to the east along the coast is the home of the Zulu tribal Nation of Elves. Visitors need to get special permits to travel past their boarders into their capital of New Hlobane; and even if you are an elf your chances are not good. There are even Wakyambi that are not even allowed to enter. Being banished is a fate worse than death to most nationals.
The N3 is the highway that cuts through the capital of New Hlobane
Leadership (movers and shakers):
Celogal Xanth (m (elf) Prince)
Eragor Kant (m (elf) National Military General)
Larry Walker (m (elf) Chief City Relation Advisor)
Arien Lace (f (elf) Chief Royal Attendant)
Grant Evans (m (human) Pretoria Diplomat and Ambassador)
Yalaris Moot (f (elf) Cape Town Diplomat and Ambassador)
Camanchi (f (shapechanger) Willowton District Alderman)
Wami Chundo (m Lincoln Meade District Alderwoman)
Olas Munga (m (elf) Loop District Alderman)
Reidrey Hado (m (ork) Downtown District Alderman)
Eris Jalamba (f (elf) Clarendon District Alderwoman)
Popau Lolula (m (elf) Scottsville District Alderman)

These areas are broken into districts that each have a representative on the “High Seats” these members along with the price oversee the affairs and direction that the city will take.
· Willowton
o This district is northeast of the loop and is comprised mostly of industrial factories and the slums that surround them. When one pictures slums, they picture Cape Town’s Longmarket or Pretoria’s Soweto neighborhoods, but this would be more like lower-class in those cities. The nation of Zulu prides itself on maintaining their empire.
· Lincoln Meade
o This district is located east of the loop and is comprised of middle-class families and large parkland, that of which rivals the loop. It is one of the newer districts and is still in development, thus the lush natural aesthetics that still remain.
· Loop
o The Loop is the district that binds all the other districts together, it is at the center of the city and all the major roadways converge in this area. It also has the most parks and gardens of any other district.
· Downtown
o This district is northwest of the loop and is all larger buildings and vertical gardens. The city is surrounded by an unrelenting jungles with many unpleasant creatures and this makes it hard for farmers to keep land safe. So downtown has become the largest food depository in all of the nation. At least 2/3rds of all the high rises have some sort of agriculture built into them.
· Clarendon
o This district is located north-northeast of downtown and is mostly middle-class single-family homes broken into suburbs. Most of the working class live in this zone and the houses are the oldest in the city.
· Signal Hill
o This district is west of downtown and the loop and is a gated community and a small town in unto itself. It is also where the royal family lives in their castle and surrounding them are the uber-elite mansions.
· Scottsville
o This district is located south of the loop and is includes mostly tightly packed lower-class suburbs and a few middle-class houses sprinkled throughout the area of those that haven’t moved out yet. This district also has the most apartment complexed save for downtown.

Organized Crime:
· It is alleged that technically there is no organized crime within the Zulu nation. This is speculated with rumors and whispers that the Zulu nation is in fact a criminal organization that actually controls the nation.
· This conspiracy theory is backed by stories of Zulu nationals in other parts of the country intertwined within other criminal networks.

· The “Pack” is the only one main gang within the city boundaries and it likes to keep it that way. They are rumored to be unofficial defenders and protectors of the city and the nation. They can be found throughout the whole nation.
o It is mostly comprised of shapeshifters and unbound spirits
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the diamond casino & resort wall art video

The Diamond Casino & Resort is a content update for Grand Theft Auto Online, released on July 23rd, 2019. 1 Description 2 Content 2.1 The Diamond Program 2.2 Properties 2.3 Activities 2.4 Missions & Events 2.5 Character Customization 2.6 Collectibles 2.7 Vehicles 3 Changes 4 Discounts & Bonuses 5 Gallery 5.1 Official Screenshots 5.2 GIFs 5.3 Videos 6 Trivia 7 Navigation The update introduces ... The Diamond Program was an ongoing program added to Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the The Diamond Casino & Resort update. 1 Description 2 First Qualification Period 3 Second Qualification Period 4 Gallery 4.1 First Qualification Period 4.2 Second Qualification Period 5 See Also The Diamond Program was added primarily to reward players for playing the update's content, such as purchasing ... There are some things in life that money can’t buy. But don’t fret. The Casino Store offers a rotating selection of tastefully curated items that can be purchased with Chips. Make your penthouse an center of modern art. Casino & Resort VIP Membership Services. At The Diamond, there are Standard members, and there are VIP members. The Diamond Casino & Resort ... you can buy various decorations to place around the penthouse⁠—wall art, trinkets for shelves and other surfaces, even floor sculptures. The level of control in ... The Diamond Casino and Resort is a luxurious locale, found in Vinewood at the corner of Vinewood Park Drive and Mirror Park Boulevard.. In it, players can while away the hours with slot machines ... casino is not included yet, but i will build in later updates it has several stores and a hotel enjoy at the diamond casino and resort ! dear java players, map for java edition will be put soon! leave a diamond if you liked the map! As a show of appreciation for such a momentous event for GTA Online, we're rewarding everyone who participated in the Grand Opening of The Diamond Casino & Resort between July 23 and August 3 with a pair of stylish memorabilia items and a GTA$250K... A new GTA Online Artwork made by me with my GTA Online character in full GTA Art Style. Well I have returned again with the ultimate build from GTA Online, the Diamond Casino and Resort! I spent a week building this about a month back but now I have it ready to post. This building was added in the summer of 2019 with the "Diamond Casino and Resort" DLC.

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