Presque Isle Downs plans to open 2020 meet on July 27

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Dev Diary II: Maine - The Smell of Burning Pine

As armed revolt sweeps across the nation, from California to Chicago to Baltimore, New England stands as a rare bastion of safety amidst the great red storm. The general Yankee impression of the rebellions was that of willful ignorance - it was troublesome, but something for those ‘other states’ to deal with.
While Massachusetts and Connecticut faced widespread rioting in the wake of the death of Martin Luther King Jr. and the military-backed removal of President McGovern, the trouble wasn’t too much for the boys of the National Guard to deal with. And in the northernmost states of the region, one could be forgiven for doubting there was much resentment at all to the current state of things.
It will take time for the shockwaves that started in DC, Ann Arbor, and Oakland to reach the far northeast. But as they do, the six states of New England may be transformed into something unrecognizable.
By most accounts, Maine should have weathered the incipient civil war rather well. The northeastern state lacks the sort of ethnic divisions common in the rest of the country, and the small scale of their economy protects them from any major economic shocks. Migration to the state has caused its population to spike, with the Back-to-the-Land Movement directing much of the new blood into the agricultural sector. The Maine Progressive Party, in power since the 50s, have maintained a strong social safety net for the state’s citizens in the form of stripped-down, state-level continuations of the old New Deal programs. The Pine Tree State ought to be happy, prosperous, and above all stable. This has not been the case.
The radical politics of the recent migrants caused tension with long-time inhabitants of the state, especially in more rural and conservative regions, which certain elements of the federal government sought to inflame. They considered the local strength of the Progressive Party to be a threat to the country’s security - and covert tactics used abroad were reused at home. Federal intelligence conducted surveillance of Progressive officials, justifying its actions using the Party's earlier ties to alleged subversive Communist front groups. Right wing militias, previously a minor annoyance with far more bark than bite, mysteriously acquired a great deal of funding and weaponry. And as patrols and threats by right wing militia became commonplace, left wing groups began to respond in kind, though real violence remained thankfully limited.
Things came to a head after the election of the first Progressive president, Gene McCarthy, the favored candidate of the counterculture and the anti-war movement. The numerous militia groups, hostile to federal power in the best of times, were inflamed by the election of who they claimed was a limp-wristed, pinko, totalitarian commie sympathizer. Death threats and brawls turned into arson, kidnappings, and even murder. The state government was completely caught by surprise, and the CIA hamstrung their efforts to respond.
In the wake of such violence at home, as well as the assasination of McCarthy and the de facto military coup against McGovern, the left wing has begun to take action as well. However, this movement has taken a decidedly different turn than the radical left of other states. Yes, there are still the pot-filled hippie communes, and idealistic college youth still rally and riot against the war overseas, but radical words have spread to the oft-forgotten underbelly of Maine's society. To murmured conversation in jail lunchrooms, to half-drunken speeches and cheers in seedy bars, to the tiresome assembly line of the dying paper mills, around the kitchen tables of Canadien farmers - there is a general feeling in Maine that something, anything, ought to change.
Welcome to the Pine Tree State - mind your step, and stay inside at night.
Starting Government
In 1969, the Governor of Maine is a man by the name of Kenneth Merwin Curtis. Curtis is a moderate among the Progressives, and beyond an interest in strengthening environmental legislation and improving gun control regulation, he is seen as a generally inoffensive governor without particular ambition. He does not need to be anything more - real power does not lie with him.
Behind the scenes lies the most powerful man in Maine - the “shadow governor” Edmund Sixtus Muskie. A progressive firebrand, former governor and longtime senator from Maine, Ed Muskie has been the political boss of the Maine Progressive Party for as long as there has been a Maine Progressive Party. It was Muskie who near-singlehandedly turned Maine's Progressives into a force to be reckoned with, absorbing much of the state's Democrats and putting an end to decades of Republican dominance.
While Muskie is beloved by the left and despised by the right, the situation in Augusta appears relatively stable. After all, as the GOP and the Dems bicker, Governor Curtis is widely expected to be reelected in the upcoming 1970 gubernatorial elections, as the youth-backed "McCarthy wave" reaches gubernatorial elections, and anger at the McCormack administration rises. It would take something truly catastrophic to knock the Progressives out of power - but in sleepy Maine, something like that won’t happen.
It couldn’t, surely?
The Aftermath
Following the State House Bombing, Maine’s political situation is in disarray. The governor, and his entire line of succession, is dead. The left accuses the ‘constitutional militia’ for the bombing, while the right blames some unknown cell of the SDS. It might never be known for sure who placed that briefcase in the State House that day. All is known is that they wanted Kenneth Curtis and much of his government dead.
State authority falls on an ad-hoc committee of county executives and state legislators. In the absence of any clear line of succession, it lies on the state senate to choose the new governor, by virtue of filling one of the positions on the line of succession.
Prominent Republican state senator John H. Reed seems to be a shoehorn for the title of Senate President, however he is disliked by many Progressives. If the Progressives can maneuver their way through the emergency committee, they could instead choose to nominate a new Secretary of State - and who else to choose in such dire times but former governor and political boss Edmund Muskie. Muskie, however, is accused of being a radical by many Republicans and especially Democrats. A sort of compromise candidate, longtime Republican congresswoman Margaret Chase Smith may be palatable to both Republicans and Progressives, although she is still disliked by the Democrats and the more radical, anti-war Progressives, and especially the youthful McCarthyites.
Governor Edmund Muskie
Ed Muskie, a devout progressive, intends to safeguard liberty and equality in Maine- though perhaps by questionably legal means. Muskie will try to reach out to the moderate faction of the prison reform movement and will crack down on the right wing paramilitaries emerging across rural Maine.
Muskie will seek to distance himself from Denver, and can choose to declare noncooperation with Denver entirely. While radical, this action may be necessary, especially as the investigations into the State House Bombing are disrupted by presumed federal agents.
As the 1970 elections approach, Muskie can choose to step down, return to his semi-retirement, and allow the elections to continue as they may. However, Maine is plagued by threats from many directions, and something as unpredictable as an election may prove… inconvenient for the Progressive Party’s plans. Something might have to be done.
Governor Margaret Chase Smith
Margaret Chase Smith, while a Republican, is more sympathetic to Progressive party than most. It may have something to do with her longtime advocacy for women’s rights, or perhaps with her congressional experience dating back to the Roosevelt administration.
Whatever the case, Smith sees cross-the-aisle cooperation as the key to keeping Maine peaceful in such troubled times. This is not to say that she is a pushover or a people-pleaser, however. Ms. Smith attends to destroy the radical elements that have brought such violence and chaos to her state, and has the arsenal of the National Guard on her side to do it. Although initially constrained by the more hardliner elements of the Republican Party, Smith intends to crack down on militia left and right, and ensure the ship of state carries steadily on.
Governor John H. Reed
John H. Reed, a longtime State Senator and leading Republican figure, is no Goldwaterite, yet he remains the closest thing to a conservative with a chance of becoming Governor. While known for his personal friendships with certain Progressive politicians, Reed is also a hardline anti-Communist, with none of the Rockefeller Republican connections of Smith. Reed, while never Goldwater's strongest supporter, rarely openly spoke out against him, making him a more palatable candidate to Maine's conservatives. As a member of the Maine Senate, Reed also has the best legal justification for becoming governor out of the candidates. Reed aims to crush Communist subversion and terrorism and restore Maine to the status quo ante bellum.
Regardless of who ends up in charge of the emergency government, sweeping legislative action will be off the table. By necessity, their focus will be on stabilizing the immediate situation, reestablishing trust in the state government’s ability to handle the crisis. An investigation into Governor Curtis’ assassination will need to be launched, and the state’s military forces will be deployed to restore order. For the crisis facing Maine, the State House Bombing will only be the beginning.
The Backwoods War
While political battles rage in Augusta, more literal battles rage in small towns and farming communes across Maine. The player will have to pay attention to and manage three key factors if they wish to avoid bloodshed in the state.
Although violence begins relatively sporadically and unorganized, right militia are exploiting the widespread fear of communist takeover to recruit and bolster their ranks.
Additionally, the formation of the Statewide Correctional Alliance for Reform (SCAR), a prison reform organization, in early 1970 offers a focus for the rather disparate left. Their bold proposals for reforming the prison system and curbing police corruption find a great deal of support from Maine's poor, as well as from many of the more radical members of the state Progressive Party associated with the broad counterculture coalition in favor of McCarthy.
Police Corruption
Police Corruption represents the level of corruption within law enforcement across the state. There are reports of alleged ties to militia within local police departments, and it may not be wise to let this go uninvestigated.
Leftist Organization
Leftist Organization represents the level of socialist organizing within the state. At start, leftist organization is largely lacking, limited to scattered hippie communes and the occasional small study group or student organization. However, the plucky organizers of SCAR are seeking to change this.
Tension reflects the general level of violence in Maine. While at first violence is quite rare, small scale, and mostly in rural areas, it will become a daily part of life if its roots are not addressed. As tension increases, both the frequency and severity of negative events will increase, causing repeated hits to stability as things spiral out of control.
As stability decreases, so too does the government's ability to maintain order in the Backwoods. While this is bad, the increased desperation on the part of the government will unlock more and more drastic actions, which can either save the ship of state, or send it into collapse. As stability gets closer and closer to 0, these actions will become increasingly desperate and flailing. Do not let stability reach 0.
The 1970 Election
Assuming elections are not suspended, Smith, Reed and Muskie can all seek reelection if they were chosen as the Interim Governor by the Emergency Committee.
Candidates for the 1970 Gubernatorial Election also include:
William Hathaway - A fairly moderate Progressive congressman and ally of Muskie, who resigned his increasingly powerless post in the House to seek office in Maine.
James B. Longley - The Democratic leader of the fiscally conservative Cost Survey Commission, widely seen as an abrasive outsider, but beloved by many on the right (despite his personal politics being closer to those of a maverick moderate), and perhaps one of the few prominent Democrats left in the state.
The Maine Civil War
If the state government is unable to keep tensions from overflowing in Maine, a domino effect will occur which disrupts the entire political situation of the state.
First, SCAR will reform into the United Freedom Front, with ex-convict Ray Luc Levausseur taking leadership of the organization and militarizing it. Under Levasseur, the left will make its move rising up in Portland and the surrounding areas. How successful they are depends on the level of Leftist Organization that exists when the civil war begins.
Meanwhile, the civilian government will face a military coup by a military council of officers from the Air Force, National Guard, and local police and sheriff departments, in conjunction with right-wing militia groups.
Finally, in an effort to safeguard border communities from the conflict, the Canadian government may deploy the Royal 22e Régiment into Aroostook to establish the Canadian Intervention in the Northeastern United States (abbreviated CINUS), a military buffer zone to be based in Presque Isle.
Maine's neighbor, New Hampshire, is also sure to attempt to safeguard its interest in the state, though what those interests are remain to be seen.
However, even if the military junta wins the civil war, there is no guarantee the government will return to civilian rule. Indeed, there is no promise that even the junta itself will last…
In preparation for our New England demo, these first development diaries will detail the gameplay and story of each state in the region! Make sure to join the discord to stay up-to-date on the mod, and get access to discord-specific teasers!
submitted by Killer_The_Cat to BTWHmod [link] [comments]

Marathon debut: Erie at Presque Isle

Race information


I ran through some of HS and most of college. I was slow and mediocre to start, but after some hard work, was decent enough towards the end of college. XC was something I was “forced” to do for 3 seasons in college because I was good enough to be top 5, but I hated every second of those races and completely dreaded it. I eventually switched from my specialty, the 800m/1000m, to the mile Senior year because my coach told me that people would only care and understand my mile time out of college. Even the mile felt too long, I was just really resistant to being a “long distance runner” and would bail on long runs and always take the shorter end of the range on daily runs. College PRs: XC 19:22, 800m: 2:18 1000m: 3:00 Mile: 5:11
After missing outdoor track senior year due to a nagging, painful knee injury, I took an unintentional 3 year hiatus from running and got married, bought a house, adopted 3 dogs, and got a new job. Only two of my teammates were still running, doing half marathons, marathons, and triathlons. I got the bug to start things up again in 2015 with a new year resolution to lose weight, and ran some 5ks. After seeing that my favorite fast food sandwich was 1200 calories and that I would need to run a half marathon in order to burn those calories off, I decided I wouldn’t have another sandwich until I raced a half. I ran two halves that fall, 1:30:50 being my best and then had IT band issues, and lung issues and was out on and off another year. I’ve been back running for 18 months now, running smarter, slower, and more consistent than ever.
My main goal is to run a fast half, but the marathon was always in the back of my mind as a challenge I wanted to conquer...Boston 2018 FOMO pushed me over the edge. A little bit of that was the hype from u/forwardbound and u/runjunrun among others, a little bit the Tracksmith Ciele hats...and if a sandwich can get me to run a half, is the potential of an exclusive hat that much more crazy?


Goal Description Completed?
A ~3:20 You
B <3:25 Probably
C <3:29 Already know...


I knew many people who wanted to do a marathon to prove something, or because it was the next logical step, but hated the training and suffered immensely during the race. I was prepared for some discomfort and suffering, but I didn’t want to hate the training the whole time. Inspired by Boston, I decided to give an 18 miler a try in April, and see how it went, before committing to join u/user_ken in training for the Erie marathon. I felt like I may be rushing into things, and would have preferred doing CIM so I could train in better weather, have a better guarantee of beautiful racing temps, and more time to get fast and fit. But I also didn’t want to feel the pangs of fomo when Eric ran Boston 2019… Training began in June, and I had been averaging 50 mpw in 2018 leading up to it. The main objective was to get in 1-2 hard efforts a week, with the rest being very easy 6-8 mile recovery runs. Weekly mileage wasn’t regimented, but I was shooting for 55-60 mpw and first and foremost consistency.
Every Monday was a rest day, and I averaged 50 mpw, including taper, I peaked at 60 miles week 10, with week 9 as a down week with no workouts.
I think it’s worth noting that I did not miss one single run for these 14 weeks. I cut some runs short by a mile or two based on feel, but I ran every run that was planned, and never stopped during my long runs. I attribute this consistency to my success. On hot days where I didn’t want to, I told myself, why bother training for this race, if I am not going to do everything realistically in my power to set myself up for success? My goals may not be huge, but the race was huge, and I wanted to respect the distance. I tried to do all the little things too, rolling out my calves, going to bed early, eating well, hydrating.
Most of my workouts were between 8-12 miles including the warm up and cool down. Some notable workouts include 3mi 2mi 1mi at 7:25 7:10 6:40 pace, 10xmile at 7:30 pace, 2x4mi at 7:15 pace, 4x1.5mi with short rest at 7:40 pace, and 11mi with 8 tempo progression. Heat and humidity were a factor for many workouts, which was discouraging, but I focused on effort on days where I wasn’t quite hitting the goal pace. Mostly, I was able to hit the paces. I definitely felt like I struggled a little bit on faster, high turnover stuff that used to come easily. But I could lock into the HMP-MP ranges much more easily. Again, the key was consistency. I switched the days of workouts once or twice. My recovery runs were just that, very very easy. I’m talking 9-9:30 pace, not looking at the watch, completely honest recovery. On a good weather day the run might be faster, but not by a whole lot. This was another key to success and staying healthy. If you still don’t believe me, here’s a reminder that my husband ran a 1:15 half on a tough day while running all recovery runs with me at my pace.
My training didn’t come without its struggles. My first scheduled 20 mile run was on a very hot, very humid day. Despite starting at 5:30 in the morning, I felt hot, and struggled. I kept going, determined not to give up, long runs were supposed to be hard right? I was supposed to feel horrible. I continued to get waves of exhaustion, shivers and tingles in my legs and throughout my body. When my form fell apart and I was stumbling towards the middle of the road, I bailed. I collapsed on the ground and actually peed myself immediately, which I didn’t feel I had to/know was going to happen. It was pretty scary. This might be too much information to some, but I’m sharing my full experience of the good and that comes with the bad. I felt defeated, like I wasn’t cut out for this. The 18 milers had gone so well, why now? How would I possibly endure a full 26 miles if I couldn’t handle 20 milles with this discomfort? After speaking with a few people about how bad the weather was that day, I felt a little better about cutting the run short, it was definitely the smart decision. Since running out of water was a factor, I purchased an even larger Nathan handheld, with 18oz. The next 20 miler was much better, and then I felt pretty fantastic for 21. I did have a 20 mile run that was supposed to have the last 3 miles at MP, but it was so humid and disgusting that I decided to focus on just finishing the run rather than go all out.
I ran 3 hot and humid races, a 10 miler in June, a 10 miler in July (soft PR), and my hometown county fair 5.7 miler in August. I had the most fun during the second 10 miler, fantastic crowd support and I ran at a very comfortable and enjoyable pace.
For my taper I cut my mileage in half, ran super slow (horrible heat wave helped), got tons of sleep, ate well, got a massage 10 days out, freaked out over shoe choices, panicked about my goals, and was involved in a hit and run in my gym parking lot (people are literally the worst). Anxiety was high, and every mention of the marathon stressed me out.


