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Anti-Corruption & News Summary - Oct/2/2019 :: Diaspora programs for repatriates :: Migration :: Army - Border - Draft :: Constitutional Court judge :: EAEU; laws; gas :: Gambling law :: Online classes :: Education & Healthcare minister :: other news...

A contractor soldier was wounded in the shoulder on AM-AZ border last night. He's doing alright. Azeri media lied about it being an infiltration attempt. Earlier, two Azeri soldiers were killed after their failed infiltration attempt.
Wrestling legend Julfalakyan earlier quit as the Armenian national team coach due to disagreements on how to train. He will work at the Yerevan municipality sports center.
Two arson attacks. Someone burned down the car belonging to a chief investigator Mher E. who works at the Investigative Committee.
Kocharyan-allied politician Vitali Balansanyan: Pashinyan is a terrorist. In 2018 he invaded a state-guarded radio station, which is similar to the armed takeover of the police station by Sasna Tsrer.
Constitutional Court chief HHK Hrayr Tovmasyan has been accused of being appointed as a judge through legal violations, and other illegal conducts during his administration. Parliament pointed out 4 reasons why he should be impeached. They will hold a vote tomorrow. If 78 MPs vote in favor, the Parliament will send a note to Constitutional Court and ask the 9 judges to vote to impeach Tovmasyan. They may or may not do it.
Tovmasyan himself says it's a political move to remove him as a "barrier".
BHK chief Gagik Tsarukyan: BHK will not vote for or against the resolution about Constitutional Court chief Hrayr Tovmasyan. We don't think this is a political persecution against him, however. BHK has always been against Tovmasyan's appointment. We pointed out legal problems during his appointment. Right now let the court itself decide whether to remove him or not. (which is the purpose of this vote, to ask the court to remove him, there is a reason they call you "dod").
A BHK MP later added that they aren't sure if the 4 reasons mentioned by QP are enough to impeach Tovmasyan.

QP alone has enough MPs to pass the resolution tomorrow. However, that would require an almost-unanimous vote within the party, which may not happen. LHK also expressed support towards the resolution, which could add enough votes.
Monday: Putin won't visit Armenia as a sign of protest to Kocharyan arrest.
Tuesday: Putin will visit Armenia but will meet Robert Kocharyan in jail.
Wednesday: Putin visited Armenia but didn't meet Kocharyan, but instead he met Kocharyan's wife and had a lengthy conversation.
Thursday: before Putin left, Kocharyan's wife asked to meet Putin and they had a conversation for a few minutes.

Sources familiar with matters: Putin and Rob are long-time friends. Putin tried to convince Pashinyan that Kocharyan's arrest is illegal. When Pashinyan brought the facts about his arrest, Putin opted for "Don't you get it? He is my friend." To which Pashinyan allegedly responded "I'm sorry that you have friends like that."
(Դու ինձ ցավ էս պատճառում, Անտո՜նիո։)
PM went to Parliament to answer questions.
PM: the EAEU meeting was the largest and the most global of it's kind, involving other states. We're happy to have contributed to it. Agreements were made. I held 3 hours of meetings with Putin about AM-RU relations. Both of us were satisfied. The rest is up to the ministries to take care of the implementation of agreements. Putin invited me to visit Russia.
PM: There are 60 problems that are being discussed in EAEU. They'll be solved gradually. It's about the 4 pillars of the EAEU: freedom of labor, capital, trade, and human movement. EAEU admits that there are problems with these basics. To solve the problems, each member state has to synchronize their laws with EAEU.

