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I am 35 years old, I made $67,665 gross last year (between multiple jobs) and live in Buffalo and work in higher education and retail.

Title: I am 35 years old, I made $67,665 gross last year (between multiple jobs) and live in Buffalo and work in higher education and retail.
This is my 5th MD update. Previous MDs in June 2019, October 2019, February 2020, and July 2020.
Ref29 questions:
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
Absolutely. Both of my parents have bachelors degrees, and it wasn’t even a conversation of “if” I was going to college, but “where”. I ended up going to a private 4-year college, with a 75% merit scholarship. I was able to pay for the first semester with savings bonds/general savings, but took out loans for the remaining semesters. I worked 2 on campus jobs (tour guide and TA), plus at a coffee shop - this was more for spending money/gas etc. Looking back, I wish that I had put more of that income aside for paying for school, but I was definitely headlong into the student loan trap of “it’s ok, this is good debt….blah blah.”
I thought that i had the exact idea of what I wanted to do for a career - and that basically required a masters degree - so I went straight to grad school after undergrad. Private - and took out the maximum student loans for both years. I cannot stress what a terrible financial idea this was. The last half of my MA was in DC, so I used the loans for rent/food, as I had a full time unpaid internship. Long story short, what I thought was my career goal wasn’t.
I am FINALLY nearly done paying off my loans. If I had to go back and give my past self advice, it would have been to not go to grad school directly after undergrad. I still might have gotten my masters, but I would have done it in a much more financially responsible way.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
We had conversations growing up - but it was much more of a conversation now that I’m an adult. I’ve noted in past MDs, but my parents have told us that they regret not being able to help us all more as teenagers/college/young adults, so they’ve been extremely supportive of my focus on debt repayment.
Did you worry about money growing up?
Not really. I remember being conscious about it - we didn’t have new cars (EVER - like it’s still a thing), and we used coupons/budgets/bulk freezer meals for shopping, but I think a portion of that was that there were 4 of us kids. We were all involved in a variety of extracurricular activities as well, but I don’t remember even being like, limited or restricted from doing anything.
Do you worry about money now?
While I am noting that I’m making progress, it is still very overwhelming. It’s really hard for me not to beat myself up when I either buy “treats” or things that aren’t really treats, but are just home comforts. I finally bought myself 2 sets (!) of decent sheets this past month after having 1 set of crappy sheets for the last 2 years lol. I still have so much work to do, on debt repayment, fully funding my emergency fund, and (massive goal here) saving for a down payment on a house.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
I would say I was financially responsible for myself when I moved for grad school in the fall of 2008 (so when I was 22/23).
That being said, I definitely have had a financial safety net - my parents always assisted with grocery money if I needed it - when I was married, that definitely was not only a safety net, but also got me in a lot of bad habits.
Since my divorce, my parents have assisted with cell phone, car insurance, and letting me live with them for a few months when I moved back to the US. I know that if something happened, they would absolutely assist with a place to live if I needed it.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
As previous MDs have noted, my parents have assisted with assorted checks when my dad got a bonus, and they have always been extremely generous with holiday $.
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance (and how you got there): $33,194.67 (up from $23,800 in February 2020)
This is a combo of Stash Retire ($1721.52), 401K from a previous job ($17,330.01), retirement accounts from my current job ($2807.58 in my optional IRA to which I contribute extra; $2947.46 in the basic retirement plan, to which my employer contributes 7%), and TSP from a previous job ($8,388.10).
Savings account balance: $1000
Checking account balance: $1381.07 (at the start of the money diary)
Credit card debt (and how you accumulated it): $7,558.08 (focus has been more on student loans, plus I am a bit guilty of using it at random points) (down from $19,556 in June 2019).
Student loan debt (for what degree): Current remaining balance is $972.57!!!!! This is down from $23,645.37 in June 2019) (combined loans for undergraduate and graduate degrees in International Relations. To give you an idea of how much I’ve paid off - I’ve paid $118,297.81 off up to this point).
*note: December was a PHENOMENAL debt payment month for me (just over $4k).
Section Two: Income
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $2847.53
*after using the IRS refund calculator, it became clear that I was expecting a much higher refund, so I stopped having extra withheld. Eventually I’ll get the hang of it.
Side Gig Monthly Take Home: $1442.72 (average monthly take home August-December 2020)
My retail job fully reopened, and I also applied for, and got a promotion, which meant both an hourly raise and more hours)
Any Other Monthly Income Here:
Section Three: Expenses
Rent / Mortgage $980.00/month (+ $3.95 service charge when I pay online) (no change)
Retirement contribution: $115.58/month Roth IRA from work + $80.00/month into Stash Retire (no change)
Savings contribution: $0/month (Debt payments are the priority)
Investment contribution: None
Health/Dental/Vision Insurance: $76.38/month (Through work, it gets taken out biweekly)
FSA contribution: $27.78 biweekly (I set my annual contribution at $750 this year, up from $600)
Debt payments
Student Loan minimums: $55.54 is strictly the minimum for my FINAL (!!!) student loan, but as you all know by now, I have been attacking these with a vengeance and plan on this being gone no later than March.
Credit Card minimums: Avg. Monthly Payment $300. (as mentioned in the debt section, I have slipped slightly on allowing myself to use the credit card, but still have been able to lower my overall amount)
Wifi/Cable/Landline: $64.99/month
Cellphone: Still on the parental plan, but will be transitioning off. I’m shopping around and have started to budget.
Subscriptions: Apple storage - $2.99/month; Netflix- $8.99; (even though I’ve been able to be at home much much more, we still get a monthly barkbox for the toys; Spotify Premium - $9.99/month. Headspace - $14.99/month. Renaissance Periodization - $16.19/month
Laundry (if you pay per load): $40/month. I put aside $10 per paycheck.
Gym membership $75/month - I budget this much for my ROMWOD and Movement Vault monthly subscriptions. This also covers my monthly subscription for my WHOOP band. My retail side gig also provides $225/month to work out. This covers my monthly membership to my crossfit gym, as well as extra megaformer classes. $32.63/month for WHOOP; $13.95/month for ROMWOD; $9.99/month for Movement vault
Pet expenses: $150/month - includes pet insurance. This is what I put into my budget for insurance, food, grooming etc.) Barkbox 31.54/month; Pet insurance $79.24
Car payment / insurance / average gas:$100/month (as my dad plans on retiring within the next year, he will be signing over my car to me, meaning that I will be taking on my insurance. I fully acknowledge that this has been nice to not have to worry about, and that my parents have been absolutely amazing. The current annual insurance for my car looks like it will be around $450. Future money diaries will take this into account.
Renter insurance: $12.50/month
Average groceries / household supply spend; Looking at YNAB, my average spend has been just over $700/month. This seems insanely high for one person, but I do also follow a RP meal plan, meaning that I tend to eat A LOT to fuel my workouts. I also haven’t gone out basically at all ….
Regular therapy: N/A
Charitable Giving: $75/avg. August-Dec 2020 (Much of this was “rage” donating in the run up to the election)
Annual Expenses:
YNAB (You Need A Budget): $83.99/year
NB: Anytime I leave my house, I am masked, including gym visits. It’s honestly not terrible once you find a mask that works for you!
Day 1: Friday
5:45am: Alarm goes off and I get up to put the kettle on to start coffee. Today is a weigh in and weekly review for my meal/training plan, so I enter my numbers and see what my upcoming week will look like as far as my macros. I notice that my chest/shoulder are sore, and hurt when I take a deep breath, but assume that I just slept on my arm wrong. I take out the dog, feed him, and head out to my weightlifting class.
7:30am: Nope, not just sleeping on it wrong. I make it through the lifting portion, but when we start the metcon, I have to stop because it hurts too much to take a really deep breath, instead stretching and cheering everyone else on. Annoyed, but hopefully it’s nothing too crazy. I think it’s just a strain from my muscle up drills the day before. Once I get home, I make breakfast - a savory oatmeal with oats, cheese, chicken sausage, egg whites, and mushrooms, topped with a fried egg and za’atar seasoning from Trader Joe’s. YUM. I log into work and get settled in for a 2 hour (ugh) staff meeting.
11:00am: Finally done with that. Thank goodness for my camera getting to be off. I take a shower and get into “work” clothes - aka lululemon from top to bottom (align leggings, ebb to street crop tank, and a sit in lotus wrap). Back to work until it’s time for lunch, which I have just after noon (rice, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, and ground beef, topped with avocado). Work continues afterwards.
2:00pm: Time for work #2! It’s a fairly uneventful (and slow) afternoon/evening, which is ok after the craziness of the holiday season. And I only have to tell 2 people to put their masks on over their nose and they don’t give me an attitude - woohoo! Around 5 I eat my food on my 10 minute break - another taco-ish bowl, just without the avocado from earlier. I get out from work at 7:30pm.
8:00pm: Home, take the pooch out and feed him and make my casein hot chocolate (casein protein is a slower digesting type vs. whey and it’s my evening “meal” most of the time) plus a couple dark chocolate peanut butter cups. I facetime my Mom briefly and then we each put on our respective Star Wars shows - she and my Dad are watching the Mandolorian (they just got Disney+), and I’m deep into season 4 of the Clone Wars. Bedtime routine starts at 9:30 with a couple of melatonin gummies and I brush my teeth and wash my face (eye makeup remover, then Neutrogena foaming cleanser, and a nighttime moisturizer from Aldi). Snuggle up with the dog and a heating pad with a Headspace night sounds playing.
Daily Total: $0
Day 2: Saturday
5:50am: NO. It’s like 30 minutes before I want to wake up...NO.
6:10am: Uggggggh
6:20am: FINE. Dog outside, then fed. I make coffee and another savory oatmeal (AMAZING - same as yesterday, just no bell peppers). Catch up on podcasts and my YNAB budget. In happiest news, I can take a full big breath without that weird pain from yesterday! Yay!
10:00am: Home from my workout, which went amazingly - I love a good long chipper of a workout! I take the dog out for a little cold weather walk and then make my post-workout meal - Kodiak chocolate chip pancakes with blueberries! (use 1 egg and almond milk to make the pancakes and it fits my post-workout macros: 35P, 10F, 65C). I follow this with a cuddle session with the dog while watching Marple episodes and drinking coffee. I also add items to my lululemon shopping cart and exit out of it before I can spend money. While I get a great discount (especially on markdowns), I know I don’t really NEED anything, so I don’t get anything.
1:00pm: Off to the mall for work. I stop on the way to fill the gas tank ($25). It’s a busy day, but a good one - during my break I eat my taco bowl (rice, sweet potatoes, ground beef, peppers and avocado). I work until 7:30pm.
8:00pm: Home, dog out, casein hot chocolate - the usual. I’m nothing if not a creature of habit. I pull out a Trader Joe’s chocolate croissant to prove overnight in the oven. Bedtime is around 10pm.
Daily Total: $25
Day 3: Sunday
7:50am: Whoooops, I intended to wake up around 7:15, but I didn’t actually set the alarm. Luckily the dog wakes me up with a polite whine - I take him out, make coffee and a bowl of oatmeal (oats, almond milk, egg whites, topped with blueberries), and head to my workout around 9.
11:00am: 2 workout classes later, I’m home - post workout meal is the aforementioned chocolate croissant, and a little egg scramble of egg whites, mushrooms, chicken sausage and broccoli. The afternoon is spent with old Miss Marple episodes on Amazon Prime, combined with laundry and apartment cleaning.
3:00pm: I made a quick loaf of bread (2 hrs of rising, then shaping) and put it in the oven. Happily it turns out pretty damn tasty - I make Trader Joe’s Cippino (seafood soup) and have that with toasted fresh bread around 4/4:30pm. A Clone Wars marathon ensues - the Bills are playing in the AFC championship tonight, so the city is basically a giant ball of nerves. I don’t watch the games (and haven’t all season - mostly because I don’t have all the apps/cable), but I follow the score on my phone while watching many (MANY) episodes of Clone Wars. I facetime my mom and dad around 7 after they finish the Mandolorian and we can all squeal with excitement.
9:00pm: Melatonin gummies, contacts out, teeth brushed, face washed, bedtime.
Daily Total: $0
Day 4: Monday
5:45am: Awake, coffee, take the dog out, head to crossfit.
7:30am: Home, dog out again, then breakfast (homemade toast, everything but the bagel smoked salmon, scrambled egg+egg whites) and more coffee. I login to work at 8am, and get the morning podcasts going (Up First, the Daily, Post Reports, the Intelligence).
10:00am: I place a Target pickup order for the snacks for our break area at the mall (seltzer, peanut butter crackers, cookies, granola bars - all single serving packs). I will be reimbursed for this by the store. ($39.57 - I get a notice that an item isn’t available after I place the order...oh well)
11:00am: I’m traveling out of state for a couple of days - it’s a long awaited tattoo coverup (don’t get a tattoo for a significant other….I knew not to do this...and yet I still did), so I make my list of items to pack and things to remember to do (take out trash, do all my dishes, etc). I will be driving to my destination (Indiana), staying at a hotel by myself, going to the tattoo shop (masked), and back to the hotel. Not telling friends I’m there, not going out anywhere. And I’ve scheduled a test for 4 days after my return, per NYS rules. If I could make the drive nonstop, I would, but your girl isn’t giving herself a UTI lol. I’ll be masked and sanitized anytime I step out of my vehicle. Still super nervous, but getting this tattoo covered up is like….the final FINAL step. I also take a shower (finally, yes I’m gross and have been sitting in my workout clothes since I got home - god help me if I ever live with a human again lol).
2:00pm: Time for head out for work! On the way, I pick up my previously mentioned Target order, and also pick up meals for my trip from a local meal prep place - I get a bunch of great stuff (2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, 1 lunch plus energy bites for the car), plus it means that I can just hermit it up in the hotel room apart from the actual tattoo appointment. ($62.68). I get to the mall early before my shift starts - since I know I’ll have a tub in the hotel room, and I don’t have one in my apartment, I get a couple of bath bombs and lotion from Lush ($25.93) and a whole bunch of sheet masks from Sephora ($25.01). Then time for work - It’s a fairly quick shift, which is nice, not too terribly busy and we get a lot done. And people at the mall are generally not pills today - epic win!
8:15pm: Home from work - take the dog out and have a little evening meal of homemade soup from my co-worker (it’s a kale sausage soup her husband makes and it is AMAZING) and the rest of my homemade bread. I finish packing up and the poor pup definitely knows something is up. Bedtime around 10pm.
Daily Total: $153.19
Day 5: Tuesday
5:45am: Alarm, dog, coffee. Rather than dirtying dishes, I heat up one of the prepped breakfasts I brought (a breakfast sandwich with chicken, which is actually quite tasty - plus some blueberries). I get the car loaded up with my stuff and the dog - he’s staying with my parents while I’m gone - and head out by 7:15am. After I drop him off I top off my gas tank ($14.10), and also get a couple of bubly waters and a can of death wish coffee for the road ($6.25).
12:00pm: Lunch stop at panera - fuji apple chicken salad and a cup of chicken noodle soup - drive thru and eaten in the car ($10.94, but I have a gift card). Road Trip Podcasts: You’re Wrong About and Noble Blood.
3:00pm: Gas stop (there’s also a few bathroom stops, but since I didn’t spend anything, it’s not terribly relevant, right? :) ) ($27.01).
5:30pm: Arrival! Check in to the hotel - masked front desk employee, check. Bring my stuff up to my room, and jackpot - biiiiiiiiig tub. Looks like those bath bombs were a solid choice! Open up the work laptop to see if there is anything urgent - nothing crazy - and decide which meal I want for dinner. Bourbon Chicken with Broccoli and Sweet Potatoes it is. Plus a Sparkling Apple Cider vinegar beverage (ginger and lemon) from Trader Joes. Before I eat, I do a lower body focused stretching routine from ROMWOD since I spent so long in the car.
7:30pm: Bath Bomb, Face Mask, Feet Mask, and finished Night Stalker on Netflix. Since I’ll be quarantining until I get a negative COVID test after my trip, I order 10 meals through the same meal prep company that I got my travel meals from ($88.43 - includes both delivery fee and tip). They will be delivered on Sunday.
Daily Total: $146.73
Day 6: Wednesday
6:00am - I had intended to sleep longer, but my body is like - nope, you’re waking up at the same time no matter what. Coffee (keurig in the hotel room - ick) plus a prepped breakfast (a goat cheese egg white scramble with sweet potatoes - which is delicious). Morning podcasts and I open up the work laptop. Since I’m awake I guess.
7:30am: Hotel room workout - I do yesterday’s workout from my gym, with a few modifications, but it still feels great to move after sitting in the car for so long! Shower afterwards, then food (Mexican Taco Bowl!) and work.
10:30am: Squuuuueeee it’s time for my tattoo. I double mask up, drive through for a Starbucks order ($4.74 - paid for on my Starbucks app with previously loaded funds) and head to the shop! I already paid my deposit and took advantage of a gift card sale before Christmas so I don’t owe anything additional today. We do linework, shading, and partial color. It’s going to take 2 appointments to do the full thing, so we make my next appointment for May (augh, I cannot wait!). My coverup is over black text, so a cover up involves a LOT of layering of color. I’m impressed that I still have stamina after not getting a tattoo for nearly 3 years.This is going to be BEAUTIFUL.
2:30pm: After my tattoo appointment, I make a quick stop at CVS (still double masked!) to pick up aquaphor, orange dial soap, ibuprofen, and toothpaste (cause naturally that’s the one thing I forgot to pack - d’oh) ($22.00). I make a curbside pickup order for Panera - another soup and salad combo ($10.55 - again paid for with gift cards!). I head back to my hotel room, eat, put on more podcasts (Planet Money, Can He Do That, Code Switch) and log onto work. An uneventful afternoon follows.
6:00pm: Facetime call with my mom, then dinner and various true crime documentaries on Netflix and Pinterest browsing because as per usual, now I want allll the tattoos. I also put in an order for a grocery pickup on my way home (coffee, coffee creamer, fruit, etc) ($66.82). I try to make a testing appointment through NYS for my return COVID test on Monday, but the automated system keeps putting me in the first available, which is Friday….I’ll try to schedule again on Friday so that the timing works. Bedtime tattoo routine of wash, aquaphor and ibuprofen, as well as a sheet face mask. Sleep around 10:00pm.
Daily Total: $104.11
Day 7: Thursday
6:00am: Welp, up and at em! I finish packing all my stuff, check out of the hotel and warm up the car. I head out around 7:00am. Top off the gas tank ($12.80) and I also add $15 to my Starbucks card and drive thru a Starbucks (Spinach Feta Wrap + Cafe Misto with almond milk). Then it’s time for podcasts and lots of driving. My mom had suggested a podcast from Serial - S*%*Town. IT’S AMAZING and this drive has never gone so fast!
11:00am: (or sometime around this time) Stop for gas ($27.01) and another Starbucks stop ($15 reload) to get another misto, a bottle of water, and a fruit/cheese/hard boiled egg box.
3:00pm: I was going to try to make it all the way without stopping for anything else, but my stomach is about to eat itself. I stop at a Tim Hortons about 45 minutes away from my parents’ house and get timbits and a hot chocolate (which is gross) ($6.66 - eeep). I get to my parents’ house - my mom and dad stay upstairs and in the basement respectively while I use the bathroom and retrieve a very happy pup. Once I get everything out to the car, my mom and dad come outside (double masked, as am I) and we quickly wave and air hug from a distance. On the way home, I drive through the grocery pickup and get my groceries.
5:30pm: Finally home. The dog is very happy to be home too - my mom said when she would come into the bedroom where he was, he would look at her and be - “oh…..just you…”. Such a momma’s boy :) Dinner is actual food (the rest of the kale sausage soup). I also put together a batch of cranberry almond biscotti (based off the Ina Garten cherry pistachio biscotti) - the apartment smells delicious. Settling in for post-travel isolation lol.
9:30pm: Melatonin gummies, tattoo upkeep, and then bedtime with the dog!
Daily Total: $76.47
Weekly Total: $505.50
Food & Drink: $326.64
Fun & Entertainment: $0
Home & Health: $22.00
Clothes & Beauty: $50.94
Transport: $105.92
First, GODDAMN I AM SO EXCITED TO PAY OFF THIS STUDENT LOAN. Just paid another $200 on it this morning, so we’re under $800!! If you hear an excited scream from the Western New York area next month, don’t worry, it’s just me.
Second, this was a higher spend week than usual, but I’m really proud to have budgeted for all of it. I had basically prepaid for the tattoo (on the gift card) and there’s still leftover for my next appointment. I had also budgeted and saved for the increased amount of gas and food.
Third, hopefully this isn’t too boring. My life pre-pandemic wasn’t terribly interesting, and it certainly isn’t now lol. I’m hoping to continue my debt payoff progress by finishing paying off my credit card debt in 2021, and start saving my 3-6 month emergency fund before starting that house down payment savings! I’m even starting to allow myself to start actually looking at Zillow.
I have been isolating since I got back - just drove through and got my COVID test, so fingers crossed for a quick reply!
Lastly, the coverup tattoo is going to be beautiful. I can’t wait for it to be finished!
Thanks for reading this whole thing!
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Ivi Casino Review