I decided to take the week off of work prior to the marathon, and fly to Buffalo Thursday. This way we would have a few undistracted days with very little physical activity, and a lot of TV, video games, knitting and lounging in the hotel, in order to stay as relaxed as possible. I was super anxious leading up to the race, avoiding looking at the weather, trying not to think about the race at all, but then we did our last shake out run on Friday and I felt surprisingly at peace. I was ready. I just had to get some sleep and hydrate, but I had done everything I could to set myself up for success.
We tried to eat bland but tasty food (Panera, pasta, salads) the whole weekend. For the prerace dinner, I found a cute Italian restaurant that opened at 5pm but hadn’t made reservations, so we arrived a little early and were already seated by 4:55. I ordered some herbal tea, which I had been ordering everywhere I went because I was paranoid about having a slightly sore throat. Within 30 minutes the place was packed, including the bar, where I overheard several people racing the next day complaining about having to sit at the bar before their marathon and just nonstop talking about it so that everyone around them knew they were running THE marathon the next day. I enjoyed ⅓ of a portion of slightly mediocre pasta carbonara, a salad, and split a peanut butter pie with Eric, and we were out of there before 6pm. I watched Friends and relaxed, got my race kit and bag ready, messaged with u/kkruns about how to carry my fuel (handheld or fuelbelt I bought that day) because I had put off thinking about that til last minute, and turned the lights out at 8:30. I tried playing some of my favorite movies in my head to make myself sleep, (The Holiday, anyone?) but it didn’t work that well. I think I finally fell asleep after 10. 5am alarm went off and the day we’d worked for was finally here. I had some bottled cold brew, a Siggi chocolate yogurt, half a honey stinger waffle, lubed up with some vaseline, applied bug spray as was suggested by a friend, and we were off to the race.
Small Anecdote: People will tell you not to do anything new on race day, and while overall I agree with this, I had to make one acception. To motivate myself/treat myself for training for a marathon (at least that’s the excuse I’m going with), I bought myself the Garmin Fenix 5S, which had capabilities of more accurate timing for racing. However I never actually looked up how to use these features until the week before, and was going to test it out Friday, but forgot. Basically you put in the race distance, and there’s a screen that estimates your finish time. I believe there’s also a way to use manual laps to override the GPS but I still am not 100% on that. I wanted to try this, but I also didn’t want the activity to end once I hit the marathon distance, because I knew I’d end up with a little extra. So on the 3 mile ride to the parking lot I set a 1km distance to test this out and success! The activity kept going once it hit 1km, and I could still see all my screens. Even though I hadn’t tried this before I decided it wouldn’t hurt despite having most paces memorized.
It was dark and freezing, and neither of us had brought sweats on this trip since we had just come off a heat wave. I did have a jacket, and used the race gear bag (made of sweatshirt material) to keep my legs warm while we sat on a grassy hill as long as possible before heading to the start. I could tell Eric was more anxious than I was, he kept wanting to drop off our bags at bag check and I told him we had plenty of time. With 15 minutes to go, I had my first vanilla honeystinger, took a puff of my inhaler, sadly took my jacket off, and headed to the start. With 5 minutes to go, I hugged Eric and told him good luck, and moved to the middle of the corrals and set my Garmin up. We were then told that anyone running slower than 7:00 pace was to go back to the grass and fine their pacing groups. Reluctantly, I did, looking for the 3:25 pacer. I wanted to stay right with them, or just behind for the first few miles. Unfortunately, there was no 3:20 pacer, it jumped to 3:15. Don’t be a hero. The pacer was surrounded by middle aged men and no fellow women. Hmm. The pacer gave us a little peptalk of his plan and asked us not to form too crazy of a pack so that people could pass us. Then we were told we had to walk back to the corrals (seriously? wasted steps!) but we were still way further back than I expected for a relatively small race (2,000 spots). Moments later, we were off and walk/jogging through to the starting line.


Mile Time
1 7:46
2 7:48
3 7:40
4 7:44
5 7:37
6 7:35
7 7:40
8 7:44
9 7:55
10 7:48
11 7:42
12 7:51
13 7:42
14 7:48
15 7:43
16 7:47
17 7:44
18 7:43
19 7:48
20 7:37
21 7:34
22 7:41
23 7:29
24 7:37
25 7:44
26 7:59
.2 2:54
Finish: 3:23:48


I hit the timing mat, (wait, there are two? which counts??) and start my Garmin. Just relax. This should feel easy, and comfortable, and relaxed. I try to keep the 3:25 pacer in my sights, but men everywhere are jumping in front of me and squeezing their way in to crowd the pacer. I let them, as I had no choice, but pretty quickly I was 15-30 seconds back. I was checking my watch every minute or so, as I wanted to start out easy, 7:50s and chill there for as long as possible. If I started out a little slower, I was ok with that, it would be easy to pick up the pace and relax and still have a nice cushion. Starting out too hot and having to slow down messes up my mechanics and usually I feel some lactic so I wanted to avoid that. I was at just about 8:10 pace and the congestion was keeping my pace slow, but a little slower than I liked. I didn’t want to get absolutely trapped. I was losing contact with the pacer and getting frustrated as there was a mob of people stretched across the road next to him and behind him, and plenty of room just ahead of them. I checked my watch again and decide to try and get past the mob of guys and try and stay just ahead of them while still executing my plan of a slow and steady start. Large races like this always make me frustrated by the lack of running etiquette many possess...I surge ahead and eventually get past the group, get immediately annoyed by their conversation, and distance myself just a tad. It was still feeling very congested and my arms kept scraping against my honeystingers in my fuel belt. I tried to adjust my belt a little and that seemed to help. A few minutes later I hear the people behind me saying something about someone dropping something, and a man came up beside me to tell me I dropped 1 of my honeystingers, and that he couldn’t catch it, it was too congested. That was just my extra honeystinger, a tip from u/kkruns, so without panicking, I touch my remaining gels to make sure they are secure. There are only two. Fuck. Only a mile into the race and I’m down to half my fuel. I grabbed one stinger and clutched it in my hand and readjusted the other so it hopefully wouldn’t slip out, and kept touching it to make sure it was still there. Don’t panic. You’ve trained so hard you aren’t going to let anything stop you. You don’t have to worry about this now.
I push it out of my mind and just keep chilling, staying relaxed. I’m passing people and being passed. After a few miles I notice a woman who seemed to be latching onto me. She had great form and was keeping with me stride for stride, passing when I passed. I planned to say something to her if we were still together by mile 5, but then she said something that I thought was about my shoes (oh crap my shoes, are they untied??) I asked her to repeat and she said “Are you also shooting for 7:45s?” I responded that I was shooting to BQ by a bit, and just chill at a comfortable pace for as long as possible. She had the same goal, so we introduced ourselves and decided to work together. Let’s call her Lilly. Lilly and I become fast friends, she had great runners etiquette, which was already apparent from when she was clearly trying to latch on earlier. We talked about running in college, where we were from originally, how we started running, our training, careers, and would check in with each other in periods of silence. A few people commented how casual we made the marathon seem. The miles were flying by, and we were about 10k in when I took my first honeystinger and Lilly took a quick bathroom break and said she would catch up. I was careful to keep the pace and not speed up, and hoped she would catch up to me and not tax herself too much in doing so. We reunite and she’s feeling good, but maybe overly hydrated. I enjoyed the conversation, the smell of the air, and the views of Lake Erie, with waves crashing against the rocks (who knew lakes had waves? - I actually didn’t know this until a work retreat on Lake Michigan...) I’m taking water from every water stop at this point, whether I need it or not and it’s pretty seamless, with Lilly hanging back a second so I could get over and grab water.
Somewhere around mile 8 I see a small child holding Gu but I noticed too late and didn’t have a chance to grab some. I let Lilly know in case she sees some to give me a heads up since I would need 1-2 more. We talked about our training, and how she told pretty much everyone she was running the marathon to keep herself accountable, and how I told practically no one, and had only just told my mom a few weeks prior. At some point Lilly thought we were speeding up, but I didn’t, but realized that the race face on my Garmin isn’t telling me my lap pace but my average pace so I switch screens. We had been around 3:22-24 finishing pace so we were feeling good, but still wanted to chill as long as we possibly could. We hit mile 11 and I asked Lilly how she was doing, and she said she felt good but was no longer feeling fresh. That perfectly summed up how I was feeling as well. We talked about our goals some more, and since Lilly was fresh out of college having been a 10k runner, she mentioned she might want to make a race of the last 10k. Feeling a little more cautious than that, I said I would hope to pick it up a little if possible but that I mostly wanted to suffer as little as possible. I take my second (and last) honeystinger around mile 12.
Around halfway, two others come up behind us and say how much fun we are making the marathon seem, and they join us. We learned a little bit about them as the miles went on, but the selfish person in me wanted to shake them and just get back to hanging with Lilly; they didn’t quite have the same spatial awareness and had wedged themselves between us, and I ended up behind the three of them for a bit since we were corralled to one lane on the isle. After a few miles, the two of them started to pick it up just a tad, and we let them go. Lilly said she was fine to see them go, and I agreed. I think it was mile 15 or 16 when I finally saw the Gus again. I yelled to Lilly and beelined. Just as I was grabbing them, the women who had run a few miles with us cut across me and grabbed them out of the child’s hand, and I collided with her while managing to grab 2 Gus out of this poor kid’s other hand and taking off. I had a little burst of adrenaline and the annoyance, and a bit of guilt for that poor kid who probably was not expecting 2 people to come out of nowhere. Lilly commiserate and said, it’s the marathon, you've gotta do what you’ve gotta do. Fair enough. Relief sets in as I now have proper fuel. No excuses - you’ve got a perfect day, perfect course, someone to run with, time to make your dream a reality. I wait til the next water stop to take the 3rd gel, it tastes a little weird, I struggled to open the different package and get it on my hands, but it’s palatable. We were still feeling great, but Lilly needed to hit the bathroom again. The first one was locked but thankfully there was another closeby. It took her a bit longer to catch me this time, and I looked over my shoulders a few times because I didn’t want to lose her.
We hit mile 18 and joke that we are finally halfway, and well on pace for our goal. I tell Lilly I’m going to hold off picking it up til 20. She agrees. I didn’t want to do something stupid, and blow what could be a well executed relatively painless race and a 10 minute BQ by being overzealous too soon. Many people had told me I would start to suffer at 20, so I was as prepared as I was going to be for that to happen. Mile 20 comes and goes, and I still feel good. At some point within the next 2 miles, we link up with another guy who is trying to run a BQ for his age, 3:25. We pass a timing mat and see 2:40 something and I think about Eric who should be finishing soon, hoping he is having as good of a first marathon experience as I am. We stay together for a bit but he and Lilly started to pull away from me and I let them. She had told me she wanted to pick it up the last 10km, I was content with <3:25 since it would take a big uptick in pace to hit the next barrier of <3:20, and did I mention I wanted to suffer as little as possible? My biggest fear during these last 6 miles were bonking/cramping up and having to shuffle my way in. My longest run was 21 miles so I was in uncharted territory. Don't be a hero...
I take my final gu and hope for the best. Since for the first time in 18 or so miles I was solo, I had some time to think, and didn’t want to get to in my head. I still felt pretty damn good. I smack one of those Nintendo power up posters at a water stop as people cheered. How am I still feeling this good? Counting down the miles was exciting and felt feasible, rather than daunting. When would it start to suck? Would I regret letting Lilly go, or was I fine to finish on my own. I’m still picking up the pace at this point, and surprised that while I’m passing a few people here and there, people are also passing me. Many are benefitting from the great course and weather, this is great. With about 1.5 to go I’m starting to think about the “extra” I was going to have to run once my Garmin hit 26.2. Ugh. I skip the last water stop, and some guy tells me I have excellent form. Another guy says “Only a mile to go!” which was irritatingly untruthful. The crowds are great, and then I see Eric, wrapped in a space blanket cheering me on. Great, he’s done and looks happy. I hope he did well! I’m close, but I’m feeling like I want to be done. I don’t think I ever hit the wall. Mentally I was strong throughout the race. But it was probably with 25.5 to go that I began to feel over it. My legs were feeling the most tired they had felt thus far, but still, compared to that failed 20 miler in July, I felt great. Nothing compared to that run, which was great perspective for me. Right before the finish there is a cone turn around, that hadn’t bothered me the first loop, but this time the crowds were tightly packed and I felt like I had to take the turn tighter and maybe lost some momentum. I see my pace start to slip and tell myself try not to have any miles over 8:00 pace. My final split was 7:59 and I swear based on that it would seem like I was constantly checking my watch but I really wasn’t. I switch to race screen and I’m still on target for <3:25 but not close to any minute barrier so I continue to coast it in for fear that at any moment my legs would reject life itself and cripple me. I see Eric again and hope he has his phone to take some pictures of me. I try (and fail) to look cute. My watch chimes that I have completed the marathon distance but I obviously still have a bit to go. Maybe I should have turned that off, I think. I near the finish line, and throw my hands in the air as I cross, only to have the race photographers not capture a picture of that (no, I’m not bitter about this at all…) and finally stop my watch after the second timing mat. Half splits: 1:42:10/1:41:38
I DID IT! A wave of exhaustion floods over me instantaneously and I carefully walk to retrieve my medal, and look for Eric. We embrace and tear up knowing that we achieved our goals after 4 months (really 18 months) of teamwork. Amazing, bliss, relief, everything they tell you that you will experience, I was finally experiencing it all. <3


Every race I’ve ever run I’ve had regrets. I pushed too hard, didn’t push hard enough, made the wrong move, settled, etc. I think for the first time in my life, I am wholly satisfied with my performance, and it feels like a huge weight off my shoulders to have “checked” that last box. I’ve never personally felt that someone running a race of any longer distance made them better than any other runners, but I feel many marathoners feel like they have something “over” runners who haven’t done a marathon, and it honestly annoyed me and put me off of the whole marathon thing. I don’t feel like I have anything over non marathoners, but I no longer feel that those particular marathoners have anything over me. My Mom is huge on the Boston Marathon coverage, and watches every year, so I’m ridiculously excited to have her come into the city and get to watch me run. She went to every single meet in college including driving SIX HOURS to see me run for 2 minutes, and this would be the ultimate race for her to see.
I’m hoping to fully recover, beginning with a week off, and then work on my turnover. I’d like to get a decent half in before years end, and then begin training for Boston! Upon reflection of my training for Erie, I plan to do a few things differently. I didn’t do any strength, and I didn’t think it would be smart to implement any worthwhile strength training when I was already pushing my body to do something new, outside of my comfort zone. I’m going to join the gym again soon, so that I already have a routine for Boston and can just keep it up. I was my strongest when I was lifting every other day in 2015. I didn’t end up doing MP during long runs, I prioritized getting in the miles and time on my feet over speed, which I think was fine for my first go of things. I think doing MP long runs will be imperative for me in order to improve and be able to push outside my comfort zone. My peak week was not much higher than my regular weeks. I will still focus on consistency above all, but I’d like to push the mpw up just a little bit next time, probably will achieve this by doing some MLR which I did not do this cycle.
Obligatory acknowledgement of the obscene length of this, but I wanted to be as detailed as possible, especially since I was so ommissive during my training, in the hopes that this is helpful or insightful to the community here, as many of you have helped me.
TL;DR: Said I’d never run a marathon, then experienced FOMO Boston 2018, signed up for Erie, had a fantastically consistent training cycle with a few hiccups and learning curves here and there, executed a very solid race with negative splits on a perfect course on a perfect day, and achieved my dream of BQing in order to give my mother an experience of a lifetime getting to see me race the Boston marathon.


