Persona 5's Joker arrives in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

joker persona 5 smash moves

joker persona 5 smash moves - win

[Video Games] "Too many swordsmen, are there?" The drama over Byleth joining the roster of Super Smash Bros Ultimate

What's Smash?
One of the premier fighting game franchises of all time, Super Smash Bros is a party series published by gaming giant Nintendo which sees characters from their various franchises (alongside several third-party characters) coming together for some family-friendly violence. Beginning with the original title in 1999 for the Nintendo 64, Smash has seen several outings in the years since, such as the iconic Melee for the Gamecube, Brawl for the Wii, the unoriginally named Smash 4 for the WiiU and 3DS, and the most recent title, Ultimate, which released on the Switch in 2018. Ultimate was seen as a huge celebration for the franchise, boasting that EVERYONE IS HERE- all seventy + fighters, ranging from staples of the original game to guest fighters and DLC, were in the launch roster. Helmed by Masahiro Sakurai, Smash is a household name and staple for parties worldwide, with Ultimate being one of the highest-selling fighting games in the world at over 12 million units sold.
What's Fire Emblem?
Fire Emblem is Nintendo's forray into strategy- a turn based fantasy seires that's one of the longer-running staples of the company with its roots in 1990 for the Famicom. Despite a lot of pushing from Nintendo, Fire Emblem failed to take off in the West for many years, with the future of the franchise being uncertain after several successive commercial flops in the 2000s. With the franchise risking cancellation if it failed to find a market, the team made a Hail-Mary pass of epic proportions thanks to Fire Emblem Awakening in 2013- a launch title for the 3DS that finally marked the series getting a foothold in the West. Since then, the series has released three big games: Fates, which wasn't very good due to pulling a Pokemon and cutting the game into three separate releases and having an awful story, Heroes, a free to play mobile game, and Three Houses, which saw the series move to the Nintendo Switch. In Three Houses, you play as Byleth, a mercenary hired to teach one of three classes in a military academy that are all led by House Lords- Edlegard, Dimitri and Claude. Three Houses combined Persona-style time management for social interactions with the tactical gameplay of the series, and was a critical success for the company, selling over 3 million units.
Smash and Fire Emblem's shared history
Fire Emblem and Smash have a tied history, due to Smash being part of the reason the series even began releasing in the West (Fire Emblem had such a small presense before this that a lot of people unironically thought Marth and Ike were original characters made just for the game). Two characters, Roy(Who's also our boi) and Marth, were playable in Melee, with their popularity leading to Nintendo beginning localisation efforts of the other games. Since then, Fire Emblem has gotten consistent additional represetation in each mainline title:
Perhaps one of the largest showings of how tied together the two series are, especially regarding FE getting off the ground in the West, can be seen in the announcement trailer for a re-release of Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, the first game in the series as part of 30th anniversary celebrations. The trailer shows two young boys playing Melee and wondering where Roy and Marth are from, leading to them discovering Fire Emblem at large.
It's at the launch of Ultimate, before the DLC released, that I'd like to dovetail and cover some of the tensions between Smash and Fire Emblem, alongside the post-launch support Ultimate got.
Smash fans vs Fire Emblem Fans: A Short History
Smash fans and Fire Emblem fans don't get along a lot of the time, it must be said (though Smash fans don't get along with anyone very well). Many Smash fans blame FE as the reason for Smash's roster being stereotyped as "Anime swordboys," due to Nintendo almost entirely drawing from the sword-fighting leads of the series instead of an axe or lance fighter. (Hector from Blazing Blade is often called an example of what a more atypical Smash rep would be due to wielding a large axe). While most of the fighters try and do different things mechanically (Robin is almost entirely a spellcaster for instance, while Corrin can turn into a dragon), that Chrom and Lucina were both moveset clones didn't help this perception.
Many other Nintendo franchise fans aren't happy additionally at how Fire Emblem gets blatant preferential treatment by Nintendo. While it is justified as them wanting to show off the new FE games in each Smash title, that Fire Emblem is all but guaranteed to get new Smash rep every time a new game releases has embittered fans of older franchises that Nintendo hasn't given as much love lately (especially F-Zero, Metroid, Golden Sun and more). Sakurai being an open Fire Emblem fan hasn't helped the perception of an inherent bias for FE, though this is usually countered by the low representation for the Kirby and Kid Icarus franchises despite Sakurai's own roles in them.
By Ultimate, a growing sentiment is that Fire Emblem is getting over-represented, as with the addition of Chrom it was now the third-most represented series in Smash after only Mario and Pokemon. Given FE's niche status in the West for most of this time, fans weren't very happy at this, partly for the aforementioned reason of wanting their own favorite franchises to get a new fighter (Metroid fans at least got a bone when Ridley joined the Ultimate roster and when Dark Samus became an Echo Fighter for Samus).
Ultimate's Fighter Pass 1: HOES MAD
Following Ultimate's launch, Nintendo released a season pass for five characters who would be added post-launch. Smash getting new fighters is notable not just because it means a new fighter and that franchise getting the prestige of saying it got into Smash, but because it means new music that can be used (unless you're Cloud) during matches. For the most part, the DLC fighters got really positive reactions due to the majority being unexpected third-party choices. Case in point, most players never saw it coming when during the Game Awards 2018, the first fighter would be revealed to be Joker from Persona 5. He'd be followed in 2019 by three more reveals: Dragon Quest's Hero, representing the more iconic protagonists in the legendary JRPG franchise, Banjo and Kazooie from the cult Microsoft series, and Terry Bogard from the SNK franchise (shout out to Sakurai's history lesson that's pretending to be a showcase for Terry, which also involves Sakurai's story of how they got 50 tracks from the SNK games into Smash)
Also Sans from Undertale got in. This unironically led to an increase in Mii Gunner mains.
Terry and Hero would generate some salt in the West due to perceived antiquity and lack of pedegree/mainstream appeal (Hero being "another anime sword boy" didn't help), leading to a mocking response of HOES MAD from Hero's fans especially, though Terry's got in on the fun thanks to the pun involving Terry's home series, Fatal Fury.
Thanks to the four characters seen thus far, the expectation was that Fighters Pass 1 would be made entirely of third party characters, and as January 2020 rolled around the expectations were high as to who would get in. Sora from Kingdom Hearts was a popular choice, alongside Geno from the Mario RPG series. Some dumbasses even wanted Tracer from Overwatch, partly thanks to Blizzard all but openly begging Nintendo for a Smash invite. The one with the most consistent support was Dante from the Devil May Cry series. And a few accidental coincidences boosted the idea of Dante getting in:
With expectations set high, everyone tuned in on January 16th 2020 to see the final Season 1 character... and it was Byleth, the player character of Three Houses.
Another fucking Fire Emblem rep. The internet took it well, as you'd expect. Dante's fans just resorted to sad memes and jokes about one of Byleth's alt skins being "close enough" to let them pretend Byleth was Dante.
Smash likes to date around, and Fire Emblem is that girl that he always goes back to.
Byleth Joins The Roster: The Salt Mines Floweth
Byleth's announcement generates some of the most negative reactions to a Smash fighter yet seen, boasting the largest like-dislike ratios of Ultimate's DLC, and only matched for disliked announcements across the entire franchise by Corrin.
A lot of people weren't happy at Byleth's inclusion, suffice to say, though like Terry and Hero the HOES MAD crowd came back for another go around. It didn't help how utterly predictable it was given it was a historical recreation of Corrin's inclusion in WiiU/3DS. While Byleth had been predicted, many expected the mechanical variance would be that Byleth would function similar to the Pokemon Trainer (who swaps between the Gen 1 Pokemon) in that Byleth would command Claude, Dimitri and Edlegard from the sidelines. Instead, Byleth had four weapons- three representing each of the House Leaders alongside their own custom whip-sword, the Sword of the Creator. That being said, at least Nintendo were somewhat self aware about it this time, given the reveal had supporting character Sothis mock Byleth for losing a fight by going "Too many swordsmen, were there?" as a way to reveal that Byleth's female variant would join the roster.
While Byleth did offer some mechanical variety from the other FE reps, some were disappointed that Byleth specifically was representing Three Houses, due to Byleth's personality not being one of their selling points. Perhaps it would have been more preferable to have one of the House Leaders instead represent the game, but given how any one being selected would have been seen as favoritism of the Leaders (and the arguments about said Leaders being quite vicious), Byleth was the safest choice, if perhaps the most predictable. Fans of Xenoblade 2 were also unhappy at clear bias on Sakurai's part, given he'd previously said Rex, the MC, was from too new a game to qualify for a roster slot in Ultimate. In comparrison, Sakurai admitted in his presentation of Byleth that he pestered the developers to get early access copies of Three Houses to get to plan out Byleth's moveset, which only helped the idea of Fire Emblem operating on different rules from other series.
Overall, Byleth was seen as a disappointing inclusion to wrap up the Fighters Pass, with the announcement honestly being more notable for the memes about the salt over the character themself. (My favorites were the ones about Joker adding yet another teacher to his harem) After the shock reveals from relatively niche series such as Persona and SNK, Byleth was generally felt to be an overwhelmingly safe option to close on. While Sakurai did announce Fighters Pass 2 in the same event, promising six more DLC characters for Ultimate, a lot of fans from different franchises were still let down given how unpredictable the first wave had been.
Fighters Pass 2 and the Byleth aftermath
Byleth would launch a few weeks later and the reception was largely "Yeah they're fine," after an initial launch of "Yeah you're fuckin' overtuned and overpowered." They got some people who main them, others swore off them, much like any other DLC character in a fighting game, and the salt gradually diminished.
In February of 2020, Sakurai would tacitly admit during a Famitsu article about Byleth's development that he was aware of the criticism about the addition, saying that he doesn't have as much power over roster choices as people like to believe (Byleth apparently snubbed a fighter he was much more enthusiastic about) but that he agreed that there were a few too many sword fighters and Fire Emblem representatives specifically in the game. Given Sakurai has said Smash will never have a roster as large as Ultimate again, it's likely some of Fire Emblem's representation will be cut down in future games as part of this culling.
That being said, I understand. First and foremost: there are too many Fire Emblem characters; and what’s more there are too many sword-users.
So far, three of the six planned characters for Fighter's Pass 2 have been released, with Min-Min from the Arms series coming first, Steve from Minecraft literally breaking Twitter (Steve's addition could be a post of its own with how much salt he generated) and the OG Anime Sword Boy, the One Winged Angel himself in Sephiroth being announced at the Game Awards 2020. We're still waiting for updates on when the fourth fighter will be revealed and who they may be, but regardless of who it is, there will always be a few mad hoes in the background.
Also Geno finally got into Smash!... As a Mii skin which led to the character's fanbase collectively reaching for a noose. These hoes weren't even that mad, it was mostly just sad.
Still. At least it's better than whatever the Walluigi mains are up to.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by GoneRampant1 to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

Best Super(s)?

Honestly, choosing a favorite super is so hard because there are so many good ones but for the sake of simplicity, I'll choose a couple.
1:) Dark as Night (Injustice) (Nightwing): Nightwing shocks you with his batons before jumping on his motorbike to deliver a million electrified haymakers to the face. To top it off, he jumps off and stabs you in the chest with his staff. I don't know why I like this one. It's just very flashy and screams Nightwing.
2:) Parasoul's Silent Scope (Skullgirls): Most supers involve a hitconfirm and then a cinematic where the character goes super saiyan and proceeds to beat the crap out of you. Silent Scope is so epic because it does none of that. The move is just Parasoul calling a sniper off screen and your character crumples after a reticle appears on them for a split second. There is no cinematic, no hitconfirm to start the move, no dramatic shot of the bullet or sniper. It's just so subtly badass as Parasoul turns her back, barks an order through her walkie talkie, and to see your opponent go down. A very creative super that doesn't rely on crazy effects to produce tension. It also makes sense since Parasoul is basically a military commander ordering her troops.
3:) All Out Attack (Smash Bros): This gets props for two reasons. First, it looks amazing with the striking use of silhouettes, bold red and black, and the epic screen freeze as Joker poses at the screen. Second, it looks exactly the way it does in Persona, yet feels natural in Smash. I’m honestly amazed it got in at all with the implied blood and all. The viciousness of the move in an E10 game like Smash really helps it stand out.
4:) Great Aether and Omnislah (Smash Bros): These moves are simple yet fun. Both Great Aether and Omnislash are just a bunch of flashy sword slashes after Cloud or Ike launches their opponent in the air. It just looks super powerful and devastating. Sometimes, a less elaborate super is the better one.
5:) Any Super that Involves Chucking a Huge Projectile: I guess this is vague but projectile supers feel very natural in any game I’ve used them. I’m not talking about projectiles that transition into a cinematic, just large damaging ones like Shindu Hadouken. I enjoy supers that feel like extensions of my moveset. Lobbing an XL sized projectile when using a zoner feels natural and doesn’t disconnect me from the match like a long cinematic might. It just feels like an EX move on steroids. Plus, you gotta love those full screen punishes!
So what about you? What’s your favorite super(s)?
submitted by Advancing_Guard to Fighters [link] [comments]

Not that I expect anyone to be too interested, but I got bored and whipped up a smash moveset for good ol' Yu Narukami

Basic Info

Yu would be a medium weight fighter with decent grounded speed and two jumps. Yu wouldn’t be able to wall jump or crawl. Yu would have Izanagi by his side. Unlike Joker, Izanagi isn’t based on a meter but is instead summoned for certain moves. Yu would, however, be able to summon a few other personas in order to help him out. More on that later. Of course, whenever Yu summons any Persona, he would of course smash a tarot card in his hand and loudly proclaim the name of the Persona.

Grounded Attacks

For most of his grounded moves, Yu would use his signature Katana.
Jab – A quick stab forward and then an upward swing to launch away. This would deal a total of 11%.
Forward Tilt – An overhead swing downward. This resembles his in-game attack animation. This would deal 14%. While it would be a bit slow to start up, it would have little end lag.
Up Tilt – An overhead swing with good horizontal and vertical reach. This would deal 11% with a sweet spot behind Yu dealing 17%. This move launches upwards.
Down Tilt – A slide functionally identical to Jokers.
Dash Attack – Yu does a quick lunge and stabs forwards. This deals 15% at the start of the move and 10% after the initial hit.

Aerial Moves

Neutral Air – Yu swings his katana around himself. It has very good range and speed, comparable to smash 4 cloud neutral air. This deals 10% at the very beginning of the move and 8% for the rest of the swing.
Forward Air – Yu stabs his katana outward. This is very similar to Sephiroth’s forward air, but with less reach. It deals 15% at the tip of the katana, 10% in the middle, and 13% at the hilt.
Back Air – Yu does a backwards swing downward with his katana. It has a fair bit of start up lag, but it hits like a truck and spikes at the start of the move. It deals 18% with the spikes hit box and 14% for the rest of the move.
Up Air – Yu swings his katana above himself with good vertical and horizontal reach. This deals 12%.
Down Air – Yu does a double kick downwards. It does 13% in total and the launcher send opponents at a straight horizontal angle.

