Sugilite Value, Price, and Jewelry Information ...

sugilite gem

sugilite gem - win

I was inspired by the beautiful colors I just got because they're actual gem stone names! I had to make some Crystal Gems! I even got Sugilite! Lapis is my favorite though 😍 (I know the shapes aren't right :( I really look forward to getting more molds that are the right shapes!)

I was inspired by the beautiful colors I just got because they're actual gem stone names! I had to make some Crystal Gems! I even got Sugilite! Lapis is my favorite though 😍 (I know the shapes aren't right :( I really look forward to getting more molds that are the right shapes!) submitted by Killing4MotherAgain to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

If gems are made of light why did Pearl get scratches and bruises when she fought Sugilite?

submitted by Eutotriste to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

I just noticed that in the pear vs sugilite fight that pearl had scrapes on her knees and me and my friends have been arguing If this was just a mistake or if gems can get scrapes i thought gems can’t only get bad injuries and when that happens they poof

I just noticed that in the pear vs sugilite fight that pearl had scrapes on her knees and me and my friends have been arguing If this was just a mistake or if gems can get scrapes i thought gems can’t only get bad injuries and when that happens they poof submitted by t0astedpancak3 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Theory on Gem Power + 6 types of Love WARNING: LONG!!!

So this is an actual theory, maybe just a theor-ette(like a vinginette, but for theories). Anyway, it has to do with just some general idea's I have about gem power.
I've seen it in a couple of other places, but I also believe that a gem's power is referenced by their size(Rebecca Sugar noted that her characters don't have set 'sizes' so much as they are scaled against one another- this would easily explain why). Examples, Rose is the biggest obviously and in the SDCC showing of the extended season two opening, Yellow Diamond was obviously biggest of her team with Jasper a close second- able to fight on par with Garnett, the biggest of her group though because she's a fusion and thus the power of two- ruby and sapphire are weaker than the others which is why their small. Pearl is not necessarily "bigger" than amethyst, only taller- she has much less mass to her form so it could be more like they're just distributing it differently. Steven is the exception seeing as he's half human, and must grow.
In the setting of fusions, Opal is much smaller than Sugilite or Sardonyx not only because it's only two gems fusing but because Garnet's power is that great. Also, it's worth mentioning that Opal is bigger than Garnett, seeing as, individually, Pearl and Amethyst are stronger than Sapphire and Ruby. Similarly, while it might be hard to tell, I think that Sardonyx is a little tiny bit bigger than Sugilite, though, this could again be distribution seeing as Sugilite is a meaty broad and Sardonyx has more lines than curves.
Now, seeing as fusions are relationships, it bears worth to think of what those relationships are, and furthermore to remember that all relationships are subject to the dynamics of power through superior and subordinate ranks. This doesn't mean physical power of course but what like your natural contenance or presence- something like that.
I feel that this expresses itself in the form that a fusion takes, and in a similar but less obvious fashion the way the way gems make themselves look. I'll start with that
Pearl: Her personality is group-depended(as confirmed by Rebecca Sugar) which means she needs to be part of a group, serving purpose as part of a team. One way I think of that is she needs to serve. This is one facet of why she was so attached to Rose and so lost without her(not the whole of it obviously, but certainly a noteworthy part). She listens to Garnett- the de facto leader- but I think she doesn't serve because she knows Garnet is Ruby and Sapphire, strong of course, but no Rose. Because of her servitude, what she was taught as a Pearl or an intelligence/plan/thinker type gem, and how she felt being 'defective' that she makes herself the the thinnest, like she's the easiest to miss. The only thing really big about her is her head, because that's the only part of her she believes is worth anything.