PM: another problem is Lars border point between Georgia and Russia, which is the land point that Armenian traders use. It's not sufficient at its current state and there are always delays. This needs to be solved as part of EAEU agreement.
[Georgia and Russia are working on alternative entries. Armenia is working to have its own trade fleet in Black Sea.]
Deputy PM Grigoryan: gas price talks continue. We want to sign a long-term contract instead of 1-2 year. (businesses want to know how much they'll be paying in future). By the end of this year we'll have more details. Before universal energy distribution & payment rules are made in EAEU in 2025, we'll need to solve this problem by other means. The goal is to have a system in which everyone will be informed about gas price change well ahead of time. Rest be assured that this December you won't wake up to learn that the gas price will go up in January.
PM tells the story about the selfie they took with country leaders. Lukashenko isn't in it because he had to leave early to participate in a family member funeral:
Armenia and Singapore have signed the first out of five agreements. This one is about trade, service and investments.
Defense Minister Tonoyan was also summoned to Parliament.
DM: we scored an unprecedented level of ability to draft soldiers and move them around. Within 1 day, we were able to double the size of the army. The details will be sent to Parliament and Govt in written form.
Parliament is discussing minimum wage raise from 55k to 68k AMD. Govt earlier approved it. If parliament approves it, 57k public and 130k private workers will see a direct raise.
Parliament (QP and BHK) is making amendments to the new strict anti-gambling laws. Each gambling company will have the ability to have 1 office in provinces, and 1 in each of Yerevan administrative districts.
Just as earlier, they can continue to have their offices in several cities that are known for recreation, gambling and tourism.
Office size is limited to 200m2. Office must verify that a gambler's spouse didn't get a court order prohibiting the spouse from wasting family money on gambling.
Law goes into effect in Nov-2020 if approved.
Migration Agency:
~1mln people left Armenia since the independence. 42% of Lori residents left, the highest percentage among all provinces.
In recent years, the emigration is more about work related, and the permanent relocations have reduced. 95% of them go to Russia for seasonal work.
The situation has gotten better after the 2018 revolution. The migration agency will offer the govt a pilot program to help Armenians who want to return.
LHK: there is a plagiarism in University of Engineering rector's dissertation. With so many rectors recently getting busted with plagiarizm, why don't you check every rector's papers?
Education Minister Harutyunyan: we don't have the legal right to do mass checks. If a plagiarism evidence surfaces about a specific paper, we check it.

LHK: some villages don't have teachers in schools.
Minister: we plan to add online classes in all schools beginning next September. A pilot program was done in Ararat province. It was successful.

LHK: but do villagers have internet?
Minister: we worked a lot about it last year.
Press F to receive A.
Earlier, health minister Torosyan sent a report to NSS accusing SOC boss Sanasaryan and 2-3 other employees of illegally helping a company, with ties to one of the SOC employees, to win a dialysis medical contract with hospitals.
Sanasaryan denied wrongdoing, pointing out the fact that SIS later found that the previous medical contracts were rigged. Sanasaryan claimed he was un-rigging it. NSS kept the charges nonetheless.

Sanasaryan lawyer says his client wasn't aware that several SOC employees were doing something illegal, no evidence that proves otherwise. "The only recorded fact shows that when Sanasaryan was hiring one of these employees, the employee disclosed that he has ties with a medical business."
Sanasaryan says that in late-2018, minister Torosyan contacted him to warn that a company that won a license, was affiliated with one of Sanasaryan's employees, but Torosyan allegedly said the company made a favorable financial offer to the hospital. Sanasaryan then allegedly checked the papers for a conflict of interest laws but concluded that it was done legally.

The defense is claiming: when the SOC employee Adyan was hired, he notified boss Sanasaryan that he owns a specific company. Sanasaryan told Adyan that the latter has to legally file some paperwork about a management transfer (or something like that), but the employee misunderstood it as "make sure it doesn't show up on legal documents".
Sanasaryan accused minister Torosyan of false testimony against him, and "now-retired" NSS Vanetsyan of giving PM a false info about him. He thinks it's because SOC was planning to audit NSS and Health Ministry.
3 employees + Sanasaryan are facing charges. The case is in court.