Ivi Casino is one of the gambling operators owned by JocSolutions Limited which is based in Gibraltar and runs on a license issued in Curaçao. This is a relatively new casino, founded in 2018, but it has already expanded its collection of games to include hundreds of slots, video pokers and table games.
They are supplied by two dozen software developers and they can be played for free on mobile devices.

IVI Casino Bonuses

The Ivi Casino welcome bonus is awarded to new depositors who invest at least €10 and it spans over five consecutive deposits. None of them require a bonus code and players who follow through with 5 deposits will receive a mix of cash and free spins.
The first deposit is matched by 100% up to €300, while the second awards 50 free spins that can be used on a popular slot. The casino returns to the cash incentive for those who make the third deposit, by matching it by 30% up to €400.
Another bundle of 30 free spins is offered upon making the fourth deposit, while the fifth will trigger a 50% bonus worth €300.
In each case, the bonus is offered immediately after players require it by contacting customer support. The casino clearly states that the bonus is offered for entertainment purposes only and reserves the right to terminate the promotion without prior notice.
Players should abide by the general bonus policy and the terms and conditions and meet wagering requirements before attempting a cash-out. Once the bonus and the winnings resulting from free spins are played through 40 times players are allowed to withdraw funds.
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How to Get Started at Ivi Casino

In order to qualify for the free spins, matched deposit bonuses and play the games available, players have to register an account. A click on the registration button will trigger the process, which requires players to enter a few details about themselves.
Using a valid email address is paramount since this will be used to send the authentication link that wraps up the sign-up process. New members can claim bonuses and try all the games available in demo version, without choosing a payment method and making a deposit.
Players can take their time and only submit the documents required by the casino to prove identity when they make the first cash out. These include scanned images of their ID, bank statement, and utility bills which are required by the Know Your Customer provisions.
They are also in complete control of their gaming activity and they have the option of terminating the Ivi Casino membership whenever they want. This is done by making a formal request to customer support via live chat or email.

Ivi Casino Games and Software

We were impressed by how many games are available when writing the Ivi Casino review. It wouldn’t have been possible for a new casino to amass a collection of more than 2000 titles without working with several top developers.
Netent, Microgaming, Quickspin, Blueprint, Big Time Gaming, Yggdrasil, ELK, Pragmatic Play, Amatic, NextGen, 1x2 Gaming, Lighting Box, Endorphina, Thunderkick and Betsoft are their partners. Each of these software developers has a different approach and a unique concept about online gaming, hence the extraordinary diversity in terms of visuals, gameplay and features.
A burgeoning selection of table games is constantly being expanded, with the emphasis on adding new live dealer table games. Craps, roulette, baccarat and blackjack games are streamed in real-time from studios located in Asia and Europe, using the latest WebCam technology.
This makes it possible for players to interact with highly-trained and friendly croupiers from different parts of the world. At online casinos, this is as close as it gets to experience the thrills of real casino games from home.
The preference for slots is not surprising given the high number of games featured, with players being invited to switch from classic titles to the latest ones. Immortal Romance, Ancient Egypt Classic, Lucha Legends, Book of Oz and Chicago Gangsters are just a few of the mobile-friendly games on display.
Most of the table games can only be played against the random number generator, but this was certified fair by independent auditors. Atlantic City Blackjack Gold Series, Premier Blackjack Multi-Hand European Roulette as well as popular versions of poker such as Triple Pocket Hold’em Poker are featured.
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Ivi Casino Website Layout and Interface

Ivi Casino is a part of a larger group of casinos owned and operated by JocSolutions Limited, with whom they share many similarities. In each case, the designers have focused on creating a website layout that is intuitive and easy to navigate by beginners.
Casual punters are the targeted audience, which explains why it’s so easy to find anything even if you know nothing about this casino. There’s little information on the main pages, but they’re just one click away from finding the answers they seek. Games are grouped based on genre and punters can use one of the many filters to jump straight to their game of choice.

Ivi Casino Contact Options

There are four distinct email addresses that players can use to ask for help, depending on the nature of their problem.
The financial and marketing departments have their own addresses, as does the team handling complaints and there is a special email address for general inquiries.
Live chat is also offered and this is the fastest way of asking questions at any hour of day or night.
The absence of phone support is a bit surprising, but given all the other alternatives, its absence will go unnoticed.
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Other Promotions and Offers at Ivi Casino

There are plenty of other promotions waiting for players to join once they have dealt with the introductory offer. The Dreamland Bonus for example will reward players who make a deposit between midnight and 5 AM with a 50% bonus up to €500.
In order to qualify for this financial incentive, players will have to make a deposit of at least €20 using the DREAM50 code. This must be communicated to client support over live chat and players can withdraw a maximum of €1000 after meeting the wagering requirements.
Jolly Weekend is another promotion dedicated to people who are more active over the weekend, as only deposits made on Saturday and Sunday qualify. This is one of the most alluring offers we have found while working on our Ivi Casino review, as it can be accessed every week.
Players are eligible for a bonus of €8 or as much as €500 based on how much money they deposit over the weekend. Only the first deposit will be matched up to 40% and this bonus can’t be combined with other promotional offers.
Friday Reward bears many similarities to the aforesaid campaign, as once again, players are eligible for a maximum bonus of €1000 if they deposit €20. Just as the name suggests, only deposits made on Friday qualify and players are eligible for a 15% cashback bonus.
The amount is calculated by subtracting the winnings from the losses suffered over the last week to come up with the final sum. The reimbursement is offered in the form of bonus funds and it is subject to 40 times wagering requirements.