Amethyst: Amethyst is counter-dependent- always rebelling whether for a reason or not, like she doesn't feel she belongs and must reject them or constantly test how far her rejection can go until she proves herself right. She seems to mostly have come out of her hole in the form she had, and has obviously taken her hair from Greg. Her clothing choices are most in sync with Earth style of the gems, but her body remains short and squat(though it's observed she can make her form biggetaller more muscular than curvy) I think this is because she did not grow up with the benefit of knowing what Homeworld or it's inhabitants usually looked like- she's only had Earth to model herself after. While I think there's a chance however small that she's retained her shape because she was the baby among the gems(pre-Steven) and got used to it, or used to her form from coming out of the hole where she didn't seem to meet anyone else until Rose & co. and so felt no reason/had no thought to change, I think it's also because she doesn't like herself. She can hide behind her hair, she's close to the ground- small and squat- and more than any of the other gems, she changes her form into anything else so she doesn't have to be herself. She's not muscle-curve looking like strong Garnett, or head-centric like Pearl, she's kind of like a lump of clay.
Rose: Roses' form was big(physical power) but completely unthreatening. There was hardly a straight line on her- she was all rounded edges and curls and circles, making her look soft and safe. She was also proud and considered herself highly, especially in comparison to humans. The biggest thing on her that wasn't her was her hair, and she might have noticed that at least on Earth a woman's hair was her pride(all the other gems have very Gem hair, save for Amethyst and Jasper, their hair comes in shapes or stands up oddly or looks rather unnatural). She put her hair in big, gigantic, completely impossible to miss curls like "Oh, human women are proud of their hair- haha I can do that too." In battle with Jasper in Pearl's memory projection her hair was curled but she'd obviously already been on Earth. Plus, assuming she was once part of the diamond Authority, it's more than possible her hair was once more diamond as it's not a style specific to the diamonds (See Peridot). Furthermore her dress was pretty human and you don't see many skirts among the gems(her and Lapis are the only one's I've noted) but her dress is very wedding/prom, and who draws more attention/is more important than a woman going to her wedding or prom? She must have felt that fitting.
I think that's enough examples of the gems themselves, so I'm gonna go into fusions.
Useful information: Where we have one word for love and apply it to everything, Greeks divided love into several words to describe different kinds. I think all the fusions between the crystal Gems are based on love, but to be more specific, I'm using the Greek words to describe them.
6 Greek loves:
*Agape- Selfless love, one that extended to all people, even strangers, and is often detrimental to the expresser where it is beneficial to those it is being expressed.
*Eros- Passionate/Romantic love, but viewed rather negatively as the loss of control to a dangerous and fiery emotion that possesses you with desire and makes you irrational and unreasonable.
*Philia- Friendship, but more in line with the deep comradery that springs from brothers-in-arms; being loyal and sacrificing for one another. -Another kind of Philia is Stoge, which is the love a parent has for their child.
*Ludus- Playful love, like that between children, close friends, and new lovers.(I think I want to note to you that the writer of the article I read for this said dancing with strangers would be the ultimate ludic activity)
*Pragma- Longstanding love based on compromise, patience, and tolerance.
*Philautia- love of self, outside narcissim, like the Buddhist "Self-compassion" as an understanding of how to appreciate yourself.
Garnet: Ruby and Sapphire are obviously romantic toward one another, but I think the bases of their relationship is Philia, probably with more Eros coming from Ruby and more Pragma from Sapphire. Together they make Garnet, who is Independent, which taking into account she's a fusion makes her as an individual, Philautia. Because the two of them always think of themselves as together and love each other so much, it's easy for them to come together completely seeing as there's always a wanted give and take between them and no one is vying for superiority or feels inferior in the presence of the other. All, of course, save for the third eye which I'd posit is mostly just to share sights the look at if not just to keep the future vision. Otherwise, they're a perfect fusion.