Smash Attacks

Forward Smash – Yu summons Izanagi, who goes forward and does a quick swiping strike. This move is pretty large and has a good amount of knockback. Fully charges, it deals 25%. Izanagi’s swipe also has very good range, covering the front of Yu entirely.
Up Smash – Yu summons Izanagi once again, who does a large stab upwards. This launches opponents straight up and deals 22% fully charged.
Down Smash – Izanagi is summoned above Yu. Izanagi plunges downwards in front of Yu. This deals 23% fully charged. It also has a nasty spiking hitbox if timed correctly on recovering opponents.


Neutral Special – Zio/Ziodyne
Yu summons Izanagi. Quickly tapping the special button fires a quick jolt of electricity forwards. This small jolt deals 6% with just okay range. If the button is held for about a second, Yu can charge Ziodyne. While the move needs to be fully charged in one go, the charge can be saved. Ziodyne strikes lighting all around Yu for a, quite frankly, massive attack. It deals 18% and has good kill power.
Side Special – Bike Ride
Yu straps on his helmet rushes forward on his scooter. The initial hitbox does 19% with decent kill power, while the rest of the move does 14% with okay knockback. While the move can’t be turned around, Yu can jump off of the bike at anytime. It also has decent horizontal movement while in the air, making it a recovery tool. Should Yu jump off of it on the ground, the scooter continues to drive forward, dealing 10% to anyone hit by it. If Yu jump off of it in the air, it begins to plummet downwards, acting as a spiking projectile. This move does have some cool down as well. Yu can’t use this move for about 5 seconds until the bike has been off-screen for about 5 seconds.
Up Special – TV Teleport
A TV appears beneath Yu. We see Teddie’s arm pull in Yu by his leg. The TV then appears somewhere else and Yu gracefully does a spinning jump out of it. Yu jumping out has a weak hit box that deals about 5%. The second TV also falls downwards, similarly to Sonic’s spring. The player can also control where the second TV appears in any direction, however, Yu will always jump straight up out of the TV.
Down Special – Persona Switch
For this move, Yu can use one of four other Personas, those being Jack Frost, Pixie, Hell Biker, and Alice. Each Persona all change something about Yu’s moveset, often changing one of his moves to something completely different. Persona’s are selected through a wheel, like Shulk’s monado arts. Each Persona is represented by a Tarot card showing their picture. Once a Persona performs its action, it would not be able to be summoned for 20 seconds OR until all other Personas had been used. If the latter were to occur, the very last Persona selected would not recharge, as to not allow the player to use the same one twice in a row. It should also be noted that another Persona could not be selected until the currently selected performs its action. Of course, moves that use Izanagi could still be used. While not canonically accurate, taking away Yu’s smash attacks might be a bad idea.
Jack Frost – Jack Frost changes Yu’s neutral special from Zio/Ziodyne to Bufu/Bufudyne. It works similarly to Zio/Ziodyne as well, tap the button for Bufu or hold it to charge Bufudyne, and then charge can be stored. Simply tapping the special button has Jack Frost lob forward a small ball of ice for Bufu. This ice ball does 8% and is affected by gravity. While it doesn’t deal much knockback, it will freeze opponents over 70%. The charged variant, or Bufudyne, will cause a large explosion of ice around Yu. This has similar knockback and kill power to Lucas’s PK Freeze, however, it is NOT considered a projectile.
Pixie – Pixie is simple, yet effective. This changes all of Yu’s taunts to summoning Pixie, who will heal Yu for 11%.
Hell Biker – Hell Biker changes Yu’s side special. Instead of Yu riding his bike, he launches forward the Hell Biker instead. The Hell Biker is fast and strong. It deals the same damage as Yu’s own bike, however, it is slightly faster and, of course, doesn’t require that Yu goes anywhere. Despite acting a projectile, the Hell Biker can not be reflected. The Hell Biker has a very large hitbox as well. It doesn’t deal much shield damage at all though.
Alice – You ever have opponents at insanely high damage but just can’t seem to kill them? Well, Alice is here to help with her signature move Die For Me!. Alice changes all of Yu’s throws into summoning Alice. If the opponent is above 150%, Alice will instantly K.O. them. However, if they are below 150% and Yu tries to use Alice, she will fail to kill them, resulting in a large window that will most certainly have Yu getting punished for trying it. Yu already has a lot of decent kill moves, so Alice is basically a last resort.

Final Smash – All-Out Attack

Yu does a large slice with his Katana. If it connects, it switches to a cutscene with Yu and all his friends standing around the foe, who is downed. Yosuke would say “Let’s get ‘em, partner!”. It would then show the usual cut outs of all of them, only to include all of the party members. Then, they’d all rush the opponent. Should the opponent end up over 100%, the cloud of smoke would have a skull, signifying an instant K.O.. Should the opponent be on their last life, Yu would have a special victory screen, like Joker. After a quick celebration with Yu’s friends, it would show the Persona 4 Golden victory screen, showing the amount of gold the player attained (the in-game smash bros currency). One of Yu’s friends will proclaim that they leveled up or something of the sort.

Grab and Throws

Yu’s grab is nothing fancy, just a decent ranged grab of the opponent. Upon grabbing them, Yu summons Izanagi. His pummel is quick knee kick. This deals 1.2%.
Forward Throw – Izanagi swipes forward, launching the opponent forward. This deals 11%.
Back Throw – Yu throws the opponent back, and then Izanagi stabs forward, causing the opponent to fly backwards. This deals 13% and has good kill power.
Down Throw – Izanagi stabs downwards. This deals 10% and has okay horizontal knockback.
Up Throw – A tv appears behind the opponent and Teddie pulls them in. Shortly after, we see Teddie throw them out of TV straight up. This deals 11%.


Taunt 1 – For this taunt, a display of Rise appears at the top left corner of the screen. She will say one of a couple of things. If Yu has over 100%, she’ll say “Watch your health, Senpai!”. If Yu had just killed an opponent in the last 5 seconds, she’ll say “Way to go, senpai! You really get me going!”. If Yu is fighting Joker, she’ll say “Is that a persona? Be careful! I don’t know who we’re dealing with!”. If none of these conditions are met, she’ll simply say “This one’s strong, watch yourself!”
Taunt 2 – Yu does a short snippet from the specialist dance.
Taunt 3 – Yu throws a stick in the air, does a spin, and catches it, proclaiming “I am the king!”. This is reference to the King’s Game scene from the anime.

Alternate Costumes

It should be noted that if Yu is on the Mementos stage, he will be wearing his glasses. Otherwise he will not.
Default Costume – Yu his Yasogami High outfit.
Alt 2 – Yu has his shirt buttoned up and is wearing a white undershirt with a red collar, and white shoes, a reference to Yosuke’s outfit.
Alt 3 – Yu with Chie’s green jacket as opposed to his usual shirt.
Alt 4 – Yu’s school jacket is red with a black undershirt, a reference to Yukiko’s outfit.
Alt 5 – Yu maintains his Yasogami High jacket, however, he wears a purple shirt with a skull on it, as well a bright white belt, a reference Kanji’s outfit.
Alt 6 – Yu’s school shirt is buttoned up, his shoes are blue, and he’s wearing Naoto’s signature hat.
Alt 7 – Yu wears a white shirt with a rose on it and black pants, a reference to human Teddie’s outfit.
Alt 8 – Yu wears black pants, a brown belt, and a grey shirt with a red tie, a reference to Dojima’s outfit.
(Rise wasn’t included due to her presence in Yu’s taunts, as well her main outfit being difficult to translate color-wise to Yu’s.)

DLC Mii Costumes

Adachi Hair and Outfit – Gunner
Kanji Hair and Outfit – Brawler
Naoto Hat and Outfit – Gunner
Chie Hair and Outfit – Brawler

Stage – Junes

Junes would be a large flat platform, with two jump through platforms at different elevations in the forms of two large flat umbrellas. While there would be a bottom blast zone, looking down with camera would simply reveal that you’re on the second floor of Junes. The main platform would take place in the food court. In the background, multiple different things may occur. Yosuke may be seen working a stall selling food. Chie and Yukiko may be seen to the side shopping. Occasionally, a large group of fans may chase Rise in the background. Naoto could be seen sitting at a table by herself reading something. Kanji can be seen picking a fight with someone, with Yosuke going over to calm him down. Teddie may also be handing out balloons to kids. If Yu wasn’t in battle, he could be seen playing with Nanako while Dojima sits nearby and watches. If Yu is fighting, Dojima will play with Nanako instead.


(all of these would also be playable on Mementos as well, and all songs from Mementos would be playable on Junes)
Junes Theme (Remix)
Shadow World
Signs of Love
Specialist (reincarnation)
Ark (Remix)
Take Over
Whims of Fate
Iwotodai Dorm (Remix)
Burn My Dread
Want To Be Close
submitted by DeadLikeMe5283 to persona4golden [link] [comments]

Listing the English VAs of the Phantom Thieves!!!

I've been waiting for this! Oh man, first moments into playing Caged Desires, and I was like WOW, I have been blown back by how much has been put in. It's so cool that every adventurer can participate in the all-out attack and pose. Now I definitely won't feel bored grinding the raid boss, especially when you can swap in a set of different characters and see them do it! Yeah, there may not be any original or remixed tracks of Dragalia Lost and Persona 5 Scramble, but they're all very good bangers regardless, far better to enjoy it than say 'darn shame'! Now, even if Persona 5 may be a very well-known franchise to all, some people may not like that there is a collaboration in the first place. If that's the case, what if I introduce the English Voice Actors and their other roles? Perhaps you'll find the name of a character or franchise that strikes your memory! And just like Fire Emblem Heroes, everyone invited to the world of Grastaea has reprised their VA from the USA! Interesting that Joker's lines also involves the other three Phantom Thieves too.
Oh yeah, and just for some clarifications. I may not have done any listing in regards to Kimono Elly and Luca, Aldred, as well as Gala Chelle, because... I've already done them! Instead, I'll just give you a brief reminder of who's voiced by who.
Ellisanne - Alison Wandzura, though in the Kimono alt, it's still Ava Lindstrom. That's her pseudonym before they've agreed to unionise.
Luca - Zach Leblanc. Like Elly, his kimono alt also ended up as his old pseudonym Will Weldon. Also took part in Deven Mack's comic dubs of Dragalia Life alongside Victor and others!
Aldred - Max-Lloyd Jones.
Chelle - Jacki Gunn.
Now with that out of the way... It's Showtime!
Joker - Xander Mobus. Born in Denton, Texas, USA. Xander is one of the most recent actors around 2008 but is a rising star throughout the decade to today. If you want to know how quickly he rose, why not check out his roles? Pretty wide range of characters too.
Mona - Cassandra Lee Morris. Born in Connecticut, USA. She actually started doing VO work through recording an English as a Second Language cassette at the age of 12. When she started her voice acting career, she worked at 4Kids Entertainment in New York. While we all know how... bad 4Kids is, it was a start for her, and she really enjoyed working as a VA. Of course, she moved to LA in around 2010 and went big from there. As for her roles...
Panther - Erika Harlacher. Born in California, USA, Erica started being a part of the VA world at around 2011, a few years later than Xander. Her first role was Keiko Ida from K-On! And despite dubs still being considered okay, she still continued improving and persevering as a VA, and I think she's gotten lots and LOTS of characters that end up being quite popular! Here's a list below!
Sophia - Megan Harvey. Born in California, USA. Megan is the most recent of Voice Actors with only 27 roles, and mostly for games and shows that aren't so widely acknowledged as others, BUT it doesn't mean she wouldn't stop trying. She's got plenty of roles that she's quite popular in, and she's definitely making a name known for some games listed below. Now, what are they?
And that, everyone, are the Phantom Thieves! Now the most interesting thing, is that Emile has a lot more prevalent lines in the event, and now I'm curious as to who actually voiced him? Yeah, I know Emile's a very hard-to-like person in-story but you still gotta give props to the one who voiced him! Who knows? Maybe someone will declare it on Twitter! So! What is your opinion on these VAs? How well do you think they blend into DL? Leave your comments below!
Xander Mobus - Twitter (@XanderMobusVO), IMDb, BTVA
Cassandra L. Morris - Twitter (@SoCassandra), IMDb, BTVA, Instagram (@cassandra.morris)
Erika Harlacher - Twitter (@EricaHarlacher), IMDb, BTVA
Megan Harvey - BTVA, Twitter (@MeganTHarvey),
submitted by Tythen to DragaliaLost [link] [comments]

What if every DLC character came with an assist trophy?

