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DWT36 (January 30th 2021)

DWT36 (January 30th 2021)
Testing testing; check one two – DWT is live once again on Reddit!
Terrific, terrific stuff

Alas – promotion has remained minimal; once again in the doldrums we find ourselves. Its been quite the roller coaster ride – only insofar as feeling like a slow laboured piece of shite – but we retain the hope we’ll finally be able to climb the hill without the gears slipping and forcing us backwards, slowly returning to home base. This time we actually open the tool box and pluck out spanners and drills and saws; not everything can be fixed with duct tape.
For transparency - my head isnae oft under the hood of my car fixing stuff to be honest. Sure - I can slip a bit of fluid in the windscreen wipers bottle, or tot up the oil or whatever pish; but its no oft I've a exhaust manifold sat on a workbench or owt. Its learning as we go at the moment - a wee plume of smoke erupts; its back to base to investigate, decipher, learn and fix. A fair amount of, 'Whats this for?' or ,'Are you sure that goes there?' - its perhaps not ideal given the parameters. But with each slight - with each disaster; knowledge is harvested. We take the lessons learnt and move forward with amendments being made to the manuscripts as we go. Much akin to years gone by - Columbus or whomever, out there on the seas; crew being struck down with all sorts of exotic and new ailments - none wise to what the fucks going on. Horrendous of course - but terrific news to bring home to the masses, 'Eat more oranges whilst at sea' etc.
My own ailments have been well documented in the usual places - a back constructed from old useless pieces of garbage lying about the place; a neck filled with big lumps of shite and sinew that there just isnae the room to allow for, and a head handicapped by a stiffness in movement that presents little oppurtunity for swift responsiveness and data capturing. Its tough, I'm no going to lie. but with the definite nature of the ailments presenting obstacles I just simply have to deal with, there comes a time when you just have to shrug your shoulders and get on with it. Being down in the dumps will be present here and there - its a right cunt when you don't have the usual avenues available, other than one pain-filled and doom-laden. I spent a bit of cash and time buying up equipment and having checks done and all the rest - but in the end, the reality of being an old cunt is one that comes with manys an acceptance. I do accept - but I also look to break boundaries. I say, 'Ok - the last cunt that did this, how did he do? Oh no cunts tried it? Well there's a precendence to be set then; a target for which others can take aim at and better - pushing ability further and further until the ailment is barely registering. Rehabilitation is summat I kind of make up as I go along; if it takes putting my left arm over my right then bending ninety degrees to release a bit of stabby pain - so be it. Thats what I've discovered helps for that particular problem. Duly noted. Always learning.
It likely makes sense reading this sort of shite, that as a result - I do what I do. Days of parading around pitches or arenas or courts or whatever long since over in any sense of competitiveness - the boots and racquets and clubs and all the rest sold on eBay or given to charity; no point in any of that now. It only serves to get in the way of my current progress march - DWT. Its been a long-winded trail of pish granted - but the point isnae now lost I'm sure: Dad does DWT like he means it. I do do that - it means a fucking lot. I oft stare way too far off into the distance at end goals and the like - no different with DWT - but in the interim, I've a terrific way of maintaining a voice and liaising with others. Whilst statistically I've had more prosperous times with DWT - in its current guise, the sense of acceptance is now one where the interactions are now expectant - with an wonderful sense of adventure. Its been a long and winding snake this current absence of victory - but even this deep into the hunt, the ever-presence of intrigue remains at large for some; for others that is represented by returning for a glance here and there. Either way - they know where it is and know who to ask. One day - they'll be telling stories and handing over t-shirts as gifts. I've no doubt in my mind this will be one day a reality.

Very upset I was at last weeks non-event; support was thick in the air for it. Little wonder – the combo was dripping with intrigue and potential aplenty. Alas the goals were very, very slow in arriving; nothing available in terms of prosperous cash out ops…just white knuckled fists gripped about the garment, hoping for last minute madness. The time spent up and out of the slurry that is being Whitewashed, avoided for just one week. Ah no. But after such a lengthy time amongst it – its understandable the week up and out was used as a potential springboard to superstardom. Lets rid ourselves of this place for as long as we can - remove the chance of dwelling there and get ourselves far, far away. To be honest with you - this mantra translates fairly loosely for me; sure o n paper reducing the odds and playing safe seems wise etc...but is it DWT? Does it carry the required essence? Glance at the picks - judge for yourselves. My eyes will always see what they see: Hope. So to wrap up - We prove we don't scare, We prove that we dare - the call to take care, is not oft one we share. Reddit Running Total (RRT) currently sits at -£323.43. Ah no.

I’m not promoting it in the slightest to be put on; it's purely to be completely transparent about where the beans I'm spilling are being pushed towards – this is after all, a Life Experiment: Can a useless old arsehole prosper under strict weekly gambling conditions? Word of warning; prior to this – not really.
The sticky clarifies - but just to reiterate - here's the format...DRS20 is Dads Recommended Spend: £20. This is a lot of money granted - and I would encourage absolute apprehension if this sort of money represents life altering for you personally if zero is returned. I’m lucky enough to be able to afford to lose £20 in a week; but confess that if I got no return for say, 20 weeks in a row - I would likely be without something I value (a streaming service or summat). I don’t take it lightly. Four bets are placed with this outlay; a £5 Treble (DWT) and three £5 Doubles. Generally if two come up, the bet is covered (up or down £2 or so). My gambling prowess is pretty much a joke; so whilst I advertise, I in no way qualify them as a given. I’m a prick with plenty bollocks to spout is all. This is how I frame it.

So here it is - the one that fuses the agony from different sources, in an attempt to turn shitey water into wine:
Its DWT36

ABERDEEN livingston 17/10
WOLVERHAMPTON WANDERS crystal palace 13/8
KILMARNOCK st johnstone 3/1

29.58/1 we get for this selection – terrific.

Over 22's last week; over 29's this week - I was deflated by last week there's no doubt there; but I choose to keep in focus the belief that existed prior to the collapse. Wise voices were thick in the air - there was little doubt that on paper - we had a solid wee bastard. To return nothing obviously stings like a right wee bastard - but the hope prior to me is as potent as the energy felt at things going right during. togetherness already evident before things have even got going is the kernel of goodness that really maximises the joy. Get it early - maintain it; and you're in for a terrific day. Trust therefore today proves equally potent 😎

ABERDEEN are in the mix; no oft I do this - but I just feel all the ingredients add up to victory here. Travelling to a place where no cunt seems able to win anymore, accompanied by a complete lack of scoring ability, seems possibly a strange set of ingredients to base assuredness on - but for me this is the essence of this weeks effort. Sure they are on fire at the moment; but if you're telling me the Dons are incapable of winning a game at livingston, then well - we are at a fucking crossroads ese.
WOLVERHAMPTON WANDERERS are feeling it a smidge this season; bottom half, struggling for form - they're a shadow of their former selves based on the return. But they visit a mob in much the same kind of dire straits themsleves - and based on recent escapades, Wolves seem much more the cunts likely to propell themselves upwards. The return to glory starts here.
KILMARNOCK subbed in at the last minute (ish) then - the affair at walsall called off alas. with it, Mansfields hope of yet another victory. Times have been tough for Killie tbf; but 3/1 is a price I couldnae resist (assisted no doubt by a couple Killie cunts getting Covid). Plenty left in the tank to get back to winning ways - at home mind. They may be on a tear - but they're arnae Brasil 1970 by fuck.