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submitted by espressopatronum to artc [link] [comments]

My Choices For Saratoga Saturday 07-13-2019

These are my choice at Saratoga this Saturday. As always, most of my choices centers around trying to make one or two solid hits during the course of the day. When I succeed, the ROI is usually enough that it will virtually guarantee a positive and enjoyable memory for months and even years to come. Unfortunately, I can not accurately predict which race my choices decides to show up in, if any, but I believe my style of betting far outweighs trying to break even or staying slightly ahead race after race, which with even one miscue, which I make often myself, has bettors facing an uphill battle the rest of the day. I prefer to bet the horses I like best and then relax which reduces stress while I wait to see if I am right about any race. It is much more enjoyable this way. Good Luck and enjoy!

Race 1: Claiming $16,000 N/W 2 Lifetime --- 3 Yo & Up Fillies & Mares ---Purse $35,000 --- 7 Furlongs:
I will thread lightly on this race. This is one of many races that Saratoga will card that you will do just as good on by taking a wild guess on as you will spending lots of time handicapping. My reluctant choices will be:
I will use 5) Win The Shake(4-1) as my top choice. Simply because her sire, Shakin It Up, showed some talent during his racing career and she looks like she may get the early lead. Trainer was started 78 horses in his career and won 10 races, including one last year at Saratoga. However, he is giving an major edge in training experience to others in here. However, he is adding blinkers and the horse showed some speed in her only workout since her last start.
1)Magical Justice(10-1) will be my choice for second. She is exiting her maiden win and she is dropping into a low level N/W 2 lifetime claiming race for her first try against winners. Her trainer has a 17% lifetime winning but most of his trainees have raced at MVR, Thistledowns, and Presque Isle Downs. However, he has shown as a trainer that he can claim horses and reverse their fortunes immediately by changing their running style. Also has used Tyler Gaffalione before when he has shipped to CD.
6)She's A Lumberjane(15-1) is my choice for third. After breaking her maiden in her last start as a 2 YO, the trainer appeared over eager and spotted her against too tough of a class in her first two starts this year. However, he then dropped her into this class level and her form has slightly improved with each race, including her last two where she made early moves to get into contention by the half mile marker, but flatten out after doing so. Now one good work and she also adds blinkers for the first time.
Bets: No WP, Ex Box 1-5, Tri Box 1-5-6.
Race 2: Maiden Claiming $40,000 ---- 3 YO & Up Fillies & Mares --- Restricted To NY Breds --- Purse $48,000 --- 5 1/2 Furlongs Turf:
Another weak field that I will thread lightly on, especially since only state breds are allowed to compete, but will take a larger gamble because of the potential payout if correct:
4)Zip It Jess(15-1) is my choice to win. He made one start this year and tired after flashing speed out of the gate at Finger Lakes. But he could not clear and get near the rail, which is what wins most often at that track. So that effort is a toss for me. He was working very good before that effort for a claiming horse and now gets a better post for his second effort of the year. His trainer normally trains at FL but on occasion has shipped to NY bigger tracks to try his trainees on grass. He has named an apprentice jockey to ride and gets a 7 lb break from the other three years old and an additional 5 lbs from older runners.
9)Mz Seb Pat(6-1) is my choice for second. She has made two starts this year, both in this class and ran 2nd in both efforts from just behind the early leaders. No works since her last raises a little concern but she is coming back in less than three weeks, so another work squeezed in probably was a little too much.
5)Linda's Ballet(5-2) is my choice for third. I will throw out her last because she stumbled out of the gate and was trying dirt for the second time and adding blinkers while her first effort on that surface was not as good as it looks on paper. Her two grass effort were the best of her four starts and she gets a small class relief for this effort while the blinkers are being removed. No works and a lack of a race in 24 days is a bit concerning, though.
8)Vitanza(10-1) is my choice for fourth. She broke well in her first start and contested the pace for a half and faded, as did all three front runners. Dropped into this level for her second effort, she lunged at the start, resulting in getting away slowly at the start, but made a late run while no real threat to win. Look for the jockey to be a little more patient at the break and she may present the biggest challenge early to my top choice. No works since her last but returns in three weeks.
Bets: WP 4, Ex Box 4-9, Tri Box 4-5-9, .10 Super Box 4-5-8-9, Super Key 4 with 5-8-9 with 5-8-9 with 5-8-9.
Race 3: Sanford S(G3) --- 2 YOs --- Purse $150,000 --- 6 Furlongs:
I will bypass betting this race because the risk will not be worth the reward, though I think it will come down to the 3) Cucina(8-5) and 5) By The Way(5-2) with the 2) Raging Whiskey(5-2) as the only one that can compete late with those two.
Race 4: Maiden Special Weight --- 2 YOs --- Purse $90,000 ---- 5 1/2 Furlongs:
Now we start getting into the races I like to be on:
4) Kickin' Kirby(12-1) is my choice to win. He is a first time starter but he has several good works in preparation for this start, including his most recent one, the second best work of 43 working that day at that distance on Saratoga's main dirt track.
7) American Cat(10-1) is my choice for second. He has made one start and got away slow, then pushed wide to avoid a horse that clipped heels and fell, then had no shot to make an impact. Now two more works since that start which he show some speed but not as much as before his start and he looks ready to compete. Look for him to break much better from the gate in his second effort.
6) Zyramid(8-5) is my choice for third. He has made one start also but it came on an off track where he was rushed from the gate to stay close early but flatten out in the stretch. However, his dam did her best running in middle distances, but she closed with a late rush to just miss in her 2nd career start at 6 furlongs. While he, too, will probably preferred just a little more distance, he can make a late impact against these.
1)High Tide(3-1) is my choice for fourth. He is a first time starter and he has pretty consistent works in preparation of his first start. However, since he has drawn the rail which is not the best place to be at Saratoga, I will place him in this spot.
Bets: WP 4, Ex Box 4-7, Tri Box 4-6-7, .10 Super Box 1-4-6-7, Super Key 4 with 1-6-7 with 1-6-7 with 1-6-7.
Race 5: Allowance --- N/W 2 Lifetime ---- 3 YO & Up Fillies & Mares --- Purse $92,000 --- 5 1/2 Furlongs Turf:
8) Catch A Thrill(9-2) is my choice to win. She has not raced in three months but has worked 8 times since her last start. That started came in a G2 stakes race where she set the pace while hounded by a G1 Stakes Place runner from Europe(The Mackem Bullet) who took over after six furlongs on her way to a G2 score. That race makes Catch A Thrill the one to beat, class wise.
7) Turf War(4-1) is my choice for second. She is making her first start this year. She raced 6 times last year, the last four times against colts. She was sent to Chad Brown to prepare for her 3 YO season and she has 9 works in the last two months, none too fast or too slow, which is the typical work pattern Brown puts horses thru when he thinks they are fit. Turf War is his dam, Starstruck(who tallied back to back runnings of the G3 Matchmaker S), first foal but her 2nd foal(Time For Trouble) ran 2nd last week in the first start of his career to Montauk Daddy in a maiden special weight race at Belmont Park.
6)Originator(8-5) is my choice for third. She is making her first start this year and has four works in 15 days to prepare for this test. Her dam, Costume Designer, tallied 4 wins in her career, all at 5 1/2 furlongs on Hollywood Park turf course, including her only stakes win. Top three are tough to separate, as all three have reasons for most to believe they can win this race.
4) I'llhandalthecash(8-1) will be my choice for fourth. She enters this race off her maiden score in her first start this year. She has 4 works since that effort, a good one, followed by a maintenance work, followed by another good one and a breeze to let her stretch her legs. But Irad Ortiz Jr decide to take the call and why would he for a trainer that has 90 lifetime wins unless he or his agent thinks the horse is live.
Bets WP 8, Ex Box 7-8, Tri Box 6-7-8, .10 Super Box 4-6-7-8, Super Key 7 With 4-6-8 with 4-6-8 with 4-6-8.
Race 6: Maiden Special Weight ---- 2 YOs ---- Purse $90,000 ----- 1 1/16 Mile Turf:
9)Cloudbased(10-1) is my choice to win. He has made one start, an off the grass race that was ran in the slop and did nothing. However, the 2nd place finisher came right back and wired a maiden field at 6 furlongs on grass with a winning time of 108 4/5, an outstanding time for 2 YOs on any surface. Trainer has a positive ROI on his first time turf starters and stretching his trainees from sprint distances to routes.
4)Enforceable(5-1) is my choice for 2nd. He has made two starts, both dirt sprints, and ran 2nd in his initial start followed by a third. He has two decent works since his last start and now is not only getting stretched out but gets the surface his full brother liked much better than dirt. While the dam, Justwhistledixie, has produce graded stakes winners New Year's Day(winner of BC Juvenile Dirt in his 3rd and last career start) in 2011 and Mohayhem, winner of his first five starts including 4 G2 stakes races, she also produced Kingly, a full brother to Enforceable, in 2016 and his two best races by far came on GG AWT in winning the California Derby and finishing 2nd in the El Camino Real Derby.
3)Field Pass(3-1) is my choice for 3rd. He had made one start and looks like he closed strongly in that sprint, but it was more due to the fact the front runner completely stopped in the stretch. He has a maintenance breeze since and Luis Saez takes the mount from his 1st cousin Gabriel Saez, which I believe a slight downgrade and the reason I like others in here better.
1)Kokokomo(8-1) is my choice for fourth. He has made 2 starts, the first on grass at five furlongs where he ran a fairly even race and then 4th in the same race on a sloppy track and off the turf test my top choice is exiting out of while running very little in that effort. Like my top choice, he is stretching out and returning to grass which his dam line hints it will be his preferred surface. He has one decent work on dirt since that effort but his works on grass is another clue he will eventually enjoy grass racing more than dirt.
Bets: WP 9, Ex Box 4-9, Tri Box 3-4-9, .10 Super Box 1-3-4-9, Super Key 9 with 1-3-4 with 1-3-4 with 1-3-4.
Race 7: Allowance --- N/W 1 Other Than Or Which Have Never Won 2 Races --- 3 YO & Up Restricted To New York Bred--- Purse $80,000 ---- 6 Furlongs:
7)Lutsky(9-2) is my choice to win. He has been trained by a trainer that has 10 lifetime wins in 78 starts and now switches to a trainer that has over 1000 wins with his trainees in 3800 starts. All three starts under the previous were less than inspiring, even his two thirds because both came in 5 horse fields. He has four works since the most recent trainer switch, alternating between an average one followed by a solid one. Sire won 11 of 22 starts facing the top sprinters of his year and banked over $1M. Dam won once in her career, but it was at 4 1/2 furlongs which she wired in 50 4/5.
4)Kerry Boy(15-1) will be my choice for second. He has made two starts this year and was sent early to stay close to the lead before flattening out late in both. All 3 of his wins against winners have came in allowance races in N/W2 L and N/W 3 L against open breds and then an allowance similar to the conditions of this race but offered less than $13G to the winner, which makes him a qualifier under these conditions, all at Finger Lakes. And at first glance, his form looks poor from last year but his second and two of his thirds came in this condition, the second at Belmont Park and both thirds at Saratoga. Just a chance play against an extremely weak field.
3)Kazmania(10-1) is my choice for third. His last start was his first in over five months, which he ran a respectable race in following a series of good works. He looks to have the most upside of the lightly race horses in this race. His trainer is an unknown by most, including me, but he has maintained a winning % of 16 through a fifteen year training career. Kazmania's sire, Bank Heist, won 1 of 6 starts, a maiden race at Saratoga in 109 flat and is a 1/2 brother to Midnight Lute. Dam won 10 races in her career and was claimed by this traineowner nearing the end of her racing career for $25K. First foal out of her, a full sister to Kazmania, won her first 2 starts of her career by 31+ lengths, including a stakes race by 13 lengths.
6)New York Hero(6-1) will be my choice for fourth. After breaking his maiden, he has followed a similar course as my second choice, Sent to Finger Lakes, he won a N/W 2 L and a N/3 L allowance races carded for open breds. He then returned to Aqueduct and ran 3 dull races in succession. He returned to form at Belmont three starts back and after 2 less than his best races, he showed enough to signal he has maintained his best form. Nice work since his last should also help.
Bets: WP 7, Ex Box 4-7, Tri Box 3-4-7, .10 Super Box 3-4-6-7, Super Key 7 with 3-4-6 with 3-4-6 with 3-4-6.
Race 8: Maiden Special Weight --- 3 YO & Up Fillies & Mares --- Purse $90,000 --- 5 1/2 Furlongs Turf:
4)So Gracious(10-1) will be my choice to win. She has made 2 starts on dirt and finished second in both. Now switched to turf and after a break of almost six months, she has returned to the workout tab with 5 recorded works, all 7 days apart and the last three signaling she is ready to break her maiden. Her 2nd dam, Promenade Colony, is also 2nd dam of Cavorting, winner Of 8 of 13 lifetime starts including 3 G1s and G2s each and this year's G2 Penn Mile winner Moon Colony on grass. So Gracious's fifth dam, Goofed, is dam of Lyphard, a multiple G1 winning miler and one of at least 10 Northern Dancer's sons to tally over 100 lifetime stakes winners.
7)First Wave(4-1) is my choice for second. She has made one start and finished second on an off the turf race that was ran under sloppy conditions. Trainer looked like her had her ready to win at first asking but the weather threw a monkey wrench into that equation. She has one solid work since followed by two breezes that was nothing more than to let her stretch her legs to keep her fit.
8) Quasar(12-1) is my choice for third. She has made 3 starts this year and her first three in the U.S, all on dirt. But I can not, in good faith, bet against a horse that is bred to love the grass and looks in top form. Her dam, Chicalelee, did her best running on grass and AWTs throughout her career. Her 2nd dam is a daughter of Green Dancer, a G1 SW son of Nijinsky II and sire of 7 fillies that produced 7 different champions in a variety of countries, including Sandpit(winner of 4 G1 stakes in U.S.) & Kalanisi (2000 U.S. Turf Champion & winner of the BC Turf).
3)Prosperity(8-1) is my choice for fourth. She is making her first career start and has works that suggests she will win early in her career. Her sire, Tapit, is a sire that foals runners that win early and often, both of dirt and grass and at all distances. Broodmare sire, Distorted Humor is better with runners at sprint to a mile, especially on off tracks and/or grass. However, the dam line has quite a few champions that was pointed towards distances early in their careers, so a lot will see that and believe Prosperity will need more distance to show her best. The break is her only question and if she breaks alertly, she can upset this field.
Bets: WP 4, Ex Box 4-7, Tri Box 4-7-8, .10 Super Box 3-4-7-8, Super Key 4 with 3-7-8 with 3-7-8 with 3-7-8.
9th Race: Diana S(G1) --- 3 YO & Up Fillies & Mares --- Purse $500,000 ---- 1 1/8 Mile:
This race belongs to Chad Brown as he has 4 of 6 entries and the two he does not train looks to be types that would prefer a mile more. So I will pass and concentrate on races that offers better value.
10th Race: Allowance N/W 1 Other Than Or N/W 2 Lifetime ---- 3 YO & Up --- Purse $92,000 ---- 7 Furlongs:
1)Market King(15-1) is my choice to win. He has 7 starts this year and after winning his first start this year and a good run against Oncewewerebrothers who would toy with this field, he was stretched back out while going off form against much better 3 YOs. His last start hints he is returning to form and looks worse than it actually was. He tracked the three front runners and tried to go by them and could not so he flattened out in the stretch as they finished the race 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The two stretch runners who got past him also had no real impact on the finish. One solid work since indicates he will take a step forward.
9)Quick Entry(20-1) is my choice for second. Why his connection would shorten him up to try grass like they did in his last is a mystery I will never understand. His pedigree is screaming at least middle distances on dirt or grass. However, he has six solid works since that effort and for the first time in his career, he is approaching a distance he should like. Seeking The Gold, a major middle distance runner and sire in his career, is sire of Cape Town(broodmare sire of Quick Entry) and broodmare sire of Point Of Entry(sire of Quick Entry), so that alone should give you a hint the type of distance he will enjoy. Could easily upset these.
2)Where Paradise Lay(6-1) will be my choice for third. He looks like one that will mature into a decent runner. He definitely has more upside than most of these have shown. He also came from last in his last start and made up good ground through he did not threaten the top three in the same race as my top choice and his first start against winners. One maintenance breeze since and he looks as ready as any to take a step forward.
5)Payne(6-5) is my choice for fourth. His last saw him come from last behind a fast pace, swooped to the lead easily at the top of the stretch, then got ran down fairly easy by one who pressured the hot pace throughout, not a ringing endorsement, in my opinion. He did pull away from the horses that was completely exhausted. While the pace of this race should be fairly quick, it will be nothing near like his last was and he will have to run past a few of these instead of inheriting the lead. Therefore, I hoping he can get third as he is nearing his tailing off point.
WP 1, Ex Box 1-9, Tri Box 1-2-9, .10 Super Box 1-2-5-9, Tri Key 1 with 2-9 with 2-9, Tri Key 1-9 with 1-9 with 2.
Race 11: Claiming $25,000 --- 3 YO & Up --- Purse $52,000 ---- 1 Mile Turf:
3)Themanbehindtheman(15-1) is my choice to win. In a field that looks fairly weak, I normally look for the horse(s) that looks like they have the most upside potential or a veteran older horse(s) that likes to win. I see none of the latter in here, so this one will be my top choice.
9)Sycamore Lane(8-1) is my choice for second. He looks like he may be peaking back into his top form and if he is, he could easily win the race. While I have a different philosophy in what wins races than most. I also like the fact he is coming back in the same class as his last race, as opposed to moving up or dropping in class. Three good works since his last followed by a breeze to keep his fitness.
12)Catch A Cab(8-1) is my choice for third. He was claimed out of his last and will make first his start under Servis as his trainer, a huge upgrade in training abilities. However, I am reluctant to put this horse any higher since the trainer gave him only one breeze, which was on the slow side, and will use caution with this one.
4)Derby Champion(12-1) is my choice for fourth. He has made two starts this year and really did not do much in either. He also has one work since his last like my third choice, but he is also dropping several classes down in class, which should help. While I normally like to see a horse show a little more in his last before taking this big of a drop, I understand owners and trainers wants to win at Saratoga even if it means the horse getting claimed for a value less than they feel he is worth.
Bets: WP 3, Ex Box 3-9, Tri Box 3-9=12, .10 Super Box 3-4-9-12, Super Key 3 with 4-9-12 with 4-9-12 with 4-9-12.
submitted by hodsct59 to horseracing [link] [comments]