Ivi Casino Currencies and Payments Options

Ivi Casino payment methods include MasterCard, Visa, Neteller, Skrill, PaySafeCard and Trustpay. Players can deposit in EUR, RUB, SEK, PLN and if they qualify for bonuses, they will receive the amounts in currency equivalent.
All deposits are processed instantly without any fees being charged and players can also withdraw winnings without paying commission. This is a Bitcoin-friendly online casino, so players can deposit in cryptocurrency they want to enjoy enhanced privacy.
The waiting time on withdrawals ranges from 24 hours for e-wallets and Bitcoin to five days for credit cards. One of the few problems that we have encountered while testing these gambling operators for our Ivi Casino review was in regard to the withdrawal limits.
They start at €1500 per day, increase to €3000 per week and are limited to €9000 per month, all of them being too low. If players win a progressive jackpot for bet a lot of money and come on top, it will take a while to cash out all their profits.
>> Get Free Spins Bonus Here <<


Ivi Casino has set the bar high with its enormous lineup of games and extensive coverage of software developers. It is one of the best new casinos that accept cryptocurrencies, while also allowing players to deposit and wager in traditional money.
The withdrawal limits are the Achilles’ heel in this case and one of the main reasons why some people will choose to avoid this casino. Otherwise, they do most of the things we expect from top casinos well and they should have a bright future ahead of them.
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Argo Casino 100 no deposit free spins + 100% welcome bonus

Argo Casino 100 no deposit free spins + 100% welcome bonus

Argo Casino Free Bonus & Gratis Spins
Join Argo Casino and get 100 free spins bonus without deposit. Click on the bonus link to reveal special code. Additionally, get a 100% bonus and 100 gratis spins on first deposit. All new players welcome!
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Argo Casino Bonuses and Promotions

Our Argo casino review experts discovered that the site offers you a high number of promotions. This is true from the very start as you’re greeted with a fantastic no-deposit bonus upon registration. What’s more is that their team tailor the benefits of this package depending on your game preferences and budget.
Once you’ve played through this, you’ll also get to enjoy a generous match bonus. Please keep in mind that if you make a deposit with Skrill or Neteller, this won’t activate the promotion.
The site doesn’t only cater to new members though. Our experts’ review of Argo casino uncovered that regular players are also taken care. Enjoy frequent promotions and free entry into weekly slot tournaments for a chance to win huge loyalty point jackpots. You can even convert loyalty points into bonus credit via the live chat to play any of the site’s games for free.
Their loyalty scheme rewards you every time you spin their slots. The more you play, the more points you’ll receive. Become a regular player to get generous bonuses and increased odds on sports bets with every deposit you make.
>> Claim No Deposit Bonus <<

Software and Other Games

The massive selection of varied games impressed our Argo casino review experts. Top software developers such as Amatic, NetEnt and Evolution Gaming, have packed the lobby with 3,000+ real money slots and games.
Join a quest for the lost city of gold by spinning the reels of Gonzo’s Quest to win real cash prizes. Fancy a game with more bite? Try to uncover the Indominus Rex to boost your win up to 1000x on the Jurassic World online slot machine. Click on ‘New Games' on the main page to find the latest releases. If you prefer to keep your slot gameplay simple, click on the ‘Retro’ tab to discover hundreds of original titles such as Book of Fortune and Classico slot machine.
Our Argo casino online reviewers also really enjoyed betting on the array of live sports - from basketball to Gaelic football - and virtual sports. You can also tap on the ‘Live Casino’ tab to find online dealers on hand 24/7 manning classic casino games like roulette and blackjack.

Banking and Cashouts

Our Argo casino online reviewers found that you have different payment options to choose from. You can use your credit card, select from payment mediums like Neteller or use e-wallets and cryptocurrencies. Consult their banking page to find detailed information relating to fees, deposit/withdrawal times.
Their banking department processes withdrawals within 24 business hours. However, we suggest that you get verified as soon as possible to avoid adding waiting time on your payout. Just upload a copy of your ID or a screenshot of your e-wallet and they will verify your account in 24 hours.
Is a verification request a normal procedure? Yes, it complies with the gambling regulations of the Government of Curacao and is in line with anti-money laundering legislation. This fully licensed casino carries this out with the latest encryption technology, meaning that it will process your data securely.
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Customer support as Argo Casino

When conducting the Argo online casino review, our experts found that their customer service agents answer any queries you may have quickly and clearly via 24/7 live chat on desktop and mobile devices. The bottom line? This site wants to keep you happy.
Click the blue ‘Live Chat’ tab on the right-hand corner to speak directly to a member of the online casino’s team. You can even talk to them via Telegram or Facebook too.

Our Verdict of Argo Casino

The site’s loyalty-reward policy, extensive list of varied casino games and responsive customer service department impressed our Argo casino online review team. It’s clear that the site understands your needs when gambling online.
The emphasis on putting you first means that our experts highly recommend this online casino. Sign up to reap the membership rewards today.
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Buy $1 get 80 free spins on Mega Moolah Absolootly Mad Jackpot!

Buy $1 get 80 free spins on Mega Moolah Absolootly Mad Jackpot!

80 free chances on Absolootely Mad Jackpot
Register at Jackpot City Casino using our promo landing page and get 80 free spins! Simply, deposit $1 and get 80 free chances on Mega Moolah Absolootely Mad progressive jackpots. Also, new players get $1600 welcome bonus as 4x 100% up to $400 on 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th deposit. No bonus code required!
>> Claim Free Bonus Here <<

Jackpot City Casino Review

Jackpot City Casino is one of the top casinos you can choose for online gambling. The site is tailor-made for Canadian players. You can play in CAD, and their customer service team employs Canadians. Also, you can even get Canada-only bonuses from time to time.
Bayton Ltd has an online gaming authority license under the Malta Gaming Authority. When you’re playing in Jackpot City Casino Canada, your money is always safe. Read the review and see if JackpotCity online casino brand suits for you.

Jackpot City Bonus

Jackpot City Bonus is a 100% match bonus up to C$1600. Jackpot City pays you matched bonuses for your first four deposits plus 50 Free Spins on Wild Scarabs. Every time you make a deposit, you’ll receive a 100% match bonus up to 400. It’s a perfect option if you are looking for the biggest welcome bonus. Jackpot city welcome bonus is a hefty one for Canadian online players.
Game Provider Microgaming
Casino Bonus C$1600
First Deposit Bonus 100% up to C$400
Free Spins Bonus 80 Free Spins for C$1
Free Spins Game Mega Moolah Absolootly Mad
Number of Games 650+
Min Deposit C$1
Mobile Version Yes (Android, iPhone, Tablet)
Earn up to $1,600 in bonus cash over your first four deposits at JackpotCity Casino. After creating your JackpotCity Casino account, deposit at least $10. Do this, and you'll get 100% of your deposit up to $400 in bonus cash. Repeat the process on your next three deposits, and you could get a total of $1,600 in bonus cash.
>> Claim Free Bonus Here <<

Jackpot City $1 Deposit = 80 free spins

Jackpot City Casino offers all new customers 80 free spins for C$1 to try out their casino site. You receive the spins on Mega Moolah Absoluutly Mad progressive jackpot slot.
Note that 200x wagering requirements are high compared to the industry standard. You need some luck to be able to wager and withdraw your winnings.

Welcome Bonus Promotion

Like most other casinos Canada running Microgaming software, Jackpot City has divided its casino bonus into multiple parts. It’s a perfect option if you are looking for the biggest welcome bonus. JackpotCity bonuses are easy to acquire. The great thing is, there are no deposit codes you need to remember. Jackpot city welcome bonus is a hefty one for Canadian online players.
Here’s the matched Bonus Breakdown below:
  • 1st Deposit Bonus: 100% up to C$400 + 50 Free Spins
  • 3rd Deposit Bonus: 100% up to C$400
  • 3rd Deposit Bonus: 100% up to C$400
  • 4th Deposit Bonus: 100% up to C$400
JackpotCity bonuses are easy to acquire. The great thing is, there are no deposit codes you need to remember. Make sure to opt-in to be eligible for the welcome bonuses. Overall this promotion has the best match-up percentages available at any casino of Jackpot City’s quality. The only Microgaming casino to seriously challenge Jackpot City’s match bonus are Spin Casino and Ruby Fortune, two online casinos also owned by City View Group.

Casino Games

JackpotCity Gaming has a gaming selection of 650 casino games. You may notice it is in the middle range when comparing to other online casinos in the industry. However, 650 games are still quite a lot to choose from, especially given how well JackpotCity Casino has distributed the games from online slots, video poker and live dealer games.


With over 300 slot machines, including progressive slots, classic slots titles, and video slots games, scratch cards, there should be something for everyone. You’ll always get the best Microgaming slots available at Jackpot Casino.
List of Popular Online Slots you can play:
  • Aurora Wilds
  • Agent Jane Blonde Returns
  • Blood Suckers
  • Boom Pirates
  • Break da Bank Again
  • Immortal Romance
  • Mermaid Millions
  • JokerPro
  • Mega Moolah
  • Wheel of Wishes
  • 9 Masks of Fire
You might have your favourite, but most online players love Microgaming games like Mega Moolah and 9 Masks of Fire. These jackpot slots lure players with the potential to win up to millions with a single spin!

Live Dealer Games

Even though Jackpot City Casino doesn’t advertise them on their Canadian website or have any live casino bonus in Canada, it has a live dealer gaming selection. All the games are Evolution Gaming and Ezugi, two of the top live casino software providers. Table games at JackpotCity consist of all the classics with some fun and exciting new options as well.
List of live casino games titles include:
  • Live Blackjack
  • Live Roulette
  • Live Baccarat
  • Live Caribbean Stud Poker
  • Live 3 Card Poker
  • Live Ultimate Texas Hold’em
  • Lightning Roulette
  • Double Ball Roulette
  • Super Six Baccarat
  • Casino Hold’em
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Loyalty Program, Prizes & Other Rewards

Jackpot City Casino Canada offers daily, weekly, and monthly reload bonuses based on your previous weeks’ online gaming activity. You’ll get email updates on your personalized bonuses. It is on top of the loyalty points, rewards and VIP program. We suggest you pay close attention to emails you get from Jackpot City Online Casino. You can get VIP bonuses based on your activity. Most active players receive a VIP status that has unique benefits like your personal VIP host.
The loyalty program is a tiered bonus offer system where you accumulate loyalty points to convert to free cashback when you hit the targets. It effectively means that you will receive cashback on your casino gaming activity. That results in receiving extra dollars on top of the deposit and other promotions. The more play, the more you gain extra dollars. Jackpot City top two levels are Diamond and Platinum play.

Mobile Gaming

Microgaming has provided reliable software for JackpotCity Casino mobile gaming. Thanks to that, the mobile casino is always a fun gaming experience. You can play on the move via a Jackpot City mobile site or download an app that’s also available for Canadian players.
Based on our playing experience, we were instead using the downloadable version of Jackpot City. Mobile version works just as well, and with all mobile devices. So whether you’re on Android or iOS, you’re always covered at Jackpot City Casino. It isn’t King of Mobile Casino – Leovegas’ level or PlayOJO casino, but it works with no issues.
>> Claim Free Bonus Here <<

Payment Methods

Depositing and withdrawing are fast, safe and easy for Canadians at Jackpot City. You have plenty of trusted deposit options available:
  • Bank Transfer
  • Cheque
  • Credit Card (Mastercard)
  • eCheck
  • Debit Card (Visa)
  • ecoPayz
  • iDebit
  • Interac
  • PaySafeCard
  • Prepaid Cards
Canadian players can withdraw with the same banking options or via cheque in Jackpot City Canada. Note that banking methods might have differences how much you can withdrawal. No matter what payment method you choose, you always get super-fast cashouts. If you have any troubles, contact the customer support team via email or live chat with a fast answering time.

Conclusion: Excellent Microgaming Casino

Jackpot City is one of the best online casinos available for Canadian players, mainly when you deposit $400 or more. With the new first deposit bonus, fun gambling experience for all new players is guaranteed. They also have weekly and monthly promotions that add extra value (cash prizes & casino credits)! Jackpot City Casino is one of the most trusted online casinos with a high average payout rate.
Along with the best Microgaming bonus in Canada, JackpotCity online casino promotions are one of the reasons that have made Jackpot City popular amongst online casino Canada players.
>> Claim Free Bonus Here <<
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JV Spin Casino 100 free spins bonus no deposit required

JV Spin Casino 100 free spins bonus no deposit required

JV Spin Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Register your account with JV Spin Casino using code: FREESPINSGRATIS and collect 100 Free Spins! This is a no deposit bonus for new players. Play your free games on The Dog House Megaways slot by Pragmatic Play. In addition, enjoy 150 Gratis Spins and 1500 EUR in Welcome Bonus.
>> Claim Free Bonus Here <<

JV Spin Casino Review

JV Spin Casino is one of the newest websites to hit the market and is giving new players fabulous free spins no deposit bonus to use. Their website is well designed with a dark and slick theme. They made sure to make their site accessible to all players, so it won’t take anyone too long to find a potential game to play.
Once you get started, you will notice plenty of top tier games available, including many titles from the likes of NetEnt, Play’n Go, Pragmatic Play, Push Gaming, Microgaming, No Limit City and many more.
Not only will you have access to premium slots, but they made sure there are plenty of games to suit every type of player. Those of you after a quick win can try out their fantastic selection of Instant Win games. For table players, you will find many popular table games in their card section and live casino section.
For players who want to win big, then try out their excellent selection of jackpot games available. Overall, there are 7000 games to choose from and we are sure every player will find a game to suit their needs.
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JV Spin 100 Free Spins No Deposit

JV Spin Casino is giving new players 100 free spins on The Dog House Megaways when you sign up through our site. When signed up, click ‘Bonuses & Gifts’ and use the promo code FREESPINSGRATIS.