**Note*, combined, their gems are two hands of their fusion, working together, being able to hold one another, and being able to interact with the world around them separately and together. But not the heart or the head, which is why Garnet might seem sort of detached at times and is more of an action person.
Opal: The relationship between Pearl and Amethyst when they fuse, I believe is a mix of Ludus, Philia, and Stoge. Because they obviously had to fuse a first time, and from Amethyst's assertion that Pearl isn't fun "anymore", along with what I consider the somewhat silly way the two of them danced together of what we saw in "Giant Woman" I think a lot of it was a Ludus, maybe like 60%, thinking that the first time they fused, they were just having some fun together. Fun for Pearl is analytical in nature and fun for Amethyst is lacking responsibility, so that's where I think the 10% Stoge comes in; Pearl would probably have been teaching Amethyst about fusion who probably would have been happy to learn and try out dance moves, much like a parent nurtures a child and teaches a new skill. The other 30% would have been the Philia of comrades, which is what was needed when neither of the other emotions remained easily accessable for either of them and they needed to help Steven, as comrades, loyal to each other for the mission and their Steven. Being that the first time the two of them fused, they would have been enjoying themselves and Amethyst submitting easily to Pearl the fusion comes out pretty well. Opal is the only pure-gem fusion to only have two eyes, I think because Pearl took control completely of what they saw and Amethyst allowed it. The only imperfection is their arms, and that's just because I think they'd both understand that they have to work together but not be one in the same.
**Note* Their two gems are the head and the heart, which would also explain why Opal seems so even tempered. She feels but she has her head to control it and think things through.
Sugilite: I think Garnet and Amethyst's relationship is Stoge, Pragma, and a touch of Eros. Obviously Garnet takes care of Amethyst, always has, and looks after her same as the rest of her group, sort of like a mother hen though far less involved. Amethyst in turn, looks up to Garnet and listens to her. When Garnet is upset at Pearl and demands instead to fuse with Amethyst, this is all that really remains a sense of Amethyst needing to listen, and Garnet making the descisions. Still, though Amethyst is wild, and dealing with her takes a lot of patience especially from a level as high as Garnet's so pragma becomes involved. However, from Amethyst, the desire to be with Garnet, to feel that powerful, is strong(both she and Pearl freak out when Garnet says/implies she wants to fuse with them), and it can often overrule other thoughts. Between them, Amethyst doesn't feel the need- I think- to submit, instead she wants to burst out right along side Garnett and Garnet can accept that though both know who is the more powerful. Sugilite though has 5 eyes instead of four, I think because Sapphire has to stay active in order to counter all the strength and wildness of what would otherwise be a more pure Ruby and Amethyst. Garnett I think is the base though, as the body type is all hers mostly, and allows the more superficial details to be added on top. Still, a lot of Amethyst shows forth in Sugilite, from leg shape to lips, to hair.
**Note* Sugilite's gems are the heart and the hands which just makes sense, there seems to be little to no thought going on but a lot of desire/'I want to do this, I want to do that' carefree-ness with two strong hands of action to back it up.
Sardonyx - Philia and Philautia, with just another touch of Eros. We know the Eros comes from Pearl as similarly as it came from Amethyst in Sardonyx, but Philia is in the two of them recognizing each other as true comrades, having fought in the war together and recognizing each other strengths. Pearl doesn't fawn over Garnet the way she did for Rose so it's easier for her to see her as an equal. Philautia I put because both of them, I believe, like themselves when they go into this relationship with one another and in doing so, plus Pearl loves being together, and they end up bordering on narcissistic as Sardonyx(I say bordering because true narcissism sees itself as the highest point, believes everything in the world is at it's core and most chiefly to their personal gain or personal enemy, and cannot truly love anything/anyone else and Sardonyx obviously loves Steven). Garnet, once again, holds the superior seat in the relationship, but Pearl believes she can be of a bit of use. Once again it's Garnet's body type that is the base, her legs especially, and even the arms could be said more of her than Pearl as both arms are skinny, but only Garnet has arm/hand coverings and palms that wide. Pearl's pointy nose and more triangular hair. Sardonyx only has four eyes though, though two are much more squinted/pushed aside/small than the others for Pearl's submittance. Pearl's arms, much like Amethyst's in both other fusions, are the lower of the two(judging from which one's pull the corresponding weapon, Though Opal's are much more side to side in shoulder placement, and Sugilite's seem to spring from the same joint where Sugilite's are around her hips).