Minister Torosyan has responded saying he didn't give a false testimony. If he gave a false testimony it can be checked and either verified or denied; he transferred all the info he had to authorities, says Torosyan.
Yerevan municipality has transferred 160mln to Sanitek so they can pay their employees' August salaries. It's over. Yerevan and Sanitek broke up. The city will continue to import it's own garbage bins and trucks.
Office of Diaspora is working on a fund that'll help 1,000 families who want to return to Armenia, by subsidizing their mortgages.
Young startups by diasporans can win $30,000 grants. This project begun last year and has helped 9 startups so far.
Police about a 2015 corruption case:
Ministry of Economic Development signed a contract with a company to purchase a device that checks gas stations. During the process, the company falsified device records, inflated the price, and caused a 19mln damage to state.
The Supreme Court of Turkey has sided with an Armenian church foundation and prevented its appropriation by the General Directorate of Turkish Foundations. Court also ruled that Armenian foundation's rights to take the case to court were violated. The case is sent back to lower court. If the lower court sides with Armenian foundation, it'll be able to get hundreds of pieces of confiscated property.
US State Department met Ministry of Infrastructure and expressed willingness to work on energy projects. They spoke about the nuclear plant, waste, upcoming energy generation plans. Armenian side expressed interest towards obtaining a US-made small modular reactor.
President Sarkissian earlier went to STARMUS international science and arts conference and convinced them to hold the next one in Armenia. They have agreed. Reps came to Armenia to discuss the 2020 plans. Participants are scientists, astronomers and artists around the world.
Some people PULL to prevent families. Others PULL once they already have families. What side are you on?
Pulling competition as part of "Best Sports Family" tournament:
Disclaimer: All the accused are innocent until proven guilty by the court of law, even if they may sound as being guilty. Currency in Armenian Drams unless specified otherwise. Older posts can be found at: PART 1 ; PART 2 ; PART 3 ; PART 4 , credits to Idontknowmuch.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

Looking for justification for terminating ex's parental rights. Arizona courts.

Sorry for the long post, it's been an interesting few years - Here goes I (39M) have had sole custody and full legal decision-making authority over my two kids (17&11) for the last 3 years since my divorce. My ex had a full mental break, psychotic episodes, several admissions to a mental facility and frankly made her condition quite apparent in the courts during the hearings.
Judge stated it this way: "Father appears to be in good physical and mental health. Mother appears to be in good physical health, although she did testify in court that she has some "wires crossed in her brain". In addition, the mother has struggled with significant mental health concerns, especially in the last 2 years, including multiple arrests and appearing in person, in custody, for several hearings. "
"The court orders that the father shall have sole legal decision-making authority over the minor children. The father shall be the primary residential parent, and that all parenting time shall be awarded to the Father, unless the father chooses (in his sole discretion) to allow the mother parenting time. If the father chooses to allow the mother parenting time, the terms and duration shall likewise be at the father's sole discretion"
Clearly, I have no qualms with this arrangement and it has allowed me to protect my kids from her, as she is still not healthy - which brings me to my question: The mother has not fulfilled any of the very simple requirements I put in place to protect the kids. After a 6 month period of no contact from her, she wished to SEE the kids, (She is in another area of AZ, 2hrs away from us; she moved away), to which I stated that we would start with phone calls to see how the kids reacted and if all went well, we could have a supervised visit and then go from there if the kids were ok with it. She never did this simple step and instead chose to argue with me about everything. In the last 3years she has seen them 3times, each time because she had court in our town, for an hour each visit. The last time, she was drinking before and during the visit. Recently, she has disappeared again and I found online that she has about 6 arrests in the last few months (fighting, disorderly, trespassing, criminal damage) and 5 FTA warrants. If something were to happen to me, I want the kids to go to my current wife, or maybe another blood relative, just not to the ex. I have been told that even a will can be upended and I do not want to gamble with their lives. Do I have any legal footing, given the recent events and lack of visits on her part, to request a termination of her rights so that there's no chance she'll get them if I die?
submitted by ghostone1 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

A Handy Table and Guide to Every Third Party and Independent Presidential Candidate (x-post r/politics)