So there we have it – nostalgia, hope and determination all apparent in equal measure. This time we do it right; wind in the sails – and off across the ocean in search of new worlds. A powerful pirate ship hunting high and low for treasures. Raise the fucking flag - the good ship DWT is back and ready to provide for its crew. If you play; play safe. DRS20 as always people.
Frustration at the amount won, is better than the heartache at the amount lost.
submitted by Dad1903 to DadsWeeklyTreble [link] [comments]

DWT34 (January 16th 2021)

DWT34 (January 16th 2021)
Testing testing; check one two – DWT is live once again on Reddit!
Terrific, terrific stuff

Alas – promotion has remained minimal; a time away in the shadows I thought best after last weeks non-event. The missing match - Dundee Utd / st johnstone - was replayed there in midweek. A draw. So if it had been transferred - fuck all back anyhow. Not officially (which is summat I guess) - but for all intensive purposes; another whitewash. Ah no. Rest assured - I'll be making sure the asterisk is set in bold type explaining the break in flow as displayed by the progress checker spreadsheet. Regardless - the need for the fucking asterisk in the first place; unacceptable.
In between of course; a more ridiculous set of images you're very unlikely to see. Pricks aplenty making a right cunt of themselves on display by the fucking thousand. A big place the States of course - but the effort made by many to attend the event and be a proper off the chain crazy bastard, is indicative of a real issue evident. In terms of polar opposite mindsets, I've oft being fairly comfortable with accepting theres many whose opinion I cannot change. The aim mainly, to at least pry open the door of acknowledgment, make the cunt aware - and hope the journey life takes them on exposes them to more and more rational thought and has them adjust things from within (thus voluntarily spreading the good word of the more fundamental levels of common sense and decency to the other folks they do life together with). Impossible of course to keep track of the efforts made, given none of these pricks are ever seen or heard from again...hope more than anything.
Anyone or anything can have a key influence on something amazing happening of course; the best of things occur free of outside influence - beauty appearing purely based on random events clashing. Terrific of course - but often theres not time available, to be waiting on diamonds forming or whatever pish. The studying of behaviours makes discoveries; yadda yadda - 'look at what we've made by fusing these two things together'. The definitiveness of science, makes achieving new exciting stuff possible as fuck. The same ethos applied to human behaviour not quite as efficient alas; if anything the textbooks of study fattening by the month - 'oh sure - we sussed that in many occurences, these actions will suffice; but we also discovered a whole other mess of crap whilst we were doing pish related to the original problem. In essence - 5 times more work created (at a guess)'.
A seemingly infinite number of potentials therefore available to any human being; the potential for unexpected behaviour off the scale. This ball of debris has grown in size rapidly over the last 12+ months - reasons fairly obvious - but the chaos caused by a few quickly implemented laws to abide by, is a stark reminder of just how many mindsets there are out there these days. Sure it wasn't quite as simple as good v evil in times gone by - but these days, the heightening of splinter activity really seems to have gone into hyperspace. With tools to put your voice out there available for a few bangers, the oppurtunity to talk at the world, is oft too good to turn down (no exactly innocent of such behaviour myself tbf haha). Folk having outlandish opinion is nothing new of course - but with only the folk in range to spout the pish to, oft the voice got crushed quickly under the weight of apathy. Now - you can meet a cunt exactly like you from all over the place anywhere in the world (that has internet). Any activity where theres a few cunts involved, plans made - actual intent to inflict/perform/abuse....thats the properly scary stuff. One serial killer - terrible. Two serial killers working, why and where did this relationship blossom? The conversation between the two turns sinister...who commits first to admitting they're a fucking mad cunt? Confusing that folk think they can just lay that shite out there and be filled with expectancy they're on their way to a fun filled life of horrendous activity. Whats happening in the world where they feel comfy enough just casually discussing jailworthy activity? Ach I don't know - the human mind. Loads of work to do yet - hoo mama.

Every week of late the mantra here has been detailing an emphasis on no nonsense - well I do believe that this weeks effort is the actual proper qualifier for this monicker. A solid combo combining the very fibre of elements that make up the DWT formula; at the very least a double seems solid. Not that I'm making do - I don't want to get into settling of course; more of an effort here to draw attention to the solidity of things. I'm of no doubt we're getting all of them trotting over the line and finally - FINALLY - denting that negative that has weighed the ship down for so so long. A smidge away from tipping over £300 - scary stuff. The sweat produced from the worry is harvested however and turned into fuel; from the energy we prosper 😎. So to wrap up - no longer at play, we gather all to say - we do things different today, lets go make some fucking hay. Reddit Running Total (RRT) currently sits at -£298.57. Ah no.

I’m not promoting it in the slightest to be put on; it's purely to be completely transparent about where the beans I'm spilling are being pushed towards – this is after all, a Life Experiment: Can a useless old arsehole prosper under strict weekly gambling conditions? Word of warning; prior to this – not really.
The sticky clarifies - but just to reiterate - here's the format...DRS20 is Dads Recommended Spend: £20. This is a lot of money granted - and I would encourage absolute apprehension if this sort of money represents life altering for you personally if zero is returned. I’m lucky enough to be able to afford to lose £20 in a week; but confess that if I got no return for say, 20 weeks in a row - I would likely be without something I value (a streaming service or summat). I don’t take it lightly. Four bets are placed with this outlay; a £5 Treble (DWT) and three £5 Doubles. Generally if two come up, the bet is covered (up or down £2 or so). My gambling prowess is pretty much a joke; so whilst I advertise, I in no way qualify them as a given. I’m a prick with plenty bollocks to spout is all. This is how I frame it.

So here it is - the one that recognises the added tension caused by last weeks non-adventure and vows to delivery action, joy and elation in equal measure:

Its DWT34

PETERBOROUGH UNITED milton keynes dons 5/4

16.63/1 we get for this selection – terrific.