Here’s a thought I’ve had. I’d like some help because I haven’t played all of these games.
Piranha Plant
I realize he’s not part of the fighters pass and thus doesn’t come with any extra content (no stage or music) so he likely wouldn’t come with an AT either, but my pick would be Boo. Now I know Petey Piranha would be the obvious choice but King Boo is already a really popular Mario character so I thought a standard ghost would also befit the fans.
Boo would work like he does in Mario, where when you face the AT he does nothing, but if you have your back turned to him he’ll creep in towards you. Touching boo will cause him to start laughing creepily as he quickly deals damage to you until you are able to get away. Boo would not be KO-able
My pick for Joker’s AT is Morgana. Really I could pick pretty much any of the phantom thieves and if Joker had been added during the Royal days I would’ve picked Violet, but since Morgana is already so iconic I thought he’d be the best pick. Upon summoning Morgana would call up his persona, Zoro, who would start sending waves of wind magic across the stage (imagine Robin’s elwind, except sideways and much bigger / slower). Morgana would not be KO-able
Slimes. You probably already know that Sakurai wanted slime in the game, but went with Hero as the dragon quest rep. Well for Hero’s assist trophy a slime would appear out of the trophy, all by himself at first. Then a message will appear at the bottom of the screen that reads “Slime A called for help!” and within seconds a swarm of blue slims will come rampaging onto the stage from every direction, battering every opponent. The initial Slime would not be KO-able, but the swarm slimes would be, and if someone is able to defeat all of the slimes before they disappear, they’ll be awarded with the KO.
Banjo & Kazooie
I’m not too familiar with these games so I’m gonna need some help here. My idea is Gruntilda, who will fly in on her broom and begin talking in rhymes before casting magic onto the battlefield. Such magic is random and can include swapping the players positions, reversing players controls, or even forcing a shield break (she’d be coded to never do this against Jigglypuff though). Gruntilda would be KO-able
Again i’m not too familiar with KOF either so any help with this would be appreciated. My pick for an AT is Geese, who would run in at Mach speeds and begin pulling off signature moves from his games, doing massive damage and being extremely hard to evade. He would be KO-able, but good luck with that.
Sothis in my opinion would make a perfect assist trophy. In FE3H Sothis’ main ability is turning back time, so in Smash after she is summoned she will float in the air for a few seconds then turn back time in the match fifteen seconds, putting the stage, players, damage, and yes, even stocks, back to how they were fifteen seconds ago. The actual timer would not go back however, so this assist trophy would be extremely powerful. Sothis would not be KO-able.
Min Min
Obviously springman is already an assist trophy so there’s not much more originality that can be done here. My best idea is Helix since he’s the wackiest of the ARMS cast and therefore could have the most differences, but beyond that any character from the game would work with their own gimmick from the game. They would, like Springman, be KO-able.
Okay there’s no question here, Steve’s assist trophy would be a Creeper. Upon spawning the Creeper would begin walking up to the closest opponent and if one stays in close enough range for one second, the creeper will explode, doing massive damage. The creeper would be KO-able, however it would have a surprisingly high health pool, probably close to 100%, and your best option would just be to run away in most cases.
I’d like to clarify here that all of the AT’s I’ve listed have come from the same exact game as their fighter. Which would mean unfortunately Sephiroth’s AT would also come from the one and only Final Fantasy VII. Which is okay since there’s a ton to pull from. Since Sephiroth is an villain, I thought his AT should also be an enemy - Cactuar. Yes the green cactus, one of the most iconic enemies in the franchise. Upon spawning in, Cactuar would start frantically dashing around the stage, and contacting any enemy player would stick needles into them, which would not only deal damage initially but increase all damage taken while the assist trophy is still active. Cactuar would be KO-able, however attacking him with anything other than a very long ranged attack would cause the attacker to get needled, so just like the creeper it would probably just be a better idea to stay away.
Those are my picks for the assist trophies that I thought would go great with the DLC characters. If anyone has any suggestions, I’d love to hear them.
submitted by PyrpleForever to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

Jonesy for Smash

I know that I'm gonna be downvoted to hell, but I do not give enough of a shit. I want Jonesy to join Smash. I believe he has potential to be one of, if not, the most unique fighters. He could use a variety of weapons in his moveset, plus his building. I tend to see a lot of bullshit people try to come up with as to why Jonesy won't shouldn't be in the game.
One thing I hear a lot is "Steve already has a building gimmick, so Jonesy's gonna be a Steve clone." First off, the building in Minecraft looks NOTHING like the building in Fortnite. There's no confusing the two. Even if they looked remotely similar, a character does not reserve a specific gimmick. Terry has the shoto gimmick that Ryu and Ken have, so does that make Terry a clone? No, he has a completely different moveset from Ryu and Ken. Also, are there any guns in Minecraft, let alone in Steve's moveset? No, so Jonesy can't be a Steve clone.
Another thing I hear is "no guns." I'd say that would be a valid point if Snake and Bayonetta weren't in the game and if Joker didn't have a gun in his moveset. I also hear, "Joker's gun is a BB Gun," "Bayonetta shoots magic bullets," and, "Snake uses explosives, not guns." First off, the move is literally called "Gun," and even if it was a BB gun, it's still reminiscent of a real pistol. Second, it doesn't matter if they shoot "magic" bullets or not. Gun is gun. Finally, RPGs are considered arms (Fancy word for "gun), so, yes, Snake uses guns in his moveset.
I also see "Joker has a gun, so Jonesy's gonna be a Joker clone." Once again, a character doesn't reserve a single gimmick/characteristic. Also, Joker uses a BB Gun, Jonesy uses Assault Rifles, Shotguns, Submachine Guns, etc. Also, does Fortnite have Personas? No, it doesn't.
Also, there's "He's gonna be a campy character, so be careful what you wish for." I find this hypocritical because the people who say this are the same people who asked for Banjo, and we all know how that turned out. I don't have anything against people who asked for Banjo. I'm just pointing out their hypocrisy.
I've also seen "Goichi Suda said 'No comment' to Travis Touchdown being in Smash, and Travis Touchdown became a Mii costume, and Donald Mustard said 'No comment' to Fortnite being in Smash, so Jonesy's gonna be a Mii costume." That means nothing. The whole reason Mustard said "No comment" was to get everyone talking about the possibility Fortnite in Smash. The fact that Goichi Suda said "No comment" and Travis became a Mii costume doesn't prove anything in terms of other fighters.
I guess I just don't understand why everyone gets so toxic when it comes to Fortnite, and the hypocrisy in that is that they're the same people call the Fortnite community "toxic". People really go so far to prove why Jonesy won't and shouldn't be in Smash. I knew that there were some people who were happy for Byleth or even Min Min joining the roster, so, while I was disappointed that both of them joined the roster, I was still happy for the people who wanted Byleth and an Arms rep. I'll respect anyone's thoughts on who should join the roster, as long as they won't bring others down for wanting a character they don't want.
submitted by MicrowaveMan069 to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

Which Actress had the best run in the 60s?

Best Run in terms of anything
Audrey Hepburn: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Charade, The Children's Hour, Paris When It Sizzles, My Fair Lady, Wait Until Dark, The Unforgiven, How to Steal a Million, and Two for the Road.
Natalie Wood: Splendor in the Grass, West Side Story, Gypsy, Love with the Proper Stranger, Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice, All the Fine Young Cannibals, Cash McCall, Penelope, This Property Is Condemned, Sex and the Single Girl, The Great Race, and Inside Daisy Clover.
Julie Andrews: Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music, The Americanization of Emily, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Hawaii, Torn Curtain, Star!, and Think Twentieth.
Bette Davis: Pocketful of Miracles, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, The Nanny, Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte, Dead Ringer, The Empty Canvas, The Anniversary, and Where Love Has Gone.
Monica Vitti: L'Avventura, Follie d'estate, La Notte, Three Fables of Love, L'Eclisse, Sex Quartet, I Married You for Fun, The Girl with the Pistol, Kill Me Quick, I'm Cold, On My Way to the Crusades, I Met a Girl Who..., Help Me, My Love, The Scarlet Lady, Red Desert, Le bambole, Il disco volante, Modesty Blaise, High Infidelity, Nutty, Naughty Chateau, and Sweet and Sour.
Liv Ullmann: Persona, Kort är sommaren, Tonny, Smeltedigelen, En hyggelig fyr, Onkel Vanja, Måken, De kalte ham Skarven, Cocktailselskapet, Hour of the Wolf, An-Magritt, The Passion of Anna, and Shame.
Catherine Deneuve: The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, Repulsion, Belle de Jour, Les Petits Chats, L'Homme à femmes, Les Portes claquent, Ça c'est la vie, And Satan Calls the Turns, Tales of Paris, Portuguese Vacation, Vice and Virtue, The Young Girls of Rochefort, Who Wants to Sleep?, Le Chant du monde, The World's Most Beautiful Swindlers, La costanza della ragione, Male Companion, Male Hunt, Manon 70, La Chamade, Benjamin, Mayerling, The April Fools, A Matter of Resistance, Mississippi Mermaid, Tout peut arriver, and Les Créatures.
Julie Christie: Darling, Doctor Zhivago, Fahrenheit 451, Petulia, Far from the Madding Crowd, Billy Liar, Crooks Anonymous, The Fast Lady, Young Cassidy, and In Search of Gregory.
Rita Moreno: West Side Story, Popi, This Rebel Breed, The Night of the Following Day, Marlowe, Summer and Smoke, and Cry of Battle.
Judy Garland: Judgment at Nuremberg, I Could Go On Singing, Pepe, A Child Is Waiting, and Gay Purr-ee.
Joan Crawford: What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, Strait-Jacket, The Caretakers, The Karate Killers, Berserk!, and I Saw What You Did.
Nora Ricci: The Birds, the Bees and the Italians, A Very Private Affair, Giuseppe Verdi, The Shortest Day, La fiera della vanità, The Witches, The Damned, Metti, una sera a cena, and The Libertine.
Pamela Tiffin: Summer and Smoke, One, Two, Three, The Pleasure Seekers, For Those Who Think Young, Come Fly with Me, The Lively Set, and State Fair.
Claudia Cardinale: 8 1/2, The Leopard, Rocco and His Brothers, Girl with a Suitcase, Cartouche, The Pink Panther, Once Upon a Time in the West, The Hell with Heroes, Blindfold, The Professionals, Lost Command, Don't Make Waves, The Day of the Owl, Il bell'Antonio, Austerlitz, The Lovemakers, The Lions Are Loose, Auguste, Careless, La ragazza di Bube, Time of Indifference, Circus World, The Magnificent Cuckold, Sandra, The Conspirators, A Fine Pair, Diary of a Telephone Operator, and The Red Tent.
Anouk Aimée: 8 1/2, La Dolce Vita, Lola, Justine, A Man and a Woman, The Last Judgment, The Joker, The Shortest Day, White Voices, Justine, The Appointment, Model Shop, La fuga, Sodom and Gomorrah, One Night... A Train, and The Dreamer.
Sandra Milo: 8½, Juliet of the Spirits, La visita, Méfiez-vous, mesdames, Ghosts of Rome, Weekend, Italian Style, Premio Nobel, Trusting Is Good... Shooting Is Better, Beautiful Families, The Strange Night, Classe Tous Risques, Adua and Her Friends, and Vanina Vanini.
Coral Browne: The Killing of Sister George, Dr. Crippen, The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone, The Legend of Lylah Clare, Tamahine, The Night of the Generals, and Go to Blazes.
Rita Tushingham: Doctor Zhivago, Smashing Time, A Taste of Honey, The Leather Boys, The Knack ...and How to Get It, Girl with Green Eyes, A Place to Go, The Guru, The Trap, The Bed Sitting Room, and Diamonds for Breakfast.
Deborah Kerr: The Innocents, The Sundowners, The Grass Is Greener, The Night of the Iguana, Marriage on the Rocks, The Chalk Garden, The Naked Edge, Casino Royale, The Gypsy Moths, Eye of the Devil, The Arrangement, and Prudence and the Pill.
Ava Gardner: Mayerling, The Night of the Iguana, 55 Days at Peking, Seven Days in May, The Bible: In the Beginning..., and The Angel Wore Red.
Debbie Reynolds: How the West Was Won, Divorce American Style, The Singing Nun, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, The Rat Race, Pepe, The Pleasure of His Company, The Second Time Around, Debbie Reynolds and the Sound of Children, How Sweet It Is!, Mary, Mary, Goodbye Charlie, and My Six Loves.
Hermione Baddeley: Mary Poppins, Marriage on the Rocks, Harlow, The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, Rag Doll, Midnight Lace, Information Received, Let's Get Married, The Happiest Millionaire, and Do Not Disturb.
Virna Lisi: How to Murder Your Wife, Not with My Wife, You Don't!, The Secret of Santa Vittoria, Un militare e mezzo, Sua Eccellenza si fermò a mangiare, 5 marines per 100 ragazze, Eva, The Shortest Day, Don't Tempt the Devil, Duel of the Titans, Le bambole, The Black Tulip, Coplan Takes Risks, The 25th Hour, A Maiden for a Prince, Assault on a Queen, Made in Italy, Casanova 70, The Possessed, Kiss the Other Sheik, The Girl Who Couldn't Say No,Arabella, The Girl and the General, If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium, The Christmas Tree, Anyone Can Play, and Better a Widow.
Liza Minnelli: The Odd Couple, The Sterile Cuckoo, and Charlie Bubbles.
Marilyn Monroe: Let's Make Love and The Misfits.
Shirley MacLaine: The Children's Hour, The Apartment, Two for the Seesaw, Irma la Douce, Sweet Charity, Ocean's 11, Can-Can, Gambit, The Bliss of Mrs. Blossom, John Goldfarb, Please Come Home!, What a Way to Go!, Woman Times Seven, The Yellow Rolls-Royce, My Geisha, All in a Night's Work, and Two Loves.
Suzy Kendall: 30 Is a Dangerous Age, Cynthia, To Sir, with Love, The Penthouse, Thunderball, The Liquidator, Circus of Fear, Up Jumped a Swagman, Up the Junction, The Sandwich Man, and Fräulein Doktor.
Angie Dickinson: Ocean's 11, The Sins of Rachel Cade, Captain Newman, M.D., Point Blank, The Killers, Jessica, The Art of Love, I'll Give My Life, The Bramble Bush, A Fever in the Blood, The Chase, The Poppy Is Also a Flower, Cast a Giant Shadow, Some Kind of a Nut, Sam Whiskey, The Last Challenge, Young Billy Young, and Rome Adventure.
Eva Marie Saint: Exodus, The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming, Grand Prix, The Sandpiper, All Fall Down, 36 Hours, and The Stalking Moon.
Anne Bancroft: The Miracle Worker, The Graduate, The Pumpkin Eater, The Slender Thread, and 7 Women.
Patricia Neal: Hud, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Subject Was Roses, In Harm's Way, and Psyche 59.
Sue Lyon: The Night of the Iguana, Lolita, 7 Women, Tony Rome, Arsenic and Old Lace, Four Rode Out, and The Flim-Flam Man.
Ann-Margret: The Pleasure Seekers, State Fair, Bye Bye Birdie, The Cincinnati Kid, Viva Las Vegas, Stagecoach, Rebus, The Prophet, Seven Men and One Brain, The Tiger and the Pussycat, Murderers' Row, The Swinger, Bus Riley's Back in Town, Made in Paris, Once a Thief, Pocketful of Miracles, and Kitten with a Whip.
Flora Robson: 55 Days at Peking, Murder at the Gallop, Cry in the Wind, 7 Women, The Shuttered Room, Eye of the Devil, Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines, Guns at Batasi, and Young Cassidy.
Elizabeth Taylor: The Sandpiper, Scent of Mystery, The V.I.P.s, Cleopatra, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, BUtterfield 8, Reflections in a Golden Eye, Boom!, Secret Ceremony, Anne of the Thousand Days, The Comedians, Doctor Faustus, and The Taming of the Shrew.
Lee Remick: Days of Wine and Roses, Wild River, The Detective, Sanctuary, Experiment in Terror, Hard Contract, No Way to Treat a Lady, The Hallelujah Trail, Baby the Rain Must Fall, The Running Man, and The Wheeler Dealers.
Angela Lansbury: The Manchurian Candidate, The Dark at the Top of the Stairs, A Breath of Scandal, Blue Hawaii, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, All Fall Down, Dear Heart, In the Cool of the Day, The World of Henry Orient, Harlow, The Greatest Story Ever Told, Mister Buddwing, and The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders.
Janet Leigh: Psycho, The Manchurian Candidate, Harper, Bye Bye Birdie, Pepe, Wives and Lovers, Kid Rodelo, Who Was That Lady?, Hello Down There, American Dream, Three on a Couch, and Grand Slam.
Vera Miles: Psycho, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Follow Me, Boys!, Sergeant Ryker, Mission Batangas, Kona Coast, The Green Berets, Hellfighters, One of Our Spies Is Missing, Gentle Giant, The Spirit Is Willing, Back Street, Five Branded Women, The Lawbreakers, It Takes All Kinds, Those Calloways, and A Tiger Walks.
Maria Grazia Buccella:I Married You for Fun, Giacomo Casanova: Childhood and Adolescence, Sissignore, It's Your Move, Where Are You Going All Naked?, Domani non siamo pià qui, Villa Rides, A Maiden for a Prince, After the Fox, Pleasant Nights, Dead Run, L'armata Brancaleone, The Dirty Game, Man from Cocody, La donna degli altri è sempre più bella, Siamo tutti pomicioni, Canzoni in bikini, Adultery Italian Style, Up and Down, Up and Down, Menage all'italiana, La strada dei giganti, Nerone '71, Il Boom, The Fall of Rome, Il Gaucho, The Night They Killed Rasputin, and Fountain of Trevi.
Bibi Andersson: Persona, The Passion of Anna, Bröllopsdagen, The Girls, Tænk på et tal, Le Viol, Blow Hot, Blow Cold, Pardon, Are You For or Against?,Pan, All These Women, Karneval, The Devil's Eye, The Pleasure Garden, Square of Violence, The Mistress, Ön, Duel at Diablo, My Sister, My Love, and About Love.
Ingrid Thulin: Hour of the Wolf, The Judge, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Sekstet, The Damned, O.K. Yevtushenko, The Rite, Domani non siamo più qui, Adélaïde, Calda e... infedele, Badarna, Games of Desire, Winter Light, Return from the Ashes, The Silence, Night Games, and Agostino.
Jane Fonda: In the Cool of the Day, The Chase, Tall Story, Period of Adjustment, The Chapman Report, Walk on the Wild Side, Barbarella, Hurry Sundown, Barefoot in the Park, Cat Ballou, Sunday in New York, Circle of Love, Joy House, They Shoot Horses, Don't They?, Spirits of the Dead, The Game Is Over, and Any Wednesday.
Katharine Hepburn: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, Long Day's Journey into Night, The Madwoman of Chaillot, and The Lion in Winter.
Jeanne Moreau: Jules and Jim, La Notte, Seven Days... Seven Nights, Viva Maria!, Eva, Five Branded Women, The Yellow Rolls-Royce, Chimes at Midnight, A Woman Is a Woman, The Trial, Dialogue with the Carmelites, The Victors, The Fire Within, Bay of Angels, The Train, Banana Peel, The Oldest Profession, Le Corps de Diane, The Bride Wore Black, Great Catherine, The Sailor from Gibraltar, The Immortal Story, Mademoiselle, Diary of a Chambermaid, and Mata Hari, Agent H21.
Faye Dunaway: The Arrangement, Hurry Sundown, The Happening, Bonnie and Clyde, The Thomas Crown Affair, A Place for Lovers, and The Extraordinary Seaman.
Geneviève Page: Mayerling, Belle de Jour, El Cid, Grand Prix, Three Rooms in Manhattan, Song Without End, Corsaires et Flibustiers, Le Majordome, Tender Scoundrel, The Day and the Hour, Youngblood Hawke, The Reluctant Spy, Decline and Fall... of a Birdwatcher, and A Talent for Loving.
Brigitte Bardot: A Very Private Affair, Affaire d'une nuit, La Vérité, Testament of Orpheus, Viva Maria!, Une ravissante idiote, Shalako, Les Femmes, Spirits of the Dead, Masculin Féminin, Two Weeks in September, Dear Brigitte, Contempt, Love on a Pillow, Marie Soleil, Please, Not Now!, and Famous Love Affairs.
Jean Seberg: Breathless, Lilith, Paint Your Wagon, Moment to Moment, A Fine Madness, The World's Most Beautiful Swindlers, Diamonds Are Brittle, Backfire, The Girls, The Road to Corinth, Birds in Peru, Pendulum, Line of Demarcation, The Looters, Let No Man Write My Epitaph, Congo vivo, Time Out for Love, In the French Style, Five Day Lover, and Love Play.
Tippi Hedren: The Birds, Marnie, and A Countess from Hong Kong.
Sophia Loren: Two Women, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, Marriage Italian Style, Lady L, A Countess from Hong Kong, Judith, Arabesque, More Than a Miracle, Ghosts – Italian Style, The Fall of the Roman Empire, Operation Crossbow, El Cid, Five Miles to Midnight, Boccaccio '70, The Condemned of Altona, Madame, Heller in Pink Tights, It Started in Naples, A Breath of Scandal, The and Millionairess.
Maggie Smith: Go to Blazes, Young Cassidy, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The V.I.P.s, Othello, The Pumpkin Eater, Hot Millions, Oh! What a Lovely War, and The Honey Pot.
Vanessa Redgrave: Oh! What a Lovely War, Morgan – A Suitable Case for Treatment, Camelot, Isadora, The Charge of the Light Brigade, A Man for All Seasons, Blowup, The Sea Gull, and A Quiet Place in the Country.
Doris Day: Do Not Disturb, Midnight Lace, Send Me No Flowers, Lover Come Back, That Touch of Mink, The Thrill of It All, The Glass Bottom Boat, The Ballad of Josie, With Six You Get Eggroll, Caprice, Where Were You When the Lights Went Out?, Please Don't Eat the Daisies, Move Over, Darling, and Billy Rose's Jumbo.
Mia Farrow: Secret Ceremony, Guns at Batasi, John and Mary, Rosemary's Baby, and A Dandy in Aspic.
Suzanne Pleshette: The Birds, Rome Adventure, 40 Pounds of Trouble, If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium, The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin, The Power, Target: Harry, Mister Buddwing, Youngblood Hawke, A Distant Trumpet, Fate Is the Hunter, Wall of Noise, The Ugly Dachshund, Blackbeard's Ghost, Nevada Smith, and A Rage to Live.
Shelley Winters: A Patch of Blue, Lolita, Alfie, Harper, The Greatest Story Ever Told, The Three Sisters, Let No Man Write My Epitaph, The Chapman Report, The Young Savages, Wives and Lovers, Time of Indifference, A House Is Not a Home, The Balcony, Arthur? Arthur!, Wild in the Streets, Enter Laughing, Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell, The Mad Room, and The Scalphunters.
Anna Karina: A Woman Is a Woman, Le petit soldat, Bande à part, My Life to Live, Alphaville, Pierrot le Fou, Sweet and Sour, Lamiel, The Oldest Profession, Anna, Made in U.S.A, The Nun, Zärtliche Haie, Justine, Dämonische Leinwand, Before Winter Comes, The Stranger, Laughter in the Dark, Man on Horseback, The Magus, Circle of Love, Cléo from 5 to 7, Sun in Your Eyes, She'll Have to Go, Tonight or Never, All About Loving, Shéhérazade, The Camp Followers, Un mari à prix fixe, and The Thief of Tibidabo.
Anika Ekberg: La Dolce Vita, Le tre eccetera del colonnello, Anonima cocottes, Who Wants to Sleep?, Bianco, rosso, giallo, rosa, The Cobra, Pardon, Are You For or Against?, Crónica de un atraco, Un sudario a la medida, Death Knocks Twice, Malenka, Woman Times Seven, The Glass Sphinx, How I Learned to Love Women, Way...Way Out, The Alphabet Murders, Boccaccio '70, Call Me Bwana, 4 for Texas, The Mongols, Behind Closed Doors, The Dam on the Yellow River, and If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium.
Geraldine Page: The Three Sisters, You're a Big Boy Now, Sweet Bird of Youth, Trilogy, The Happiest Millionaire, Dear Heart, Summer and Smoke, Toys in the Attic, What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice?, and Monday's Child.
Joanne Woodward: A Fine Madness, Rachel, Rachel, Winning, Signpost to Murder, The Fugitive Kind, Paris Blues, From the Terrace, A Big Hand for the Little Lady, The Stripper, and A New Kind of Love.
Mariko Okada: Eros + Massacre, A Story Written on Water, Illusion of Blood, Woman of the Lake, An Autumn Afternoon, The Scent of Incense, Akitsu Springs, and Late Autumn.
Barbra Streisand: Hello, Dolly! and Funny Girl.
submitted by Britneyfan456 to criterion [link] [comments]