With the election about three months away, I figured it’d be an interesting project to put together all of the third party and independent candidates who have achieved ballot status in at least one state and give a basic overview of their beliefs and ideas. At the moment, there are 25 candidates that fit this description.
There are still states accepting ballot access, so this list is bound to grow within the next month. I’ll do a big ole round up of all the candidates and updated ballot status the day before the election.
This is going to be in alphabetical order of third party, followed by the outright independent candidates. Due to the size of the chart, I have to divide it into two parts. Part 2 is here
Candidate Party On Ballot Write-In Platform
Tom Hoefling America’s Party) / American Independent Party CA, CO, FL IN Pro-Life, Pro-2nd Amendment, desires a ‘supremely strong’ military, anti-16th & 17th Amendment, supports a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, does not accept donations for fundraising
Merlin Miller American Third Position Party CO, NJ, TN None Withdraw from NAFTA, GATT, and WTO, cut welfare and unemployment benefits, abolish the Federal Reserve and the Department of Education, anti-LGBT, against “Marxist politically correct philosophy,” staunchly isolationist, supports a ‘voluntary resettlement program’ for immigrants, halt all new immigration, eliminate birthright citizenship, chain migration, and asylum, repeal the Patriot Act and NDAA, “protect White American interests”
Former Congressman Virgil Goode Constitution Party) CO, FL, ID, IA, MI, MN, MO, MS, NJ, NM, NY, NV, ND, OH, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, WA, WI, WY CA, CT, DC, GA, IL, IN, ME, MD, MA, MT, NC, TX, VT, WV Strict adherence to the Constitution, abolish the National Endowment for the Arts and No Child Left Behind, place a moratorium on Green Cards until unemployment is under 5%, end diversity visas, reduce chain migration and asylum refugees, make English the official language, elimination of the Death Tax, preserve Social Security, supports the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, abolish the Department of Education, end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, pro-choice, anti-UN, anti-NAFTA, vows to only serve one term as president
Will Christensen Constitution Party of Oregon / Independent American Party OR None End all overseas wars, abolish the Department of Education, end all foreign aid, withdraw from the UN, NATO, SEATO, NAFTA, WTO, IMF, and the World Court, end the federal War on Drugs, repeal the Patriot Acts and the NDAA, allow gay marriage laws to be decided by the states, place all troops along the borders
Dean Morstad Constitutional Government Party MN UT Institute a flat tax, repeal the 16th Amendment, reinstate Kennedy Silver Dollar Program, institute a freeze on work visas, freeze the debt ceiling, phase out all federal medical programs, ban the use of depleted uranium, abolish the Department of Education and all education related funding, including student loans, battle climate change, allow gay marriage to be decided by the states
Jim Carlson) Grassroots Party MN None Legalize marijuana, the party platform is the Bill of Rights, there’s no campaign website available
Dr. Jill Stein Green Party AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, DC, DE, FL, HI, ID, IL, IA, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OR, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, WA, WV, WI GA, IN, MO Very pro-environment, create a Full Employment Program to create 25 million localized public works jobs, create a single-payer Medicare-for-All program, tuition free education from Pre-School-College, forgive student loan debt, halt all foreclosures and evictions, give Department of the Treasury control of the Federal Reserve, break up oversized banks, restore Glass-Steagall, create non-profit banks, overturn the Citizens United ruling, abolish the Electoral College, grant Washington, DC statehood, change our electoral system to more resemble that of Britain or Canada’s, repeal the Patriot Act and the NDAA, reduce national defense spending by 50%
Former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson Justice Party) CO, CT, FL, ID, LA, MI, MN, MS, NJ, NM, OR, TN, UT, VT, WA AL, AK, DE, GA, IL, IA, KS, MD, MT, NE, NH, NY, PA Supports a Palestinian state and removal of support from Israel if they ignore Palestinian sovereignty, abolish warrantless wiretapping and indefinite detention of US/Foreign detainees under the Patriot Act, end all fossil fuel and nuclear energy subsidies, make America the most energy efficient nation in the world within 20 years, favor mass transit funding over highways, mirror the national health care programs of Taiwan or Canada, close majority of international military bases, remove funding to countries that violate human rights, close Guantanamo Bay, drastically increase funds to research and find solutions regarding climate change, anti-fracking, raise minimum wage to $10 an hour, abolish the death penalty, legalize industrial hemp
Former Governor Gary Johnson Libertarian Party) AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, LA, ME, MD, MA, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OR, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY None Pro-2nd Amendment, streamline legal immigration, audit the Federal Reserve, abolish the IRS, legalize marijuana, end the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, abolish the Department of Education, repeal the Patriot Act, enforce federal neutrality on issues dependent on personal beliefs, end the War on Drugs, pro-net neutrality, legalize online gambling
Tom Stevens Objectivist Party CO, FL None Pro-Everything Ayn Rand ever said and wrote, pro-life, decriminalize marijuana, prostitution, pornography, and gambling, eliminate income and property tax, install a 10% flat tax, repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, supports gay marriage, give greater incentives to join the National Guard, but is anti-draft, pro-separation of church and state, pro-2nd Amendment
Peta Lindsay Party of Socialism and Liberation AR, CO, IA, MN, NJ, NY, UT, VT, WA, WI None In CO, IA, UT, and WI, Gloria LaRiva is the candidate, due to Peta Lindsay’s age being under the constitutional requirement to become President; raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour, create a constitutional amendment stating everyone must have access to a job, make a constitutional amendment to guarantee free healthcare, education, and affordable housing, end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, close all international military bases, repeal the Taft-Hartley Act, support free abortions, abolishment of any “anti-immigrant laws,’ legalize gay marriage, anti-fracking, seize the assets of corrupt bankers
Rosanne Barr Peace & Freedom Party CA, CO, FL None Legalize marijuana, support a Palestinian state and reject any war related support for Israel, forgive all student loans, end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, abolish the Electoral College, support gay marriage
Lowell “Jack” Fellure Prohibition Party None, yet None Anti-drugs and liquor of any sort, institute mandatory teaching of the Bible in schools, anti-abortion, as a means of stopping the AIDS epidemic he would make homosexuality illegal, outlaw the ACLU and Communist Party, withdraw from the UN and evict the headquarters from the United States, anti-pornography, pro-2nd Amendment
Andre Barnett Reform Party USA FL, LA, MS None Lower the corporate tax rate to 12%, implement tariffs on imports that are “burdening American production,” pro-Israel, restructure, or absorb into another department entirely, the Department of Education, “allow personal expression of faith back in schools,” pro-2nd Amendment
Chuck Baldwin Reform Party of Kansas KS None Might not be aware that the Reform Party of Kansas has even nominated him. His stances from his 2008 Constitution Party nomination are strong isolationist/nativist ideals, anti-homosexuality, anti-globalization, ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, anti-UN, NAFTA, International Criminal Court, and the Law of the Sea Treaty, would remove the USA from the UN, abolish the IRS, and would repeal the Patriot Act
submitted by DustyBosie to 2012Elections [link] [comments]