Over 17's last week; over 16's this week - the lands of teen now residence of the DWT for now 2 weeks running (albeit last weeks was scrubbed from the record books owing to postponement. Ah no). Fairly apparent this one is, in the hunt up there at the front of the race and no mistake. Really could do with summat right out of the traps tbh; last weeks damp squib really deflated the figurative dinghy...chuck in the Dons being postponed not once but fucking twice - football was the source of much disdain over the last week. Still - over the rut we are; the delay soon forgotten when this cheeky number strolls home 😎

NOTTINGHAM FOREST now 6 games undefeated; the ship well and truly steadied. Home they are again; which will hopefully add emphasis to the need to bang in a few more goals, having thrust home just 1 or less in the last 5. But here - now we've a semblence of confidence; its time for flair and invention to take precedent. Its only millwall - fuck em.
PETERBOROUGH UNITED at a price that had me do a bitty more delving that perhaps necessary...but nowt tells me they'll foresee any more problems than most other weeks. Any doubt in their energy was soon chucked out the window after they laid Portsmouth to the sword midweek (5-1 for the love of fuck). victory keeps them on the edge of the auto-places; 12 goals scored in their last three home games suggests in the baggedness aplenty.
SCUNTHORPE UNITED Okay - a pretty obvious keystone this week are Scunthorpe; but hear me out - away to fellow strugglers barrow they are - very winnable. Beat them last time out in a tight affair; but they have that edge at least. Away form patchy; a defeat last time out - but after going 2-1 down in the first ten minutes, ran the game until a 93rd minute sealer. Before that a couple of 1-0's; they're at the races most the time. a wee rub of greenery and hey presto I reckon. Nowt like the presence of near foes to motivate.

So there we have it – nostalgia, hope and determination all apparent in equal measure. This time we do it right; wind in the sails – and off across the ocean in search of new worlds. A powerful pirate ship hunting high and low for treasures. Raise the fucking flag - the good ship DWT is back and ready to provide for its crew. If you play; play safe. DRS20 as always people.
Frustration at the amount won, is better than the heartache at the amount lost.
submitted by Dad1903 to DadsWeeklyTreble [link] [comments]

DWT35 (January 23nd 2021)

DWT35 (January 23nd 2021)
Testing testing; check one two – DWT is live once again on Reddit!
Terrific, terrific stuff

Alas – promotion has remained minimal; but we've now in our possession, a wee snifter of a chance to properly leap aboard the success train. Admittedly this snifter is based on nowt more than the run of horror being ended - but additional to that; there was a strange couple of incidents surrounding the number 69 (see Twitter for details). Admittedly - notable only really for the fact 69 was involved (easy minded). But thats the noteworthiness there in itself - I'd have surely noticed a chance 69 occurrence or two if it'd been apparent previously.
69 - what does it mean? Theres the linkage to coitous of course; but away from that - there's the less coarse noteworthiness of ying and yang: pushed together, the numbers interlock as if, finally - they have found the positions required to fuse and be as one. DWT and Victory - which is 6 and which is 9 - it matters little. the fusion removes the barriers of former association. Here - I'm no a filofax of all things repeated link occurrences; but 2 within a week - thats summat. Summat to pay heed to and to take confidence from. Dismissing rewards and becoming accustomed to skeptitude, is a road tarred with regret and frustration: 'I should have...' 'If only I'd...' Impractical of course to grasp hold confidently to any and all random encounters and possibles - but well worth doing a smidge of research on whatever slips itself into your field of vision (aside from the nigerian prince type obvious pish).
My journey towards the inevitable destination of spirituality, has been one filled with tests - harsh lessons learnt and no fucking mistake. Akin to any challenge - the problems lie within your own doubt and lack of belief. Laid bear - the achievements successfully processed, by the best of the best at each and every thing there is to be the best at - are all unforeseen and random. Noone knows precisely when and where a new best will be set, even by the achiever themselves. The combination of good surrounding them at that time equated to can't be rushed, it can't be forced - it's a force that guides you. I've lost count of the number of times my bottle has been dropped and smashed on the floor; a wee game of pool - out to a giant lead; me on the black, the other cunt on all his yellows still...yadda yadda - defeated. Dinnae get me wrong - I'm no an exclusive to failure type cunt; theres been many many smooth and silky victories over the years - pizazz a fucking plenty. But raw in my mind, are manys an occasion where I'm in the ascendency - in particular in the sense of a knife edge being balanced upon....Pot this one ball - this straight shot into the other balls in the way - just tap it in. Just tap it in now. Just tap-tap-tap a roo....missed. The back straightens sharply, eyes burning a hole in the black ball, as it trickles slowly away from the intended target.
Its been a while since I've had my hands wrapped around a pool cue; the memories still hurt. Sports are all competitive and difficult to make inroads into at the best of times. At my age, if there's no indication of any kind of raw talent - move on to the next one. Did the usual merry-go-round through the usual ones; once they were exhausted then onto the less so ones. Nowadays - none. An acceptance my set of tools are alas not of the calibre required to make any sort of worthwhile progress. Those who can't do teach of course; and whilst placing wagers is perhaps another topic potentially set to be tossed on the 'tried and failed' pile - its one where I've finally achieved peace of mind. Acceptance I will never be the best specifically at harvesting huge lumps of cash - but also recognising that in itself, the path woven is worthy of highlighting (given the content is of a magnetic enough calibre). Free of the shackles of expectancy - expression and artistic license can be turned to for inspiration, offering others the opportunity to lay eyes on something other than the what have you. Whether it takes precedence over the what have you is the thing. Then once thats got some traction - beginning the quest towards when DWT eventually itself becoming the what have you; familiar hellos and nods - part of the landscape. This happening I'm hoping will result in the draining of stress and mental anguish I carry around with me; fingers crossed 🤞

The feelings on this weeks effort are much akin to last week; its all on the keystone. She fell out last week alas - but this week we have home advantage in our Keystone affair; suddenly things get a good smidge more attractive. The good news accompanying this, is the odds are a lot more generous than they were for last weeks Keystone; and as such we've got something here that I like to refer to as, 'The Perfect Storm'. We may be going up and down and side to side quite violently - but one things for sure; we'll have a terrific prosperous time 😎. So to wrap up - now we've broken the curse, put the rot in reverse - we slip a hand into the purse, there's a plan to rehearse. Reddit Running Total (RRT) currently sits at -£303.43. Ah no.