My Belmont Park Picks For Friday

Here are my picks for Belmont this Friday. I am only listing my picks because this is who I will be betting. It should not and does not imply I know any more about horse racing than the next person. However, I have hit my share of races through the years and there is no better feeling than collecting after one of your bombs wins and blows up the exacta, trifecta and supers. But I also know I overlook a lot of important information and if I can, so can anyone else. Therefore, no one should bet any of my picks because I think they could or will win, but rather, each person has the option of going back and reviewing my picks or dismissing them as I have no clue what I am talking about. It will not hurt my feelings either way. I am only concerned about the way I bet and the opportunity I give myself to make serious money. And that should be your priority, too.

1st Race: Maiden-- 3 YOs & Up--- Purse $90,000--- 7 Furlongs:

5) Ahead Of Plan(1-1) looks like the one to beat as he makes his first start this year. He led throughout until caught near the wire in his first lifetime start last year. Works are good and the experience he gain in that start should get him home first. His sire, Big Drama, was extremely tough to beat in sprints

6) Four Ten(6-1) should be the main threat to the favorite. Making his first lifetime start, his sire is Curlin, who everyone should be familiar with, but his dam, Any Limit, is a multiple G2 & G3 SW of $659,768, mostly in sprints.

3)Double Orb(8-1) will be my choice for third. There looks like there is an abundant of speed in here and he has good enough works where he should be able to at least pick up tiring horses.

7)Sneakness(6-1) is the only horse entered that has raced this year and he now adds blinkers, so he could possibly get a piece.

Bets: Ex Box 5-6, Tri Box 3-5-6, .10 Super box 3-5-6-7.


2nd Race: Maiden---Restricted To NY Breds--- 3 YO & Up Fillies--- Purse $72,000--- 6 Furlongs Inner Turf:

6) Funderella(20-1) will be my choice to WP. Her sire, D'Funnybone, is a multiple G2 SW of $686,700 on dirt but the reason for taking a chance on her is her broodmare sire, City Zip. I know very little about her trainer, other than he trains mostly NY breds and runs mostly at Aqueduct & Finger Lakes. However, he seems to do better on grass or when he ships to run on Presque Isle AWT, which is similar to grass. His stats are 13% winning and 40% in the money lifetime, not bad for training cheap stock.

9) Andretta(9-2) will be my choice for second. She has ran 2nd 4 times in 7 lifetime starts but was beaten by the favorite in here in her only start this year. But I will take her over the favorite because she has proven she can rate and she will not have to pressure the pace like she had to in her 1st start this year.

7) J J Jen (6-1) will be my choice for third. She made her first career start in the Andretta race last out, broke slowly and was making up ground lat. Her sire, Teuflesburg, sports the same sire as Scat Daddy and J J Jen's dam family has sprinter speed sprinkled throughout her pedigree. With a slightly break break, which is expected, she could easily blow by this field, though I like my top two choices better.

4) Prisoner's Dilemma(5-2) is the morning line favorite and is the one to catch, but looks like their are several first time starters who should ensure a lively pace.

Bets: WP 6, Ex Box 6-9, Tri Box 6-7-9, .10 Super Box 4-6-7-9, Super Key 6 with 4-6-9 with 4-6-9 with 4-6-9.


Race 3: Allowance O/C $80,000--- 3 YOs---- Purse $92,000--- 1 Mile Turf:

2) Shootin The Breeze(7-2) will be my choice to win. He is the class of this field thus far and should be ready to move on to the next set of conditions.

11) Kulik Bear(6-1) ran a nice race while graduating in his last and is facing winners for the first time. However, looks like his trainer picked a fairly soft spot and he should be a factor late. Owne Breeder of this horse purchased Curlin as a young 3 YO, along with several other nice horses.

9) Valid Point(2-1) is the morning line 2nd favorite and hails from Chad Brown's barn. On grass anywhere and especially in New York, I have to include most runners racing on grass from this barn and this one is no exception.

Bets: Ex Box 2-11, Tri Box 2-9-11.


Race 4: Allowance O/C $40,000--- 3 YOs & Up--- Restricted To New York Breds--- Purse $80,000--- 6 1/2 Furlongs:

1)H-Man(2-1) crushed a NY bred field in his last in the same conditions and looks to repeat, which he should against these.

6) Bluegrass Express(10-1) is dropping from condition open bred allowances and returning to the class of his last win. His last two starts has shown he looks like he is returning to top form and could upset if top pick falters.

4) Empire Line(7-2) is returning to the races after a 15 month break and dropping out of state bred stakes races. He will also be racing as a first time gelding and has some good steady works. However, he will probably find this type of field a bigger challenge to overcome than the couple of stakes he ran in, especially being off so long.

3) The Caretaker(6-1) is also dropping from open bred condition allowance races and also returning to the class of his last win. While it looks like he is still off form, it may be because of the competition he has been facing. In with a good shot to upset.

Bets: Ex Box 1-6, Tri Box 1-4-6, .10 Super Box 1-3-4-6, Super Key 1 with 3-4-6 with 3-4-6 with 3-4-6.


Race 5: Bed O' Roses Inv S(G3)----- 3 YO & Up Fillies---- Purse $250,000---- 7 Furlongs:

3) Chalon(2-1) is the only real speed in this race and should control the pace up front. She has battled early in several of her races with the top female sprinters in the country but has yet to take the top prize in a graded stakes home. Should be her race for the taking.

7) Separationofpowers(5-2) tired in her first start of the year after pressing the pace. Now she has to carry an additional 4 lbs under the conditions of the race. So, she will probably have too sit a couple of lengths behind the top choice and try to chase her down with no real help.

1)Saguaro Row(15-1) is very sharp right now and looks to be the only threat to the top two. She has won her only 2 starts since being switched to Stidham's barn and her two works since her last indicates she is ready. While she could get the jump on the second pick and finish 2nd, she will have to run a race she has not proven she can to beat the top choice.

Bets: Ex Box 3-7, Ex Key 3 with 1-7, Tri Box 1-3-7, Tri Key 3-7 with 3-7 with 1.

Race 6: Allowance O/C $100,000--- 3 YO & Up--- Purse $92,000---- 1 Mile Turf:

1)Awesome Saturday(12-1) is my choice to spring the upset. He has started 4 times on grass in his career, his first two starts in each of the last two years. While both his sire and broodmare sire ran in top races on dirt, both shows Danzig in their pedigrees, a top sprint/miler sire on grass in the world. He has shown he is not quite fast enough to beat good sprinters but does not have enough stamina good horses at distances at over a mile on dirt.

6)Gidu(8-1) is my 2nd choice, though he has been crossed entered into a much tougher spot on Saturday at Belmont. He has a much better chance of winning this race though. If he goes in here, he should set the pace and be tough to run down.

8) V.I.P. Code(30-1) will be my choice for 3rd. He has started once this year and that start was his 2nd lifetime on grass, but it was on a yielding grass course, so that start is a toss for me. He ran 2nd in his first start on grass in his career(odds 71-1), to the same horse that beat him in his last. His new trainer, Colletti, Jr has pulled off bigger surprises. I simply do not know if he has this one ready, though.

9)Have At It(10-1) is another I will use underneath in a super key. This distance seems to fit him better than the others who are dropping out of graded stakes into this race. His owner and his trainer both play this game at the top end also.

Bets: WP 1, Ex Box 1-6, Tri Box 1-6-8, Tri Box 1-6-9, .10 Super Box 1-6-8-9, Super Key 1 with 6-8-9 with 6-8-9 with 6-8-9.

Race 7: The Tremont---- 2 YOs --- Purse $150,000--- 5 1/2 Furlongs:

8) Rookie Salsa(4-1) has won his first two starts and is my choice to win his third straight. Both sire & broodmare sire banked over $1M each and both won just more than half their lifetime starts.

3)Now Is(20-1) is a maiden that finished third in his only lifetime start and that start came on grass. However, his sire, Sidney's Candy was very speedy on both dirt and grass and while his broodmare sire, Distorted Humor, is better known as a grass sire or off track sire, he ran against the best of his generation on dirt and usually was heard from in the stretch. His trainer, Gleaves, has been training since at least the mid 1980's.

7) Memorable(8-1) is my choice for 3rd. He broke his maiden in his first start and finished in a good time on a sloppy track. The race looks like it sets up for a horse who can rate and he looks most likely that can sit close and go when asked.

1)Theitalianamerican(10-1) looks like a cold stone closer as he came from far back at the top of the stretch to finish 2nd, beaten a head in a good time. However, it was more due to the fact the two front runners simply stopped but he did make up 4 lengths on the winner. With that start under his belt, he should break a little better but there are others in here that will get a huge jump if he lags too far back. Sire, Girolamo, hails from the same female family as Blue Grass Cat & Supersaver, among many other stakes winners.

Bets: WP 8, Ex Box 3-8, Tri Box 3-7-8, .10 Super Box 1-3-7-8, Super Key 8 with 1-3-7 with 1-3-7 with 1-3-7.


Race 8) The True North(G2)--- 3 YO & Up--- Purse $250,000---- 6 1/2 Furlongs:

5) Strike Power(8-1) is my choice to WP. After two wins in his first two career starts, he faced off with Promises Fulfilled in his next four starts, a horse he proved he could not battle and keep going because of the blistering pace. He was switched to grass against more experienced grass horses for his last start last year and he showed about as much as could be expected. His first start this year saw him cruise around GP track in 1:15 flat, which is 3/5 of a second of the track record that has stood since 2005(drf says 1/5 off). However, no one else in here can say they had to set 21 and change and 43 and change to have a chance to win any race, but he can but he could not. Doubtful if anyone else here can either.

4) Nicodemus(8-1) will be my choice for 2nd. His last saw him chase down a loose on the lead horse who returns in this race with no help in the slop. He should have help early in here and could win if a blistering pace develops. His sire is Candy Ride, who everyone should know but his broodmare sire is Tiger Ridge, a full brother to Summer Squall & a 1/2 brother to A.P. Indy. Look for him to improve as he gains more experience.

8) Do Share(5-1) will be my choice for third. While I could have gone with Whitmore in this spot, I decided Do Share is probably the one who is fitter at the moment, since he ran by Whitmore in their last.

7) Whitmore(7-2) will be my choice to complete the super.

Bets: WP 5, Ex Box 4-5, Tri Box 4-5-8, .10 Super Box 4-5-7-8, Super Key 5 with 4-7-8 with 4-7-8 with 4-7-8.

Race 9: The New York(G2)---- 3 YO & UP Fillies And Mares---- Purse $600,000 ---- 1 1/4 Mile Inner Turf.

8)Homerique(6-5) towers over this field and should be one of the easiest winners of the day, if she run anywhere close to her past form. She ran in the two biggest races restricted to 3 YO fillies last year and finished 3rd both times while narrowly beaten.