adding one more fighter to every series on the roster

uhh disclaimer i guess: i really dont care about who gets in anymore... i got all my hopefuls already so i have nothing to say at this point... so if some of these dont sound quite right thats probably why.

mario: my mario knowledge is lacking but i feel like more minions/enemies would be fun so ill go with a koopa troopa but if you want somthing more solid id say o'chunks!

donkey kong: this is gonna sound rediculous but what if the 64 dk crew came along? say a pokemon trainer style moveset with tiny chunky and lanky coming out of a swap barrel called by cranky.. of course its stupid so im just gonna say klump to give k rool a minion so the series is even between heros and villans plus he could bring some extra junk like orange grenades or barrel cannons

zelda: this is a hard one.. theres alot of different characters i can use... knowing smash is most likely gonna take from the newest game i would say one of the champions. personally id pick daruk out of personal preference but id say urbosa would be the most likely as shes the easiest to make a moveset for. but if im running outside the algorithim ill say the skull kid!

yoshi: yeah i got nothing for this one i didnt even know yoshi was his own series until i started doing this but after doing some reaseach i found kamek was the main bad guy... thatll do i guess

kirby: good grief this is a tricky one kirbys just.. weird... ill go with the dark matter swordsman

starfox: yeah i really dont care about this series so im just gonna throw panther into the ring so theres 2 starwolfs and 2 starfoxes

pokemon: i have 4 ideas for this. some say that a future dlc should be a gen 8 pokemon so im gonna fill that role with my favorite gen 8 pokemon drednaw. others say that if theres gonna be another pokemon rep it should be a grass starter so theres 2 of each for that im gonna say grovyle cause why the hell not. then theres a party saying that there should be another pokemon trainer so for that im gonna pull somthing out of my ass and say "pokemon champion" there team would be 3 psudeo legendaries or somthing i dunno. and for the last im just gonna say fuck it and deploy my favorite pokemon golurk!

earthbound: i dont know shit about this series outside of whats already in smash and i dont really wanna bother poking around in a series that im never gonna touch again so... im gonna go with porky cause hes the only character i know and i guess the things he pulled in his brawl boss fight could make a neat moveset

f zero: same issue as earthbound but i remember seeing a moveset video for someone from there called black shadow and i liked it so yeah lets go with him

ice climbers: there really any other characters to use? theres only a bear and pterodactyl... whelp i guess we can put them togethor? could be intresting i guess

fire emblem: im gonna get yelled at no matter what i say here so im just gonna say hector to complete the weapon triangle

game n watch: what the hell do i do with this? theres nothing to use here.. i guess if you really wanna stretch some game and watches with mixed with mario so game n watch mario could work i guess

kid icarus: hades all the way baby!

wario: i dont know shit wario ware and i dont know what to do accordingly.. ive heard good things about ashley so screw it shes in

metal gear: im gonna be dumb and drop an acutal metal gear in with the pirahna plant treatment having it use moves from a bunch of different gears

pikmin: i have 2 ideas. i could drop in louie and brittany to match olimars style the main difference is that they use rock pikmin instead of the usual purple. on the other hand i coud delve into the fauna with the plasm wraith wich i think could have a pretty neat moveset especially if you mix it in with the other 2 wraiths

sonic: yeah you know what im gonna say. egghead tails knuckles or shadow.. so im gonna throw a curveball and say vector cause frick it

rob: what do i do with this?? rob is a toy theres nothing else here... if im really stretching i could say the ancient minister...

animal crossing: mr resetti cause new horizon did him dirty!

megaman: i dont know who the other popular suggestions like proto and zero are so im just gonna drop my favorite robot master guts man

wii fit: theres nothing here... but if i were to stretch and say "fit" is a series then i guess i can throw the ring fit player in

punch out: theres alot i could use here but im gonna go with aran ryan cause his glove on a rope thing and general cheatery i think could make a pretty cool moveset

smash original: using the slot the mii fighters take for some original smash stuff i would like to see a playable version of one of the bosses like tabuu or galleom but what would really be cool is a primid

pacman: i could say ms pacman but considering there apparently legal issues with her im gonna go with spooky! obsure choice go brr i guess

xenoblade: i dont know shit about this game so im gonna go with rex cause i know pepeole want that

street fighter: gonna with with blanka cause hes my personal favorite

final fanstasy: you can kinda drop anyone here and it would be cool really but my personal pick would be cait sith or lulu if nothing else to see there funny weapons in action

bayonetta: uh... rodins assist trophy is cool i guess

splatoon: lets go with octavio! a shrunk down verson of his original mech and mix that in with some of the other bosses and you got a neat moveset right there

castlevania: uhhhhhhhhhhh popular alucard choice go brrrr

persona: i dont know anything about this series but i guess morgana could fit since he sticks with joker

dragon quest: for lack of a better idea lets go with slimes

banjo kazooie: the only other worthwhile characters are mumbo and gruntilda... id go with the lesser cause hes more fun

fatal fury:

arms: i dont care about this anyone you drop here would work just like min min but when everyone was still thnking about who it was gonna be i was pulling for master mummy so lets go with that
submitted by katomatic22 to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

What 4 DLC characters for Fighter Pass 2 would anger a vast majority of the fan base if they got in?