JV Spin Casino Welcome Bonus

JV Spin Casino is giving a new player a warm welcome with their fantastic welcome bonus. Get a €1500 bonus plus 150 free spins across your first four deposits. The free spins are divided across four great games, see below for more information.
  • 1st Deposit – 100% Match Welcome Bonus up to €300 plus 30 free spins on Book of Gold Classic
  • 2nd Deposit – 50% match bonus up to €350 plus 35 free spins on Legend of Cleopatra
  • 3rd Deposit – 25% match bonus up to €400 plus 40 free spins on Solar Queen
  • 4th Deposit – 25% match bonus up to €450 plus 45 free spins on imperial Fruits: 40 lines
\ Players must be over 18+. Wagering requirements apply, please read terms and conditions.*

JV Spin Promotions

Once you have worked your way through that mammoth welcome bonus, why not see the many ongoing promotions available to use at JV Spin Casino. See below for more information.
  • Loyalty is worth its weight in gold – When you make your tenth deposit, receive 100 free spins and a 50% match bonus
  • Monday 50% Bonus – Make a deposit on a Monday and receive a 50% match bonus up to €300
  • Birthday Bonus – Get 20 free spins no deposit on the house, when it’s your birthday
  • VIP Cashback – Join their loyalty program and receive regular cashback on previous net losses
  • >> Claim Free Bonus Here <<

JV Spin Casino Banking and Currencies

JV Spin has made sure to include plenty of different banking options for all players to use. They include Visa, MasterCard, Yandex, Perfect Money, Pay4Fun, Qiwi and Flexespin.
In terms of currencies, they accept Euros. For more currencies, it’s worth contacting them directly.

Licensing, Support and Fair Gaming Policies

JV Spin Casino has managed to get licensed by one of the leading governing bodies in the industry.
  • Curacao
For any players who experience any issues, fear not as JV Spin Casino is always here to help. They are available 24/7 and can be contacted through the following contact points
  • Live Chat
  • Email
  • F.A.Q
JV Spin Casino is at hand to help for anyone that feels like they may be abusing the site and its gambling facilities. At the bottom of the site, you will find links to Responsible Gambling.

All The Good Things:

  • Instant Play
  • Available on all Platforms
  • Live Chat
  • NetEnt Slots
  • SSL Encryption
  • Free Cash on Deposit
  • Live Casino
>> Claim Free Bonus Here <<
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Jackpot City Casino 100 free spins bonus Christmas Promotion

Jackpot City Casino 100 free spins bonus Christmas Promotion

Jackpot City Casino Xmas Bonus Wheel
Spin our Xmas Bonus Wheel and win up to 100 free spins to Jackpot City Casino! On top of that, get up to $1,600 free credits in welcome bonuses. That's probably the best Microgaming Casino Bonus out there!
>> Click Here To Collect Your Bonus <<


Jackpot City Casino has been home to frequent 'jackpots', since its inception in the year 1998. With more than 500 entertaining online casino games on the gaming menu, Jackpot City also offers lucrative bonuses and promotional offers so that you can make the most out of these games either while enjoying its web version or its free mobile download. Keeping a track of all the bonus offers can be daunting, thus, the experts of Casino Leader have compiled a comprehensive list, especially for you:

Jackpot City Casino No Deposit Bonus

Give a kick-arse start to your gambling journey at Jackpot City Casino with No Deposit Bonus. Claim this bonus offer in order to dive into a spectacular gaming adventure without burning a hole in your pocket. To know your share of No Deposit Required Offer, sign up for free with Jackpot City Casino.
>> Click Here To Collect Your Bonus <<

Jackpot City New Player Offer

Every new player at Jackpot City Casino is extended a warm welcome with its 100% Welcome Bonus worth $1,600 bonus credits. In order to claim the entire bonus value, opt-in to the promotional offer & get Free Bonus credits on your each of your first four deposits. No bonus/promo code is required in order to unlock this bonus promotion. But the best part about this casino is yet to come; the players from all over the world can enjoy its new player bonus. The sign-up offer for the players residing in some of the nations have been discussed below -

Jackpot City Casino New Player Bonus for New Zealand Players

If you are a new online player residing in New Zealand, there is a humongous welcome offer waiting for you when you sign up for an account. This casino gives you a NZ$1600 Free bonus on your first four deposits at this casino. The bonus amount is divided among your first four deposits and is available as a 100% match deposit on each of these deposits. This means you get bonus credits on each deposit that you make. Is there anything else you could ask for?
>> Click Here To Collect Your Bonus <<

Jackpot City Casino New Player Bonus For Canadian Players

Jackpot City Casino welcomes all the new players from Canada and offers them a thunderous new player offer with a chance to win a C$1600 bonus. This bonus is bifurcated among the first four deposits that the players make. A 100% match deposit bonus will be added to each of these deposits. The players just need to make a deposit and opt-in to the bonus to make sure they don't miss out on this exciting bonus. No promo code required

Jackpot City Casino New Player Bonus for Australian Players

if you are a player residing in Australia, Jackpot City casino brings you a chance to enjoy free online pokies. Although the Jackpot City casino is not available in Australia for real money players, but the players can enjoy playing for fun by signing up for an account. The signup offer for the Australian players includes a chance to win a 200% match deposit up to 2000 Free Credits for fun.
>> Click Here To Collect Your Bonus <<

Jackpot City Casino New Player Bonus for Players From Argentina

The players hailing from Argentina also get to enjoy their share in the bonuses at Jackpot City casino. They can sign up for an account to win up to AR$56.000 on their first four deposits. A 100% match on the deposit will be given on all the deposits. All that needs to be done is login your account, make a deposit and bonus credits equal to the amount that you have deposited will be automatically credited to your account. But hey! Remember to opt-in to this promotional and don't let this amazing bonus slip away from your reach.

Daily, Weekly & Monthly Promotions of Jackpot City Casino

Jackpot City Casino has a plethora of Daily, Weekly & Monthly promotions in-store, to enhance your game-play. These bonuses give away rewards that range from Free Spins, cash and casino credits to gadgets, 5-star cruises, and exotic holidays. In order to know more about your share of daily, weekly, and monthly promotions, login to your real money account at Jackpot City Casino.
>> Click Here To Collect Your Bonus <<

Jackpot City Casino Match Bonuses

Jackpot City Casino offers Match Deposit Bonuses during the midweek and weekend. Claim these Match Deposit Bonuses in order to beat the monotony of of the mid-week and perk up your play on weekends. You'll be informed about your share of match via email or alert notification on your account. Also, you'll be required to fulfill certain wagering requirements to make a withdrawal of the bonus funds and winnings associated.

Jackpot City Loyalty Rewards Program

Get paid for your loyalty with Jackpot City Casino Loyalty Rewards Program as the more you play, the more loyalty points you earn; and these loyalty points/comp points are further redeemable for real cash. So, are you all geared up to convert your cash bets into cash back? If yes then navigate to Jackpot City Casino signup for a free real money account and place as many cash bets as you can!

Jackpot City Casino VIP Rewards Program

The red carpet of Jackpot City Casino is adorned with more Free Spins, casino credits and cash bonuses than the standard casino offers; and this carpet is exclusively rolled out for VIP players. Apart from these extra perks, a VIP player also gets to avail the personal assistance of VIP hosts at any point of time irrespective of day or night.
>> Click Here To Collect Your Bonus <<
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MEGASLOT Casino 20 No Deposit Free Spins Exclusive Bonus

MEGASLOT Casino 20 No Deposit Free Spins Exclusive Bonus

MegaSlot Casino No Deposit Bonus
Open your account at MEGASLOT Casino and get 20 exclusive free spins - no deposit required! In addition, enjoy a 100% free bonus and 100 free spins on the first deposit. Use special bonus codes from the promotional website!
>> Claim Exclusive Welcome Bonus <<

Layout and Navigation

The main page is pretty standard with all important tabs placed right at the top or at the bottom. The designers have gone the extra mile to make sure the games are found exactly in the category they belong to and players have no issues finding the information they are looking for.

Match Deposit Bonus of up to €100 + 100 Free Spins upon Sign Up

The casino greets newcomers with a 100% match deposit bonus of up to €100 + 100 free spins on selected slots. The qualifying deposit is €20. To release your bonus funds, you need to meet a 40x (bonus funds + winnings from the free spins) wagering requirement.
Frankly, we have seen more tempting welcome bonus offers but the bonus for existing players seems more attractive. You can get a 55% match deposit bonus of up to €300 on Fridays. According to the bonus terms, it comes with a 40x (bonus funds + free spins winnings) wagering attached, although we did not see free spins offered here.
There is also a VIP program where every deposit you make takes you one step closer to the sweet incentives you get when you level up.
>> Claim Exclusive Welcome Bonus <<

Game Selection

According to preliminary information, the casino was supposed to have a game library hosting more than 6000 titles. Well, at the time of writing, the game library is a far cry from being that huge, but we are carrying out this review mere days after the launch, so new titles will probably be added until the target is met 🙂
The casino name might be called Megaslot, but it offers not only slots but also table games, live casino games, and jackpot games. Sadly, none of the games is playable in practice mode unless you have an account.

Game Suppliers

The casino works with a great number of game suppliers including Microgaming, NetEnt, Betsoft, Play’n GO, Quickspin, Yggdrasil Gaming, Thunderkick, Amatic Industries, EGT Interactive, Elk Studios, Endorphina, Quickfire, Pragmatic Play, Booming Games, Wazdan, Novomatic, Big Time Gaming, Fugaso, Hacksaw Gaming, Kalamba Games, Nolimit City, Pocket Games Soft, Playtech, Push Gaming, Red Tiger Gaming, Relax Gaming, Sthlm Gaming, True Lab, Lightning Box, NextGen Gaming, Evolution Gaming, 1x2Games, Bally, Barcrest Games, Iron Dog Studios, Red7 Mobile, SG Gaming, Shuffle Master, WMS, 2 By 2 Gaming, Just For The Win.
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Deposits and Withdrawals

MegaSlot casino accepts the following deposit methods: EcoPayz, MasterCard, Neteller, Paysafe Card, instaDebit, Visa, iDEAL, Sofortuberweisung, Neosurf, QIWI, Trustly, Skrill, Yandex Money, iDebit, Zimpler, Rapid Transfer
The minimum deposit depends on the payment method chosen but it is in the range of €10-€15 for most.
Withdrawals are processed to the same payment method you used for depositing but if that’s not possible, you have to choose one of the following: MasterCard, Neteller, InstaDebit, Visa, EcoPayz, QIWI, Skrill, Trustly, Yandex Money, iDebit, Rapid Transfer, Bank Wire Transfer.
The minimum amount you can cash out at once is €20. That would have been great if it wasn’t for the 3x deposit turnover requirement you have to clear before you are allowed to place a withdrawal request. If we assume that you deposit €20, you have to make €60 bets before you can cash out the amount you end up with. That turnover requirement is a bit high, compared to the 1x turnover most casinos require.

Security and Licensing

Megaslot casino is owned and operated by N1 Interactive Ltd. The latter is a MGA licensee meaning that it has gone through rigorous checking procedures prior to being awarded a license. Sadly, the MGA license does not allow the casino to serve UK players, so no wonder it acquires the UKGC license before long.
>> Claim Exclusive Welcome Bonus <<

Customer Support

The most convenient means of communication seems to be the live chat, but you can also send an email and expect the customer care agents to get back to you shortly.