A Handy-Dandy Table of Every Third Party and Independent Presidential Candidate

With the election about three months away, I figured it’d be an interesting project to put together all of the third party and independent candidates who have achieved ballot status in at least one state and give a basic overview of their beliefs and ideas. At the moment, there are 25 candidates that fit this description.
There are still states accepting ballot access, so this list is bound to grow within the next month. I’ll do a big ole round up of all the candidates and updated ballot status the day before the election.
This is going to be in alphabetical order of third party, followed by the outright independent candidates. Due to the size of the chart, I have to divide it into two parts. Part 2 can be found here.
Candidate Party On Ballot Write-In Platform
Tom Hoefling America’s Party / American Independent Party CA, CO, FL IN Pro-Life, Pro-2nd Amendment, desires a ‘supremely strong’ military, anti-16th & 17th Amendment, supports a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, does not accept donations for fundraising
Merlin Miller American Third Position Party CO, NJ, TN None Withdraw from NAFTA, GATT, and WTO, cut welfare and unemployment benefits, abolish the Federal Reserve and the Department of Education, anti-LGBT, against “Marxist politically correct philosophy,” staunchly isolationist, supports a ‘voluntary resettlement program’ for immigrants, halt all new immigration, eliminate birthright citizenship, chain migration, and asylum, repeal the Patriot Act and NDAA, “protect White American interests”
Former Congressman Virgil Goode Constitution Party CO, FL, ID, IA, MI, MN, MO, MS, NJ, NM, NY, NV, ND, OH, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, WA, WI, WY CA, CT, DC, GA, IL, IN, ME, MD, MA, MT, NC, TX, VT, WV Strict adherence to the Constitution, abolish the National Endowment for the Arts and No Child Left Behind, place a moratorium on Green Cards until unemployment is under 5%, end diversity visas, reduce chain migration and asylum refugees, make English the official language, elimination of the Death Tax, preserve Social Security, supports the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, abolish the Department of Education, end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, pro-choice, anti-UN, anti-NAFTA, vows to only serve one term as president
Will Christensen Constitution Party of Oregon / Independent American Party OR None End all overseas wars, abolish the Department of Education, end all foreign aid, withdraw from the UN, NATO, SEATO, NAFTA, WTO, IMF, and the World Court, end the federal War on Drugs, repeal the Patriot Acts and the NDAA, allow gay marriage laws to be decided by the states, place all troops along the borders
Dean Morstad Constitutional Government Party MN UT Institute a flat tax, repeal the 16th Amendment, reinstate Kennedy Silver Dollar Program, institute a freeze on work visas, freeze the debt ceiling, phase out all federal medical programs, ban the use of depleted uranium, abolish the Department of Education and all education related funding, including student loans, battle climate change, allow gay marriage to be decided by the states
Jim Carlson) Grassroots Party MN None Legalize marijuana, the party platform is the Bill of Rights, there’s no campaign website available
Dr. Jill Stein Green Party AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, DC, DE, FL, HI, ID, IL, IA, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OR, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, WA, WV, WI GA, IN, MO Very pro-environment, create a Full Employment Program to create 25 million localized public works jobs, create a single-payer Medicare-for-All program, tuition free education from Pre-School-College, forgive student loan debt, halt all foreclosures and evictions, give Department of the Treasury control of the Federal Reserve, break up oversized banks, restore Glass-Steagall, create non-profit banks, overturn the Citizens United ruling, abolish the Electoral College, grant Washington, DC statehood, change our electoral system to more resemble that of Britain or Canada’s, repeal the Patriot Act and the NDAA, reduce national defense spending by 50%