3)Giant Zinger(15-1) is my choice to finish 2nd. Her last two starts. she was sent from the start because the going was soft and good. On the good turf, she set a slow enough pace to be close at the end and she was. On the soft grass, it really did not matter how slow she went, because most will tire badly anyways and she did, considering it was a 5 horse field. Now she shortens up a furlong and she should rate behind the early speed which is what she does in her best races.

4) Lady Montdore(10-1) will be my choice for third. She will try to sneak off to an easy early lead and if allowed to succeed will prove to be tough to run down, though the top choice should find it in her. Her sire is Medaglia D'Oro but her dam is Hystericalady, a multiple G1 winner of more than 2.3M on dirt, including a 2nd in the G1 BC Distaff in the slop. One mile on grass is too short for Lady Montdore but 1 3/8 miles has proven to be a little further than she looks like she wants to go. Now she gets her 2nd shot at 1 1/4 mile on grass but now has to beat Fourstar Crook's replacement.

1)Holy Helena(9-2) seems to always be around but usually finds the U.S. horses a little tougher to beat than her Canadian competition. Same should hold true against these.

Bets: Ex Box 3-8, Tri Box 3-4-8, .10 Super Box 1-3-4-8, Super Key 8 with 1-3-4 with 1-3-4 with 1-3-4.


10th Race: Belmont Gold Cup Inv(G2)--- 3 YO & Up--- Purse $400,000---- 2 Miles Turf.

6) Arklow(5-2) is my choice to win. This looks like one of easier spots he has found in a while and should prove tough to deny.

7)Hunter O'Riley(10-1) will be my choice to finish 2nd. He is making his 4th start this year after making one start all of last year. He was some back class, including a 5th in this race in 2017 in a field that came up fairly strong. Trainer is also better known for his grass runners than his dirt runners.

5)Highland Sky(15-1) will be my third choice. While he has not been a real impact in a distance turf for a while, he is working better than he has in a while, indicating he may be returning to his best form. While I really do not expect it, if he returns to his 3 YO form, he will upset this field. There is no Beach Patrol in here.

9)Canessar(9-2) is my fourth choice and the only one close to having a recent race good enough to beat my top choice. While I do not really like his two most recent races, he will be making his fourth start since he took a six month break, so maybe he is ready to return to form.

Bets: WP 7, Ex Box 6-7, Tri Box 5-6-7, .10 Super Box 5-6-7-9, Super Key 6 with 5-7-9 with 5-7-9 with 5-7-9.


11th race: Starter Allowance $40,000---- 3 YO & Up Fillies & Mares--- Purse $55,000--- 6 Furlongs Inner Turf:

4) Ragtime Suzy(12-1) is my choice to win. First, Irad Ortiz has accept the mount and he seems to love to win the last race most days, especially in New York. Ragtime Suzy's dam, Category Seven, was a tough as nails competitor throughout her racing career and she performed better on grass than dirt. Her trainer, Bush, is also slightly better with his grass runners compared to his dirt runners.

1)Smokem Deb(3-1) will be my choice to finish 2nd. She has speed and will have to use it early because the rail is not the best place to be on the inner turf when it is firm. However, her trainer, Thomas, probably knows this as well as anyone and he should have her prepared.

5) Derby Day Jewel(10-1) will be my choice for third. Her trainer also trains my top pick and she is bred as good the top choice. In fact, Derby Day Jewel's sire, Get Stormy, is one of two G1 grass winner this trainer has trained in his career. Derby Day Jewel's dam, Jasmine Jewel, beat winners only once in her career but it was at 5 furlongs on grass where she came from last to first.

11) Ailish(8-1) will be my choice for 4th. She breaks from the far outside and the outside posts on the inner grass is as bad as breaking from the rail. So she will need to break alertly to get a good position before the turn to have a real shot at winning. Not impossible but very rare.

Bets: WP 4, Ex Box 1-4, Tri Box 1-4-5, .10 Super Box 1-4-5-11, Super Key 4 with 1-5-11 with 1-5-11 with 1-5-11.
submitted by hodsct59 to horseracing [link] [comments]

My Picks For Churchill Downs, Saturday June 15

There are 5 graded stakes card and the undercard looks competitive, also, at Churchill Downs. There is also a G1 race for Arabians only but I will not even attempt to pick that race, much less wager on it. The first race is for grass maiden special weights and the last(11th), which is a maiden claiming race, looks mostly likely for an upset. The rest mostly looks like runners that will be highly regarded. Also, I may have a couple of races at Woodbine Saturday and Sunday that I will post if I decide to bet them, including one that will pay handsomely if the horses runs to their bloodlines(their works suggest it is possible, too if you are wondering).

Saturday--- CD 1st Race: Maiden Special Weight---- 3 YO & Up--- Purse $95,000--- 5 1/2 Furlongs Turf:

My choice to win will be 6)Tohui(20-1). He will be making his first start and has three nice works but none in 4 weeks. However his works were at a training center close by, so they may have been working him but may not have release or recorded any recent activity, which they are not required to with the exception of one recognized work within 2 months of an actual race. His sire is Distorted Humor, who foals I bet often on grass or off tracks. His Dam, Rosee Is Cozee, won 5 races in her career, 3 on TP AWT and 2 grass races and her only stakes placing was a 3rd in the Ky Downs Ladies Turf S. 20 her 22 starts came on AWT tracks and on grass, with 13 being on the board finishes. The other 2 were off the turf races and she did not run a lick in either. Tohui, trainer and part owner, Jurado, also the same with her. One other note, Tohui was sent through 2 sales as a yearling with a $95K reserved and was brought home bought times. However, trainer then went out and found someone interested in a partnership and decided to race him, instead of selling him for less than he thought he was worth. While this does not guarantee a winner(nothing does), it is impressive enough that he thought well enough of the horse to keep him and therefore, worth taking a chance on.

8) A.K. Safari(8-1) is my choice for second. He has started 5 times in his career with 4 starts on grass, including a second, while running against decent horses. His only dirt try was a dull effort against War Of Will. He has had one start this year, an even 5th at GP in February, but is working solidly for this engagement, including 2 bullet works since arriving at CD. Would be no surprise for the win, especially if top choice falters.

4) Life Mission(5-1) is my choice for the third slot. He has started 8 times with 3 seconds and 2 thirds. However, his 2 thirds came in Europe and his 3 seconds all came in listed stakes here in the U.S. All three of his unplacings came against maiden special weights. His sire is Noble Mission, a multiple G1 SW and full brother to Frankel & Bullet Train. His broodmare sire, Johannesburg, was an unbeaten 2 YO champion in Europe & the U.S. but is better known as sire of Scat Daddy. Will not be a maiden for too much longer. Won't overlook.

2)Road To Peace(15-1) is my choice for the fourth spot. He is also a first time starter who has some good works, but, to my surprise, his trainer has a horrible recent record with first time starters, lasix and turf starters. However, he is above average as a trainer over all, including training such notables as Oscar Performance, Heart To Heart, and Grand Arch, among many others. His sire, multiple G1 winner Quality Road and his dam, multiple G1 winner Diplomat Lady, all on dirt but both comes from top siring families of grass runners. In with a good shot to upset.

My Bets: WP 6, Ex Box 6-8, Tri Box 4-6-8, .10 Super Box 2-4-6-8, Super Key 6 with 2-4-8 with 2-4-8 with 2-4-8.

Race 2: Maiden Special Weight--- 3 YO & Up Fillies--- Purse $95,000--- 1 Mile:

4) Doll Collection(4-1) is my choice to win. She has started twice with a 3rd place finish as her best effort. But she was checked in the turn on a muddy track and then made up almost 4 lengths in the stretch and the combination of the two probably drained her of energy. While she worked twice in good time before her next effort, that effort suggested that she was indeed low on energy, resulting in a flat performance. Now she has two more works since, also good, but has the pattern I am looking for with the best one first with just an easy breeze to be sure she is fit following, the first time in her career her trainer has followed this pattern. Her sire is Tapit and her dam multiple G1 winner Groupie Doll won back to back runnings of both the Presque Isles Masters S and G1 BC F&M Sprint. But she also ran twice against the boys in the G1 Cigar Mile H, finishing 2nd and then 4th, both immediately after her BC victories. Doll Collection adds blinkers for this test.

6) Champagne Tale(5-1) is my choice for the 2nd spot. She has started six times with a second and a third her only two board finishes. She looked poised to break her maiden late last year but then shipped to OP where she ran 3 even races without hitting the board. I believe she simply did not like the track as it favored speed heavier than I have seen in years. She has 5 works since her last race, 3 very good ones followed by two easier ones to be sure she has retained her conditioning.

3) Web O' Gold(9-2) is my choice for the third spot. She has started 8 times with 5 seconds and a third. All the seconds were last year in six starts. This year she has started twice and finished third one, her last effort and the last 5 efforts was at 1 1/16 miles, which is probably just a tab further than her best distance. While her sire, Hard Spun, had no problem going 1 1/4 miles, so far his foals wants no more than 1 1/8 miles. However, more important, her broodmare sire, Gone West, is notorious for siring sprinters that have trouble carrying their speed even a mile, much less any longer. Bullet work noted since her last, also. After a failed try of adding blinkers, they are being removed for this start. While I think she has a shot at winning, I like my top two better.

10) Templuna(20-1) is my choice for 4th. While there are several who could easily been put in this spot, I like her the best. She has two starts, with her last being an improvement over her first start, though the winner out of that race came back and won a G1 in her second lifetime start with authority. And though the trainer is not well known in Ky, he will win one at the bigger Illinois tracks when you overlook one of his trainees. She has two good works since her last start, indicating she is ready to run her best race yet.

My Bets: WP 4, Ex Box 4-6, Tri Box 3-4-6, .10 Super Box 3-4-6-10, Super Key 4 with 3-6-10 with 3-6-10 with 3-6-10.


Race 3: Allowance O/C $80,000---- 3 YO & Up----- Purse $101,000---- 6 1/2 Furlongs:

2) Loose On The Town(4-1) is my choice to win. He has started once this year and only 4 times combined in 2018-19. His only effort this year is even better than it looks on paper as he bobbled at the start, which could not help, but he kept trying throughout the race, though he flatten out in deep stretch, an indication he need the start. However, trainer was apparently pleased with that effort because he gave him 3 maintenance breezes instead of trying to put more speed in him since that effort to maintain his fitness, not to get him fitter, which more often than not backfires on those who believes horses need faster works. A horse can only get so fit, no need to make him leave his best race in a workout, which happens so often.

3) Pete's Play Call(9-2) is my choice for the 2nd spot. He is making his first start of the year but his trainer is actually notorious for being horses back off long layoffs, despite what his recent stat suggest. While this horse is taking a step up in class, his only other choice was either conditioned allowances or to enter in a claiming race for a tag, something he may not have wanted to risk. This is the next condition of the optional claiming levels, also. And like my top choice, this trainer got this horse fit and now has been giving him maintenance breezes while he waits for the right spot to enter. He has worked a total of fifteen times since his last race, so trainer knows he is ready to give his best effort.

7) He Hate Me(15-1) is my choice for the third spot. While he ran third in his last after a winning effort, a signal I now use to help me determine if and when a horse has peaked, he does not fit that angle based off his last race. First, that race was ran in the mud with a finishing time of 109 2/5. Next, he went 6 wide in the turn and lost even more valuable ground. But there are not many who will run down the front running speed that got that big of ahead start on a fast track, much less an off track, without them literally slowing to a crawl, which they didn't. He has started 8 times in his career, so he still has room for improvement with a little more experience. He has five works since his last start, but it is backwards of what I prefer as the works have gotten faster as the race approaches and for this reason, I will put him third, though he could win if top two are not at their best.

6) Mr Crow(4-1) is my choice for fourth. He has ran in the toughest class of all these and would be no surprise for the win. However, he has not indicated, to me at least, that he is in top form, though he is not far off. He has started twice this year and finished third in an effort he definitely needed, then a close fourth in a stakes race that saw him pick up one horse throughout the race in a six horse field and a couple who beat him would be outsiders in here.

My Bets: WP 2, Ex Box 2-3, Tri Box 2-3-7, ,10 Super Box 2-3-6-7, Super Key 2 with 3-6-7 with 3-6-7 with 3-6-7.

4th Race: Allowance---- 3 YO & Up F&M---- Purse $97,000--- One And 1/8 Mile Turf:

2) Dalika (4-1) is my choice to win. She started one this year and that was her first start in the U.S. also. She broke slowly and grinded her way closer to the front runners as she fought restraint at one mile on grass. That was a good effort and she has back class. She broke her maiden in a handicap and then ran 2nd in the listed Prix Herod S, both against colts. But she is also the only 3 YO entered in this race, so she will get a small weight break on the weight for age scale. Her sire, Pastorius, is a G1 winning son of Soldier Hollow(a grandson of Sadler's Wells) and her broodmare sire, Hurricane Run, is a G1 winning son of Montjeu(son of Sadler's Wells) and out of a daughter of Surumu, Germany's best distance sire line dating back to the mid 1800's. Bloodlines is there, class is there, and jockey needs to just hold on and enjoy the ride!

7) Bridaled Temper(7-2) is my choice for second. As I was looking at this race, I wanted to put her on top, but since she has 5 second place finishes in her 10 lifetime starts, this is probably the best spot for her. She has started once this year and that was an even effort. However, she seems to be begging for a little more distance as her broodmare sire, Sadler's Wells, has spent his career breeding foals that is only starting to warm up at 1 1/4 mile, especially on grass. But she has to beat a Sadler's Wells inbred in here that will probably get first jump on her and that is probably too much to overcome.

1) Joy Of Treasure (8-1) is my choice for third. He has started three times this year and after breaking his maiden claiming, has tried starter allowance and then condition allowance(the class of this field) at 1 1/2 mile, while finishing mid pack in both. Both starts were good from the experience standpoint and he should be ready to fire his best shot since this will mark his third race after a winning effort. His sire, Kitten's Joy, is yet another grandson of Sadler's Wells and his broodmare sire, Catienus, is a son of Storm Cat. With the cut back in distance, he should be flying late to get a piece.

3) Napier (3-1) is my choice for fourth. She has 2 lifetime starts, the first when she broke her maiden and then her last, when she set the pace in the same conditions as this race, but tired late to finish fourth in her first start against winners. However, she is stretching out another 1/16 mile and there is plenty of other front running speed sign on. Both her sire and broodmare sire are suspect at this distance, but her dam family shows both Nureyev, a 3/4 brother to Sadler's Wells and Nijinsky II, the current last winner of England's TC for 3 YOs in 1970.

My Bets: WP 2, Ex Box 2-7, Tri Box 1-2-7, .10 Super Box 1-2-3-7, Super Key 2 with 1-3-7 with 1-3-7 with 1-3-7.


Race 5: Matt Winn S(G3)---- 3 YOs---- Purse $150,000---- 1 And 1/16 Mile:

3) Nolo Contesto (3-1) is my choice to win. He broke his maiden three starts back, beating Omaha Beach in that test, who has not lost since. Then he gets beat twice by Roadster, the last being at a distance that his bloodlines suggests is a little to long for him. His trainer gave him a series of six works since his last start, all to maintain fitness until the last, when he was asked to work a little faster. Since that work has not blazing fast and was his last before this start and heading east, he probably needed to give a little extra effort. But it should have him nicely set up for a solid effort.

4) Knicks Go(5-1) is my choice for the second spot. He is a need the lead type to perform his best and he should be able to accomplish that against these. He has three starts this year which shows he was knocked off form with a huge effort in the BC Juvenile when 2nd. But his last shows he is returning to his best form. He has two works since his last and while not quite the way I would prefer, I still believe it is enough to run big in a rather weak G3 field.