Mobile Casino

The games run well on mobiles, but unfortunately, you cannot test them unless you have an account. On the more positive side, you should not have any issues playing on the go as long as you have a sufficient mobile data plan or connect your device to a strong WiFi signal.
>> Claim Exclusive Welcome Bonus <<
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Royal Vegas Casino 50 Free Spins No Deposit (Xmas Bonus)

Royal Vegas Casino 50 Free Spins No Deposit (Xmas Bonus)

Royal Vegas Casino Christmas Promotion
Click on the link below and play 50 free spins at Royal Vegas Casino! This is exclusive bonus with no deposit needed! In addition, get $1200 free chips after your first 3 deposits. No bonus code needed!
>> Claim 50 Free Spins Without Deposit <<

More Information

NameRoyal Vegas CasinoWebsite URLwww.royalvegascasino.comEstablished2000LocationLicensed by the Malta Gaming AuthorityMinimum DepositC$10Support OptionsLive Chat; EmailDeposit OptionsMastercard, Maestro, Visa, Visa Electron, iDebit, Trustly, Skrill, NETELLER, InteracWithdrawal OptionsMastercard, Visa, iDebit, Skrill, NETELLER, ecoPayzPayout Percentage96.67%SoftwareMicrogaming, Evolution Gaming, Crazy Tooth Studios, Just For The Win, Triple Edge Studios, All41 Studios, Rabcat, Fortune Factory, Foxium, Gameburger, Mahigaming, Pluse8, Slingshot Studios, Stormcraft StudiosBonus #150 Free Spins on Classic Sevens SlotBonus #2100% match up to C$300US PlayersNo

Royal Vegas Review

Established in 2000, Royal Vegas has been around for two decades now. Achieving longevity like this is no small feat in the crowded world of online casinos, but Royal Vegas seems to have done it in style – thanks to an ever-increasing selection of quality games, around-the-clock customer care, trustworthy banking mechanisms, cutting-edge security features and appealing bonuses, promotional offers and a loyalty programme. Furthermore, Royal Vegas is certified by eCOGRA for responsible conduct and fair gameplay, while being licensed by the prestigious Malta Gaming Authority. Let’s explore further.
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Bonuses and Promotions

Upon registering an account at Royal Vegas, players will be eligible for a welcome offer valued at up to C$1200. As it’s credited across the course of the first four deposits made, it works out to be 4 x 100% match bonuses up to C$300 each. The offer must be claimed within seven days post registration, plus players will see in the terms and conditions that there is a 50x wagering requirement and a minimum deposit of C$10 included.
What else does Royal Vegas offer? A Daily Deal every day, which is a 24 hour offer tailored around each player’s specific play history. Furthermore, Royal Vegas has a Bonus Wheel, which is available at certain times and provides the possibility of spot prizes. Then there are the themed promotions, whereby players can score match bonuses, loyalty points, bonus credits and more.
Lastly, there is the loyalty programme, which is premised around loyal play – each time a player makes a real money bet, they will earn points. Bonus credits can be gained in exchange for these points, plus the number of points accrued will decide what level the player ascends to next: each successive level adds extra benefits for the player to enjoy. The levels start at Bronze, moving up to Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and ultimately, Privé.
>> Claim 50 Free Spins Without Deposit <<

Games and Software

With more than 500 games available to play at Royal Vegas, lack of choice is definitely not an issue. What’s more, the games are generally of the finest quality and cater to all types of players – ranging from slots and progressive jackpot slots, to video poker, roulette, blackjack, live casino and more. It’s also worth noting, these games are powered by some of the top software providers in the biz, such as Microgaming and Evolution Gaming, which means gameplay, navigation, features, audio and graphics are all top-notch. In addition, selected games have been optimised for mobile play without any compromising of quality.
Popular titles include the likes of Mega Moolah, Adventure Palace, Thunderstruck II, Atlantic City Blackjack Gold, Lightning Roulette, Texas Hold’em and Jungle Jim – El Dorado, to name just a few.

Banking and Security

When it comes to ensuring player peace of mind, Royal Vegas employs 128-bit SSL encryption technology that guarantees the confidentiality of all personal data supplied to the casino. Plus, Royal Vegas offers a wide variety of global and region-specific banking mechanisms that include prepaid vouchers, bank transfers, credit cards, debit cards and web wallets – brand names include the likes of Visa, Mastercard, NETELLER and Maestro, to name just a few. Royal Vegas is also fully licensed and regulated, plus it adheres strictly to responsible gaming practices.
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Customer Support

If there are any questions that the players want to ask or if they want to provide feedback to the casino, Royal Vegas has an excellent 24/7 customer support service in place. It’s reachable via the accessible live chat option, or by email, plus the friendly and efficient hosts on the other end can respond in a variety of languages, which include English, French, Spanish, German and more. Players can also connect to Royal Vegas’s FAQ page, which has detailed responses to all of the most frequently asked questions.
Royal Vegas is a fine online casino with a wide array of games, as well 24/7 customer support in multiple languages, reputable deposit and withdrawal methods, themed promotions and more.
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JackpotCity Casino No Deposit Bonus Free Spins Promotion

JackpotCity Casino No Deposit Bonus Free Spins Promotion

JackpotCity Casino Free Spins
Are you a new player to JackpotCity Casino? If yes, we have 50 free spins without deposit for you! Enjoy this exclusive bonus and win real money at our cost! More than that, claim a $1600 welcome bonus (4x 100% up to $400). Have fun spinning for free!
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JackpotCity Bonus 4x 100% Bonus

If I tell you that JackpotCity casino is one of the most generous casinos you have to believe me. Most online casinos offer you a welcome bonus on top of your first deposit. Some of them even give you a slightly lower bonus on your second deposit. But JackpotCity offers you 4 exactly the same bonuses on your first 4 deposits. It starts with a 100% JackpotCity bonus up to €400 when you decide to play with real money. And on the following 3 deposits, you receive exactly the same JackpotCity bonus. In total, you can collect up to €1.600 free play money on top of 4 real money deposits.
With the JackpotCity bonus, you have the chance to play more different casino games or to play with higher bets. It is up to you what you want to do with your free play money. I normally prefer to play with the same bets as I normally do. That gives me the chance to play twice as many games and spins as I normally do with my deposit. With your deposit and bonus money, you can play all the available games. The minimum deposit at JackpotCity Casino is €10. With the 4x 100% Bonus, you can decide to start with a small deposit and see if you like the casino. If you like the casino you can make a higher second deposit and collect more bonus money.
If you win money with your bonus money you can withdraw this money after you reached the 50x wagering requirement. Wagering is only at bonus money (not on your deposit money). JackpotCity Casino offers you multiple withdrawal options and deposit options.


JackpotCity Casino is a Microgaming powered online casino and if you open the casino lobby you find their full portfolio of games. Microgaming is one of the most well-known suppliers of online casino games. All the games powered by Microgaming are building for desktop and mobile use. So you can play casino games at JackpotCity where and when you want. You only need a device with an internet connection and an internet browser. You can even play at JackpotCity when you have a smart TV. JackpotCity offers a wide selection of video slots and classic slots but you can also play classic casino table games and card games. If you love real casino action we recommend you to try the Live Casino section.
At the live casino section, you can play the most popular casino games on real tables with real dealers behind those tables. Open a live casino game and you connect with a land-based casino and through a live cam, you see a real table. You can now place your bets on those tables.
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Customers at JackpotCity will have access to a wide range of payment options. Depending on your country of residence you will have access to various types of payment options such as credit cards, debit cards, e-Wallets, and bank transfers. Below I will highlight the most important deposit and withdrawal options at JackpotCity;

  • VISA; Using a VISA credit card you can make quick and easy deposits. All transactions will be credited to your account instantly. Withdrawals are also supported.
  • VISA Electron; Using the VISA debit card you can upload funds when they are available on your account. Withdrawals are also possible.
  • Mastercard; Deposit using a Mastercard credit or debit card are instant, easy and efficient. Withdrawals are also secure and fairly quick.
  • Interac Online; Using Interac you can make bank deposits into your JackpotCity account.
  • Instant EFT; Canadian players can withdraw funds to their bank using instant EFT.
  • AstroPay; This virtual prepaid card can be used to deposit funds at JackpotCity.
  • Boleto; Place funds from your bank straight into your JackpotCity account using Boleto.
  • Cheque; Withdrawals using a cheque are supported.
  • Skrill; Using this virtual wallet you can send and receive money instantly.
  • PayPal; Using this web wallet you can deposit and withdraw funds.
  • Neteller; Just like Skrill you can use this virtual wallet to deposit and withdrawals funds.
  • PaySafeCard; You can buy these prepaid vouchers to upload funds using a 16 digit PIN code. Very easy and doesn’t require you to enter any banking details.
  • Trustly; Allows you to make deposits straight from your bank account.
In addition to these payment options, there are many more options available to deposit or withdrawals funds. This includes ecoPayz, EntroPay, Euteller, Giropay, iDebit, Lobanet, InstaDebit, Moneta, PostePay, Klarna, Przelewey24, QiWi, WebMoney, and todito Cash. Visit the cashier straight from your account to see all options and the limits. Please note that all payments at JackpotCity are secured by a state-of-the-art SSL-encryption. This ensures all personal and payment details are 100% safe.
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To ensure customers are always comfortable JackpotCity offers support around the clock. This means you can contact a support agent 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The preferred way to receive support at JackpotCity is by using the chat. Using the live chat you can speak directly with one of the available support agents. At the support center, you will find professional support agents speaking different languages. Because of this, you will be able to enjoy support in your mother language.
If you don’t like to use the live chat for whatever reason you can also use other support options. You can send an email at any time to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Once done you will receive a response within a business day in most cases. When research is required it can of course take long before there is a final response with the solution. When you like to have direct contact you can also call to the support department of JackpotCity. Dial +44 800 768 1946 to speak with a support agent right away.

We recommend JackpotCity Casino. Here a few reasons why….

Besides JackpotCity we offer you information of hundreds of other online casinos. They all have pros and Cons and they all have reasons to join them or to avoid them. Most reasons are very personal because not every person is looking for the same things at an online casino. Underneath you find a few reasons why we recommend JackpotCity Casino to you as our visitor.
  • Over 1.000 Different online casino games
  • 50 Free spins (no deposit needed) before registration
  • No download need. You can play online or on mobile
  • Casino available on all kind of devices
  • Approved by eCOGRA
  • Fully licensed casino
  • 4x 100% deposit bonus up to €1.600
  • 24/7 live chat in multiple languages available
  • Multiple deposits and withdrawal options available
  • A full portfolio of Microgaming games
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GSlot Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

GSlot Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

GSlot Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Join GSlot Casino and receive 200 free spins and 100% welcome bonus up to 200 euro or dollars. Also, some new players benefit from exclusive no deposit bonuses after registration. Check it out now!
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Gslot Casino Review

Under the Malta Gaming Authority regulation, Gslot Casino continues to offer you the best online casino games. It is operated by N1 interactive limited, which is a reputable company in the gaming space. So, this is not a scam, and therefore you don’t have to worry when sealing a deal with it.
You could be wondering why you must choose Gslot casino. Worry no more. Upon registering with Gslot casino, you will get a lucrative welcome bonus, the best games from reputable game providers, and multiple payment options, among other great things. As you can see, this is a company worth trying a shot. The uniqueness of their games is a result of a partnership with reputable software providers. Some of these providers include the following:
  • Evolution
  • Netent Gaming
  • iSoftBet
  • Microgaming
  • Elk Studios
  • Amatic
  • Betsoft
  • NYX Gaming
  • Play 'n Go
  • YGGDrasil
  • Pragmatic Play
  • QuickSpin
  • Playtech
  • Endorphina
  • Novomatic
  • 1X2Gaming
  • Booming Games
  • SoftSwiss
  • Nolimit City
  • Wazdan
A reason to strike a betting deal with them does not end here. You will get a chance to play most of their games using your phone. In other words, their games are mobile-enabled. With this in place, you can play anytime and from anywhere.
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Gslot Casino Promotions

At Gslot, you are treated like a VIP, especially if you are a new customer. After creating an account, you will get a welcome bonus of €100 plus 100 free spins. This is a 100% match bonus. With the 100 free spins welcome bonus, you can play Book of dead by play’ Go. For you to get this deposit, you must make a minimum deposit of €20.
The trend of winning the bonus continues up to the third deposit. For the second deposit, you will get a 50% match bonus of up to €100. Additionally, you will get 50 free spins. The minimum amount of deposit is €20, and you must enter G50 as the bonus code. On your third deposit, you will get 50 free spins that you can use to play Ancient Egypt and Egyptian Fortune. Also, remember to enter GS as the bonus code.

Gslot Casino Online Games

As a Gslot customer, you are spoilt for choices when it comes to online games. These games have the best user experience since experts like Evolution Gaming and NetEnt have developed them. Some of the games you will find include the following:
  • Online slots.
  • Live casinos
  • Jackpot games.
  • Roulette
  • Blackjack.

Online Slot at Gslot Casino

Online slots form the main part of the Gslot portfolio. There are more than a hundred of them, and they have a friendly user experience. Also, some of them have daily and weekly bonuses attached to them. The most common ones include:
  • Book of Aztec.
  • Reel Hero.
  • Deadwood.
  • Book of Dead.
  • Wolf Gold.

Live Casinos

This one gives you a chance to play something near to a real game. You do this by playing with a dealer. However, you must be willing to dedicate your time. The games that you will find here include:
  • Lightning Roulette.
  • Monopoly.
  • Live Roulette.
  • Blackjack classic 7.

Jackpot Games

If you are the kind that longs for winning big, then try jackpot games at Gslot casino. There are more than a hundred of them at Gslot casino. The most common one includes:
  • 5 lions Gold.
  • 1-2-3 Bingo.
  • Amazing fruits.
  • Alchemist’s secret.

Gslot Casino Roulette

Another category of games that can make you win big is Roulette. Whether it is Video Roulette or Live Roulette, they can both be money-spinners. If you want to play the best from top software developers, try the ones at Gslot casino.
  • Arabic Roulette.
  • American Roulette.
  • Astro Roulette.
  • Auto- Roulette.
  • Classic auto Roulette.