I’m not promoting it in the slightest to be put on; it's purely to be completely transparent about where the beans I'm spilling are being pushed towards – this is after all, a Life Experiment: Can a useless old arsehole prosper under strict weekly gambling conditions? Word of warning; prior to this – not really.
The sticky clarifies - but just to reiterate - here's the format...DRS20 is Dads Recommended Spend: £20. This is a lot of money granted - and I would encourage absolute apprehension if this sort of money represents life altering for you personally if zero is returned. I’m lucky enough to be able to afford to lose £20 in a week; but confess that if I got no return for say, 20 weeks in a row - I would likely be without something I value (a streaming service or summat). I don’t take it lightly. Four bets are placed with this outlay; a £5 Treble (DWT) and three £5 Doubles. Generally if two come up, the bet is covered (up or down £2 or so). My gambling prowess is pretty much a joke; so whilst I advertise, I in no way qualify them as a given. I’m a prick with plenty bollocks to spout is all. This is how I frame it.

So here it is - the one that is now ready to accept its fate and be propelled into hyperspace by our new friend, 69:

Its DWT35

QUEENS PARK RANGERS derby county 8/5
PETERBOROUGH UNITED ipswich town 13/10
WIGAN ATHLETIC fleetwood town 29/10

22.32/1 we get for this selection – terrific.

Over 16's last week; over 22's this week - there's now maybes no so much of an expectant glance these days; the consistency of price is not one to hang the hat off of. But generally I find after a wee bitty of success, I generally react in a glisteny-eye type way and push the boat out. This week no different then - the scales tipping over the 20 mark; a land I enjoy if I'm honest. The journey one much more befitting of the vessel The Good Ship is - eager for confrontation jousting and challenging obstacles. Final checks all round - but we've a trio of heroes here afore you today; mark my fucking words people 😎

QUEENS PARK RANGERS caught my eye there a wee whiley ago after hearing the news Charlie Austin had re-signed; a terrific wee cunt he is. First game back - and a goal in a 2-0 winning effort over Luton away. Back to Loftus Road for the first home outing this week; Pugfaces derby in town to provide the challenge. In good spirits they'll be after getting the first win of the Pugface regime there in midweek - that the second of two they've played whilst QPR have been resting and waiting for today. Hat-trick for the man of the moment, wouldnae be a surprise if you ask me.
PETERBOROUGH UNITED caused plenty joy last week; and at a price that claws at my cuff saying 'pickme-pickme-pickme' - shall do Peterborough son 😎. Perhaps a tougher ask than last - away from home to ipswich, who find themselves 4 points back from the visitors. But a home record that shows 4 defeats ib the last 5, plus a scoreline that read 1-4 to Peterborough last time - dinnae fret. In the fucking satchel 👍
WIGAN ATHLETIC are our Keystone this week - 29/10 for a home affair against fleetwood. I've been watching the form of fleetwood since Joey B left; and no wins since. 6 free of a victory; 3 defeats in a row - the sting of change not yet repaired. Sure its got to end sometime; but in Wigan we have a mob who are battering in goals aplenty at the moment - 7 goals for in their last 2, both away from home. they score early, they could be in for a properly terrific hammering. Lets see what happens.

So there we have it – nostalgia, hope and determination all apparent in equal measure. This time we do it right; wind in the sails – and off across the ocean in search of new worlds. A powerful pirate ship hunting high and low for treasures. Raise the fucking flag - the good ship DWT is back and ready to provide for its crew. If you play; play safe. DRS20 as always people.
Frustration at the amount won, is better than the heartache at the amount lost.
submitted by Dad1903 to DadsWeeklyTreble [link] [comments]

DWT31 (December 26th 2020)

DWT31 (December 26th 2020)
Testing testing; check one two – DWT is live once again on Reddit!
Terrific, terrific stuff

Alas – promotion has remained minimal; concentration devoted to other important matters: the Big DWT T-Shirt Giveaway. The entrants remained steady at the fixed 5 folk - the decision thus taken to reward all those who made effort to type the hashtag. Within moments - one of those announced there was no need for a t-shirt (I'm at this time yet to respond to the young man) - coudnae make it up. Woke up this morn - and thankfully two claimed. Important to actually have a complete trail from start to finish. Indication created for evermore, that the franchise is able to deliver on its vows - something folks can place trust in.

Not to be ignored - in the background this whole occasion; the shamed Good Ship DWT. Back from yet another complete failure of a trip. Unable to deliver a win pre-xmas as hoped and heavily alluded to. We did manage to grab a healthy double way back at the start of the month - for that we can at least be thankful. During those convos where vitriol is being spat right in ones face, there is the chance at least to fill any void of chat with a quip relating to this success. On second thoughts - maybe no haha ah no. No defeats last week either - the ultimate slap to the mouth. One wee goal from either the draw-ers and we'd be skipping along the path akin to Mary Poppins herself. Glee is never that far away - its just if one doesnae manage to successfully tip themselves over the edge, they tumble backwards into a big pile of dirty filthy shite. I mind once thinking a well placed dunt on the side of one of yon copper coin cliffhanger machines, would see me wee taken care of financially for a spell - instead the rings of alarms filled my ear as an angry permed worman pointed sternedly at the exit door. So close - now never again. Sometimes when you ride a bull, he manages to flick you off, then drive one of his dirty bastard horns up your bing bong. Fuck that.
I'm no cowboy. I'd take an interest obviously - in much the same way as any new thing being presented to me as a potential option. Full of chin scratching and wide-eyedness I'd be; but longer term, there'd be a friendly exchange of waves and me driving off into the distance to pursue much the same pish as I always have. The directional changes - whilst evident - are subtle. Deviation - whilst extreme in the past; has now been settled for a fair old stretch. It has its ups and downs - these days I'm more about wee blips. A firm path - with a pothole to fill from time to time; but always that familiar feel, look and smell. Its important to reach down and touch what feels comfortable. When you land upon it; really take time to get to know - a wee finger in a puddle, a taste of the fluid following by instant spittling. Rich in nutrients - terrific. I've had a wee sample of that type of thing - not directly I must add alas; but certainly enough to have a sense of how wondrous the feeling of possessing land can be. A wee patch to call your own.
The experience of observing that kind of relationship unfold is an interesting one. The events I watched, were often tinged with a level of discomfort - the owner was all too willing to get on his high horse about things. Right from the off - chest a puffed, air blasting fumedly from the corner of his scowl. He was generally the kin of cunt I gazed upon through furrowed brow - but no question, there was a degree of success to his game. His existence I reasoned, made those with more tact all the more appreciated. One can never underestimate the terrificness of warmth when faced directly with frost. Admittedly - one must confess a dropping of the guard and an allowance of acceptance in replacement from time to time. Effortlessly sitting back, gently ushering in the energy to spout summat in contest of displays of disdain. I always reason you need to let a wee blast through from time to time. Else the cold will frost over the controls, leaving us helpless in the face of aggressive and heartless behaviour. Leaving oneself raw here and there reminds folk of its existence.