Former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson Justice Party CO, CT, FL, ID, LA, MI, MN, MS, NJ, NM, OR, TN, UT, VT, WA AL, AK, DE, GA, IL, IA, KS, MD, MT, NE, NH, NY, PA Supports a Palestinian state and removal of support from Israel if they ignore Palestinian sovereignty, abolish warrantless wiretapping and indefinite detention of US/Foreign detainees under the Patriot Act, end all fossil fuel and nuclear energy subsidies, make America the most energy efficient nation in the world within 20 years, favor mass transit funding over highways, mirror the national health care programs of Taiwan or Canada, close majority of international military bases, remove funding to countries that violate human rights, close Guantanamo Bay, drastically increase funds to research and find solutions regarding climate change, anti-fracking, raise minimum wage to $10 an hour, abolish the death penalty, legalize industrial hemp
Former Governor Gary Johnson Libertarian Party AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, LA, ME, MD, MA, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OR, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY None Pro-2nd Amendment, streamline legal immigration, audit the Federal Reserve, abolish the IRS, legalize marijuana, end the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, abolish the Department of Education, repeal the Patriot Act, enforce federal neutrality on issues dependent on personal beliefs, end the War on Drugs, pro-net neutrality, legalize online gambling
Tom Stevens Objectivist Party CO, FL None Pro-Everything Ayn Rand ever said and wrote, pro-life, decriminalize marijuana, prostitution, pornography, and gambling, eliminate income and property tax, install a 10% flat tax, repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, supports gay marriage, give greater incentives to join the National Guard, but is anti-draft, pro-separation of church and state, pro-2nd Amendment
Peta Lindsay Party of Socialism and Liberation AR, CO, IA, MN, NJ, NY, UT, VT, WA, WI None In CO, IA, UT, and WI, Gloria LaRiva is the candidate, due to Peta Lindsay’s age being under the constitutional requirement to become President; raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour, create a constitutional amendment stating everyone must have access to a job, make a constitutional amendment to guarantee free healthcare, education, and affordable housing, end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, close all international military bases, repeal the Taft-Hartley Act, support free abortions, abolishment of any “anti-immigrant laws,’ legalize gay marriage, anti-fracking, seize the assets of corrupt bankers
Rosanne Barr Peace & Freedom Party CA, CO, FL None Legalize marijuana, support a Palestinian state and reject any war related support for Israel, forgive all student loans, end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, abolish the Electoral College, support gay marriage
Lowell “Jack” Fellure Prohibition Party None, yet None Anti-drugs and liquor of any sort, institute mandatory teaching of the Bible in schools, anti-abortion, as a means of stopping the AIDS epidemic he would make homosexuality illegal, outlaw the ACLU and Communist Party, withdraw from the UN and evict the headquarters from the United States, anti-pornography, pro-2nd Amendment
Andre Barnett Reform Party USA FL, LA, MS None Lower the corporate tax rate to 12%, implement tariffs on imports that are “burdening American production,” pro-Israel, restructure, or absorb into another department entirely, the Department of Education, “allow personal expression of faith back in schools,” pro-2nd Amendment
Chuck Baldwin Reform Party of Kansas KS None Might not be aware that the Reform Party of Kansas has even nominated him. His stances from his 2008 Constitution Party nomination are strong isolationist/nativist ideals, anti-homosexuality, anti-globalization, ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, anti-UN, NAFTA, International Criminal Court, and the Law of the Sea Treaty, would remove the USA from the UN, abolish the IRS, and would repeal the Patriot Act
submitted by DustyBosie to politics [link] [comments]