Hey there, so I've decided to try and dedicate myself to try and figure out what combination of 4 DLC characters would cause the most outrage if they were revealed for smash ultimate. I've gone around a couple of discords and got a few ideas, but I'd like to hear some more thoughts.
I have set a few ground rules for myself, however:
1) No Fire Emblem reps, I know, it would piss everyone off but that's just way to easy IMO.
2) No non-video game characters, I'm pretty sure Sakurai stated that they aren't considered.
3) It still needs to make sense. Every DLC fighter has been picked for a reason so far. Steve was picked because of Minecraft being the #1 best selling game of all time and because of Nintendo Executives. Smash Brothers is a celebration of video games yes, but it is also a way to promote video games and sell more copies. I know I personally picked up Persona 5 after Joker was revealed. So these characters still have to abide by that sort of methodology. For example, I would say that a character from Fortnite would actually make more sense than a character from...I don't know let's say Among Us.
That being said I am only doing this for fun I'm not saying that this will actually happen or something, this is my current lineup so far, please tell me what you think.
1) Minmin - ARMS
2) Steve/Alex/Zombie/Enderman - Minecraft
3) Just Dancer - Just Dance
Just Dance is a huge thing, even if you've never played you've probably seen some person awkwardly dancing in front of a TV screen at a party. From a gameplay standpoint, I actually think that they could be fairly unique. Personally, a rhythm mechanic would work best with them, maybe attacking along with a beat would allow them to do insane damage, the beat could be his portrayetd via their animations, a meter, or by using the Switches HD Rumble. Considering how many people got unreasonably upset when Plant got announced, Imagine how upset twitter would get if they got a 3rd Party Wii Fit Trainer. There is also the added benefit of pissing off those poor poor Rayman fans and maybe get some Rythem Heaven fans anger too, considering the character would pretty much steal a mechanic that would work for them too. Just Dance 2021 is also coming out but that doesn't really matter because those games are always coming out.
4) Freddy Fazbear - Five Nights at Freddy's
I know I said that characters have to make sense, but this actually really does in hindsight. Whether you like it or not FNAF is a horror icon at this point, essentially shaking up the genre in a new way. It's also slowly starting to become less and less indie and more and more triple A. FNAF: Help Wanted proved this, releasing as a VR title then coming to many other platforms, including the switch. From a gameplay perspective, the biggest thing about a horror character in smash is that they have to feel scary somehow. This could be done by either using animations and sound effects or (and in my opinion more interestingly) by giving the character moves that make him feel weird and odd to fight against, and by this, I don't mean spamming projectiles. What if inorder to approach the character, it would force you to go out of your comfort zone, do things that you normally wouldn't do as your character. Make Young Links approach? Make Ganondorf's think twice before Fsmashing? This honestly has such amazing directions to go in. And it would also be really funny to see people say "Freddy Fazbear is OP"
Now for these other two, I don't have any concrete ideas, just a general designation.
5) Some mobile game characters.
6) A Smash Orginal Character.
I don't think I have to say much for the first one, just imagining that is honestly making my head hurt a bit. A mobile game character would make tons of sense and piss off so many people. Some examples include Angry Birds, The Subway Surfer's Kid, Fruit Ninja, Temple Run, Ect/
Now for the smash original character, some of you may be thinking, "Why would that piss people off? That would actually be sorta cool." And I agree, I think using a smash original character to close off the fighters pass would be almost celebratory in a way, a final celebration for the ultimate smash brothers. But the reason this would piss people off so much is simple. Imagine you are rooting for a character like, IDK let's say 2B from Nier Autonoma. (Nothing against you 2B fans it was the first thing that popped into my head.)
"You see the silhouette of the new character, it's almost too generic, you can't tell who it is, a small sliver of hope pops into your brain until the character starts changing forms, rapidly switching as black clouds form around it. MASTER CORE JOINS THE BATTLE! The trailer says, causing you to sob. You were so close! You'll never forgive them. This is just as bad as Byleth."
Just imagine that for me, I can't be the only one who thinks that's kinda hilarious.
Anyway, that's all for my rambling. Again, this is just an exercise I'm doing and I'm not trying to kick anyone while they're down.
Let me know if you got an idea!
submitted by DaGrimReaper54321 to smashbros [link] [comments]

Joker (Persona 5) Kharacter Koncept


Bio: Phantom
Ren Amamiya--Akira Kurusu-whatever you want to call him, had many jobs, Florist, Fast Food Employee, ..alot of Jobs. Most importantly, he'd been the leader of the ever so infamous 'Phantom Thieves of Hearts' where he went by the name of 'Joker', a vigilante group who stole the hearts of 'shitty' adults. One day, Joker got a call from an unknown number, picking it up, he was offered something. "A new opportunity to use my powers, you say?" He says while putting his hand on his chin. "Tell me more." Little did he know, his whole team would soon be transferred into the world of Mortal Kombat. Since all of them couldn't fight at once, they had to choose who to send into the fray to represent them.. The choice was obvious.
School Uniform
His design is exactly the same from P5/Smash Ultimate, apart from upgraded resolutions,details, and graphics on his entire model. His kustomize screen pose is a simple knife-ready pose, with Arsene, his main persona, behind him, in the exact same pose.
He is voiced by Xander Mobus.
Masks: Includes different color variations,maskless, and a cracked in half mask variant .
Pistols: Includes different pistol types, one with the Phantom Thief Branding /color scheme.
Knives: Includes different types of knives.
Sending a Notice: A calling card flies into frame, with the opponents name on it, (similar to Erron Black's MKX X-Ray), digging into the ground. Joker's boots/end of his pantlegs are seen walking to the card, as he picks it up, he flashes a grin. When he talks, he cocks his pistol.
Navigation: Successful!: Necronomicon (Futaba Sakura's main Persona, or 'Oracle')flies into frame, and drops Joker out of itself, Futaba shouts 'Good Luck!' and flies away. When he speaks, Joker adjusts his glove.
Can't See What Isn't There: A black flash flies across the screen, jumping from point to point, until it lands at it's destination, revealing that Joker was the black flash. When he talks, he stands up from his crouching position, and throws his knife up -catching it as it comes back down.
Acrobatic Training: Joker rolls into frame, and combines that into 3 backflips in a row, all one handed. When he speaks, he spins his pistol around with one finger.
Heart: Stolen! : Joker chuckles, as he jumps upwards, latching onto the camera (positioned at about a 75 degree angle above him), and flies past it, pulling the Camera backwards to where Joker was, flipping the camera around to see Joker fly into the sky.
And The Results Are: Joker does the Results Pose from Persona 5, where he just runs. After a few seconds,it freezes.
Victory Chains: Arsene appears from Joker's mask, as it fizzles into blue fire, Arsene summons flaming chains around Joker, as he slides under the chains, both Joker and Arsene adjust their glove.
Team Effort: Joker walks out of frame, and is seen sitting in Mementos with the rest of his team, cheering, and it freezes- on a shot of them all smiling, and Joker giving a thumbs up.
Special Moves:
Shot Barrage: Joker fires about 6 shots from his pistol in quick succession. Amplifying it will make the last shot slow the opponent by about 10% for 20 seconds. The Amplify takes both bars of Offense; and one of Defense. The 6th shot-unamplified- has a 25% chance to slow the opponent by 5% for 10 seconds, like how you can sometimes get a critical shot in P5.
Persona Summon: Joker summons Arsene, buffing his attack speed by 20%, damage by 10%, and lowering his defense by 25%. Lasts for 10 seconds.
Slashing with Style: Joker grabs onto the opponent, slashing at their body- legs- and then head with his dagger, doing all sorts of spins in between each. Amplify to go for a Jugular stab as well, you will always get a Krushing Blow on the first amplify, no matter what.
Tetrakarn: Physical Counter.
Grappling Hook: Basically a long ranged grab, increases his grab range by about 20%. From there, you can either throw them back or forward by holding the appropriate direction. (1 Slot)
Makarakarn: Projectile Counter, will actually reflect the projectiles. (1 Slot)
Persona Evolution: Joker transforms Arsene into Satanael, his Ultimate Persona. With this, Persona Summon will double all of the stats. Raising Attack Speed= 40%, Damage=20%, lowering defense by 50%. Lasting for 20 seconds. (3 Slots)
Lucky Shot: Joker fires a random elemental bullet. It can be either Fire-Ice-Wind-Neutral (Which is just a regular bullet)- or a Downing Shot (1 slot)
Fatal Blow: Dream Team
The animation starts with Joker dropkicking you in the face, you stumble back, Morgana drives up in the 'Morgana Car' (a form he takes in Mementos), popping the opponent up in the air by driving into them, and Morgana transforms back into his cat form, jabbing his Cutlass through their stomach. (Slo-Mo 1), Haru and Makoto then run up, Haru breaking a tea glass over the opponents face, glass shards being jabbed into their eyes, and Makoto delivers a series of swift roundhouse kicks. Ryuji,Yusuke, and Ann jump out from behind, Yusuke grabbing onto the opponent, slashing them with his Katana. Ann whips them, making them fall over, and Ryuji slams their head in with his pipe. (Slo-Mo 2) and then Futaba drops a bomb behind them as they stand up, blasting them towards Joker, who stabs them in the chest with his dagger, suspending them in the air-- and shoots them in the face. (Slo-Mo-3) THIS DOES ABOUT 30% OF THEIR HEALTH BAR.
All Out! (Any): Joker rushes towards the opponent, and does the normal all out attack motions without the background elements of P5, apart from whenever he crosses the opponent's body, it zooms in to show a slice across their entire body with his knife,and when he finishes, he does the pose, the opponent's body splits apart, flying through the air, freezing on their heart flying towards the screen.
Mental Shutdown (Close): Joker disappears, and it cuts to a shot of the opponent's face. Joker pops out of their body. , ripping their stomach and chest in half, and it cuts to their face again. Black goo streams out of their eyes, and mouth, as they gag and cough up a mix of black and red blood, eyes rolling into the back of their head, they stumble around, and collapse. Joker then walks towards them, and jabs his knife into their eye.

That'll Leave a Mark: Using Shot Barrage, Joker fires hundreds of shots in quick succession into the opponent's body, leaving their chest's skeleton exposed. They collapse.
Total Luck: using Lucky Shot, Joker fires a bullet of every element into the opponent's body at various places. Wind in the chest, Shock in the head, fire in the legs, normal in one arm, and ice in the other. Their head gets electrocuted, their chest gets ripped apart from inside, their legs light on fire, their arm gets frozen.
Friendship: Coffee, Perhaps?
Joker pours the opponent a cup of Leblanc Coffee, and almost drops it, spilling it on himself. The opponent laughs at him as he pours them another cup.
Intro Examples:
(Cassie Cage)
Cassie Cage: Damn, pretty boy much?
Joker: You really think so?
Cassie Cage: You don't think so?
Joker: You remind me of a certain someone.
Geras: Masayoshi Shido, correct?
Joker: Sadly, yes.
(The Terminator) Joker: I'll steal your heart.
Terminator: Machines do not have hearts.
Joker: You have motherboards.

Ending (Narrated by Johnny Cage):
"Wow, this kid. I gotta tell ya, when he first showed up, I thought he was gonna be competition--- turns out I was right, he almost effortlessly killed Kronika, and stormed through all her minions, when he did, all he did was wish for world peace. What a cheesy ending. The last thing I expected was for him to wish for 'World Peace', I would've sworn he was gonna wish for fame, or women or somethin'. Apparently not... He's a weird kid ,let me tell you. But a good one."
submitted by ZombieZachAttack to MKcharacterConcepts [link] [comments]

Sakurai lied when he said “do a charter justice”

Sonic Ganon Joker 2 of the 3 links
What do all these charters have that make them not have the justice they deserve?
Sonic isn’t sonic at all, his entire move set is spin dash, he doesn’t do what sonic dose like taunting after homing attack. And he hasn’t been fixed through all these years, like wtf
Ganon isn’t ganon like at all, the excuse of “people like his playstyle” is so old and dumb. He’s just a worse falcon like this man has had decades worth of move-set potential and yet he’s still just a clone. Yeah sure
Joker: I would say base jokers fine, he dose take skill, sure he has great frame data but his hit boxes aren’t the biggest and he has trouble killing on stage unless you go for kill confirms. His down b is good but not broken as it’s predictable as fuck. But arsen just comes and takes away 90 percent of the skill jokers players like me have. The only 10 percent skill I have left is kill confirms and that’s it. I landed one down throw fair, thanks for the easy ass 30 percent. And don’t forget that down throw combos into back air into another back air so that’s like 47 percent Arsens side b dose like 10-20 percent by its self ok now. Arsens counter: one of the most broken moves in the game. He kills mad early, great edge guarding tool, big ass hitbox and get this, this counter will land 9 out of 10 times while something like math counter will land 3 out of 10 times. What this I’m at 120 percent your at 50 haha that stock is mine bitch.
What infuriates me the most about joker is that he’s not an accurate representation of joker in persona 5. In persona 5 what made joker so special is that he can wield multiple personas for different situations. But in smash he only has 1 persona and they decided to just make him a better charter cuz the development team felt lazy. What joker should have been is a Pokémon swap /shulk monaro ark type charter.
And for the links: you have 3 why are they all campy!!!?
submitted by Wtfislifewotequila to SmashRage [link] [comments]

Rean Schwarzer’s potential moveset if he got added in Super smash bros dlc.