**Note* Sardonyx's gems are her head and her hands. She thinks, and also thinks highly of herself her thoughts, and her prowess, and she has hands to show the world this is true- preform, entertain, and display.
Rainbow Quarts- Stoge and Eros, plain and simple. Rose I think, sees all three other gems as children, beneath her, but lovingly so, while Pearl is like a teenager in the throughs of a heavy, possessive crush. However, because what Pearl brings is also complete Agape toward Rose, their fusion is also nearly perfect, Pearl contributes little to the fusion save for hair color, clothing style, and her eyes, even her proud nose is downplayed and becomes curvy. Furthermore, I don't think Rainbow Quarts is a heck of a lot bigger than Rose. Seperately, I don't think Pearl fusing with Steven would result in Rainbow Quartz- the relationship has changed to Agape and Stoge mostly I think, with Steven perhaps bringing in Philia for being part of the team.
**Note* RQ's gems are her head and her stomach. Where I leave feelings/desire/untethered emotion to Amethyst and her heart gem, I take Rose's to be depth(she's seen a lot and chosen her stand), Mothering (Umbilical/belly button) and/or a Self-Center(the middle of the body-basically- and her opinions on herself). Taking mostly the Self-Center and the head, I think is why RQ seems so sensual and sure of herself as to give teasing, erotic looks and such. There wasn't much of her shown though so it's difficult to tie down.
Alexandrite- There is so much going on with Alexandrite it's pretty much just the whole list. With all those different things and no clear separation, it's clear why she's kind of a mess even with two mouths, 3 sets of arms, and such. They don't seem to do it very well, because of unclear power dynamics, so their personalities begin to separate and they eventually pop.
**Note* Alexandrite's gems are all over the place. She's being pulled by too many assertions of power.
Stevonnie- Ludis. Garnet pretty much names their relationship/experience "Fun" and thus encourages them to have it. Every time they fuse it's because they're having fun together and usually right after Steven feels a little lighthearted and blushy from what could be seen as unintentional young lover style flirting. With only one strong emotion between them, much like Garnett, it's much easier for them to form a perfect fusion, along with the fact that their both part human and don't conciouslly choose their appearance, instead understanding what there must be, i.e. two legs, two arms, two eyes. Each of them thinks more highly of the other than they do themselves which once again creates a desired give and take between them. However, because they become one person, they don't have fun together- still coming to think of themselves separately, but with no way to depict it as others can with their eyes.
**Note* It's hard to say for Stevonnie because they only have one gem between them and it's steven's so it changes neither color nor placement.
Steven: I've listed Steven here because I think he's basically a fusion of Greg and Rose, just you know, much more Earthy. Greg can't change his form and Rose has no middle ground bonding agent(as with Stevonnie) so Rose has to sacrifice her entire form instead with bits of Greg in it. That leads me to assume Steven is a personification of the small bit of Eros, but mostly Agape. Rose was always willing to give her life for humans, which is why she was at war for them, but Greg was her favorite, and in the end she sacrificed herself to be one with him and bring Steven(their fusion) into the world. As Agape is selfless and sacrificial, that was all there was too it and they fit and he's so perfect a fusion no one knows that's what he is yet.
**Note* As stated one of the reasons I think Rose's gem is her belly is for Mothering and Umbilical. That's Steven's belly button where he obviously(probably) wouldn't have needed one, and who is more sacrificing than a mother for her child?
.:EDIT:. Going on the knowledge from Garnet that a fusion is more than the sum of it's parts, Steven as a fusion of Rose even just with Greg, would be theoretically provably stronger than Rose. Plus Fusions generally meld colors of their seperates, and what was Rose? Light and bubblegum pink. What was Greg? Black. What is Steven's shirt(of which he has no idea how he acquired and was given to him too early for him to fit)? Dark pink.
Anyway, that's a read, so feel free to leave this be if you want. I just wrote it to have it down. BTW, Malachite's entire relationship is based on distrust and anger. They're always trying to come apart now so the form is unstable. That's why she wonks and looks so mostly effed up. And the gem shard fusions are completely without consent so their each still trying to be them and have no feelings toward the others, which is why their even more wonky and effed up.
submitted by F-I-O to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Posting an E-Girl Gem until I run out of gems. Number Two: Sugilite [OC]