2)Signalman (4-1) is my choice for third. I bet this horse in the Preakness and he did not pick up his feet. As I do with all horses I bet and with longshots that wins, I went back to try to figure out what happen. And then, it hit me. Next time, check the BLOODLINES. He was working solidly for that effort and looked live but his bloodlines was screaming "Not A CHANCE". Others give me grief that I am such a believer in bloodlines. But Signalman's sire, General Quarters, won the G1 Blue Grass S on the all weather surface but his longest win on dirt came in the G3 Sam F Davis S at Tampa Bay. And Signalman's broodmare sire, Trippi, was even worse. His longest win came in the G3 Flamingo S at 1 1/8 mile, but that was because he was the only speed on GP speed favoring track. Even though he won 7 of 14 lifetime starts, no other win was further than 7 furlongs. Actually he got crushed every other time he tried, Now Signalman is shortening back up to 1 1/16 mile which his bloodlines suggests is his longer limit, he is working good still and he catches a fairly weak field.

5) Mr Money (2-1) is my choice for 4th. He is another who I bet in his last race and he came through. However that was at a mile and since that start, his trainer has sped up his works, signaling to me he wants him closer to the lead. And I feel that is a mistake, given his bloodline. His sire, Goldencents, was a champion miler and very speedy. But he, too, won over a mile but only at SA and in that race, the Santa Anita Derby at 1 1/8 mile, he sat behind a horse his trainer knew would tire and was able to hold off a Tapit son. While Tiznow is his broodmare sire, the sire of the 2nd dam is Distorted Humor, another who could not get a mile, much less 1 1/16 mile. If he rates like he has done so far, then you made consider him higher up. But if he doesn't, I hoping he can last for fourth.

My Bets: No WP, Ex Box 3-4, Tri Box 2-3-4, No .10 Super Box, Super Key 3 with 2-4-5 with 2-4-5 with 2-4-5.


Race 6: Wise Dan S(G2)--- 3 YO & Up---- Purse $250,000---- 1 1/16 Mile Turf:

10) El Picaro (12-1) is my choice to win. He is making his first start this year and his first in this country. He has won 5 of 7 starts in his native country of Argentina, including the biggest G1 they have to offer. Since the likes of Candy Ride, Paseana and Bayakoa, I have seen little to get behind coming from that country. However since his sire, Lookin At Lucky; and his broodmare sire is Scat Daddy, both G1 winners on dirt in the U.S but both bred equally as good for grass, I now believe others will get to see what a good Argentina horse really looks like while they are racing. His trainer's grass stats looks poor, but his only graded stakes wins on grass has came with his male trainees, while his only graded stakes wins on dirt have came with females. 11 works spread out evenly over the last 2 1/2 months at Keeneland and he should be ready to fire.

1)Get Western (50-1) is my choice for the 2nd spot. He has two starts this year, The first was a race he needed and the second he easily won his first level condition allowance. He makes a huge leap up in class, but he also sports the trainer of Wise Dan, a multiple G1 SW on grass and two time U.S. Champion Grass Horse. LoPresti has been looking for another since Wise Dan retired and I believe he has found one. Get Western's sire, Get Stormy, was also late to mature as a 3 YO, winning his first stakes and then 2 G3 late in his 3 YO season. He came back as a 4 YO and won 2 G2s. He added 2 G1 as a 5 YO. And then he capped off his career with another G1 score as a 6 YO. In all, he won 11 of 31 starts and earned over $1.6M, all between 1 mile and 1 1/8 mile on grass. Get Western broodmare sire, Marquetry, was a high speed dirt horse that won 10 of 36 lifetime starts and earned $2.8M with his biggest G1 wins coming in the Hollywood Gold Cup at 1 1/4 mile on dirt and the Eddie Read H at 1 1/8 mile on grass. Get Western also has Northern Dancer listed twice on each side of his pedigree in the 5th generation. Do not know if he is ready to pull it off, but works and breeding suggest he is. Will not leave him out.

12) Admission Office (5-1) is my choice to finish in the 3rd spot. He has two starts this year also, the first a win in a second level condition and then a fast closing second to Catholic Boy in his first graded stakes try. He has two works since that effort and both looks like breezes to keep him fit. However, his sire, Point Of Entry, was a multiple G1 winner on grass and Admission Office is a member of his second crop to race. A member of his first crop was Analyze It. Admission Office broodmare sire, Royal Academy, was a 1/2 brother to the dam of Storm Cat and a leading sire in both Europe and Australia for a number of years, along with putting out many good runners that was brought to the U.S.

4) Hot Springs (10-1) is my choice for fourth. He, too, has made two starts this year. He was in need of his first start but it was also against Bricks And Mortar, a horse that has moved to the top of the grass horses division. His second look like the jockey tried to keep him too close to the pace and he failed to respond with his usual late kick. Now Asmussen switches back to his main jockey, gave this horse a series of 4 maintenance breezes since his last and he should return with his late kick in here.

My Bet: WP 10, Ex Box 1-10, Tri Box 1-10-12, .10 Super Box 1-4-10-12, Super Key 10 with 1-4-10 with 1-4-10 with 1-4-10. And what is extremely rare for me, I will also bet a smaller WP on the 1, and a tri box with the 1-4-10.


Had the rest of my post typed in but then it disappeared again and it will not let me pull it back up. Won't have time to re type but I will give out my choices: I will put a few notes after each race, mostly about the odds horses I have chosen to give you a better idea why:

7th Race: 3) Elate(8-5), 6) Auspicious Babe(15-1), 5) Blue Prize(2-1). Betting only Tri Box 3-5-6 and Tri Key 3 with 5-6 with 5-6.

6) Auspicious Babe looks like she is returning to form after clearly being off her best form all year.


8th Race: 12) Yoshida(7-2), 8) King Zachary(12-1), 4) Seeking The Soul(4-1), 3) Runaway Ghost(20-1). Bets: WP 12, Ex Box 8-12, Tri Box 4-8-12, .10 Super Box 3-4-8-12, Super Key 12 with 3-4-8 with 3-4-8 with 3-4-8.

King Zachary made his first start on derby day and could not compete on a track that was still drying out in a blazing pace and finish time behind the winner who got a big jump on him and the runner up who set the swift pace. With plenty of front running speed signed up for this race, he has a chance to make his presence felt under a new trainer. RUNAWAY GHOST has never beaten this kind, but he gets a chance to sit behind a few this go, instead of being the chase to ensure a solid pace. Has proven he does his best running when allowed to settle and then make a serious move.


9th Race: 1) Winter Sunset(7-2), 2) Delta's Kingdom(8-1), 5)Hard Legacy(8-1), 11) Princess Carolina (4-1). Bets: WP 1, Ex Box 1-2, Tri Box 1-2-8, .10 Super Box 1-2-5-11, Super Key 1 with 2-5-11 with 2-5-11 with 2-5-11.

Delta's Kingdom's broodmare sire A.P. Delta is an unraced son of A.P. Indy and dam is Lyphard's Delta, making him a full brother to G1 winner Indy Five Hundred and Delta Princess, dam of 2 time F&M champion Royal Delta, G1 winners Delta Prince, Crown Princess, G1 Placed Carnival Court, G2 Placed Empire Way(whose first foals are now 4) and winner Khozan(whose first foals are now 2 and has one entered tomorrow that should be live at Woodbine).

Princess Carolina's dam is Pure Clan , a multiple G1 winner of 8 races in 16 starts and $1.9M in earnings. Pure Clan is also inbred to Secretariat through his daughter Terlingua and son General Assembly who found it impossible to beat Spectacular Bid in six attempts, though he was clearly the 2nd best 3 YO of 1979.


10th Race: Arabians Stakes, so I will pass as race is wide open.


11th Race: 11) Cadron Flat (9-2), 2) Dixie Zapper (15-1), 5) Shorely (5-1), 9) Game Day Decision (4-1). Bets: WP 11, Ex Box 2-11, Tri Box 2-5-11, .10 Super Box 2-5-9-11, Super Key 11 with 2-5-9 with 2-5-9 with 2-5-9.

2) Dixie Zapper's trainer, Randy Morse, is a 15% lifetime winning trainer who got off to the worst start of his long career if nearly 40 years, but his horses normally comes alive at CD. Has trained the winners of approaching 1000 in his career(11 shy of that mark).


Good Luck to all! Have fun!
submitted by hodsct59 to horseracing [link] [comments]

My Picks For Arlington Million Day, Saturday, August 11, 2018.