Every gaming site cannot be complete if it doesn’t offer blackjack games. They are the most played and also have a commendable user experience. Gslot is not behind in this one. You will find blackjack games such as:
  • Sonya Blackjack.
  • Blackjack Bonus.
  • Red Queen Blackjack.
  • Lucky Blackjack.
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GSlot Casino Deposit Options

Making money is the main reason why you gamble. As a result, you need various ways to make a deposit. These options for making a deposit, however, should be secure, fast, and reliable. Gslot has got you covered. They offer you more than ten deposit options. All of them have been tested and proved to be safe, fast, and secure. The minimum deposit you can make with each method is €20. They include the following.
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Maestro
  • Neteller
  • Skrill
  • PaySafeCard
  • Bank Transfer
  • EcoPayz
  • Neosurf
  • Skrill Rapid Transfer
  • GiroPay
  • iDebit
  • Interac e-Transfer

Currencies Accepted at Gslot Casino

A very important factor that mostly gets overlooked is the currency used by any gambling site. As a precaution, you should check first if the site supports your currency. If the currency is not supported, you will not be able to make a deposit or request a withdrawal. Also, the currency must be supported by the e-wallet platform that you normally use. Gslot casino has some of the most commonly used currencies. They include:
  • Canadian Dollar (CAD)
  • Euro (EUR)
  • New Zealand Dollar (NZD)
  • Norwegian Krone (NOK)
  • South African Rand (ZAR)
  • US Dollar (USD)
  • Yen (JPY)
  • Polish Zloty (PLN)

GSlot Mobile Casino

Now you can play your favorite game at Gslot casino with the help of mobile apps. You can also access the Gslot website through a phone. What you need is just a supported browser. For the app, you only need to download the app from the Google play store or AppStore. After that, you can install it on your android or iPhone and access your favorite Gslot games. This has made things easier since you can bet anytime you want. You also enjoy betting from anywhere since the mobile is portable. The normal desktops version only allowed you to play in a specific place since you cannot move with them.
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Amidst stiff competition in the gambling industry, most sites are doing their best to offer their customers something unique. If they don’t, they may not survive in the long run. Gslot casino has positioned itself in the gaming space by offering great services to its customers. From a variety of games, secure payment methods, lucrative bonuses, mobile functionality, professional customer support, and multiple currencies, nobody can beat it. Gslot casino has considered its customers as an asset to them and not a liability. With this in mind, they offer you unmatched services. With that information now, you can try your luck at Gslot casino.
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GSlot Casino 200 gratis spins and 100% free bonus (Register)

GSlot Casino 200 gratis spins and 100% free bonus (Register)

GSlot Casino Exclusive Bonus Codes
Welcome to GSlot Casino Online! Join now and collect 20 no deposit free spins on Book of Dead or other slots by Netent. After that, get 200 gratis spins and 100% bonus up to 200 EUR on first deposit. Enjoy fast support, payments and gameplay!
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When you first land on Gslot, you can see that the website of the casino is well-organised and the interface is quite user-friendly. You can effortlessly navigate through pages, and there are enough filtering options to find the game you’re looking for with ease.
Players can choose one of the six languages available on the website. It’s also worth noting that the support provided by the casino is also available in these six languages, including Norweigan, Finnish, and German. Moreover, the website supports mobile view mode, and it is perfectly optimised to work in Android and Apple devices.
The casino is rather generous towards its clientele, and it offers quite a few bonuses and promotions. We will dig deeper into them, so keep reading our Gslot Casino review to learn how to make the most of its benefits.

Gslot Casino Welcome Bonus

Newly registered players are all eligible for the welcome bonus package for their initial three deposits. We will split the details of it into three parts so you can understand better.
  • First deposit:
100% bonus of your deposit up to €100 + 100 free spins. The minimum deposit to trigger it is €20. This first deposit bonus’s wagering requirement is x40. All free spins you’ll get will come in five days as 20 spins per day.
You can use the free spins on Book of Dead. This deposit bonus is valid for five days after you claim it, and the free spins are valid for 24 hours after you receive them.
  • Second deposit:
50% bonus of the deposit up to €100 + 50 free spins. The free spins are divided into two days, with 25 spins per day. There are four video slots available to use the free spins on. All other details, such as the expiration time, the wagering requirement, and the minimum deposit are identical as with the first deposit bonus.
  • Third deposit:
You’ll receive 50 free spins for deposits over €25 with this one. The split of the free spins, the expiration time, the wagering requirement, and the minimum amount are all the same as the second deposit bonus.
The welcome bonus package is rather generous, especially if you can use it to its full potential. However, the promotions don’t end here. There are still the weekly bonuses to cover, so let’s get right into it.
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Gslot Casino Tuesday Weekly Bonus

All players can claim their weekly 50% deposit bonus every Tuesday. To trigger it, the minimum amount necessary is €25. Furthermore, this Tuesday bonus has a wagering requirement set at x40. At its maximum of €100, it can reward you €50 each Tuesday.
Keep in mind that this promotion is only valid for five days after receiving it, and players can use its benefits once a week. Nevertheless, it can be enough to boost your budget and keep you going.

Gslot Casino Thursday Weekly Bonus

There is another bonus available for all players every Thursday. It comes in the form of 30 free spins for the video slot Almighty Sparta Dice. The minimal deposit you need to claim it is €30. This Thursday offer has a wagering requirement set at x40. You can redeem these free spins week by week, helping you spin and land wins.

Gslot Casino Promo Codes

To redeem all of these bonuses and free spins, players need to use promo codes when making their deposits. For the welcome package, make sure to use G100, G50, and GS on the first three respective deposits. For the Tuesday weekly bonus, you need G2, and for the Thursday free spins, you need G4. Considering that different promotions are going on and off at the casino, try to keep a lookout for any new codes by subscribing to Gslot’s weekly newsletter.

Gslot Casino Loyalty Program

As we previously mentioned, Gslot Casino appreciates the loyalty of its members. For this reason, they created the VIP loyalty program to reward players for their devotion. You become a part of the VIP program from the very start. With your first deposit, you start adding G-points to your tally, which will translate into different prizes.
For every €10 you will deposit you get 1 GP. You unlock the first level of the VIP and get rewarded with 25 free spins. As you progress through the ranking, you can expect all sorts of rewards with every new level.
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Gslot Casino Games

When it comes to the game selection, Gslot Casino has a substantial library of titles for different types of players. With the help of the categories or the search bar, you can easily find what you’re looking for since the options are neatly organised.
You can find works of some of the best software providers in the industry on the casino’s website. There are games from all sorts of genres and various themes. Their library includes video slot titles, table games, and even some live dealer games. Whether you’re a novice or veteran player, there’s something suitable for everyone.

A Vast Video Slots Library at Gslot Casino

With hundreds of slots at their disposal, players might have a hard time picking an option to play at Gslot Casino. Luckily, all video slots have a free play version that can help players learn the mechanics of a slot without spending a penny. The titles are powered by leading developers like NoLimit City, Relax Gaming, Play’N GO, and Quickspin.
Most of the titles have unique gameplay and impressive bonus features, such as free spins and multipliers. Some of the most popular choices among gamblers are the jackpot slots. They come with the potential for a generous payout, so it’s no wonder they are fan favourites.
We suggest trying Irish Pot Luck by NetEnt and giving a shot for the fantastic jackpot prize. In the slot, you will have the chance to win the Mega Jackpot at x5,000 of your initial bet. Nothing beats the feeling of landing the top prize. With only one spin you can make enormous profits.
If you prefer exciting gameplay that will keep you at the edge of your seat, the Megaways slots are just the thing for you. With thousands of ways to win, forget the traditional paylines and enjoy the fast-paced action.
Besides, Curse of the Werewolves by Pragmatic Play is one of the most volatile slots out there. It will undoubtedly provide you with a thrilling playtime and frequent winnings.
If you are a novice and you’re not sure what is the right slot for you, we suggest you begin with one of the classics. The traditional slots are the simplest to play and usually have a high RTP percentage. Eastern Emeralds by Quickspin is a great slot for beginners and can keep your budget healthy for a long time. Consider trying out and start pocketing those payouts.
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Plenty of Fun Table Games to Choose From

Many punters prefer the table games, and they’ll have their needs met at Gslot Casino. Once you open their library, you can find a range of classic titles coming in different versions, offering something for everyone’s taste.


Poker is the kind of game where, apart from luck, a bit of skill goes a long way. At Gslot, gamblers will be happy to know that they can enjoy American Poker by Wazdan on the platform. For those who prefer the more modern take of the classic game, Evolution Gaming’s Texas Hold ’em Bonus Poker is also an option. There are many other versions of the game available, so have a look at them before settling for one.


Being the game of choice for many veteran punters, blackjack players need to use strategy to make the most of their bets. 21 Burn Blackjack by Betsoft Gaming is a trendy choice among the players. Putting it simply, you can’t go wrong with that one. If you feel like adding a little twist to the action, check out All Bets Blackjack by Playtech and let your skills decide your budget.


Roulette games can provide you with loads of fun and the chance for a hefty payout. Among the many options, Astro Roulette by 1×2 Gaming stands out with its unique graphics. Even if you choose another game to go with, you’re in for an enjoyable time and a chance at winning some cash.


If you prefer relaxed gambling with simple rules and playstyle, baccarat will fit you nicely. Suitable for newcomers and experienced gamblers alike, there are different versions for everyone. If you’re getting started, we suggest Evolution’s Controlled Squeeze Baccarat for chill gameplay. If you are looking for you quick and lively action, consider trying out Speed Baccarat A by Pragmatic Live.
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A Good Live Casino Section

The live casino on the website satisfies most criteria. It is broadcasted high-quality streams. Moreover, it’s handled by reputable providers like Evolution Gaming, Pragmatic Live, NetEnt Live, Playtech Live, and Authentic Gaming. Thanks to them, the great atmosphere the casino has to offer should not come as a surprise.
To improve the experience of its members, professional dealers serve all of the live casino games at Gslot. To feel the magic of the live casino section, we suggest you try out Evolution’s American Roulette. It has been the top choice for many gamblers for a while, so check it out to see why.

Jackpot Games

Jackpot games are also involved in the vast library of the website. They make quite a good addition, offering a thrilling experience for real adrenaline junkies. Moreover, all jackpot games are playable in demo versions for those who want to try them out.
With titles powered by big providers such as Pragmatic Play, Playtech, Quickspin and others, jackpot games only enrich the vast array of games at Gslot Casino. Some popular titles you should consider are Cat in Vegas, 5 Lions Gold, Christmas Jackpot Bells, Dragon Chase and plenty others.

Gslot Casino Interface

When it comes to the interface, Gslot Casino’s website has a relatively dark tone and is quite catchy on the eye. Visually, the graphics satisfy most players’ standards. Once you open the website, it’s easy to see that you could easily get lost in the titles. Still, all of these games are thoroughly listed on multiple tabs. If you’re looking for something particular, there is also the option to filter and search for a specific game.
The lower section of the website is for those who need help from the support desk. You can easily access the Info tab for more details, such as Terms & Conditions and Responsible Gaming. Further on, the interface is responsive to both smartphone devices and tablets, so punters on the go can have an excellent time – more on that in a bit.
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Mobile Gaming With Gslot Casino

Although there is no official Gslot Casino mobile app, the website version works perfectly for both Android and iOS devices. As long as you have a reliable internet connection, Gslot’s website operates quite smoothly. The interface of the mobile version is tweaked to work with optimal results both on smartphones and tablets.
Even though some pages are made to fit smaller screens, the experience is just as good as on desktop. Once you get the hold of it from your phone, you will forget that you need an actual app. Nobody wants unnecessary downloads, just taking space and filling up your cell phone storage.

Safety & Security

Players at Gspot Casino can rest assured that their data is safe & protected while they are gaming on the website. Gslot operates under strict MGA regulations for responsible gambling. All in all, you should be confident that their website is legal and legit.
Once you register, modern encryption software will protect your data. Regarding security, the casino uses standard 128-bit encryption. Furthermore, the website is full of many guidelines that centred towards preventing irresponsible gambling. This section has a few listed websites that are there to help you in case you have a gambling issue.
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Deposits & Withdrawals at Gslot

Thanks to a good list of payment methods, banking at Gslot Casino is made relatively easy and straightforward. Credit/debit cards, e-wallets, and prepaid vouchers are all included in the wide range of payment options.
You can also find a range of successful alternatives. Some of them include Trustly, Pay’ N’Play, Wirecard, Payvision, Neteller, Skrill and plenty of others.
The minimum deposit and withdrawal amount are both set at €20. Players from different countries have nothing to worry about because the casino supports various banknotes. Supported currencies for the banking transactions are EUR, USD, CAD, NOK, PLN, NZD, ZAR and JPY. For now, Gslot Casino offers no crypto options.
Furthermore, the withdrawal limit for some payment methods is unlimited. The maximum withdrawal amount processed to one player is €5,000 per day, €10,000 per week, and up to €30,000 per month.

Customer Support

When it comes to customer support, Gslot Casino offers assistance for players looking for help. You can access 24/7 service via the chat option on their website. For a more severe issue, feel free to contact their public email.
The website’s supported languages are English, Norwegian, Finnish, French, German, and Japanese. All website languages are also available for support. Even though it’s not exceptionally vast, the website still hosts an adequate FAQ section.
Still, the support desk agents are quite polite, knowledgeable, and fast. They are here to provide thorough & satisfying assistance for all members that seem to have trouble.
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With fun & versatility in both games and features, Gslot Casino will satisfy the needs of most punters. When compared to more prominent names in the industry, this is a relatively fresh brand from an established operator.
When it comes to bonuses & promotions, Gslot Casino offers plenty. From a generous welcome package to a VIP program, Gslot is here to make you stay.
Moreover, when it comes to verification and banking options, Gslot Casino is serious and strict. Deposits and withdrawals are generally quick, even though there are some complaints about delayed transactions now and then.
All in all, Gslot is an online casino which ranks relatively high in the player community. Still, try it today and see for yourself. On its website, you will enjoy a vast library of game titles as well as generous bonuses here to help you get the most out of your stay.
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MEGASLOT Casino 100 no deposit free spins bonus code

MEGASLOT Casino 100 no deposit free spins bonus code

MEGASLOT Review & Promotions
Join MEGASLOT Casino and get 100 Free Spins! After that, get a 100% welcome bonus on your first deposit. Next, make your 2nd and 3rd deposit to collect further free spins, free money and other perks. Good luck!
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Megaslot Casino Review

Mega slot casino is a true example of a casino that loves its customers. Licensed in Malta, the site is only a few years old but with 24/7 customer support, a variety of payment methods and a selection of casino and live casino games to suit everyone, you’d think they’ve been on the map for much longer.
Most importantly, they also offer a great VIP program and regular bonuses, including a fantastic welcome bonus to get you started the right way!