Posting an E-Girl Gem until I run out of gems. Number Two: Sugilite [OC] submitted by CornFish_59 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Fusions: Part 3--"She just too reckless to be controlled. Good luck.", ; Sugilite, Warlock Legendary Gem

Fusions: Part 3-- submitted by MonstrousMaelstromZ to customhearthstone [link] [comments]

About Sugilite Gemstone | Sugilite Mineral | Genuine Sugilite | Rare Gem...

About Sugilite Gemstone | Sugilite Mineral | Genuine Sugilite | Rare Gem... submitted by gems-mineralogy to Gemology [link] [comments]

One thing I don't get; if Gems are asexual and mostly don't understand human mating rituals, why does Pearl feel the need to cover Steven's eyes from the Sugilite fusion dance?

submitted by Grandy12 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

3D Gem Portraits Set 3: Opal, Sugilite, Sardonyx, Rainbow Quartz, and Alexandrite

3D Gem Portraits Set 3: Opal, Sugilite, Sardonyx, Rainbow Quartz, and Alexandrite submitted by IG-64 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

If sugilite is made out of 3 gems...

Then that woule make her a Minaj a trois.
submitted by joshbones to SUpuns [link] [comments]

Halloween Gems: Sugilite!

Halloween Gems: Sugilite! submitted by Topham_Kek to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

When the Gems form Sugilite again, will she hold a grudge against Pearl?

Since Sugilite's personality can easily overtake Garnet's and Amethyst's, I can see her wanting to continue the fight where she and Pearl left off. To say she is going to be pissed will be an understatement! With Steven's help though, Pearl will convince her to help them in whatever dire situation they're facing. But Sugilite will warn her "Fine, I'll help. But when this is over, I'm coming after you!"
submitted by justchuck1070 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Oh my gem, how amazing would a 1 on 1 Sugilite vs. Malachite battle be?

submitted by Jasiono to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Something I made for one of my favorite shows and the least talked about Gem, Sugilite.

Something I made for one of my favorite shows and the least talked about Gem, Sugilite. submitted by superminion123 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

rocks | minerals | gems | gemstones | crystals | nature | geology | sugilite | pretty | beautiful | purple

rocks | minerals | gems | gemstones | crystals | nature | geology | sugilite | pretty | beautiful | purple submitted by UntamedAnomaly to UntamedAnomaly [link] [comments]

Sugilite fusion music in gem glow

As i was rewatching Gem Glow, i noticed that when Garnet starts talking about how she summons her weapons the first part of her and Amethyst's fusion song starts playing. I forgot how they reused these little songs every now and then!
submitted by EdgyMemeLord to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Steven Universe - Cyrstal Gems Fusion Analysis Part 1: Opal and Sugilite

Steven Universe - Cyrstal Gems Fusion Analysis Part 1: Opal and Sugilite submitted by Megumimary to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

So if Steven can fuse with gems and can fuse with humans imagine him fusing with both gems and humans

So which human and which gem would you like to see in a fusion.
Also Sugilite and Onion is the stuff of nightmares....
submitted by frogbelikemoo to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Consistencies In Fusion

I Just Wanted To Talk About Some Things I Notice That Persist In Fusions Please Feel Free To Comment Traits That I Haven’t Mentioned
• Pearl Noses: Every Pearl Fusion Has The Iconic Pointy Nose - Examples: Alexandrite, Sardonyx, Opal, Rainbow Quartz, Rainbow 2.0, Obsidian, Mega Pearl
• Bubble-Lips: Fusions That Consist Of Gems Like Amethyst, Sapphire, And Pink/Rose All Have Those Lips That These Three Gems Have - Examples: Alexandrite, Garnet, Sugilite, Opal, Smoky Quartz, Rainbow Quartz, Obsidian
submitted by Rebboi to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

oh well

oh well submitted by The-Sassy-Bastard to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Garnet fusions (specifically) are TV personalities: here's why...

So first I want to say that I love finding new things everytime I rewatch this show!!
Recently I noticed that Sardonyx and Sunstone break the fourth wall, and I thought that it must be her future vision evolving with fusions. Then I thought about Sugilite...can she? We don't get any evidence, but I would bet a year's salary that she can.
Think about this:
Sardonyx is obviously a talk show host and breaks the fourth wall in her room. "Everybody loves a callback...Do we still have to pay her?" She could probably do the same outside of her room since the rooms don't actually add anything to the gems, they just accent their personalities.
Sunstone actively tells the audience about safety and bullies. She's an 80s/90s after school special or Saturday morning cartoon.
So then what is Sugilite? Well for one she's voiced by Nicki Minaj, which may or may not be significant, but get this: she's a pro wrestler! "You like that little man?" She's big and strong, but still theatrical and trying to impress Steven...
So that's my analysis! Let me know what you think!!
submitted by AnarkeyToTheCity to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