I have made my choices on who I am going to bet At Arlington this weekend on Million Day. The first six races or so, I am simply looking to pick up a little change as the races are mostly filled with runners with limited ability. But I do like several in the better races and will take my shot in those races, though I have to leave a few out because I do not spread on my wagers.
1st Race: Maiden Claiming $15-10,000--- 3 YOs And Up Illinois Bred Fillies & Mares--- 6 furlongs AWT--- Purse $14,000:
This race looks like it will run to form, so I like 3)Rachelgotstephen(5-2) to win. But since I do not bet any horse to WP under 3-1), I will use this horse in exacta and tri boxes only. Her trainer Joe Kirby is the son of Frank Kirby who owns this horse but apparently has turned training duties over to his son. Frank Kirby was a trainer that would always bring a longshot in for me when I needed it the most. She has started twice this year and ran 4th both times. Dropping into maiden claimers for the first time this year, so the class break should help.
1)High Power(2-1) will be the one I use in an exacta box with my top pick. She dropped into this class for the first time in her last and open a clear lead before tiring. However, her trainer, Reavis, wins a lot of races in gate to wire fashion. He is switching jockeys to the lesser known Marquez, Jr but he is known for his ability to rate a horse on the lead. Should be a late factor.
6)Frosty Friend(3-1) has done nothing in his first two starts, but they were at Tampa Bay in races open to all fillies. Given a 4 month break where the trainer spent the time getting her fit to run as her works have improved and she seems to enjoy the all weather track, which her bloodlines says she should. Chris Block has been one of the better trainers in Illinois for almost 20 years. Will not be surprise if she wins this race, though I will use her in my tri box only.
2nd Race: Maiden Special Weight--- 2 YOs--- 6 Furlongs AWT---Purse $32,000.
I like the 1)Drilliant(8-1) to WP. His sire Drill, is a son of Lawyer Ron and he won the G1 Del Mar Futurity in his 3rd lifetime start on that track's all weather surface. His broodmare sire, Forbidden Apple, was a multiple graded stakes winner on grass in New York. If Drilliant run to his works, He will be tough to beat in here.
7) Hide The Demon(5-1) will be my choice to complete my exacta box. His sire, Run Away And Hide won all three of his starts, including the G2 Saratoga Special, before an injury ended his career. His broodmare sire is Tapit, who needs no introduction as he has been among the leading sires every year since he went to stud. Hide The Demon would be my top pick but I feel Drilliant has been prepared better for his debut.
2)Grit To Glory(8-1) will be my choice to complete my tri box. His sire, Pioneerof The Nile, is sire of 2015 TC winner American Pharoah, but his dam, Live For Now, is a 1/2 sister to Point Given. His works has not been as flashy as my top two picks, but he certainly has the bloodlines to succeed.
Race 3: Maiden Special Weight--- 3 YOs & Up--- One Mile Turf--- Purse $32,000.
I like the 7)Fifth Ace(4-1) to WP. He has made one lifetime start which came on the all weather track at Presque Isle Downs where he tracked the pace, took the lead turning into the stretch and finished 6th, beaten 2 3/4 lengths. Now, he has been entered in a grass race at the same distance and his bloodlines suggests he will like that surface even more. His dam, Model, is a daughter of Giant's Causeway and her dam is a G1 placed daughter of Machiavellian, the sire of Street Cry.
3)Wicked Gem(6-1) has made three lifetime starts, all on dirt, and has shown very little. However, his trainer, Kellyn Gorder. knows how to get a horse to produce and he has a series of works since his last that indicates he has or is ready to take the necessary step forward. His sire, Gemologist, won his first 5 lifetime starts before he was plummeted in the Ky Derby & Haskell Inv in his last two starts. And while he was never tried on grass, his bloodlines suggest that would probably be the surface he preferred. Add in Wicked Gem's broodmare sire, Mr Greeley(son of Gone West), Clever Trick(son of Northern Dancer's 3/4 brother Icecapade), and English TC Winner Nijinsky II(son of Northern Dancer), this horse should explode on grass. He will be my choice to complete my exacta box.
8)Duchossois(3-1) will be my choice for my tri box. His sire, Animal Kingdom, won the 2011 Ky Derby for his only lifetime dirt winner and spent the rest of his career more successful on grass and all weather tracks. However, I do not like that his last 2 works were extremely fast and they are uncovered. These types disappoints me more than their fair share, so I am willing to take a stand against him winning but will include him in my tri box. Roger Brueggemann is a solid trainer though, so this horse is not out of the question.
4th Race: Allowance O/C $18,000--- N/W 1 Other Than Or Which Have Never 2 Races Or Claiming $18,000--- 3 YO & Up-- One Mile Turf--- Purse $33,000.
I am going to take the only 3 YO in the field and make 5)Southsider(12-1) my choice to WP. His sire, First Defence, was a G1 winning sprinter but his broodmare sire, Southern Halo, was champion sire whose foals ran well on grass and dirt. Add Northern Dancer twice on his female side and Never Bend and one mile should suit him fine. He tried one mile on grass in his first lifetime start, but got off to a slow start and a good run before flatten out late on a turf listed as firm but by the fractions and final times, was obviously very slow. I believe he makes amends against these.
3)Belfast Cowboy(4-1) will be my choice to complete my exacta box. He has the same sire(Myboycharlie) and broodmare sire(Galileo) as the M/L favorite Sistercharlie in the Beverly D to be ran later on the card. He has 3 lifetime starts on three different all weather tracks and switches to grass for the first time. He crosses 4x4 to Danzig which gives him a ticket to win on any surface, especially up to a mile. However, hos broodmare sire, Galileo, is strictly a grass horse whose foals gets better the further they go.
2)Salvage Battle(15-1) will be my choice to complete my tri box. His sire, War Front, is a son of Danzig whose foals are speedy like he was, but most do their best running on grass. He is now known as a sire of sires as several of his sons were graded stakes winners on grass and are producing foals that are excelling on that surface too. He has two starts this year, one at 5 furlongs on the AWT and the other at 1 1/16 mile grass, where he broke last, then tried to press the pace after a quarter mile before tiring in the stretch. One nice work since and his trainer, Chris Block, is better known for winning with his grass runner. However, I feel he will be even better in his next start, and major improvement is expected today.
5th Race: Maiden Special Weight--- 2 YOs Fillies--- 5 1/2 Furlongs AWT--- Purse $32,000.
I like the 1)Take The Over(9-2) to WP. His sire, Overanalyze, was leading first crop sire of 2 YOs by winners last year and should continue making his presence felt. Her works says she should be ready to show the speed her female family displayed in their careers. Michael Stidham is very good with his first time starters also, so I expect a solid race from this one.
8)Twist And Shout(8-1) will be my choice to complete my exacta box. Her sire, Discreet Cat, broke his maiden in his first start in 109 4/5 at Saratoga and was then purchased privately by Godolphin who bred and owns this filly. Her trainer, Eoin Harty, used to train for Godolphin for a while, they went separate ways for several years and have now joined forces again and are winning with horses that are overlooked, including a couple at Saratoga this year. This filly is working as good as my top choice, if not slightly better. Should make for a thrilling race if both breaks like expected.
11)Kajawa(7-2) will be my choice to complete my tri box and she could play spoiler to my exacta. She finished 2nd in her first start on this track and distance. Her trainer, Mike Reavis, wins his share with runners on the lead and she should improve off her first start. Her sire, Cross Traffic, raced only as a 4 YO and ran 2nd in the G1 Metropolitan Mile, getting caught at the wire before going gate to wire in the G1 Whitney H, beating 2 BC Classic winners and a Santa Anita H winner. Her broodmare sire, Maria's Mon, was 2 YO Champion in his only year of racing and the sire of two Ky Derby winners, Monarchos & Super Saver. Lots to like, a small step forward is all that is needed.
6th Race: Claiming 12,500-$10,000--- 3 YOs & Up Which Have Never Won 2 Races--- 1 1/16 Miles Turf--- Purse $13,500.
I will use the 6)Colonel Fred(5-2) in my exotics but will bypass playing him to WP as his odds are a little low for my taste. I think this horse is fit enough to win, it is only a matter of find a field he can beat. Colonel John's foals have been a lot better on grass than dirt so far and while I do not think he outclasses this field, he looks the most likely of a weak field.
3)Justenufftuff(15-1) will be my choice to complete my exacta and the more I look at him, I think he is one that warrants a small WP bet. His sire, Justenuffhumor, won a pair of G2 turf races at Saratoga and he is a 1/2 brother to multiple G2 AWT winner, Lewis Michael, and Champion 2 YO filly, Dreaming Of Anna, who won the BC Juvenile Fillies. Their dam, Justenuffheart, is a 1/2 sister to Kitten's Joy. His last start was his first on grassin a turf sprint and he drew the rail, hit the gate and did not pick up his feet after thatin a distance that was probably too short for him. Brian Williamson trains and learned from his father-in-law, Harvey Vanier, and knows how to get them ready.
8)All Strikes(8-1) will be my choice to complete the tri box. While anyone could jump up in here and surprise, he has picked up a lot of minor shares and I normally like to use these types underneath in exotics, but in no way would I bet any across the board money on this type. Simply too risky.
7th Race: Starter O/C $10,000-$5,000. 3 YO & Up Which Have Started For A $5,000 Claiming Price Or Less Since Jan 1st Or Claiming Price $10,000-- One Mile Turf--- Purse $15,000.
6)Diamondmaze(9-2) will be my choice to WP. He last started on May 28 at one mile on grass, hit the gate coming out, settled near the back on a yielding turf course, made a menacing move into the stretch before flattening out late, His last win was also one mile on grass where he broke alertly and took the field wire to wire on the tiring Fair Grounds turf course. I expect him to get a better break today with 3 decent works in July and they might not be able to catch him.
11)Dancing Rock(12-1) will be my choice to complete my exacta box. In his last off a 2 month break, he sat slightly off the pace, engaged the front runner turning into the stretch, but both were caught by late runners in an effort that was better that it looks. He should move forward off that effort and this is his fourth start this year. While he shows no works since his last, the Kirby's owns their own farm and it has a training track, so you can bet he is fit. Could upset my top choice if pace is faster than expected.
9)Spanish Justice(12-1) will complete my tri box. He has been sprinting on grass lately and should show front running speed on the stretch out and is a big threat to my top choice in making the pace too fast early. And for those that have no idea, his sire, Spanish Steps is a full brother to Unbridled's Song and Spanish Steps is sire of G1 BC Turf wire to wire winner and Older Grass Champion Little Mike. So this horse will have speed to spare.
Race 8: Bruce D Memorial Stakes--- 3 YOs--- One Mile AWT--- Purse $100,000.
6)Wile E Coyote(12-1) will be my choice to WP. He won his last start but was DQ to 2nd for drifting in, impeding the runner up. But they were clear of the rest of the field. I usually consider all City Zip's foals up to a mile , especially on grass and the AWT plays a lot like grass. City Zip is a 1/2 brother to Ghostzapper. Wile E Coyote's broodmare sire, Cactus Ridge, is a son of Hennessy who is best known as sire of Johannesburg(sire of Scat Daddy) and Henny Hughes(sire of Beholder). Cactus Ridge won all 4 of his starts and his best foal was the G1 winning filly Hot Cha Cha but this daughter also won almost $550,000 on the track.
8)Nottoway(10-1) will be my choice to complete my exacta box. He should get a nice stalking trip and could be the one to take advantage of an expected speed duel. His sire, Twirling Candy, showed a lot of front running speed in his racing career, but his broodmare sire, Harlan's Holiday, won both the G1 Florida Derby And G1 Blue Grass S before running 7th in the Ky Derby as the lukewarm favorite. His best son, Into Mischief, is a top sire in racing today. And Nottoway shows the style of racing that carried Harlan's Holiday to most of his top graded wins.
7)The Tabulator(2-1) will be my choice to complete my tri box. He is the class of this field but has shown he runs better if he can get a clear lead early which I do not expect him to get. The fields he has beaten are suspect at best and he has yet to beat a top horse. No way is he a single in any exotic wager, IMO.
Race 9: G1 Secretariat Stakes----- 3 YOs---- 1 1/4 Miles Turf---- Purse $400,000.
9)Analyze It(2-1) will be my choice to WP but I will probably only use him in my exotics bets as his odds will be lower than what I am risking to wager on. His sire, Point Of Entry, took a while before he put it all together and then he became a beast to beat, winning 9 of 18 lifetime starts, including 7 of his last 9 starts, including 5 G1 wins. Both of his losses came in the G1 BC Turf when 2nd to the aforementioned Little Mike and 4th to Galileo's son, Magician, both longshots. A single in exotics, IMO.
I am going to throw everyone a serious contender if they want to make money. 6)Ming(20-1) will be my choice to complete the exacta. His sire, Pour Moi, won 3 of 5 lifetime starts, including the G1 Epsom Derby in his final start. Pour Moi is a grandson of Sadler's Wells and also sire upset 2017 G1 Epsom Derby winner Wings Of Eagles(40-1 odds) from his first crop to race. His broodmare sire Persian Bold is a son of Ireland 2 YO champion Bold Lad. The sire of Ming's 2nd dam is Secreto, who beat El Gran Senor in the G1 Epsom Derby. Sire of his 3rd dam is Sham, second to Secretariat in the G1 Ky Derby & Preakness S. And the sire of his 4th dam is Majestic Prince, who was sweeping the 1969 U.S. Triple Crown before suffering a career ending injury to finish 2nd in his only career loss. Don't know about anyone else, but this is one horse that will be in all my exotics and I will probably end up betting some to WP on him. He taking a big step up in class but he would be far from the first to spring an upset in a major U.S. grass race. Joseph O'Brien is a son of Aidan O'Brien who started training because he gain too much weight(due to his height mostly) to tack the weight required on most horses. He is already a G1 winning trainer.
13)Hunting Horn(7-2) will be my choice to complete my tri box. He is trained by Aidan O'Brien and will make his presence felt. His sire, Camelot, is yet another son of Sadler's Wells stallion, Montjeu(like Pour Moi) and Camelot came the closest to sweeping the English TC since 1970 when Nijinsky II turned the hat trick and it was first career loss when a fast closing second. The Belmont Invitational was his first start as a 3 YO and his third should more him forward.
I will try to hit a super in here. On a small super box, I will throw in the 11)Dubby Dubbie(30-1). Then on a biggie super, I will box my top 3 and put 11)Dubby Dubbie in 4th. While I do not think he can beat my top three, I like and respect his trainer, Michele Lovell, enough to put him underneath. And stranger things have happen in horse racing.
10th Race: G1 Beverly D Stakes---- 3 YO & Up Fillies And Mares---- 1 3/16 Miles Turf---- Purse $600,000.
1)Daddy's Lil Darling(8-1) will be my choice to WP. She won the prep for this race while geared down and now comes the acid test, which I expect her to pass with flying colors.
4)Dona Bruja(6-1) will be my choice to complete my exacta box. She ran 2nd in this race last year as the favorite. The horse who upset her, Dacita, first got recognition when she ran past Tepin in the G2 Ballston Spa in her first start in the U.S., the race before Tepin went on an eight race win streak. She will be making her 3rd start this year and first in three months but her works shows she is fit.
7)Fourstar Crook(9-2) will be my choice to complete the tri box. She has three start this year and ran well in all three. She is making her first start in two months but has been on the work tab regularly and should be primed to give her best effort.
And for the second race in a row, I will give another longshot to be on the lookout for. I do not like this one as much as my last one, but I will box a small super using her with my top 3 picks. 6)Oh So Terrible(50-1) will be my choice for that super. Her form does not show much but she has ran in three graded stakes and excuses can be found why she did not run better. But she has been this distance only once in her career and that was the prep for this race, but she ran her best race yet in only her third start this year. Trainer gave her another race to sharpen her speed, then worked her in a 33 4/5 blowout at 3 furlongs on the AWT and then an easy breeze in 102 for 5 furlongs. But the best part is her sire, Cape Blanco. He is a son of Galileo and after winning the G1 Irish Derby at 3 , shipped to the U. S. at 4 and won the G1 Man O' War S, G1 Arlington Million and the G1 Joe Hirsch Turf Classic in his only 3 starts in this country. Oh So Terrible broodmare sire, Numerous, hails from the same female family as Sadler's Wells, Nureyev and even Blame.
11th Race: G1 Arlington Million S--- 1 1/4 Miles Turf--- 3 YOs & Up---- Purse $1,000,000.
I think this race is the weakest of the stakes at Arlington this weekend. But still should be competitive. 7)Twenty Four Seven(30-1) will be my choice to WP. His trainer, Roger Brueggemann, took over his training at the start of this year and he won his first 3 starts under his guidance, before finishing sixth in his last race. The owner of this horse is Midwest Thoroughbreds and they have won over 2600 races and purses over $50M. One of their horse you may have heard of is The Pizza Man, who won the Arlington Million in 2015. Trainer? Roger Brueggemann!! Now, Twenty Four Seven is a son of City Zip, which should tell this distance is further that he wants to go. But that is only if you consider the sire side only. His broodmare sire, War Chant, is a son of Danzig and won the G1 BC Turf Mile in his 8th and final start. Hollywood Wildcat, War Chant's dam, won the G1 BC Distaff in her final start. Twenty Four Seven's second dam, Amelia Bearhart, is the dam of Chief Bearhart, who won the G1 BC Turf at Hollywood Park in 1997. Smash it all together and you get a horse that will not be consider by most. But I will take a shot at a monstrous payday, you can bet that.
9) Deauville(6-1) will be my choice to complete my exacta box. He ran third in each of the last two years in the Arlington Million and he took the lead in the stretch both times only to get nipped at the wire. His trainer, Aidan O'Brien, followed basically the same path as last year but has been pointing for this race. And since his sire is Galileo and he is bred on the same pattern as Frankel, there is no way I will leave him out.
2) Spring Quality(8-1) will be my choice to complete my tri box. He normally run fairly close to the lead but was taken back near the back in his last race. I am guessing it was because he was stuck on the far outside on the inner turf course at Belmont, and horses that far out rarely wins, so the jockey was informed to save as much ground as possible before moving out after they turned into the stretch. Plan worked to perfection, but I expect him to contest the early pace in this race.

EDIT: Both Dividsero and Spring Quality has been declared from the race. So I will now use 5) Century Dream(12-1) to complete my tri box. I mostly bypass this horse because I did not recognized the trainer. But he learned under the tutelage of Sheik Mohammad and Godolphin Stables before going out on his own in 2014. He won 26% of his races in his first year as a trainer and has now added a European Mile Classic win to his growing list of accomplishments. Century Dream's sire, Cape Cross is best known in the states as sire of Ouija Board, who raced in the G1 BC &M Turf S three straight years and won twice and finishing 2nd once against solid fillies and mares. His broodmare sire, Echo Of Light was a G2 winning miler in Europe but stretched his speed to 1 1/4 mile once in the G3 Prix Gontaut-Biron in France. But Century Dream has others in his dam family that will make the distance more reasonable.

Race 12: G3 Pucker Up S---- 3 YO Fillies-- 1 1/8 Miles Turf---- Purse $100,000.
My final WP pick will be 7)Madame Milan(20-1). Her dam, Ville La Rouge was the dam of ill fated Ky Derby winner Barbaro. She has ran only on grass and has given a good account of herself except for her only stakes appearance when she hit the gate to get off last but made a good move to be beaten 4 lengths. Delacour is a native Frenchman and he has worked her like most trainers from that country works their horses. They usually only try to keep their horses fresh by giving maintenance breezes and save their best for race day.
8)Deadline(20-1) will be my choice to complete my exacta box. I simply like her dam's bloodlines and judging by her last start in the Ta Wee S at one mile on grass, she looks like she is starting to mature. Kenneth McPeek, is an above average trainer who gets over zealous sometimes, but looks like he has been patience with this one. He gave her a work since her last start, and she indicated she is ready.
12)Smart Shot(15-1) will complete my tri box. She is another that took a few races to figure things out, but she has won her last 2 races. She has three works since her last race, all good and gives the impression there is another move forward coming. Her sire, Skipshot never raced on grass though he is bred for that surface. All his wins came on all weather tracks in California, including the G2 Swaps S. Her broodmare sire, Smarty Jones won the 2004 Ky Derby & Preakness S before suffering his only career loss in the Belmont S when 2nd. However, his sire, Elusive Quality, is a known sire of grass runners and another son, Raven's Pass beat Curlin on the AWT at Santa Anita after winning several G1 in Europe.
I will box a super in here and will use 10)Secret Message(12-1) to complete that box. All she needs is to learn how to break better and she will be tough to beat. Her trainer, Graham Motion, has elected to give Irad Ortiz, Jr another shot at getting her to settle in the gate. Her sire, Hat Trick is a son of Sunday Silence and his foals usually shows speed from the gate. Her broodmare sire, Gone West, and sire of her 2nd dam, Unbridled's Song, also showed good speed leaving the gate, so it is only a matter of time before she will also.
These are my picks. I think I will make some good money but I always think that. It mainly comes down to track conditions and who likes or dislikes the surfaces most.
submitted by hodsct59 to horseracing [link] [comments]

Ky Downs Closing Day September 14, 2017 Picks.