Megaslot Bonuses and Promotions

Our Megaslot casino review team found that the site really sets out to spoil you. Firstly, you’ll get a mega welcome bonus when you place your first deposit. Not only will you get a generous deposit bonus, but you’ll also be showered with free spins for you to try out some of the most popular games.
Kick off your weekend by receiving a bonus each and every Friday. By entering the code MEGAFRIDAY, you’ll receive a deposit bonus and even more free spins. TGIF, right?
And with every deposit, you’ll be given a set number of lottery tickets. You can find the different ticket prices on their site, but the more you, deposit, the cheaper the tickets become, meaning you will get more tickets for a higher deposit. These regular lotteries will give you the chance to win prizes like cash, bonus money, free spins and much more.
Our review of Megaslot casino revealed that you’ll be making your way to even bigger bonuses with every spin on site. You’ll get one Complimentary Point (CP) for every €100 you play on the Megaslot casino games. As you accumulate points, you’ll make your way through the forty VIP levels. You’ll be placed in the Nickel Slot 1 level when you sign up, with only 5 CPs to collect before reaching Nickel Slot 2. You’ll be given amazing prizes every time you reach a new level, including deposit bonuses, free spins, and more.
When you’ve collected a few CP points, you’ll be able to convert these into bonus money. Our Megaslot online casino review experts recommend waiting a bit before converting these, as the higher you are in the VIP chain, the better your conversion rate will be.
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Software and Other Games

Whilst browsing the casino lobby, our Megaslot casino review team found 1,000+ real money slots and games. Filter through them by selecting from 30+ top game providers including NetEnt, Nolimit City and Amatic Industries. With so much to choose from, you’re guaranteed to find all of your favorite games.
Shoot for the stars with the classic Starburst, or travel to Japan and breathe in the cherry blossoms with Sakura Fortune. Whatever you fancy, even if it’s the all-time favorite Rich Wilde and the Book of Dead.
After a little more honey for the pot? Then head over to one of the Megaslot casino jackpot slots. Ring the Bell of Fortune or go for some Rainforest Magic. With 60+ jackpot slots to choose from, you’re sure to find one which will give you the chance to win a life-changing prize.
If you’re after a more authentic casino experience, join our Megaslot online casino review team in the live casino. You’ll find loads of games ranging from traditional Auto Roulette and Blackjack Live, to other gameshow spin-offs such as Dream Catcher and Deal or No Deal. Whatever you’re up for, you’ll find it with live croupiers (some of whom actually speak your language) and other live players, all streamed in full HD quality. Now that’s what we call a real experience!

Banking and Cashouts

Our Megaslot casino review revealed a number of different payment methods available. Choose from classic Visa options to other popular payment methods like Qiwi and ecoPayz. Whatever your preference, you’re guaranteed to find a payment method you’re comfortable with and which is also available in your country. Our team also found that the Megaslot casino payments page goes into great detail when it comes to accepted currencies, payment provider fees, and minimum/maximum deposit/withdrawal amounts.
It can take anywhere between a few minutes to three working days to receive your payout, according to our Megaslot casino online casino review research team. However, if you choose to withdraw your funds during the weekend, this may take a little longer. In order to reduce the overall waiting time, we recommend verifying your identity in advance.
Identity verification is a relatively simple process and is important to comply with regulations coming from the Malta Gaming Authority and also those of anti-money laundering. All you need to do is submit the relative documents to the Megaslot casino support team. This can take up to a few days, but once this is done, you can withdraw your funds quickly and without any problems. Our Megaslot casino review team thinks it’s great that the site uses the latest encryption to ensure the secure processing of your data as it means Megaslot casino is a reliable place to play at.
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Customer Support at Megaslot Casino

When it comes to customer support, our Megaslot online casino review team have nothing but positive things to say. The casino takes customer service very seriously, and this can be seen by simply looking at their support options: FAQs, email and 24/7 live chat.
The FAQ section can be accessed from the footer of the page. Clicking on this will take you to a page filled with answers to questions about your account, money management, bonuses and much more.
If your question is still unanswered, our Megaslot casino review team suggests you send the customer support team an email using the email address also found in the footer. You can write all your questions there and a customer support agent will get back to you as soon as possible.
Sometimes you need immediate answers, and that’s what the live chat is for. This can be found within the main menu tab and is available 24/7. Part of our review of Megaslot casino was to vet the live chat option, and we were more than impressed. A customer support agent was with us within seconds and assisted us in a very friendly and efficient manner. The best part about our customer support experience was the amount of detail that the agents put into their answers. A definite thumbs up from us!

Summary of Megaslot Casino

Our Megaslot online casino review team has no trouble recommending this casino to you. We love how they have transformed an online gaming site into a fun and exciting online casino. A valid license, 24/7 support and 1,000+ games, combined with weekly bonuses and a VIP program that you’re entered into right from your very first deposit – what more could you possibly ask for?
And let’s not forget the amazing welcome bonus – a deposit bonus and free spins. Sign up and claim yours today!
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Spinurai Casino 150 free spins and €1500 free bonus code

Spinurai Casino 150 free spins and €1500 free bonus code

Spinurai Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Join Spinurai Casino and receive 150 free spins automatically! Also, you get a €1500 welcome bonus on your first deposits. This promotion is dedicated to new players only. No bonus codes needed!
At Spinurai there will always be something available for you. They are running weekly promotions where you as a customer will have the choice to get rewarded in the way you wish, based on your preferences and your deposit.
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Spinurai Casino Review

Spinurai is among the latest gambling platforms in the online casino world. It works with over 20 software providers, including promising and prominent studios. Thus, you can enjoy a variety of different titles in a comprehensive gaming catalogue. Furthermore, you can expect to find various gaming genres such as classic card games, online slots and live dealer games. Famous blackjack, roulette, baccarat and video poker variants are also available at Spinurai.
Despite being a fresh establishment, Spinurai Casino is a popular platform presenting services for a number of players. Moreover, it welcomes many casino enthusiasts from different parts of the world. In this regard, it offers multiple languages, including Finnish, English and German. The casino might add new languages to the list in the near future.
Spinurai is hiding many features in addition to its vast gaming portfolio and promotion selection. In this Spinurai Casino review, we will provide detailed information regarding the casino’s services. Moreover, you can find honest comments along with objective insights. Thus, go through our review to find out if the casino is a strong candidate to become your next gambling destination.

Website Design

A convenient website design is crucial for a smooth browsing experience. However, online casino players also look for an eye-pleasing composition to maximise entertainment. In this regard, Spinurai Casino offers a good combination of convenience and appeal in its site. The casino looks so neat with a pink-white interface. Besides, the crisp visuals add up to the overall appearance.
You can access all the services easily thanks to the navigation bar located on the left side. Moreover, all the gambling types are presented below the promotion's banner on the homepage. In this regard, you can quickly navigate through different sections. On the whole, Spinurai Casino offers an above industry-standard experience regarding website design and navigation.
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Registration and Verification at Spinurai Casino

The Spinurai Casino offers a quick and straightforward registration process consisting of a few steps. It asks for common personal details such as email address, phone number, credentials and password. Once you complete the sign-up procedure, you should provide a verification method to confirm your account. So, you should verify your account either using your phone or email address. You can start playing as soon as you complete the validation process.
On the other hand, Spinurai Casino asks for account verification to carry out payments and withdrawals. Thus, you should provide a scan of an official document including id card, driving license or passport. This is a standard procedure that you should complete to make deposits at every online casino. However, some casinos offer Pay and Play opportunities for instant payments. In this regard, Spinurai is one step behind some innovative establishments.

Operator Information

Spinurai Casino is owned by one of the most prominent companies in the gambling world, N1 Interactive Limited. It provides its services in Malta under a license from Malta Gaming Authority. Currently, the corporation is managing and operating many brands including Slotwolf, Avalon78 and Maneki Casino.
All of these gambling platforms provide a certain quality in terms of gaming portfolio and promotions. Therefore, you can expect a quality of service from Spinurai as well.

Spinurai Casino Promotions

Spinurai Casino succeeds to provide a decent diversity in terms of bonuses and promotions. Thus, both occasional and new players can benefit from a number of rewards to increase their account balance. The promotion catalogue includes first deposit bonuses, weekly promotions, monthly raffles and exclusive prizes. In this regard, it is highly possible to select an option based on your budget and play style. Let’s have an in-depth look at the opportunities and requirements presented by Spinurai Casino.
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Spinurai Casino Welcome Package

Thanks to Spinurai’s comprehensive and generous welcome package, you can have an impressive start at the casino. The pack consists of two deposit bonuses that you can claim upon your registration. However, you should make a deposit of €40 to benefit from both of the bonuses.
Currently, you can get up to a whopping cash prize up to €1,500 along with 150 free spins. It is a pretty solid advantage that you cannot see in many online casinos. Below, you can see the details of this rewarding newbie package.
On your first deposit of €20 at Spinurai, you can benefit from a 100% bonus up to €500 along with 100 free spins. Nevertheless, you should wager the bonus amount and winnings from extra spins 50 times with €5 maximum bet before requesting a withdrawal. Besides, you can use the bonus spins on Book of Shadows by Nolimit City.
Upon your second deposit of €20, the casino gives its new players a bonus up to €1,000 plus 50 free spins. However, the bonus pack is subject to an x50 wagering requirement, including free spins and the cash amount. Moreover, the extra spins are available on Sakura Fortune by Quickspin. It is a great game to wager the welcome offer and increase your account balance.
On the whole, Spinurai Casino provides a solid cash prize up to €1,500 along with 150 extra spins. The wagering requirement decreases the value of the newbie pack to a great extent. It is way too high compared to other new gambling platforms in the market. Therefore, budget players might have cold feet to register at the casino.

Spinurai Casino Weekly Promotions

Spinurai Casino has an unusual way of rewarding its occasional customers. Instead of providing a fixed weekly promotion catalogue, it updates its selection regularly by presenting new opportunities. Thus, it would be best if you looked at the weekly promotions page on a regular basis for different weekly bonuses. Every week, the casino offers different prizes, including bonus cash and bonus spins. Moreover, you can find a promotion that includes both of the rewards.
Spinurai Casino offers a bonus called Sunday Spins. This promotion includes 30 bonus spins on the following games; Rich Wilde and the Tome of Madness by Play’n GO, the Shadow Order by Push Gaming, and Mysterious by Pragmatic Play. However, keep in mind that you can only claim free spins for one of the three options.
To benefit from this weekly reward, you should make a deposit of at least €30 using the Sunday promo code. Moreover, there is no wagering requirement for this generous bonus. You can directly open the title you select and start playing for free.
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Spinurai Casino Monthly Raffles

Spinurai Casino has something unique that you cannot come across at many online gambling platforms. It organizes monthly raffles that include cash prizes and free spins. For every deposit you make at the casino, you get a ticket in the monthly raffle.
Players who are at the top of the raffle will get a cash prize of €200. Moreover, the casino rewards the first 50 customers. Therefore, you can participate in the raffle simply making a deposit and enjoy the prizes even with one ticket.

Spinurai Casino Special Promotions

Spinurai Casino has a section called special promotions. In this section, it offers special bonuses, tournaments, giveaways and collaborations. Nevertheless, the casino does not provide any special promotion at the time being. Shortly, it may add something useful to spice up the gambling experience.

Spinurai Casino Loyalty Program

Recently, Spinurai Casino has launched a loyalty program that presents a journey from Apprentice to the Emperor. Regardless of the registration time, every player can participate in this system just by wagering on your favourite games. Moreover, the program consists of 5 ranks with 25 levels that include cash prizes, free spins, and reload bonuses. With each step, you get increasingly better rewards.
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Spinurai Casino Tournaments

Spinurai Casino provides its customers with monthly tournaments offering decent prize lists. Currently, the casino holds a contest called The November Battle. It offers a prize pool including €750,000 and 850 free spins.
It is relatively easy to win massive rewards. You can get a piece of the prize pool by getting the highest multiplier on a single spin. Spinurai gives prizes for the first 20 players on the top of the ladder. Nevertheless, remember that only spins above €0.5 qualify on the leaderboard.

Spinurai Casino Promo Codes

Currently, you do not need a Spinurai promo code to benefit from the welcome bonus package and monthly raffles. However, you should use the SUNDAY promo code to claim the weekly reward that is available at the time being.