On the rocks we were from the week before; finally able to pluck ourselves free from the clutches of the Evil Bastard Rocks - we dusted the place down, tugged the sails back up the masts and got up to speed. Skip forward a few hours - there we were a fucking gain; smashed to fuck against the Evil Bastard Rocks - the slimey seaweed stench filling our nostrils akin to the odour of defeat and perish. Useless bastards - they were laughing at us were the Evil Bastard Rocks. Once - the fuel is transferred easily into the tanks of belief. No the first time at the Ridicule Rodeo. Twice - aye sure, hands held up - accepted. But no doubt ones eye was a twitching in recognition. Thrice - well lets no pay too much heed unnecessarily. Such a wretched time, its best no mused over until absolutely necessary. Concentration therefore on victory - as fucking always 😎. So to wrap up - with Xmas dealt with, Hellos to those relative - avoiding the negative, by popping a sedative. Reddit Running Total (RRT) currently sits at -£253.57. Ah no.

I’m not promoting it in the slightest to be put on; it's purely to be completely transparent about where the beans I'm spilling are being pushed towards – this is after all, a Life Experiment: Can a useless old arsehole prosper under strict weekly gambling conditions? Word of warning; prior to this – not really.
The sticky clarifies - but just to reiterate - here's the format...DRS20 is Dads Recommended Spend: £20. This is a lot of money granted - and I would encourage absolute apprehension if this sort of money represents life altering for you personally if zero is returned. I’m lucky enough to be able to afford to lose £20 in a week; but confess that if I got no return for say, 20 weeks in a row - I would likely be without something I value (a streaming service or summat). I don’t take it lightly. Four bets are placed with this outlay; a £5 Treble (DWT) and three £5 Doubles. Generally if two come up, the bet is covered (up or down £2 or so). My gambling prowess is pretty much a joke; so whilst I advertise, I in no way qualify them as a given. I’m a prick with plenty bollocks to spout is all. This is how I frame it.

So here it is - the one that, in recognition the stretchiness of manys wallets - plucks some proverbial diamonds from amongst the manure:

Its DWT31

ROSS COUNTY st mirren 19/10
SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY blackburn rovers 4/1
DERBY COUNTY preston north end 29/20

34.53/1 we get for this selection – terrific.

Over 57's last week; over 34's this week - no records this Boxing Day Edition being set. In its place a potential return that certainly still qualifies as a jaw dropping amount. At the very least - worthy of having one reaching for ones phone to text a few cunts the good news. Given the messages and calls will be pinging this way and fucking that; a nice wee sprinkling of magic dust added to the convo-cake with the announcement you bagged a hipful of bangers thanks to a terrific old cunts weekly wager. 'Whats this?' They ask - followed by a stretch of awkwardness no doubt haha - a hipful of bangers nonetheless; thats the focus. Claim it as your own - no cunt wants to tell folks they're taking advice off of a proven useless arsehole. But here - win the day and that perception will maybes update itself a smidge. Lets see what happens 😎

ROSS COUNTY were locked upon as soon as the managerial change occurred; you always expect a touch of joy early on in a cunts shot. Yogi Hughes it is; a chance to show he still has summat to offer after a strange moment over at Raith there. First game was Celtic away - so forgiven for perhaps saving the sheckels on that one. Today at home to st mirren; no disrespect to the quite frankly on fire sainties; but unarguably a much more winnable affair. An able team County are as a couple results thus far have proven; they've something to return Yogi at the very least in the short term.
SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY are one I've gotten a smidge obsessive about; convinced I am the Pulis will turn shite around. And you know - as I say that, a wee glance at the form sheets and we see - oh ho - a win last time out for the Owls. Finally - a dollop of positive slopped into the ice cream bowl. Beating coventry a world beater does not make - I get it (hoo mama); but never underestimate the power of feeling - Tony will have harnessed it and swung it this way and that, licking it across the faces of all involved at Sheffield Wednesday. A new attitude - a new hope. With it - victory.
DERBY COUNTY find themselves once more amongst my selections; now arguably a fairly obvious choice upon anyones sheet. Unbeaten now in 6 - pugface has steadied the ship and no mistake. Sure - still a ways to go; lots of draws, no many goals - the main encouragement being their most impressive performance was the most recent; a terrific 2-0 cunting of pretenders Swansea. A tone to set going into 2021 - theres an intent about the wee pricks the now. Lets see what they do with it.

So there we have it – nostalgia, hope and determination all apparent in equal measure. This time we do it right; wind in the sails – and off across the ocean in search of new worlds. A powerful pirate ship hunting high and low for treasures. Raise the fucking flag - the good ship DWT is back and ready to provide for its crew. If you play; play safe. DRS20 as always people.
Frustration at the amount won, is better than the heartache at the amount lost.
submitted by Dad1903 to DadsWeeklyTreble [link] [comments]

Americans who played abroad today: 12/14-18/20

December 14th
Superliga (Denmark)
Emmanuel Sabbi (Odense Boldklub) Started at RW and played 72‘ in a 1-1 draw with FC Midtjylland. Assisted on the teams goal in the 14th’ (7.2/-) 12/17 passing, 2 crosses, 0/1 accurate long ball, 1 key pass, 32 touches, 5/10 duels won, 1 clearance, 1/4 successful dribbles, 1 time fouled, 1 foul, 0/1 successful tackle, 2/2 aerials won, 1 interception, 2 recoveries Match Highlights
Ryan Laursen (Odense Boldklub) Started at RB and went the full 90’ in a 1-1 draw with FC Midtjylland (6.3/-) 18/27 passing, 1/6 accurate long balls, 1 key pass, 47 touches, 2/7 duels won, 5 clearances, 1 time dispossessed, 4 fouls, 1/1 successful tackle, 1/1 aerial won

Premier league (Israel)
Josh Cohen (Maccabi Haifa) Started at GK and went the full 90’ in a 1-0 Win against Hapoel Tel Aviv (-/-) Match Highlights

Ekstraklasa (Poland)
Kenny Saief (Lechia Gdańsk on loan from Anderlecht) Started at LCM and played 76‘ in a 1-0 Loss against Wisla Plock. Picked up a yellow in the 71st’ (-/-) Match Highlights

December 15th
Copa Del Rey (Spain)
Samuel Shashoua (CD Tenerife) Started at LM and went the full 120’ in a 2-0 AET Win against Sestao. Picked up a yellow in the 49th’ and Scored the game winner in the 99th’ (-/-) Match Highlights