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Casino Gambling Age in Arizona Betting at online casinos is illegal in Arizona and we advise against making any attempt to do so. Players are still allowed to bet at one of the state’s 34 tribal casinos, however, as well as play the lottery and engage in sports betting. These activities require players to be at least 21 years old. Online Gambling: Legal; Arizona gambling law is among the most liberal in the country, thanks to the presence of Native American casinos as well as the popularity of state and national lottery games. In the Valley of the Sun state, gambling is limited by regulations, and Arizona has a lengthy state criminal code that outlines the legal practice of betting. This includes the establishment of Arizona Gambling Laws – What Forms Of Gambling Are Currently Legal This section takes the different gambling formats one-by-one, giving a quick overview and a legal status for each. Casino Games: Yes, these are legal on tribal lands, and with a lot of reservations the Indian casinos are big business in this State. First and foremost: online gambling is legal in the USA. Gambling laws are constantly changing on a state-by-state basis, but here is what you need to remember: while running your own casino, sportsbook, or poker room inside the United States is not legal, individual U.S. residents will not be prosecuted for making online bets. Most importantly, all the casinos we recommend are licensed, safe and secure. Domestically, online gambling is not legal in AZ. However, the good news is that there are no stipulations within Arizona state laws that make it a crime for Arizona residents to engage in legally sanctioned online gambling with international betting sites. There are also no USA gambling laws that criminalize this activity in any way. Arizona represents one of the many states with confusing gambling laws. With offline sports betting legalised at 55 locations, and Indian Casinos monopolising gambling in Arizona, it is a bumpy road toward fully licensed online sports betting.Our complete analysis of the Arizona laws also includes the current debate surrounding these issues, and the news networks covering the issues. While there are no state regulated gambling sites in operation yet, there are plenty of legally sanctioned offshore destinations offering Arizona online gambling options. The legal option for the rest of us is to use properly licensed offshore poker sites that don’t cross over the US federal gambling regulations. In short, online gambling is still illegal under state law and the players will have to wait to get in a position to enjoy playing online blackjack, roulette, poker, baccarat, and sports betting... Legal Gambling > Legal Online Gambling by State . There are three forms of online gambling, but the legalities of them matter none at all if there is no legal online gambling by state in your state. An overview of online gambling is required before any form of gambling can take place, as an umbrella law can make the entirety of online gambling illegal. So you are obviously interested online Legal online gambling is unlikely to come to Arizona any time soon. Two of the country’s most formidable online gambling adversaries, the late John McCain and Jon Kyl, worked tirelessly to block any legislation favorable to online gaming while they were in office. The anti-online gambling duo’s legacy remains firmly in place to this day

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