Before I start with this I just wanted to mention that this is all just for fun. I am not saying Rean Schwarzer is the most likely smash bros rep or anything if we got a Falcom rep in smash. I just want to share my own take on the potential moveset Rean could have if he was added in Super smash bros cause I actually think he has a lot of potential for a fun moveset that not much people have discussed online. Also this post is gonna contain spoilers of all the Cold steel games except Hajimari No Kiseki cause that’s the only Trails game I haven’t played yet. And all the spoilers would be related to abilities or techniques that Rean Schwarzer does as a character in the series to make his moveset. I might mention a few specific scenes or actions he has done in the games for specific moves in his moveset as well. If you haven’t played the series until Trails of cold steel 4 at the very least than I don’t recommend reading this post, you been warned. But anyway here is my take on his moveset:
Gimmicks: I would go into detail of all the gimmicks later on this post but I wanted to mention from the beginning that I plan to include Rean’s Ogre form, Valimar, Arts from his Arcus and one other thing which it’s hard to explain but I get into that later.
Normal moves:
Jab: Rean does two slashes with his Tachi, his first slash moves diagonally and the next one goes downward from above. This is based on the two slashes he does on the Overworld map before getting an advantage on an enemy. Just like in the game this two slashes also have a fire effect and properties like in Cold steel 3 and 4.
Side tilt: This one ain’t exactly based on anything in the games themselves but is something that still fits Rean as a character. The director of the smash series Sakurai also tends to take creative liberties with the way he designs characters like with Joker where half of his moves where not seen in Persona 5 but still are things that make sense for Joker to do. But anyway this move is just him unsheathing his sword very fast, so fast in fact that you almost can’t see him do it so it looks instead like a slashing effect appears in front of him. The animation looks like he unsheathes his blade fast and puts his blade back into the sheath of the blade and than the slashing effect appears. I know this sounds like a lot but it’s actually a very fast animation. Mostly based on the type of attacks shown in a lot of fictional media like in anime with characters that use a Tachi or a Samurai sword. I think it is called the Iaido sword style if I am not mistaking.
Down tilt: Rean while crouching hits with the back of the sheath of his sword. Since Rean ain’t hitting with the blade itself and instead it’s just the sheath of the sword this move it’s pretty weak but it is a very spammable move with basically 0 lag. And you can hit multiple times with it and possibly canceled into other moves if your opponent it’s very close to its hitbox.
Up tilt: For his up tilt Rean uses the fifth form of the eight leaves one blade style. It’s the one that it’s shown in his s-craft breaking dawn in Cold steel 4 in the part where he does a back flip or jumps upwards into a rising slash. Of course in smash this move wouldn’t have the slow down effect like in his s-craft and instead it would look faster so it feels more like a normal move.
Smash attacks:
Side smash: This would be the craft Crescent slash. Just like in the games he does a powerful side ways slash that actually has two hitboxes, the first hitbox stunts them in the animation of the slash and the second launches them after a second slash animation appears just like the animation in the games.
Down smash: This would be the Craft Flame Dragon from Cold steel 2. If you hold the down smash there is actually an active hitbox on this move because just like in the games Rean is holding his sword upwards while the flame dragon is at the top of his sword. Kind of like the active hitbox Ness has in his Yo-yo smash attacks but instead of a downward active hitbox is upwards. So while your holding this move if someone jumps on top of you they would be burned by the flame dragon. When you let go of the button Rean would strike the dragon to the ground creating two explosions, one in front of you and one behind you.
Up smash: Rean’s up smash would be his Helix Craft. I know what your probably thinking. Ain’t Helix a move that happens in front of Rean instead of upwards, well yes and no in this case. I would modify this move slightly so it makes more sense in the context of an up smash. As you would know if you played Trails of cold steel 3 or 4 this move starts with Rean doing two slashes and than a third one that creates like a small flaming tornado that rises a bit upwards. Well the first thing I would modify of this move is that his first slash instead of being in front of him would move upwards but the first slash would come from behind Rean than above him until in front of him. The whole first animation of the first slash of this move drags opponents that are above you in front of you, so it basically places anyone that is above you in front of you. Than immediately after getting your opponent dragged in front you Rean would do his second strike and than he would hit the opponent with the final strike that creates a flaming tornado that actually drags them upwards while the tornado rises upwards as well and than it explodes a bit after dragging them a bit to the top of flaming tornado animation of helix.
Aerial moves:
Neutral air: Rean’s neutral air would represent the seventh form of the eight leaves one blade style. Just like it was shown his Breaking dawn S-Craft he would do a spinning slash. Just imagine that same animation he does on the S-Craft but in the air.
Forward air: He would do a bunch of slashes forward in an extremely fast way. Again this is using the Iaido sword type of techniques you see in a lot of media. This move would be a multi hitting move where Rean again unsheathes his blade very fast and you would see in front of you a bunch of slashing animations like if he slashed with his sword at the speed of light. Actually not that strong of a move but it is fast, has a good hitbox and does a good amount of damage even if it doesn’t have that much knock back.
Back air: Similar to his forward air instead that he does it backwards while looking back and it’s only one strong slash instead of multiple of them. Has great knockback but not that much damage. Basically the opposite of his forward air.
Down air: Rean holds his Tachi which his two hands than turns around with his hands downward similar to how Joker moves in the air with his down air but Rean does a slash in the opposite direction instead of like how Joker does it where he slashes downward to forward, Rean does it from downward into his back. This move would spike, has good range too but it’s a bit laggy if you miss the move or when hitting the floor.
Up air: Rean while his sword is still in his sheath points it upward and does a fast slash by unsheathing it. Very fast move, not much knockback until your opponent is at a high percentage but it’s good for combos.
Dash attack: His dash attack would be the True Autumn Leaf cutter craft from Trails of cold steel 1 and 2. He would dash forward and his slash would paralyze your opponent for a sec before them getting knocked back when Rean puts his blade back on his sheath. Unlike other dash attacks this dash attack actually makes Rean move forward as long as half of a final destination stage, this would make it the farthest reaching dash attack in the game. The move has quite a bit of end lag if you miss it tho.
Grab and throws.
Rean grabs with his right hand.
Pummel: Rean hits the opponent with the Sheath of the sword.
Down throw: Rean throws the opponent into the ground and than he does three slices to the opponent while holding them down with one of his feet. The animation of this move looks basically the same as when Rean was uncontrollably attacking the final boss dragon of Cold steel 3 before killing it. The attack ends with Rean stabbing the character harshly like the final stab that Rean did that started the Great Twilight.
Up throw: I unfortunately forgot the exact name of this move in the original games but I think it was called the Unarmed technique or something. This references the technique he used inside Valimar where without a sword he does an upward palm attack. This attack actually would have a small gimmick. If your opponent is holding an item or weapon and get hit by Rean’s up throw they would drop that item they where holding to reference when Rean uses this technique to unarmed or take away the weapon of someone.
Forward throw: Rean does a bunch of fast slashes that look similar to his forward air but in the ground in this case and than ends the attack on a strong slashing move forward.
Back throw: He dashes into the back of his opponent very fast and than hits them with the back of the Sheath of the blade with a lot of force behind it. Think of the dash animation like how when he uses Arcane Gale but in this case he just dashes in the back of the opponent without the slashing part of the move.
Special moves:
Neutral special: Rean uses Crimson Slash. Unlike other projectile moves from other characters in smash this move actually has quite the bit of start up. Just like in the animation of his games Rean concentrates the energy of his blade for a bit and than is when he throws the projectile. For the bit of time that it takes for this move to activate the move would actually do a pretty good amount of damage and Knockback. Also this move would have an impede effect just like in his games. In the case of smash this would neutralize the charging of any move. For example even if Samus charged her charged shot neutral special to completion if she got hit by Crimson slash her whole charge time would be negated and she would have to start to charge the move again. Same thing with moves like Robin’s Thunder neutral special projectile etc. This could be a bit OP in some small situations, for example if Joker got Arsene you could take away Arsene from Joker immediately with just one hit. The only problem is that because of the move having such a slow start up it is pretty predictable so any decent Joker player in this case could counter it easily. You can cancel the neutral special animation with the shield button before crimson slash activates tho if you think you won’t be able to throw the attack before getting hit. And so the move has a somewhat bigger chance to hit, you would be able to make some mind games with it because if you hold the neutral special button Rean would stay in his concentration animation and you can decide when you want to release the attack by letting go of the button.
Side special: You know how Estelle in cold steel 4 has one of her first S-Crafts in the series modified into a normal craft? Well I am modifying one of Rean’s first S-Crafts into a normal attack for smash, specifically his Termination slash dawn S-Craft. First he does a long dash forward, if he touches someone after his dash than he automatically trap his opponent into 5 flaming slashes from all directions, than he puts his blade into his sheath and the slashes that your opponent is trap on explode. This move can also be used in the air and is good for horizontal recovery.
Up special: Rean uses Arcane Gale. Unlike other recovery moves this one works quite a bit differently. If you only press Up special than Rean would simply dash upwards, the slash itself damages all the way into its destination since Rean is slashing this time through the dash. Now if you hold up special on the other hand Rean would show a circle expanding little by little. This circle looks like when you choose the position you want a craft attack to hit an enemy in the games. If the circle that expands touches an opponent and you let go of the button than Rean teleports to the position of the opponent and hits them with the Arcane Gale Craft. The circle animation can expand until most of a battlefield stage but since it moves quite slowly is very unlikely your opponent would let you get that much range for your Arcane Gale. And free for all battles this move could be quite fun tho since you would have more opportunities for arcane Gale combo’s with more opponents.
Down special: Rean would activate his Arcus and than you would see multiple arts on the portray of his character on the bottom of the screen. And trust me this ain’t gonna be another RNG base move like Hero’s and this would work quite differently as well. Rean would have all of his arts available to him all the time and won’t be randomized like Hero’s command spell which pulls of different spells every time you press the move. First of all, you would have 12 Arts available on the Arts menu on the bottom of the screens this Arts would also be divided between offensive arts and support arts, 7 of them would be offensive and 5 of them would be for support. Those arts are Venom Flame , Crystal Edge, Aerial dust, Silver Thorn, Soul Blur, Megalith Fall, Cross Crusade and for the support arts they would be Holy Breath, Athelas, Seraphic ring, Crescent mirror and Adamantine shield.
Before I explain what each art would do on the context of smash I want to explain a small gimmick that is related to the arts. First of all, Rean above his character portray would have an EP bar similar to Hero. Unlike Hero tho, Rean doesn’t replenish his art supply by getting hit by attacks. He would only replenish his EP points when he hits someone else with his normal attacks or specials, not counting the arts themselves of course. Also unlike Hero which can activate any of his spells immediately in the press of a button, Rean instead has to charge for a moment depending on how powerful the art is. This represents how in the games you have to wait for your turn again for an Art to activate. Moving forward I would also mention how much time you have to wait for the activation of an art. Also Rean’s EP bar has a total of 200 EP at the beginning of a match unlike Hero’s 100 percent EP and that is because since a lot of Rean’s Arts are more deadly than Hero’s spells and take time to activate they would also take a bit more of EP than Hero’s spells.
Explanation of Art attacks:
Venom Flame: It takes two seconds for venom flame to activate and it takes only 10 EP. When Venom flame gets activated it would leave some dark flames on a certain part of the stage depending on where your standing it would activate a bit in front of you. This move would be good for stage control cause the flames would stay on that location for a good 8 seconds. You can’t activate another venom flame while this one is activate on stage. This move also has a poison effect if your opponent touches this flames.
Crystal Edge: Three seconds to activate and 40 EP needed to activate this move. This move throws some big edges of Ice forward that move quite fast and far. This move does a decent amount of damage but it also automatically freezes the opponent no matter in what percentage your opponent is. This would be the strongest ice related move in all of smash but of course it takes quite a bit of EP and the three second wait is already a lot in a fast paced game like smash where your opponent probably won’t let you activate. So this would balance this move out.
Aerial dust: This move takes 5 seconds to activate and takes 60 EP. This move creates a big tornado a few inches in front of you that drags opponents close to it into the tornado and does a good amount of damage, after the tornado disappears it launches your opponent’s upwards similar to those Tornado’s you see on the Nintendo 64 Zelda stage.
Silver Thorn: This move would take 25 percentage of EP and takes 4 seconds to activate. When silver thorn is activated a bunch of blades would fall through the sky and if they hit an opponent the swords would trap them in a light explosion. This move has a high chance on inflicting confusion. In smash this would make your opponent get his controls reversed like the mushroom item in smash that you can hold and that does the same thing.
Soul blur: This move takes 35 percentage EP and it takes 2 seconds to activate. This move throws some dark projectiles that have a homing effect on the closest opponent. It doesn’t do that much damage but it has a high chance of inflicting the sleeping effect on your opponent if the move hits your opponent while he is on the ground.
Megalith fall: This move takes 80 EP and it takes 8 seconds to activate. It takes this long cause the move is gonna be huge and powerful. When this move is activated a giant rock falls from the sky into the ground, this attack being used on any of the small stages basically guarantees hitting your opponent and the move does massive damage and can even spike if the move someone is activated close to the ledge. For as powerful as this move is, it’s extremely unlikely you would be seeing this move on competitive play cause no one in their right mind would give you 8 free seconds without they attacking you.
Cross crusade: 60 EP and takes 6 seconds to activate. This move summons a cross on the middle of the stage that increases in sides little by little. This move can become quite big if your opponent doesn’t hit you with a strong move which would deactivate the animation of this move. The move also does a lot of damage but it doesn’t do much Knockback after the move ends.
Holy breath: 30 EP takes 5 seconds to activate. This move would heal 30 percentage of your health, but not only you. It also heals all your teammates if your playing on team battles. Rean could be amazing on team battles if your teammates now how to defend you well until you get to use some of this spells.
Athelas: 40 EP, takes 5 seconds to activate as well. This move would unfortunately be useless on 1 on 1 battles cause this move is made to revived people in the games. So in smash this move would be able to revive a dead teammate and revived them with half of their damage healed as well. So this move would only be used in team battles.
Seraphic ring: 90 EP, takes 9 seconds to activate. This would heal you all of your damage taken and your teammates if playing in team battles and give you and your teammates a whole free extra stock. A very OP ability if you someone get to pull it up on a real match but is unlikely you would be able to pull this of in most matches.
Crescent mirror: 20 EP, 3 seconds to activate. This Art would give Rean a magical shield that reflects any projectile your opponent throws at you. Unlike Hero’s bounce ability Rean’s Crescent mirror works completely different tho. When you reflect a projectile with this ability the damage of that certain projectile that hit you would automatically be inflicted into your opponent. Unlike Hero’s Bounce spell your opponent won’t be taking any Knockback but they would flinch for a moment and take the damage of the move they threw at you immediately. You only are able to reflect one move with Crescent mirror tho but it’s still a very usable ability to make your opponent automatically receive damage if they hit you with a projectile.
Adamantine shield: 20 Ep, 3 seconds to activate just like Crescent mirror. This would basically be the opposite of crescent mirror but for physical attacks. When this Art is activated Rean would receive an Adamantine shield that lets you take one physical attack without getting damaged. It doesn’t matter if it is a strong attack like a smash attack or anything, with this Art you can receive one attack without getting damaged.
Gimmick 2: Rean has a second Gimmick which would be his Ogre Form. Just like with his EP bar Rean actually has a Craft bar as well on top of the EP bar but this bar is only used for two things, one of those things being for his Ogre form and the other one I explain a bit later. You can activate Rean’s Ogre form if you at the very least have 100 Craft points saved. You can obtain Craft points by hitting your opponent just like they way you obtain more EP points for his Arts. Unlike the EP points tho, the Craft points reduce by a little bit if your opponent hits you with a strong attack or Combo’s you in some way. This means that if your fighting a very good opponent that it might be though to use Rean’s Ogre ability. To activate Rean’s Ogre form you can press the shield button and than while holding the shield button hold the b button as well and you would see an animation of Rean absorbing cursed energy and in two seconds he would transform in his Ogre form. This is similar to how Inkling regenerates ink while holding the shield button and the b button or how Steve summons a crafting table with the same button combination. In Rean’s Ogre form he would improve all of his stats. He would move even faster, jump higher, be stronger, have more defense like being like a heavy weight and some of your moves would become improved versions like Arcane Gale having an extra attack after its animation where he throws a powerful curse energy from his sword for the opponents he targeted. Rean also can’t be affected by status effects while in his Ogre form. For example Hero’s snooze, Piranha plants poison effect etc can’t affect Rean. This transformation would only last for 20 seconds but that might be enough to beat your opponent with all those stats increased. Rean’s Ogre form does have two potential weaknesses tho. After Rean’s Ogre form runs out of time there is a 50/50 chance that Rean would become tired and Rean would end up stuck in the floor with him catching his breath. This would mean that if you didn’t got to defeat your opponent or if he end up with still another stock and survived than he can probably hit you with a fully charged smash attack. There is also a small chance that instead of getting tired Rean would lose control of his Ogre form and you get stuck in that form in more time, but if this happens Rean would end up in a berserk state, in this state you can’t use any of your special moves or Arts. You also can’t catch items or taunt or do anything like that. So if this happens you would end up stuck in this position with a limited moveset, and this means you can’t recover either. So as you can see you have to know when it’s the right time to activate his Ogre form if you don’t want to suffer this potential problems.
Gimmick 3: If you have 200 Craft points you can also call on Valimar. To call on Valimar you have to go to the bottom of your Arts menu and you would see an input to call on Valimar. It takes like three seconds to call on Valimar since Rean has to do the animation of pulling his hand up and saying: Hear my call, Valimar the Ashen Knight! While he does this animation he can get interrupted if he gets hit tho so watch out with that. But anyway after this Valimar would appear on stage and Rean would teleport inside of Valimar to fight. I wanted to make Valimar feel like your controlling a boss character basically. Most of his moves would be a bit sluggish to give a chance to your opponent to be able to dodge your attacks but if any of your attacks hit your opponent you can basically say good bye to them cause Valimar hits like a truck. His moves are even stronger than Rean’s Ogre form but you won’t be receiving bonuses like extra speed and jump height, in fact you actually move somewhat slower inside Valimar but not like he needs to move faster since his moves are huge and take a big part of the stage. Controlling Valimar also takes like 20 seconds until Rean gets out of Valimar. Inside Valimar your moveset also is slightly more limited cause some of the animations of Rean’s normal moves don’t fit Valimar like the moves where he just uses the sheath of his sword. And a move like Arcane Gale would just be replaced with flying in the air with Valimar’s boosters on his back. You might only really need to use this on big stages or if your somehow jump out of the stage by accident. Which by the way you can’t die inside of Valimar unless you somehow fall of the stage.
Gimmick 3: This is gonna be his final gimmick. You know how in all the Trails games there is on the left side of the screen in battles bonuses you get each turn, well for Rean I actually planned to include this on his moveset. Basically on the left side of Rean’s portrait you would see some small circles that would keep moving up and disappearing everyone you hit an attack, this would represent like passing a turn basically. To balance this out I actually made it so most of the time the circles would actually be blank and they won’t really show anything. That way you don’t really have to be worrying about this gimmick much or your opponent. But sometimes you would see some bonuses that would appear in those circles which you can take advantage of. To not make this as complicated as it already is I didn’t include every single bonus effect of the series and only picked a few of them. The bonuses that might appear would be, Critical, Guard Break, Zero arts, Status attack, Death blow. CP loss and CP up 200.
Critical: This would basically just be Hero’s critical effects on his smash attacks except that for Rean it can be any move if you hit someone while you have the critical AT bonus shown on the bottom of the screen. Also remember that if you miss an attack while an AT bonus is shown you automatically miss the chance to get that bonus for a while until it appears again.
Guard break: With Guard break if you hit the shield of someone you would automatically break their shield no matter how weak the attack you used is. Also if your opponent uses a counter like Marth’s down special for example your move would automatically go through them and they won’t be able to counter you.
Zero arts: To not make this art as OP as it could be I won’t make it so you can activate an Art immediately like in his games where you didn’t have to wait any turns if you had this AT bonus. Cause if this was the case is obvious people would abuse this and only use seraphic ring for free or Megalith fall. But this AT bonus makes it so you don’t have to waste any EP when using one of your Arts and makes all your arts to get 2 seconds less for activation instead of being immediately like in the games.
Status attack: With this AT bonus it just makes it so your next move if it hits it gives your opponent a random effect like confusion, sleep, poison or any of the other potential status effects in smash.
Death blow: To not make it as OP as potentially killing immediately if the move hits, I made it somewhat more interesting and not as broken. If you hit someone with this status effect it is gonna put a small timer on top of the head of your opponent. The timer counts 10 seconds. If the timer runs out of time your opponent would die immediately with a similar effect of when Hero hits someone with the wack or Thwack spell. You would also hear the same sound effect when you get a death blow in Trails to the enemies. Your opponent can stop the timer if he gets to hit you with a strong move stronger than 20 percentage, or if they combo you with two attacks at least or if they take one of your stocks. So your opponent does have a chance to survive this but it does put quite the pressure on your opponent.
CP UP 200: If you hit someone while you have this AT Bonus you automatically gain 200 CP.
CP Loss: Your CP would be reduced to 0 if your opponent gets to hit you while you have this AT Bonus. You can stop this from happening if you hit your opponent first tho.
Final smash: His final smash would be a cinematic of his Breaking Dawn S-Craft if you have at least 100 Craft points or more. If you have less than 100 Craft points tho than his final smash would be Ashen Crimson Leaves instead. And if your opponent is at 100 percentage after the end of this final smash they would be destroyed immediately. I just wanted to include both of this S-Crafts since they are his most recent S-Crafts in Cold steel 3 and 4. Furthermore, If you activate a final smash in Rean’s Ogre form you would also get the variations of this S-crafts with the dark looking effects and everything and it would be a bit stronger. And as unlikely as this might be to see in most matches, you can actually activate a final smash inside of Valimar which would activate one of his finishing moves inside of Valimar as a cinematic. Valimar kills immediately with a final smash if it hits as well no matter the percentage your opponent is in.
Up Taunt: He does the animation in Trails of cold steel 1 and 2 where he yells: Alright, Let’s do this! This is in reference to the Motivation Craft and this actually does give you a bit more strength, and by a bit more strength I mean it makes your next move do one percent more damage. You also can’t stack this effect by repeating the Taunt. The effect does work in team battles as well to give your opponents slightly more power. I made it to only do one more percent of damage so this Taunt didn’t become OP of course, it would be pretty broken if this taunt actually have a significant amount of extra damage power.
Side Taunt: He does one of his animations when he wins in a battle where he saids: That’s the power of the eight leaves and puts his blade back to his sheath for a sec.
Down Taunt: He crouches and starts to pet Celine’s head, Celine would be looking a bit annoyed like she always does when she gets pet to much.
In conclusion: Rean would be a character that can work in any situation and has abilities that can create a lot of interesting gameplay situations. But he is also a character with a high learning curve and that can be punished very easily if the player using Rean doesn’t know what he is doing. Even with all the gimmicks that Rean has he is actually pretty good just with his normal moves by itself tho. I didn’t want him to be relying on his Arts like how Hero relies on his spells just to be even close to a high tier or top tier.
This was actually my first moveset ever written for a smash character. This also took me quite a bit time to write completely but I am personally very happy with this concept for Rean’s moveset and how it turn out to be. I do accept criticism of my moveset concept in the comments tho. If you would change the way a move works I mentioned or if you think a certain thing could be balanced out better I would gladly hear you out. But anyway thanks for reading my moveset concept.
submitted by PersonAngelo53 to Falcom [link] [comments]