Premier league (England)
Christian Pulisic (Chelsea) Started at LW and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Loss against Wolverhampton (6.9/7.23) 34/40 passing, 4 crosses, 1/2 accurate long balls, 59 touches, 11/19 duels won, 4/7 successful dribbles, 1 time dispossessed, 5 times fouled, 2/6 aerials won, 1 interception, 2 recoveries Match Highlights
Owen Otasowie (Wolverhampton) Subbed on in the 45th‘ in a 2-1 Win against Chelsea. Assisted on the 1st goal in the 66th’ (7.7/7.16) 0/1 shot on target, 13/16 passing, 2 key passes, 31 touches, 6/11 duels won, 1 time fouled, 1 foul, 2/2 successful tackles, 3/6 aerials won, 3 interception,s 3 recoveries

Alex Mighten (Nottingham Forest) Started at LW and played 88‘ in a 2-0 Win against Sheffield Wednesday (6.6/6.59) 0/2 shots on target, 7/9 passing, 1/2 accurate long balls, 25 touches, 5/10 duels won, 3/3 successful dribbles, 2 times dispossessed, 2 times fouled, 1 foul, 0/1 aerial won, 1 recovery Match Highlights
Geoff Cameron (QPR) Started at RDM and went the full 90’ in a 0-0 draw with Stoke City (7.3/7.08) 27/45 passing, 3/9 accurate long balls, 64 touches, 6/12 duels won, 2 clearances, 1/1 successful dribble, 2 times fouled, 2 fouls, 1/1 successful tackle, 2/5 aerials won, 4 interceptions, 11 recoveries Match Highlights

League 1
Niall Mason (Peterborough United) Subbed on in the 70th‘ in a 1-1 draw with MK Dons (6.8/6.51) 6/11 passing, 0/2 accurate long balls, 19 touches, 2/2 duels won, 2 clearances, 1 time fouled, 1/1 successful tackle, 3 interceptions, 1 recovery Match Highlights
Lynden Gooch (Sunderland AFC) Subbed on in the 45th‘ in a 1-1 draw with AFC Wimbledon (5.6/6.06) 6/8 passing, 1/1 accurate long ball, 13 touches, 1/4 duels won, 2 times dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 0/1 aerial won Match Highlights

Bundesliga (Germany)
Giovanni Reyna (Borussia Dortmund) Started at LW and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Win against SV Werder Bremen (6.9/7.20) 1/2 shots on target, 39/50 passing, 1/2 accurate long balls, 2 keypasses, 68 touches, 6/12 duels won, 4/5 successful dribbles, 5 times fouled, 1 time fouled, 0/1 successful tackle, 2 recoveries Match Highlights
Josh Sargent (SV Werder Bremen) Started at RST and played 65‘ in a 2-1 Loss against Borussia Dortmund (6.2/6.45) 9/14 passing, 1 cross, 0/1 accurate long ball, 24 touches, 2/5 duels won, 0/1 successful tackle, 1/4 aerials won, 2 interceptions, 5 recoveries

2. Bundesliga
Bobby Wood (Hamburger SV) Subbed on in the 81st‘ in a 4-0 Win against Sandhausen. Assisted on the 4th goal in the 90th’ (-/6.73) 1/2 passing, 1 key pass, 2 touches, 0/1 duel won, 1 foul Match Highlights
Julian Green (SpVgg Greuther Furth) Started at LCM and played 45‘ in a 4-0 Loss against Darmstadt (6.3/6.48) 13/14 passing, 3 crosses, 2/2 accurate long balls, 1 key pass, 22 touches, 2/3 duels won, 2 clearances, 1 time dispossessed, 0/1 successful tackle, 1/1 aerial won, 3 recoveries Match Highlights
Timothy Tillman (SpVgg Greuther Furth) Subbed on in the 74th‘ in a 4-0 Loss against Darmstadt (6.2/6.17) 1/1 shot on target, 12/15 passing, 2 crosses, 18 touches, 2 recoveries
Jann George (SSV Jahn Regensburg) Subbed on in the 45th‘ in a 0-0 draw with FC Heidenheim (6.1/6.17) 14/20 passing, 0/1 accurate long ball, 1 key pass, 22 touches, 1/7 duels won, 1/1 successful dribble, 1 foul, 0/3 aerials won, 5 recoveries Match Highlights

3. Liga
Maurice Malone (SV Wehen Wiesbaden on loan from FC Augsburg) Started at ST and went the full 90’ in a 4-2 Win against VfB Lubeck (-/-) Match Highlights
Marcel Costly (SV Waldhof Mannheim) Started at RM and went the full 90’ in a 4-1 Loss against Unterhaching (-/-) Match Highlights
Ryan Malone (VfB Lubeck) Subbed on in the 81st‘ in a 4-2 Loss against SV Wehen Wiesbaden (-/-)

Challenge League (Swiss 2nd Division)
Noah Jones (FC Wil 1900) Subbed on in the 60th‘ in a 1-0 Loss against FC Schaffhausen (-/-) Match Highlights
Ilan Sauter (FC Wil 1900 on loan from FC Zurich) Subbed on in the 81st‘ in a 1-0 Loss against FC Schaffhausen (-/-)

December 16th
Copa Del Rey (Spain)
Yunus Musah (Valencia CF) Subbed on in the 86th‘ in a 4-2 AET Win against Terrassa. Scored the tying goal in the 90th’ to send it to ET (7.4/-) 1/1 shot on target, 15/15 passing, 1 cross, 1 key pass, 26 touches, 3/7 duels won, 1/1 successful dribble,2 times dispossessed, 2 times fouled, 1 foul, 0/1 aerial won, 2 recoveries Match Highlights

La Liga
Sergino Dest (FC Barcelona) Started at RB and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Win against Real Sociedad (7.1/6.67) 0/1 shot on target, 23/28 passing, 1 cross, 0/2 accurate long balls, 1 key pass, 47 touches, 4/6 duels won, 2 clearances, 1 foul, 0/2 successful tackles, 2/3 aerials won, 1 interception, 3 recoveries Match Highlights

Premier league (England)
Antonee Robinson (Fulham) Started at LWB and went the full 90’ in a 0-0 draw with Brighton. Picked up a yellow in the 76th‘ (7.5/7.42) 27/47 passing, 3 crosses, 1/8 accurate long balls, 2 key passes, 79 touches, 8//1 duels won, 3 clearances, 4/4 successful dribbles, 1 time fouled, 2 fouls, 0/2 successful tackles, 1/2 aerials won, 2 interceptions, 14 recoveries Match Highlights

Duane Holmes (Derby County) Subbed on in the 72nd‘ in a 2-0 Win against Swansea City (6.0/6.11) 5/6 passing, 7 touches, 3 recoveries Match Highlights
Matthew Olosunde (Rotherham United) Started at RWB and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Loss against Blackburn (6.4/6.54) 0/1 shot on target, 11/16 passing, 3 crosses, 0/2 accurate logn balls, 59 touches, 6/11 duels won, 0/1 successful dribble, 1 time dispossessed, 3 times fouled, 1 foul, 1/3 successful tackle, 0/1 aerial won, 1 interception, 6 recoveries Match Highlights