Thursday is the last live racing day of this Ky Downs meet. As usual, there are some very competitive races on the card, especially their maiden races, where a half dozen entries or more could win without it being a major upset. They are good betting races but it will take a little luck to connect on a nice paying exacta.
1st Race: Claiming $40,000-- 3 YO Fillies & Mares-- 1 Mile 70 Yards Turf-- No Restrictions Other Than Weight Allowances---$55,000: I like the 9)Galilea(12-1 ML) the best of these. She is coming off two N/W 1 other than Allowance races and is basically taking a step up in class. However, her last race at Presque Isle on the all weather track, she sat behind a slow pace and had no shot to run down a loose on the lead filly as the pace quicken late though she gave it her best effort while finishing 4th. She has a solid work since and looks ready. Her trainer is not well known but he knows what it takes to win with his horses. I will bet the 11)Five Hearts(8-1) in my exacta box. Her last win at Belmont Park saw her defeat a field of conditioned N/W 3 lifetime fillies for a $50,000 claiming tag. Then she was a no factor in her first race against fillies in a unrestricted $50,000 claiming. She has 4 works since, the last 3 very good and she drops a level in class for this test. With her bloodlines, she is hard to dismiss, IMO. I will use both the 1)Ursula Andreas(12-1) and the 2)Maryblueeyes(15-1) to complete my tri and super bets. Both have good works since their last race and both have trainers that have good eyes as to when their horse is ready to run. WP 9, Ex Box 9-11, Tri Box 1-9-11, Tri Key 9-11 with 9-11 with 1-2, Super Key 9 with 1-2-11 with 1-2-11 with 1-2-11.
2nd race: Maiden Special Weight--- 2 YO Fillies--- 6 Furlongs Turf---$130,000: I will bet the 7)Passion Plus(15-1) to WP. Her sire Passion For Gold is a son of Medaglia D'Oro and he won the G1 Criterium De Saint Cloud at 1 1/4 miles in France as a 2 YO. However, her broodmare sire is Mizzen Mast who is from the same sire line as Uncle Mo and he won the G1 Malibu S in his first U.S. dirt start. Sire of 2nd dam Silver Path is Silver Buck, who is best known as sire of near U.S. TC winner Silver Charm. I like the 11)She's All Skeet(12-1) to complete my exacta box. Her sire, Trappe Shot was a G2 stakes winning son of Tapit who won the G2 True North H as a 4 YO after running 2nd in the G1 Haskell as a 3 YO to Looking At Lucky. Her broodmare sire is Scat Daddy, a multiple G1 winner on dirt who hails from the Storm Cat sire line. He was the leading turf sire in the U.S until his untimely death at the age of 10 in 2014. She has start once in a five furlong off the turf race and finished a non threaten sixth after checking early while close to the lead. She had five works since, the first four solid and then a maintenance breeze because Sharp thinks he got her ready to roll. I am going to use 12)Bodega Bay(8-1) to finish my tri box, mostly because I like the way Ian Wilkes has prepared her for her first start with steady works basically every 6-7 days. Her sire is Bodemeister whose broodmare sire is major turf influence Storm Cat. Her own broodmare sire is Aptitude who ran second in both the 2000 Ky Derby and Belmont S. 10)Bridal Temper(9-5) is the morning line favorite and looks legit. I normally do like putting a horse that ran as good as she did in her 1st start this far down, but this race is loaded. There are several more that could surprise in here. She has two good works since her first start and is bred to run all day. WP 7, Ex Box 7-11, Tri Box 7-11-12, Tri Box 7-10-11, Super Box 7-10-11-12.
Race 3: Allowance O/C $62,500--- N/W 3 Lifetime Or $62,500 Claiming Price--- 6 Furlongs Turf-- 3 YO & Up---$145,000: I will bet the 11)Mongul Bull(10-1) to WP. His last race was in this class at CD and he chased to only speed throughout and finished second. This looks like a fairly weak field, especially compared to race before and any scenario is likely to happen. I will use the 1)Grand Candy(4-1) to complete my exacta. A repeat of his last two races could win this, but I would want a little higher odds before betting him to win. However, he is a good throw in on exacta and tri bets. His trainer, Brad Cox, has him as fit as he can get him. I look for 5)Aktabantay(6-1) to be close at the finish also and will include him in my tri. I will throw in 9)P Club(30-1) simply because he won his last race and is returning on 12 days rest, indicating a horse that is fit. His form also shows he tends to run his best on short rest. WP 11, Ex Box 1-11, Tri Box 1-5-11, Super Box 1-5-9-11.
4th Race: Maiden Special Weight--- 3 YO & Up Fillies & Mares--- One Mile Turf--- $130,000: I will bet the 4)Ladonia(15-1) to WP. She is a first time starter that has recorded several good works. Her sire Hold Me Back never tried the grass but he did win the G2 Spiral S and ran 2nd in the G1 Blue Grass S on all weather tracks. His sire Giant's Causeway And his broodmare sire Unbridled's Song produced runners that excel on both grass and dirt, though. Landonia's broodmare sire is Old Trieste, a G2 stakes winning son of A.P. Indy who took most of his wins in wire to wire fashion. I will add 2)Thirteen Songs(8-1) to my exacta box. She has finished third twice in 8 starts but this will be her first attempt on grass. She has five good works since her last but I like her female family for their turf ability. 12)Heavenly Hill(10-1) will be the horse I use to complete my trifecta. She has started twice, finishing third once on dirt. This will be her 1st attempt on grass. Her sire City Zip is a sneaky good sire up to a mile on turf. Her broodmare sire, Pleasant Tap dominated the old horse division in 1992 and finished his career running 2nd to A.P. Indy in the BC Classic. I will add the 9)Last Promise Kept(9-2) to my super. She finished a fast closing 4th in her 1st start after breaking poorly. Her sire Langfuhr is a son of Danzig whose foals are usually better on grass than dirt. Her broodmare sire is Distorted Humor and his broodmare sire is also Danzig. But what makes this filly even more likely is her 2nd dam Dot Dot Dash is a full sister to 6 time leading California sire Unusual Heat, whose foals loved the grass. WP 4, Ex Box 4-12, Tri Box 4-9-12, Super Box 2-4-9-12. The more I look at this race, I decided to removed the 2 as my 2nd pick and will use her to complete my super only instead. I simply like my other three picks better.
Race 5: Allowance-- N/W 1 Race Other Than Or N/W 2 Races Lifetime--- 3 YO & Up-- One Mile And Seventy Yards Turf--- $140,000: I am going with an upset here and picking the 6)More Alex (30-1) to WP. He seems to be having a problem with breaking but makes up ground rapidly in the stretch. With a decent break where he can get a better position earlier, he could blow by this field. He has the breeding on both sides that suggest it is only a matter of time before he comes through. I will take the 1) Mongolian Greywolf(15-1) to finish 2nd. His sire Paddy O'Prado ran 3rd in the Ky Derby before switching to grass and winning The G1 Secretariat among other races. He tried the Mystic Lake Derby in his first start against winners but caught a yielding turf that did not suit him or his style of running. He has recorded one work since that race and it was a bullet in 47 2/5 for four furlongs, best of ten at that distance on that day on Arlington Park all weather track. He is eligible to improve. 4)California Swing(9-2) will be the one I use to complete my tri box. He won a $50,000 claimer in his first start against winners but will find this class much tougher to handle. While he may be up to the task, nothing in his works suggest he is ready. 11)Brockton George(30-1) will complete my super box. You can throw his last race out as he was wide throughout on the inner turf course at Saratoga. It is rare to see an experience horse win with the kind of trip he had, much less an inexperienced one. If he runs to his breeding tomorrow, he will blow by this field and his odds will be in the 60-1 range. It will be simply be a matter of if he is ready, as this is his third race back from a layoff. WP 6, Ex Box 1-6, Tri Box 1-6-11, Super Box 1-4-6-11. I am moving the 11 into my tri box and still considering whether to box him in the exacta.
6th Race: Maiden Special Weight--- 2 YO--- 6 Furlongs Turf--- $130,000: I will make 12) Macha's Reward(20-1) my WP bet. He is a first time starter but is bred to excel on grass. His sire is Warrior's Reward, a son of Medaglia D'Oro who has the same sire as Kitten's Joy. Macha's Reward's broodmare sire is Smart Strike, a top turf sire but whose best two sons, Curlin & Looking At Lucky, were champions on dirt. The sire of his 2nd dam, Danehill, is without question the best sprint siring son of Danzig, as his all time record of 348 stakes winners proves. The 4) Lion's Share(7-2) will be my pick to complete my exacta box. His sire, Animal Kingdom, won the 2011 Ky Derby and later prove sufficient on the grass as his breeding suggested. Lion's Share dam. Miss Lombardi, won the Maryland Million Distaff at 1 1/8 mile on grass. He has 7 well spaced works for his first start and all are solid. I will use 1)Qarth(10-1) in my tri box. His sire is City Zip, a top turf miler sire and sprinting dirt sire. His broodmare sire is Awesome Again, another top sire whose foals normally is full of front running speed. Qarth is inbred 4x4 to major sire Blushing Groom, which should give him speed and class to burn. His works are not quite as good as my second pick but his bloodlines is. 10)Tap Daddy(5-1) will be used in my super box. He has one start on dirt but it was against one of the better maiden fields Saratoga offered this year. His sire is Scat Daddy, who was a better turf sire and his broodmare sire is Tapit. He has 4 turf workouts since that start and they follow Asmussen typical pattern of training. Winning is not out of the question if he picks up his game just a little. WP 12, Ex Box 4-12, Ex Box 1-4-12, Super Box 1-4-10-12.
7th Race: Allowance--- N/W 1 Other Than Or N/W 2 Lifetime--- 3 YO & Up Fillies & Mares--- One Mile Turf---$140,000: I will bet 14) I Remember Mama(8-1) if she draws in and that is possible because several of these ran a few days ago. She ran two very good races to start her career and only needs to run back to them to be a major factor. If she does not draw in, then my WP bet becomes 8)Araminta(12-1). Her sire is English Channel, a multiple G1 stakes winning son of Smart Strike. Smart Strike's 2nd dam is No Class, who was Nodouble's best producing daughter. Araminta's broodmare sire is Sky Classic, whose dam is No Class. I will almost always bet a horse that Nodouble shows up in on turf but it is rare to see his top daughter on both sides. She will put it together before long. 10)Noble Ready(5-2) will be my pick to complete the exacta. She has been running in stakes and this represents a major drop in class for her. She has 4 average works since her last start but Clemente is more dangerous when he takes it easy on his trainees between starts. L will use 11)Blue Collar(30-1) for my tri box . Her trainer Haarigan and jockey Julie Burke teamed up to win the second race on Ky Downs opening day on a horse at odds of nearly 28-1. Blue Collar has given a break after breaking her maiden in her first start at 46-1 on turf for this trainer. This is her fifth start back and she caught an off the turf muddy track in her last, and ran her best race this year though not her best surface. Her dam comes from an old time dam line of turf runners with a Storm Cat grand daughter thrown in as the 2nd dam. WP 8 or 14, Ex Box 8-14 or 8-10, Tri Box 8-10-14 or 8-10-11.
Race 8: Franklin-Simpson Stakes-- 3 YOs-- 7 Furlongs Turf-- $250,000: Since he is the class, I will make 5)Kitten's Cat my top pick. He has ran in nothing but stakes races since breaking his maiden and may have found a spot he can win in. However, he will need a top ride from Jose Ortiz or he could easily be upset. 6) All Right(30-1) broke his maiden in his 2nd lifetime start in the Ky Downs Juvenile Stakes at this distance last year at 44-1. After a start against G3 turf horses where he was overmatched, his trainer put him on dirt and kept him there until 2 starts ago. He dropped him into a $25,000 O/C race on turf and he wired the field by 6 1/4 lengths at one mile. He then raised him several classes and entered him in a $100,000 O/C at CD going 1 1/16 mile on turf. He lead to the top of the stretch on a brisk pace before fading to finish 4th beaten 6 lengths. His trainer, Kellen Gorder, has work him 5 times since his last and all suggested he has returned to top form. His sire is Dominus, a son of Smart Strike and All Right also crosses 5x4 to Nodouble. 8) Holiday Stone(8-1) will be my pick to complete my tri. He, too, has kept mostly stakes company though my top pick beat him in the Kitten's Joy in his first start in stakes. 9)Sonic Boom(3-1) looks like the only other horse that may be willing to rate in here and I will include him in the super. This field is full of need the lead types which is usually bad for front runners on grass. WP 6, Ex Box 5-6, Tri Box 5-6-8, Super Box 5-6-8-9.
9th Race: Ramsey Farm Stakes--- 3 YO & Up Fillies & Mares--- 1 5/16 Miles--- $350,000: I will bet the 5)Quiet Business(15-1) to win. Her sire is Quiet American who is inbred 2x3 to Dr Fager. Her broodmare sire is A.P. Indy and he was bred to one of the top turf female families in American history, producing his unraced daughter Indy Business. Quiet Business will run as far as they want to go and if she can avoid trouble, she will be tough to beat in here. 4)Kitten's Roar(2-1) is the class of this field but she is running at a distance that seems a little longer than she prefers. She is bred to get this distance and more though. I will include the 2)Tricky Escape(8-1) in my tri box. She should be the one who can control the pace to her liking and then be the one to run down in the stretch. I will add 10)Gotachancetodance(12-1) and box my super and see what happens. She is another that looks like she wants to run all day though this is a steep rise in class for her. WP 5, Ex Box 4-5, Tri Box 2-4-5, Super Box 2-4-5-10.
10th Race: Starter Allowance $10,000--- 3 YOs & Up Which Have Started For A $10,000 Claiming Price Or Less Since Sept. 14, 2015---$50,000: While I have no idea how this race will be ran, I will make a small wager on 4)Uncle Mitcho(30-1) to WP. He won his last race at this distance on turf and his breeding suggests that should not be a problem. I do not know if he can repeat but he looks as good as anything else in here. 2) Alpha Warrior(8-1) looks like the most likely winner, especially if you throw his last race out. It was against G3 company and he was severely outclass and was a no factor. But he has been consistent against this type at even longer distances. I will include the 9)Change Maker(30-1) in my tri box. After a lot of research, I found this same trainer pull off a 90-1 upset at Indiana Park earlier this year with a horse similar to this one. I will add the 11) National Defence(10-1) if I decide to bet a super which is unlikely. He could win this with his best race but I believe he is starting to tail off and I can not put him any higher for that reason. Otherwise, he will be one that will simply have to beat me.
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Presque Isle Downs will likely be the last Pennsylvania horse-racing venue to reopen in 2020. Six tracks are located in the state: three for thoroughbred racing, including Presque Isle Downs, and... Presque Isle Downs & Casino officially resumed operations on Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 4PM! We’re glad to have you back! CLICK HERE for the latest! The Excitement is Always High at Presque Isle Downs & Casino! Presque Isle Downs & Casino will be re-opening to the public at 4PM on Tuesday, January 5, 2021. When we re-open, existing COVID-19 procedures will remain in place, including social distancing of people and machines of at least 6 feet, face masks or face shields will be required at all times, no smoking will be permitted within the Casino itself (the Smoking area outside the main entrance will still be available), and no alcohol on the gaming floor. Response from PIDowns, Marketing at Presque Isle Downs and Casino. Responded 1 week ago. Thanks for the great feedback! Hope to see you again soon! Read more. mrs_scott22 wrote a review Sep 2020. Huntingdon, Pennsylvania 49 contributions 5 helpful votes. Not a good experience. We wasnt truly impressed with the casino as a group of 4 none of us had any return on the cash we was putting in the COVID update: Presque Isle Downs And Casino has updated their hours and services. 70 reviews of Presque Isle Downs And Casino "it's not Las Vegas ! it's not even Nevada but for this Pensylvanian it was a bit of fun ! it is HUGE = think Las Vegas huge ! well staffed without being intrusive all staff were very nice to me while there offering drinks etc ! Presque Isle Downs & Casino will be reopening at 4PM on Tuesday, January 5, 2021! Visit our website at for all the latest updates and information, and we hope to see you... Presque Isle, owned by Churchill Downs Inc., had been scheduled to open May 11 for a meet that was to continue until Oct. 22. Like other tracks in Pennsylvania, it is subsidized by gaming. The... Presque Isle Downs in Erie, Pa., is planning to reopen for live racing on July 27, the head of the state’s horsemen’s group said Tuesday. Local restaurants and gyms aren’t the only businesses affected by the recent COVID restrictions being lifted. Presque Isle Downs and Casino reopened this evening after weeks of being closed. We Presque Isle Downs & Casino race director Matt Ennis confirmed Saturday that action and betting at the Summit Township track is tentatively scheduled to start July 20 and conclude Oct. 15. “We were...

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