How I imagine a Smash trailer for Akira would play out.

Trailer starts off with Joker running across a city trying to escape from the authorities. People are led to believe it's another Persona character to promote P5S. Joker eventually gets cornered by Fox, Falco, Samus, and Captain Falcon. He calls upon Arsene to help him out. Just when Arsene is about to make a move, he suddenly gets slowed down by an unseen force. Next scene shows Akira with the Arrow Legion and cuts to gameplay. Gameplay reverts back to CG with Joker trying to evade the Legions, but gets wrapped in chains. Then transitions to Akira's Final Smash. Trailer ends with Joker and Arsene subdued in chains with Akira waiting for backup to take them in.
submitted by GaimRaider to astralchain [link] [comments]

Dragonborn for smash!

This was a part of my move-set idea for the Dragonborn if he were in smash ultimate, specifically the special moves!
Neutral B: double tap b to switch between fireball, ice storm, and chain lightning and hold B to cast and use the analog stick to aim after you press and hold b (chain lightning doing magicka damage, particularly to Hero’s mana pool & Robin’s magical book/ leven sword, slightly stunting Jokers persona & clouds limit... fireball doing lingering burning damage, & ice storm slowing down opponents for 3-5 seconds freezing opponents at later percents like 125%+, doing 15 damage)
Side B: his crossbow, double tap to reload faster but for less damage in return (15-20% with out quickly reloading 10-15% with quick reloading)
Down B: a selection of shouts (similar to hero’s move selection) with:
Dragon Aspect: (one use resistant to damage, fire and ice attacks and a boost to shouts, & smash attacks, and 20% less shout cool down time for 30 seconds
Fire Breath: has no knock back but has hit stun at the start of the move & lot of damage if not shielded the closer you are the more damage.. (20%,30%,45%) for the damage output & the numbers representing the levels of shout
Frost Breath: similar effects to fire breath but slows down opponents movement speed for 5 seconds
Cyclone: does damage with decent knock back and can slightly blow opponents even if they’re shielding (15%,20%,30%) for the damage for the word power
Marked For Death: opponents take more damage from physical attacks & more knock back (1.20%, 1.35%, 1.50%) percentages represent the damage and knock back increase for each word of power
And finally
Up B: would be him briefly summoning a dragon to fly in any direction for 5 wing flaps and dragon blows fire breath yet vulnerable to attacks and can break his recovery (similar how if you pop the Villager’s balloons) but dragon has to take 35% damage or more to be de spawned and the Dragonborn in free fall
Hope you like my idea of a part of the Dragonborn’s move set, comment what you think or any ideas y’all have for the Dragonborn!
submitted by Johighness97 to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

As a Xenoblade fan, I must say that I'm all in for another rep from the series in Smash, but if it ends up being Rex & Pyra/Mythra, it'll feel a tad "insulting" (long post)

Now don't get me wrong, I know Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is very devisive, but as far as I'm concerned, this game is amongst my favorite of all times. I'm not specifying this to start a debate on XC2's objective quality as a video game, but simply to explain where I position myself. Having opinions is fine but it isn't really the main point here
I like Rex as a protagonist, I like Pyra and Mythra as characters, I think they would fit in Smash and I do believe they'd be unique fighters despite their anime sword people nature. I also think we need more music from the series in the game, 11 tracks with only 1 really "eh" remix, only 3 tracks from Xenoblade 2 for good measure more than anything else, and a lot a parts from these songs having lower volume or straight up being cut for no reason does suck, and I'm aware Xenoblade isn't the only series to have these issues.
Naturally I wanted them in Smash ever since "Smash Bros Switch" was announced, almost 3 years ago now. They were such a shoe-in pick, especially since at the time, before Ultimate's premise was unveiled, it was very likely that Shulk would get cut from the roster, along with other characters. Fast forward to the game's release, Shulk is still in the game, Rex is a costume, ARMS has an Assist Trophy which made sense, and all this was justified by a bad timing between Ultimate's production document or whatever it's called and ARMS and XC2 character designs not being finalized yet, which is totally fine. At this point I had accepted Rex wouldn't be in the game, and would have stayed on my mindset. Or so I thought.
However and as we all know, the first Fighters Pass started with 2 RPG protagonists, Joker, whose game Persona 5 released the same year as XC2 and ARMS in the west, but around the same time as Pokémon Sun & Moon in Japan, a game that has a rep in Smash in Incineroar, so it made sense. Then came Dragon Quest's Hero, which were a bunch of characters from a lot of games, so having the stage and the base alt be from the most recent one released a year after XC2 and ARMS was still fine in the regard of Rex in Smash. All of this also made more sense because the DLC for the game were chosen quite a long time after the base roster.
Now I'm gonna be perfectly honestly, after Terry's announcement and the reveal of more characters, I started believing again. It just made so much sense to do it, they had to be on the line for the remaining characters. But Byleth and Min-Min were revealed next, and while I like them gameplay wise and think they're good picks, after these two I kept telling myself that if he weren't next, Rex would never be in the game, or that at the very least, he would get less likely with each character that isn't him. Now we have Steve and Sephiroth in the game, and as much as I like them, and as much as I think they belong in this game (especially Steve), it does send a message. Rex is not coming, because if he were to, it feels like he'd already be there.
And that is fine. Rex isn't necessary for Smash. None of the characters I want in are, and very few actually are. Aside from maybe Ryu Hayabusa and a Monster Hunter, which aren't characters I want but would make infinitely more sense than my own picks, there aren't much no brainers left.
But let's say, despite all of this, despite speculation or expectations, that Rex and Pyra/Mythra are, say, Challenger Pack 10, it would feel off to me. The announcement of more DLC was in September 2019, during the last mainline Nintendo Direct. The 2 next characters were "impossibilities" for the base roster, and we wouldn't have a character not concerned by that matter until Steve's reveal, 13 months later. That's more than a year of hoping, of it making sense, being believable, but ultimately, of it not happening. Would throwing them out at this point still make me and other fans happy? Of course it would. But it's safe to assume that much like most fans, it would, to an extent, feel stingy to do it after such a long time. XC2 isn't as relevant anymore since DE came out last May. Xenoblade fans have moved on. Most of us stopped hoping because it didn't matter anymore, and still doesn't to me. Smash will be fine without Rex, very few people will care.
Yes this is just a video game, and yes, it doesn't matter how gets in or doesn't as long as they're fun. Even the "recognizability" factor doesn't matter much to the dev team or more importantly to Nintendo. Yes Rex is still possible and the demand is there, just less strong than during the wait for the game. But at the end of the day, I couldn't tell if I and other fans would care enough if it happened, and that is just saddening. Thank you for reading
submitted by CMNG713 to smashbros [link] [comments]

Why the GameFAQ Smash users are insecure that the Anime Industry is mainstream

After looking at the Gamefaqs board for Smash it felt like being in a completely different timeline than the main Smash forums on the well-known sites, it feels like some people here are stuck with a mindset of two decades ago and just can't accept how the world is evolving.
The Anime Industry has become one of the largest industries in the world and only keeps growing, this is a well known fact, anime media is like bread and water nowadays, it can be found literally everywhere in every sector and its unavoidable, every single person in the world has consumed anime content at some point and even the most popular celebrities and politicians are talking about their favorite anime on social media, it has reached the peak. Even in the gaming industry the majority of the revenue is coming from anime gacha games from mobile phones and more than half of the games released daily on Steam PC and in other platforms are anime related.
But asides from that, there are like hundreds of different genres in anime with millions of series and it is virtually impossible to generalize it since every concept ever has been covered many times in anime, there is something for everyone. Now for some really wrong and outdated arguments that are being said here.
So basically, it is pretty clear how mainstream and recognizble anime media is and if more requested anime characters such as Saber come in Smash like Hero and Joker did they will obviously bring the highest revenue, i can't understand why some people here can't accept reality, my conclusion is that this forum has some really oldschool people that grew in a weird environment and are stuck in the past while unable to move on and accept the world for how it is.
Comment: Kirikagure 1 year ago#2 Gamefaqs is not meant to be taken seriously for any reason, most people here are a small bunch of middle-aged, ugly americans that are out of touch with reality. The majority of the Smash Ultimate roster by itself is covered by anime characters look at Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Dragon Quest, Legend of Zelda, Persona, Xenoblade Chronicles, Samus Aran and it goes on so Smash is an anime game in the first place.
Also the Fate franchise is one of the highest grosssing franchises of all time and Grand Order by itself makes more revenue than any franchise in the Smash roster has ever made in a game and some in their entire history, Fate does not need Smash at all, it is Smash that needs Saber to make Switch sell more. Just ignore this old site and use the maintream forums such as the Nintendo ones.
submitted by MimiSecretAgent to MimiDefenseBunker [link] [comments]

How would you nerf joker?