Serie A (Italy)
Weston Mckennie (Juventus FC on loan from FC Schalke 04) Started at RM and went the full 90’ in a 1-1 draw with Atalanta. Picked up a yellow in the 80th‘ (7.2/7.03) 1/1 shot on target, 17/24 passing, 2 key passes, 43 touches, 5/8 duels won, 3 clearances, 1/1 successful dribble, 2 fouls, 1/2 successful tackles, 2/3 aerials won, 1 interception, 6 recoveries Match Highlights

Bundesliga (Germany)
Tyler Adams (RB Leipzig) Subbed on in the 73rd‘ in a 1-0 Win against Hoffenheim (6.8/6.50) 5/8 passing, 0/1 accurate long ball, 14 touches, 2/2 duels won, 2 clearances, 1/1 successful dribble, 1/1 successful tackle, 1 interception, 3 recoveries Match Highlights
Matthew Hoppe (FC Schalke 04) Subbed on in the 85th‘ in a 2-0 Loss against SC Freiburg (-/5.97) 4/4 passing, 6 touches, 0/2 duels won, 1 time dispossessed, 9/1 won, 1 recovery Match Highlights

2. Bundesliga
Alfredo Morales (Fortuna Düsseldorf) Started at RCM and played 82‘ in a 3-0 Win against VfL Osnabruck (6.5/6.75) 30/34 passing, 3/3 accurate long balls, 1 key pass, 43 touches, 2/12 duels won, 2 clearances, 1/3 successful dribbles, 1 foul, 1/6 aerials won, 10 recoveries Match Highlights

Ligue 1 (France)
Timothy Weah (LOSC Lille) Subbed on in the 71st‘ in a 2-0 Win against Dijon. Scored the 2nd goal in the 90th’ (7.0/7.12) 1/1 shot on target, 4/5 passing, 9 touches, 0/3 duels won, 1 time dispossessed, 1 foul, 0/1 aerial won, 1 interception, 2 recoveries Match Highlights

Jupiler Pro League (Belgium)
Brendan Hines-Ike (KV Kortrijk) Started at LCB and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Win against Standard Liege (6.4/6.12) 15/24 passing, 3/10 accurate long balls, 27 touches, 2/4 duels won, 2 clearances, 2/4 aerials won, 1 recovery Match Highlights

League Cup - Quarter Finals (Scotland)
Scott Pittman (Livingston FC) Started at CAM and went the full 90’ in a 2-0 Win against Ross County (-/-)

DBU Pokalen (Denmark)
Haji Wright (SonderjyskE FC) Started at ST and played 55‘ in a 2-1 Win against Lyngby. Scored the opener in the 40th’ (-/-)

Super League (Switzerland)
Jordan Siebatcheu (BSC Young Boys on loan from Stade Rennais FC) Subbed on in the 90th‘ in a 2-0 Win against FC Basel 1893 (-/-) Match Highlights

Eliteserien (Norway)
Henry Wingo (Molde FK) Started at RB and went the full 90’ in a 4-1 Win against Odds Ballklubb. Picked up a yellow in the 28th’ (6.9/-) 1/2 shots on target, 51/57 passing, 7 crosses, 86 touches, 2/6 duels won, 3 clearances, 0/1 successful dribble, 1 time fouled, 2 fouls, 1/1 successful, interception, 5 recoveries Match Highlights

Fortuna Liga (Slovakia)
Ismar Tandir (Zemplin Michalovce) Started at LST and went the full 90’ in a 4-3 Win against Ruzomberok. Scored the 2nd goal in the 32nd’ and assisted on the 4th goal in the 78th’ (-/-) Match Highlights
Eduvie Ikoba (AS Trencin) Started at ST and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Win against Nitra (-/-) Match Highlights

South America
Liga DIMAYOR I (Colombia)
Roger Torres (Atlético Bucaramanga) Subbed on in the 90th‘ in a 1-1 draw with Deportivo Pereira (-/-) Match Highlights

LigaPro Serie A (Ecuador)
Michael Hoyos (Guayaquil City FC) Started at CAM and played 76‘ in a 0-0 draw with against Técnico Universitario (-/-) Match Highlights

December 17th
South America
Copa Sudamericana - Quarterfinals (International)
Alan Sonora (Club Atlético independiente; Argentina) Subbed on in the 60th‘ in a 3-1 Loss(3-1 Aggregate) against Lanús(Argentina) (6.7/-) 13/14 passing, 3 crosses, 1/1 accurate long ball, 23 touches, 3/4 duels won, 1/2 successful dribbles, 1 foul, 2/2 successful tackles, 4 recoveries Match Highlights

Primera División (Chile)
Enzo Ferrario (La Serena on loan from CD Universidad Católica) Started at RCB and played 45‘ in a 0-0 draw with Universidad de Chile (-/-) 39/44 passing, 1 cross, 0/2 accurate long balls, 49 touches, 0/2 duels won, 0/1 aerial won, 3 interceptions, 3 recoveries Match Highlights

December 18th
Bundesliga (Germany)
Giovanni Reyna (Borussia Dortmund) Started at LW and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Loss against Union Berlin (5.8/5.96) 0/1 shot on target, 33/43 passing, 1 cross, 2/3 accurate long balls, 61 touches, 3/11 duels won, 0/4 successful dribbles, 1 time fouled, 2 fouls, 2/4 aerials won, 5 recoveries Match Highlights

2. Bundesliga
Jann George (SSV Jahn Regensburg) Subbed on in the 45th‘ in a 0-0 draw with Hannover 96 (5.9/6.26) 1/3 shots on target, 10/21 passing, 0/3 accurate long balls, 36 touches, 4/10 duels won, 1 clearance, 0/2 successful dribbles, 2 times dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 1 foul, 0/3 successful tackles, 0/1 aerial won, 5 recoveries Match Highlights

3. Liga
Maurice Malone (SV Wehen Wiesbaden on loan from FC Augsburg) Started at RW and played 75‘ in a 2-2 draw with 1860 Munich (7.4/-) 2/3 shots on target, 17/25 passing, 1/1 accurate long ball, 2 key passes, 45 touches, 8/17 duels won, 3/3 successful dribbles, 3 times dispossessed, 2 times fouled, 2 fouls, 1/1 successful tackle, 2/7 aerials won, 10 recoveries