"We only fuse when absolutely necessary" i see

submitted by GEF_ to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

sugilite gem video

Pearl Vs Sugilite HD - YouTube Sugilite tutorial on Gemsona Maker - YouTube Steven Universe Soundtrack ♫ - Synchronize/Sugilite - YouTube [MMD x Steven Universe] Sugilite - Fusion Dance (FX Test ... Sugilite Gem Fusion - YouTube Sugilite  Stone of Spiritual 📿 Protection 🛡 - YouTube Sugilite - The Crystal of Universal Love - YouTube Steven Universe Soundtrack ♫ - Sugilite Returns - YouTube Fusion Dance Sugilite - YouTube

Gem quality sugilite was found by accident when the roof of a shaft caved in during the development of the mine. When the find was published in 1980, the South African sugilite was described as having a vitreous lustre and granular texture, with a chemical composition identical to the occurance in Japan. Sugilite is a rare mineral and a gemstone best known for its vibrant pink to purple colors. High-quality specimens are sought after by mineral collectors and lapidarists (people who cut and polish gems). Sugilite is a sodium potassium lithium silicate mineral. Small amounts of manganese produce the pink to purple color displayed by some specimens ... Bonas is pleased to bring to market the exciting and unique new gemstone Sugilite, a beautiful purple mineral denoting wealth, prosperity and healing.Our Sugilite comes from the prestigious Wessels and Nchwaning mines in South Africa, which hosts the only significant deposit of gem quality Sugilite, situated deep in the Kalahari Manganese Fields. Sugilite is massive in size, with a stocky build. She has veronica-colored skin, 4 arms, and dark purple-black hair, which is wild and unkempt; similar to the Crystal Gem Sugilite. She has 5 eyes (the upper-eye features a gemstone as the pupil), a round nose, and plump lips. Over her lower-eyes, she wears a pair of semi-transparent vizors. This wasn't much of an issue when sugilite was just an obscure ugly greenish-yellowish-brown rock-forming mineral from Japan, but when it was found in South Africa as large quantities of bright purple lapidary rock and thousands of people in the gem trade started talking about it, the bad pronunciation became entrenched (Alfredo Petrov 2014). Sugilite Properties You can’t miss sugilite when you walk into the store because its grape jelly purple color will surely grab your attention. It’s a beautiful and rare gem that can be opaque, and it usually comes Sugilite is a versatile material that can be used in the form of beads, inlay, drilled gemstones, faceted gemstones and cabochons to create a wide range of striking purple jewelry. In fine jewelry, sugilite is often set in yellow gold, which provides an interesting contrast. Bulgari's sugilite ring is yellow gold. Buy Sugilite Gemstones Online At Wholesale Prices. Sugulite (also sugilite) is a purple stone that is most often opaque, but occasionally translucent. Due to its rarity, the translucent Sugulite is more expensive. It was found and named in 1944 in Japan. It is also found in Canada and South Africa. In 1975, a core-drill sample from a manganese mine near Hotazel, South Africa revealed a thin seam of sugilite. This material had enough manganese content to give it a deep purple color. Small but significant, the deposit became the first source of gem-quality sugilite and launched the gem’s now famous association with purple. Sugilite is a cyclosilicate mineral, with a hardness of 6 to 6.5. Its color ranges from pale lilac to deep purple. Sugilite crystallizes in the hexagonal system with prismatic crystals. A deep Magenta-purple and translucent Sugilite is considered the most pristine, and is referred to as ‘Gel’ or ‘Gem Sugilite’.

sugilite gem top

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Pearl Vs Sugilite HD - YouTube

My New Tumblr: Made with The music that plays when Sugilite arrives at the temple and Pearl and Sugilite duke it out in "Coach Steven." Includes a reprise of "Strong in the Real Way.... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Motion By: Hoshicho Amethyst and Garnet: Likeabaka Sugilite by: yolky206#MMD #StevenUniverse #FusionDance Sugilite was only discovered in the middle of the last century. Like crystals such as Kunzite, it has been suggested they were unveiled to humanity in prepar... Garnet and Amethyst's fusion dance music and Sugilite's theme from "Coach Steven."Composed by Aivi Tran and Steven "Surasshu" Velema. Picture drawn by Paul V... See what happens when Garnet and Amethyst need to fuse together to create Sugilite (Guest voice: Nicki Minaj) Click over to for all the resources, photos, & links referred to here in this video & for posting your commen...

sugilite gem

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