I’m getting real tired of being called a caried tier whore and you denying all the time I’ve spent on this charter and improving my fundamentals cuz I love this charter and his game being persona 5 So how would you nerf the charter without making him bad. Please don’t be toxic in the comments I’m here to have a civil conversation without insults getting thrown all over the place.
So most things people complain about are
Nair, rebuls gaurd and arsen
As a joker main could you at-least let me keep the nair? I understand it’s very good but am I not allowed to have good moves?
Rebuls gaurd: how would you nerf this, people either complain about its frame data or hits hit boxes, I know people might disagree but I think you only need one of its things to be nerfed instead of both being it’s frame data or hit box.
Arsen: so I know that arsens entire move set should be changed but I would say let him keep back air or slightly nerf back air and his smash attacks, back air because lots of charters back airs that kill early and smash attacks are smash attacks they are slow and punishable. It’s not like I’m fox where I have a fast up smash and strong back air.
One more thing I think would be fair for joker to keep is his kill confirms as like you people say (joker players are carried) I don’t see any bad players who get carried by joker ever go for kill confirms like fast fall fair not to mention is that these things are so so difficult to do online.
I honestly don’t think this charter or any top tier should be nerfed as there’s no one top tier that’s dominating tournaments and you should know that online isn’t an accurate of any charter. So do you agree with me or do you still want to take out my guts.
submitted by Wtfislifewotequila to SmashRage [link] [comments]

Echo fighter idea, Violet. (Joker)

Violet would be an echo fighter for Joker, the major differences are, Her Persona Cendrillion comes out at the start of her stock, and stays out for a while. Once it’s gone she can only fill up her rebellion gauge by successfully landing rebel’s guards. Because of this, she does less damage then Joker. Her side B would just be Recolored to be white for her bless skills. Since Violet is a dancer, she will have a lower crouch, higher jump, faster air speed, and faster crouch speed. Violet will have 2 final smashes because I could not decide what to put in. Her far away final smash would her All Out Attack.The same thing as Joker’s except every Phantom Thief would be randomized in a spot. Also the Black Mask would be in a spot in the All Out Attack. Her close up final smash would be her Showtime move. Violet would spin her Ribbon and then the Showtime letters will pop up. The Showtime would play out as it does in P5R.
Post your feedback in the comments please. (I did this on mobile sorry for mistakes.)
submitted by Ryan_Legend to SmashBrosUltimate [link] [comments]

Arsene concept

so basically we live in a society
Obtainable via idk, Velvet Room? maybe just finding a mask lying around during the Dark Hour or inside a TV with a 50% chance of obtaining Arsene?
Passive A - SP Bar : The user's GUI will come with a light blue bar, representing how much “SP” the user has, which is 335 SP total. Moves that require the use of a Persona's special abilities to attack will drain the user's SP. The user can regenerate SP from successfully landing specific melee attacks(I know this isn't how it works in the games, but it's better than having people run while spamming SP regeneration items like every JRPG protagonist)
Passive B - Critical Hit : There is a 5% chance for the user's attack to crit, showing a little cut-in of the user's face before knocking down the foe off their feet and pulling up a menu for the user. While this menu is pulled up, the foe will remained stunned until the user chooses an option. Pressing LMB again will initiate the All Out Attack while pressing X will allow the user to simply cancel it, leaving the foe stunned for 10 seconds or until they're hit again. This passive can also be used against the user, allowing other players to crit the user and pull out an All Out Attack themselves. and yes, the foe and the user cannot be harmed while the menu is pulled up, so you can't just smack someone with a critical hit and leave them permanently stunned while your goons beat them up on top of the 10 seconds to use the menu before the foe gets back up, main difference with this is that Arsene users get to hold the stunned enemy at gunpoint too
Passive C - All Out Attack : If the player or foe chooses to use an All Out Attack, the person who performed the original crit will rush at the foe and perform Persona 5’s classic All Out Attack in a series of flurries directed at the foe before the user jumps away and does Joker's signature pose, dealing 45dmg or instantly killing if the victim is under 30% hp.
Passive D - Persona Mastery : you know what CD does with that “attack to automatically summon stand”? just that, but the funny mask just burns away

Stats :

Power - B+
Speed - C
Durability - B
HP : 285

Stats :

Q - “I am thou. Thou art I... Thou who art willing to perform all sacrilegious acts of thine own justice.” : Joker's mask will appear on the user's face before the user rips it right off, summoning Arsene.
LMB - “Swing your blade!” : The user will slash their dagger, dealing 15dmg and regenerating 15 SP. Cooldown : 4 seconds
E - Trickster's Combo : Arsene will perform a basic three jab combo, dealing 10dmg in each jab with an additional “curse” afterburn that deals 3dmg per second for about 5 seconds from the last punch. Cooldown : 6 seconds
R - Brave Blade : Arsene will swing their leg down onto the floor, slashing the foe ahead of them and dealing 35dmg with weak knockback. There's a cool downwards sword swinging effect that comes along with the attack. Cooldown : 8 seconds
T - “For his neutral special, he wields a gun.” : The user will strike a pose as they hold out their pistol, holding the camera in an over shoulder angle basically like a third person shooter. Pressing LMB will allow the user to fire the pistol in their current direction, dealing 15dmg in each shot. Pressing T again will cancel the move. Cooldown : 5 seconds
V + T(cursor on target) - Down Shot : The user will roll to the side before performing a leap as they fire at the target relentlessly in style, dealing no damage but stunning the target and applying Passive B. This move can be completely nullified if used on players who are blocking or performing unique attacks(ie VTW’s Roadroller or TA4's nail shot), rendering the user immobile and unable to attack for 3 seconds. This move can only be used 5 times per life. Cooldown : 20 seconds shares cooldown with default T
Y - Eiha : Arsene will jab their arm into the ground before a burst of dark energy bursts from the ground in front of them, dealing 25dmg + 5 additional curse damage to any foe caught within the 10 stud radius blast zone. This move eats up 40 SP. Cooldown : 10 seconds
F - Showtime : The user leaps upwards as Arsene does the same downwards jab motion in the air, causing a burst of red energy to burst underneath the user in a 45 stud radius, dealing 65dmg and great knockback. This move consumes 150 SP. Cooldown : 35 seconds
G - Cognitive Outlook : Basically, kneel down as blue flames engulf your entire body, giving you a free Joker cosplay. Press G again to go back to normal clothes. Cooldown : 10 seconds
J - Chains of Society : For some unexplained reason, chains will begin to surround the user before they grab it and lash it forwards, smacking the foe and dealing 25dmg with weak knockback. Cooldown : 15 seconds
J(if foe is killed) - Sinful Shell : Spoilers for Persona 5’s EndingThe chains that surround the user will begin to start breaking apart, summoning Satanael who will appear from the skies and fire a single shot at the target. [insert Persona 5 Final Boss defeat] A bullet made from the Seven Deadly Sins that can pierce even a god. imagine being a TWOH user on a building and seeing some giant demon lord point a gun at you
Z(cursor on target) - Grappling Hook : Just like Persona 5 Royal and Smash Bros, the user will fire a hook from their hands onto their cursor's location, pulling themselves towards their cursor if it hits anywhere within a 100 stud distance of the user. Cooldown : 12 seconds
Q + Z - Wings of Rebellion : Much like the Smash Bros Moveset for Joker, Arsene will flap their wings and propel the user upwards, creating great vertical distance with little horizontal distance. Cooldown : 16 seconds
X - Rebel's Guard : you know, the Smash move where Joker just holds his face and soaks damage, but it lasts for 7 seconds and you only get half the amount of SP out of every attack done to you(ie attack that does 50dmg will only give you 25 SP, 8dmg attack gives 4 SP, etc. decimals will automatically round up to next number for sake of long decimals breaking GUI). Cooldown : 10 seconds
C - Dash : The user will dash ahead. Cooldown : 5 seconds
Pose Theme
Stand(?)’s idle pose

Quotes :

same thing, couldn't pick between English or Japanese

English Dub

Now that's comedy!
It's showtime.
I'll reveal your true form!

Japanese Dub

You need proper punishment.
It's showtime!
It's useless.
Remember that feature I mentioned in the last two posts? Here it is again: When the user decides to just start smacking people or gets smacked, Life Will Change plays. Once the user hits 30%, it just kinda cuts to Last Surprise, which will start playing.
Sinful Shell sounds like a pain to code, but it'll look cool to pull out against that one guy with Doppio KC for absolutely no reason
oh, and I guess you can start running in circles after you beat someone to death
submitted by JohnnyLegsAfterSpin to ABDconcepts [link] [comments]

Smash Bros Reviews Day 10: Characters 70-78

Today I'll be reviewing the DLC Ultimate newcomers which is Piranha Plant, Joker, Hero, Banjo & Kazooie, Terry, Byleth, Min Min, Steve + Alex, Zombie, Enderman, and Sephiroth.
70. Piranha Plant (1985)
A Piranha Plant is an enemy that is a part of Bowser’s army, the Koopa Troop, and it first appeared in the game Super Mario Bros in 1985. It’s usually found in pipes and comes out of its pipe whenever Mario is around it so it can try to bite him.
Overall 8.5/10. Very excellent and surprising enemy.
Fun Fact: They’re based off of Venus Flytraps which in real life, they eat anything that gets close to them as well.
71. Joker (2016)
Joker is the protagonist of the game Persona 5 which came out back in 2016. He is a second-year high school student who gets expelled from his school due to a false accusation of assault from a corrupt politician. Due to his expulsion, he moves to Tokyo, Japan to live with a family friend to serve his one-year probation. While at his new school, he and a group of other students at his school awaken a power called the Persona. They become a group called the Phantom Thieves of Hearts and their purpose is to explore the Metaverse which is a realm consisting of physical manifestation of humanity's subconscious desires, so they can remove malevolent intent from people's hearts.
Overall 9.2/10. He’s a very excellent character.
72.Hero (1986)
The Hero is the main protagonist of the Dragon Quest series who first appeared in the game Dragon Quest in 1986. Each of them have different stories to them in some games meanwhile in other games, their stories are unknown.
Overall 8.3/10. They're quite diverse.
Fun Fact: Different ones appear in each game however the one in purple in the front is the main one in Smash Bros.
73.Banjo & Kazooie (1997/1998)
Banjo is a honey bear who first appeared in Diddy Kong Racing back in 1997 and Kazooie is a breegull who first appeared in the main Banjo-Kazooie game in 1998 and together they go on adventures through Spiral Mountain.
Overall 8.8/10. They're very nice characters and I was blown whenever they were announced for Smash Bros.
74.Terry (1991)
Terry Bogard is the main protagonist of the Fatal Fury series. He first debuted in Fatal Fury: King of Fighters in 1991. He's an American fighter who enters worldwide tournaments called "The King of Fighters" so he can murder Geese Howard, the guy who murdered his dad, Jeff Bogard.
Overall 8.8/10. He's an excellent fighter.
75.Byleth (2019)
Byleth is the main protagonist in the game Fire Emblem: Three Houses which came out back in 2019. Throughout the game, they become a teacher at the Officers academy.
Overall 8.5/10. They're actually different unlike many of the Fire Emblem characters (Marth, Roy, Lucina, Chrom, etc.)
76.Min Min (2017)
Min Min is a fighter who first appeared in the game ARMS back in 2017. In that game, she and other characters have extendable limbs called ARMS and they battle each other with it.
Overall 8/10. She's alright although I prefer Spring Man.
77.Steve and Alex (2009/2014)
Steve and Alex are the main characters of Minecraft. Steve first debuted when Minecraft came out in 2009 and Alex was later introduced in 2014. What they do in the game is build stuff (Creative Mode) or survive the world they're in (Survival Mode).
Overall 9.5/10. They have a lot of creativity on their hands.
77A1.Zombie (2012)
Zombies are hostile enemies who appeared in Minecraft in 2012. They have a very similar appearance to Steve except its skin tone is all green just like how zombies are. They spawn mainly in caves and also on land during the night and whenever they see Steve or Alex. They slowly walk towards them making a grrr sound. There's also baby Zombies who run very fast but do less damage than regular Zombies. However they can be defeated by either attacking them plenty of times or whenever they get exposed to sunlight.
Overall 6.5/10. They're pretty basic.
77A2.Enderman (2011)
Endermen are tall slender enemies who appeared in Minecraft in 2011. They're three blocks tall and they have the ability to teleport and pick up blocks. They normally spawn in the End. They don't attack you unless you attack them first or look straight into their eyes. They can be defeated by attacking it or by using water, lava, fire, splash water bottles, or rain.
Overall 8.5/10. They're challenging to battle.
78.Sephiroth (1997) Sephiroth is the main antagonist in the game Final Fantasy VII which came out in 1997. He's also Cloud's archenemy and a symbol of his troubled past. At first he was a success story in the SOLDIER program which made him a celebrity war hero. However when we learned about his true origins, it drove him insane and gave him a desire to destroy the world. Overall 8.8/10. He is a very epic villain.
Fun Fact: He's known as the One-Winged Angel due to how he only has one wing.
I plan to do the last three DLC newcomers (Characters 79-81) whenever they come out.
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joker persona 5 smash moves video

If you missed the news, Persona 5's Joker is making his way into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on Nintendo Switch today. Frankly, we'd be amazed if you have missed the news because we've been ... A lot of folks never saw it coming when Joker was announced as a DLC character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. I mean, Persona 5 isn’t even available on the Wii U. Yet. (Pretty please, Atlus?) The Persona 5 protagonist, nicknamed Joker, will be the fighter in the first dlc character pack to be added to Nintendo’s massive crossover fighting game crossover ‘Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’. Players will be able to control the phantom thief in combat as they fight for position against the game’s already large, and growing, roster of fighters. How to Play Joker in Smash Bros Ultimate. Joker from Persona 5 is the very first DLC character for Smash Bros Ultimate, and one of the biggest surprises we’ve seen in years.His moveset, like ... Joker is finally in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and he isn't pulling any punches. Along with the leader of the Phantom Thieves, comes his persona Arsene, a character based on the fictional gentleman th As we reported on many moons ago, Persona 5’s Joker has been confirmed for Super Smash Bros Ultimate. Now we have an update – he’s due out today! Nintendo dropped a 15-and-a-bit minute long video that shows off Ultimate’s 3.0 update. The video showcases Joker’s abilities, the new Mementos themed stage, which also contains homages […] The protagonist of Persona 5 is the main protagonist of the If Persona 5 Was Realistic video. He is a transfer student as he moves to Shibuya, Japan due to him asking a man named Shido for the time, which caused him to collapse and sue the protagonist. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 If Persona 5 Was Realistic 3.1 The Casino Heist 3.2 The Interrogation 3.3 The Beginning The protagonist has black ... Joker’s signature Persona is Arsene, who popped up at the end of the Smash trailer and is also the first Persona you earn in Persona 5. But Joker could use various other Personas for battle in ... In Persona 5, Joker and his crew have the power to summon physical manifestations of their innermost thoughts. As part of his Super Smash Bros. Ultimate skillset, Joker can summon Arsene, his Initial Persona, enhancing his attacks and unlocking new moves. To summon Arsene, Joker's Rebellion Gauge must reach max capacity. Smash Ultimate is mostly comprised of characters that appeared in previous games in the series.But there are a few exceptions. One of the most notable is Joker, who makes the leap from Persona 5 over to Smash.This DLC fighter is available with the Fighter Pass starting April 17, 2019.

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