Spinurai Casino No Deposit Bonus

Spinurai Casino does not offer a any deposit bonus for its customers. Nevertheless, it might update its promotions selection with new opportunities in the near future. Thus, we recommend you subscribe to the newsletter to get emails containing upcoming bonuses. Keep in mind that the casino’s special promotions page is still empty.
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Spinurai Casino Games and Software Providers

When it comes to gambling opportunities, Spinurai Casino has a lot to offer for many players with different preferences. Its gaming selection is full of popular and fresh titles from top-notch software developers. Furthermore, the casino succeeds in providing a variety of gambling genres, including online video slots, jackpot titles, lotteries, table games and live dealer games. Therefore, you can enjoy classic card games, exciting video slots and all-time popular poker and roulette variations with top quality.
Spinurai Casino works with a number of software providers including ELK, Microgaming, Quickspin, Push Gaming, Play’n GO, Pragmatic Play, Thunderkick, Yggdrasil, and Red Tiger Gaming. As you can anticipate, all of these developers are highly important names in the online casino world. In terms of gambling options, Spinurai Casino is way ahead of many platforms in the market.

Video Slots

Spinurai Casino has an impressive video slot selection presenting the most exciting and exotic titles in the market. The section is powered by successful providers including Amatic, Booming Games and Betsoft Gaming. Therefore, you can expect the ultimate video slot gambling at the casino.
Sakura Fortune, Jammin’ Jars, Sweet Bonanza, The Dog House, Razor Shark, and Wolf Gold, are among the most popular options in the casino’s slot catalog. Besides, you can play exotic games such as Eastern Emeralds, Diamond Strike, Hercules Son of Zeus and Joker’s Jewels.
On the other hand, you can play most of the titles available at Spinurai Casino for free. The casino offers a free to play opportunity for all players visiting its website. Thus, you do not have to hold an account at the casino to benefit from this beautiful opportunity. You can develop strategies or try your luck without depositing any money.
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Spinurai Live Casino

Spinurai Casino provides its players with a fantastic live dealer games selection that includes the most popular gambling options. The catalogue hosts hundreds of dedicated rooms offering HD streaming quality and professional live croupiers. Moreover, thanks to prominent software developers like Evolution, you can expect smooth gaming sessions.
At Spinurai Casino, you can enjoy various forms of entertainment including blackjack variations, roulette, baccarat variants, and poker. Blitz Blackjack, Football Studio, Dragon Tiger, Immersive Roulette, Side Bet City, Super Six and Super Sic Bo are the most preferred titles in this comprehensive selection. Moreover, the variants are provided in multiple languages to present a unique live casino experience for players all around the world.

Table Games

Just like the live dealer games selection, Spinurai Casino offers a fantastic table games catalogue with several gambling genres. The titles in this section are brought by well-known providers of the industry, and thus, come with good quality. You can play blackjack, poker, roulette and baccarat in this tempting library.


Roulette is an old and popular gambling type for many players who prefer games depending on pure luck. In this regard, Spinurai Casino does not let old school casino enthusiasts down by providing a detailed roulette section. Currently, it is possible to find more than 50 games in this dedicated selection. You can enjoy both live and video roulette variants in this growing portfolio.


Many online casinos in the industry do not attach importance to additional products like the lottery. Nevertheless, this is not the case with Spinurai Casino.
It provides more than ten lottery titles promising entertaining and rewarding gambling sessions. In this regard, you can wager on titles such as Deal or No Deal, Dream Catcher, Crazy Time and Flying Pigs.

Poker Games

If you are a poker enthusiast, Spinurai could be the right place for you. It provides its players with a flawless selection that includes popular games of poker. Although it is not the most comprehensive portfolio, it certainly does an outstanding job offering smooth gaming sessions.
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Spinurai Casino Banking Options

When it comes to online gambling, banking experience is as important as a comprehensive gaming portfolio. Many players prefer a casino because of its smooth deposit and withdrawal opportunities. In this regard, Spinuari Casino offers a number of payment and cashout options, including the top solutions all over the world.
Players can transfer money using many fiat currencies such as EUR, USD, JPY, CAD and PLN. Nevertheless, the casino fails to deliver cryptocurrencies that enable lightning speed transactions.


At Spinurai Casino, you can make payments using many solutions, including debit cards, credit cards, e-wallets and bank transfers. The list consists of options such as Visa, Mastercard, Skrill, Neteller, ecoPayz and Paysafecard. Depending on your location and preferences, you can prefer one of these solutions. Keep in mind that the casino employs a minimum €20 deposit limit for all transactions.


Just like deposit options, it is possible to use a wide range of withdrawal options at Spinurai Casino. The methods include Qiwi, Yandex Money, Visa and Giropay. On the other hand, the casino employs a €20 minimum withdrawal limit. Moreover, the maximum cashout amount for a player is €15,000 per month. It might be a bummer, especially for high rollers.

Spinurai Casino Customer Support

In case of experiencing any issues regarding Spinurai Casino, you can get in touch with the casino’s support team. You can easily get help regarding all the services including payments, responsible gaming, bonuses, limitations and gambling options. Furthermore, the casino provides 24/7 customer service. So, feel free to contact any time to file a complaint or seek a solution.
There are various channels you can get in touch with Spinurai Casino. Email service and live chat facility are the most popular methods to contact online representatives. Moreover, you can browse the FAQ page to see the most common questions and their answers. The casino also lets its customers submit a complaint with their voices.
On the whole, Spinurai Casino’s customer support works quite fine, providing accurate and fast answers. It is even possible to get help in a couple of minutes using live chat. Also, based on the comments on the Internet, many gamblers had a satisfactory experience with customer service.
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Security and Licenses

Spinurai Casino is owned by a prominent company that provides its services on Old Bakery Street, Valletta, Malta. Thus, the casino is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority, which is one of the top-notch authorities in the online casino world. The casino aims to present a reliable and safe gambling environment by presenting a superior license.
All legit online casinos should meet specific safety standards to be in the competition. In this regard, Spinurai Casino does a stable job protecting its players’ with a high standard of security. The casino’s website is coded with advanced encryption technology to keep its customers’ sensitive data safe. Moreover, the regulatory commission tests the security on a regular basis.
Spinurai Casino also puts great importance on responsible gaming, which ensures problem-free gambling sessions. The casino enables players to limit their gaming habits by providing various tools. So, customers can easily exclude themselves from the casino’s services temporarily and permanently.


Overall, Spinurai Casino is a promising gambling platform providing above industry-standard facilities for new and veteran players. Thanks to its diverse gaming portfolio, it appeals to many casino enthusiasts of different skill levels. The library hosts over 1,000 titles from approximately 20 software studios. Thus, players can choose from various forms of entertainment, considering their style and account balance.
On the other hand, the casino has a comprehensive promotion selection that includes bonuses for different budgets and needs. Although it is not the most detailed rewards section in the market, it offers a number of opportunities for many players. Spinurai Casino also aims to expand its promotions section with events and contests.
When it comes to additional services such as banking, customer support and security, Spinurai Casino presents a satisfactory experience as well. It provides a number of deposit and withdrawal options along with some fiat currencies. Furthermore, the casino offers decent customer service with various channels and responsive representatives. Nevertheless, keep in mind that Spinurai does not support cryptocurrencies. This is a major drawback for such an innovative establishment.
On the whole, we recommend you give Spinurai Casino a shot because of its promotions and gambling options. The casino is a strong candidate to become your next destination. Pay regard to pros and cons and make your final decision with our review.
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7 Melons Casino 7€ gratis bonus and free spins

7 Melons Casino 7€ gratis bonus and free spins

7 Melons Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Claim 7€ GRATIS to 7 Melons Casino just by registering your account! Click on the bonus link below, fill the sign-up form and enjoy free money! Keep all your profits from this bonus! No wagering requirements! No download needed! Fast withdrawals and 24/7! This simply the best online casino in Switzerland!
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7 Melons Casino Overview

7 Melons Casino has its priorities sorted out right and aims and providing a high-quality gaming experience to the players based in Switzerland. This casino is licensed and operates under the Grand Casino Bern which has been providing a quality gaming experience to the players since ages. It is also regulated by Buffalo affiliates which also regulates of some of the renowned casinos like Jackpot City Casino, Gaming Club Casino and Lucky Nugget casino.
In an attempt to achieve the same love from the players, just like its sister sites, 7 Melons Casino also offers some of the best games to the players. These include games across several gaming platforms. To name a few, these include slot games, video poker games and table games. These have been powered by some of the best gaming software brands like Microgaming and Netent. And to make the gaming experience of the players at this casino site nothing short of perfect it also hosts live games to play with!
The list of perks that you get to enjoy at this casino also includes some amazing chances to win. This casino site has a unique bonus system which adds to their winning offers like its weekly draw, and loyalty programme. So start playing at this casino site to enjoy terrific bonuses and free spins. And if you want to know more, read this 7 Melons casino review below.
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Play At a Safe and Secure Online Platform

A perfect online casino can never be complete without offering security and safety to the players. 7 Melons Casino understands this too and has taken complete care about the security of the players. It has ensured this by securing its online casino site with an SSL layer which ensures all the data of the players is safe. In addition to this, it also holds a license from the Swiss Federal Council which shows that its serious when it comes to the security of the players. Continue reading this review for more such information about 7 Melons Casino.


  • CHF


  • English
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Restricted Countries

  • Only available for the players residing in Switzerland

Mobile Casino

In present times, mobile devices rule the world. They have established their presence in every domain of life; from shopping to paying bills to booking appointments. Needless to say, their importance in the gaming industry can also not be underestimated. 7 Melons Casino understands this too and thus offers an exclusive mobile casino for its players. It has also made its casino site compatible with all the platforms like android and IOS. This also means that you will be able to access this online casino on all your devices like iPhones, iPods, tablets or androids mobile. Thus making it easier for you to relish gaming on the go.

Live Casino

To make 7 Melons Casino, a one-time gaming stop for all the players, this casino brand also presents live casino games for the players. These let the them play real-time with the players all around the world. Not only this, these live games are hosted by live dealers who add more to this fun. All you need to do is log in to your 7 Melons casino account and go to the live games tab. This will give you access to these live dealer games. So sign up at this casino site and head to its gaming lobby to fulfill all your gaming needs!

7 Melons Casino Software

The gaming fun that the players get to enjoy at an online casino site largely depends on its software. Thus it has been powered by some of the best gaming software brands like Netent and Microgaming. These together have not only ensured that the players get a flawless gaming experience with its user friendly graphics and superior quality audiovisual effects. But these have also made its gaming lobby full of the games that can make this casino site easy to fall in love with.


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7 Melons Casino Games

The games at an online casino play a major role in deciding the amount of fun that the players. 7 Melons casino knows this and has thus made its gaming lobby a dream come true for the players. It offers the best of both; quality and quantity to the players. Further, to make looking for your favorite games easier for you, we have briefly described the games it offers below.

7 Melons Casino Video Slot Games

Thanks to their popularity, slot games have permanently made their place in the hearts of the players and also in the gaming lobbies of all the reputed online casinos. 7 Melons Casino also acknowledges this and offers high-quality slot games for the players. Its gaming lobby is loaded with slot games that are going to be loved by the players. These include classic slots, 3 reels slots and the latest 5 reels. Some of these include Wild Scarabs and Immortal Slots, Thunderstruck II and Lucha Legends.

7 Melons Casino Table Games

If slot games are not your thing, table games are definitely going to make their way to your heart. These let the players enjoy playing with cards and decks in the comfort of their homes. And, the good news is that 7 Melons Casino has an equally terrific collection of these too. So if you want to give a rest to slot games and go with the cards to try out your luck; these are the perfect choice for you. Log in to your 7 Melons Casino account and enjoy the games like Blackjack and its variants.

7 Melons Casino Video Poker & Other Games

The list of games at 7 Melons Casino is as terrific as its gaming standards. This casino site makes sure that the players never run out of choices when it comes to playing the games it offers. The types of games that you can enjoy at this casino site do not just end with the few games mentioned above. Along with these, you will also find the games like video poker, scratch cards and keno in its gaming lobby. These make sure there is no place for monotony once you start playing here.
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7 Melons Casino Bonuses and Promotions

Weekly Draw

You can be sure that 7 Melons casino is never going to shy away when it comes to rewarding its players. It ensures this by giving the players a chance to enjoy huge free spins every week its weekly draw promotion. The best part is that it does not make playing online each week more fun for the players but also gives them a chance to grab free spins offers. So get ready to enjoy these and spin the reels slot games for free. Don’t forget to log in to your account and play online for real to relish this free treat!

No Deposit Bonus

No Deposit bonuses are the favourite of the players as these bring along a chance to play online for free. Since these let them enjoy the games that at this casino without having to worry about the funds in their accounts. 7 Melons Casino also understands this and does not want its players to be devoid of this fun. Thus it also offers no deposit bonuses to the players. These are frequently offered and can be easily checked in the promotions section on its online casino site. Also, don’t forget to keep a check on your registered email address as some exclusive no deposit promo codes might be sent to that.

Loyalty Program

Though this casino site offers frequent bonuses to the players it also makes every day they play here a chance to win. Thus it presents its loyalty program which is very elaborate and full of chances to win. This makes sure that the players get to be a part of fun each time they log in here. With this, you will be awarded loyalty points for every real money you place. These can be redeemed for bonuses and also help you climb up the loyalty tiers. As you climb these up the levels, bonuses and the fun that you get to have at this casino site will only go on increasing!

Birthday Bonus

Birthday presents and treats hold a special place in our lives. Since when chosen correctly a birthday gift can lighten up any one’s day. 7 Melons casino has wisely chosen the birthday treat of its players and gives all it is player a birthday bonus to the make their special day extra special. What could be a better way to celebrate your birthday than being able to relish the games you love with a huge bonus by your side. But hey! Don't forget to visit this casino site to grab this bonus offer.
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