Ligue 2 (French 2nd Division)
Nicholas Gioacchini (SM Caen) Started at ST and played 82‘ in a 3-2 Win against Dunkirk. Scored the 2nd goal in the 44th’ (7.4/-) 2/2 shots on target, 12/17 passing, 0/1 accurate long ball, 1 key pass, 24 touches, 2/15 duels won, 1 clearance, 3 fouls, 2/12 aerials won, 7 recoveries

Jupiler Pro League (Belgium)
Matt Miazga (Anderlecht on loan from Chelsea) Started at LCB and went the full 90’ in a 1-0 Loss against Sporting Charleroi (6.4/6.54) 1/1 shot on target, 65/70 passing, 3/6 accurate long balls, 75 touches, 1/3 duels won, 2 clearances, 1/3 aerials won, 2 interceptions, 2 recoveries

NordicBet Liga (Danish 2nd Division)
Christian Cappis (Hobro IK) Started at CAM and played 77‘ in a 1-1 draw with Kolding IF (-/-)

Challenge League (Swiss 2nd Division)
Noah Jones (FC Wil 1900) Started at RAM and went the full 90’ in a 3-2 Loss against FC Winterthur (-/-)
Ilan Sauter (FC Wil 1900 on loan from FC Zurich) Started at RCB and went the full 90’ in a 3-2 Loss against FC Winterthur. Picked up a yellow in the 79th’ (-/-)

This past weekends post
submitted by Punjavepoonpoon to ussoccer [link] [comments]

Americans Playing abroad today: 11/30-12/4/20

November 30th
Premier league (England)
Antonee Robinson (Fulham) Started at LB and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Win against Leicester City (7.6/7.44) 1/1 shot on target, 21/31 passing 1 cross, 0/3 accurate long balls, 2 key passes, 58 touches, 5/9 duels won, 3 clearances, 2/2 successful dribbles, 3 fouls, 1/2 successful tackles, 1/1 aerial won, 2 interceptions, 5 recoveries Match Highlights

2. Bundesliga (German 2nd Division)
Alfredo Morales (Fortuna Düsseldorf) Subbed on in the 73rd‘ in a 5-0 Loss against VfL Bochum (6.1/5.91) 5/6 passing, 7 touches, 2/3 duels won, 1 time fouled, 1/2 aerials won, 1 recovery Match Highlights

Eerste Divisie (Dutch 2nd Division)
Sebastian Soto (SC Telstar on loan from Norwich City) Started at LST and played 60‘ in a 2-1 Win against Jong FC Utrecht. Scored the opener in the 21st’ and then received a straight red in the 60th’ (6.4/-) 1/1 shot on target, 8/11 passing, 1 cross, 1 key pass, 22 touches, 4/11 duels won, 1 time dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 4 fouls, 1/1 successful tackles, 2/4 aerials won, 2 recoveries Match Highlights

Super Lig (Turkey)
Eric Lichaj (Fatih Karagümrük) Started at RB and went the full 90’ in a 0-0 draw with Kayserispor (6.9/6.84) 31/38 passing, 0/1 accurate long ball, 58 touches, 3/6 duels won, 5 clearances, 1/1 successful dribble, 1 time fouled, 2 fouls, 1/1 aerial won, 1 interception, 3 recoveries

Premier league (Israel)
Josh Cohen (Maccabi Haifa) Started at GK and went the full 90’ in a 2-0 Win against Beitar Jerusalem. Picked up a yellow in the 75ht’ (-/-) Match Highlights

Allsvenskan (Sweden)
Nils Froling (Kalmar FF) Subbed on in the 63rd‘ in a 1-0 Win against AIK (5.9/-) 0/1 shot on target, 3/5 passing, 1/1 accurate long ball, 11 touches, 1/4 duels won, 1/4 aerials won, 2 recoveries Match Highlights

Ekstraklasa (Poland)
Kenny Saief (Lechia Gdańsk on loan from Anderlecht) Started at LCM and played 89‘ in a 1-0 Loss against Lech Poznań (-/-) Match Highlights

South America
Liga 1 (Peru)
Ernest Nungaray (Carlos A. Mannucci) Started at RW and played 79‘ in a 1-0 Loss against Ayacucho FC. Picked up a yellow in the 66th’ (-/-) Match Highlights
Matias Succar (Deportivo Municipal) Started at LST and played 64‘ in a 3-2 Loss against FBC Melgar (-/-) Match Highlights
Claudio Torrejón (Sport Boys Callao) Started at RCM and played 81‘ in a 3-1 Loss against Universidad Cesar Vallejo (-/-)

December 1st
Champions League Group Stage (International)
Chris Richards (Bayern Munich; Germany) Subbed on in the 61st‘ in a 1-1 draw with Atletico Madrid(Spain) (5.9/6.12) 18/21 passing, 2 crosses, 25 touches, 1/4 duels won, 1/3 aerials won Match Highlights

Championship (English 2nd Division)
Duane Holmes (Derby County) Started at CAM and played 79‘ in a 1-1 draw with Coventry City. Picked up a yellow in the 63rd’ (6.3/6.08) 27/32 passing, 4 crosses, 2/2 accurate long ball, 48 touches, 1/5 duels won, 1/2 successful dribbles, 1 foul, 0/1 aerial won, 2 recoveries Match Highlights
Charlie Kelman (QPR) Subbed on in the 82nd‘ in a 2-1 Loss against Bristol City (-/6.00) Match Highlights
Matthew Olosunde (Rotherham United) Started at RWB and played 70‘ in a 2-0 Loss against Brentford (6.1/6.42) 0/1 shot on target, 8/12 passing, 1 cross, 2/5 accurate long ball, 30 touches, 5/11 duels won, 0/1 successful dribble, 1 time dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 1 foul, 2/2 successful tackles. 2/2 aerials won, 3 interceptions, 5 recoveries Match Highlights

Ligue 2 (French 2nd Division)
Nicholas Gioacchini (SM Caen) Started at RW and went the full 90’ in a 1-0 Loss against Pau (6.0/-) 21/30 passing, 0/1 accurate long ball, 54 touches, 7/13 duels won, 5 clearances, 5 times dispossessed, 2 times fouled, 1 foul, 1/1 successful tackle, 4/4 aerials won, 1 interception, 6 recoveries Match Highlights

Jupiler Pro League (Belgium)
Chris Durkin (Sint Truidense W) Started at RCM and played 58‘ in a 3-2 Loss against Royal Excel Mouscron (6.8/6.79) 1/1 shot on target, 35/40 passing, 4/6 accurate long balls, 50 touches, 8/13 duels won, 1 clearance, 2 times fouled, 2 fouls, 1/2 successful tackle, 4/7 aerials won, 2 interceptions, 6 recoveries Match Highlights

BH Telecom Premier League (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
Darick Kobie Morris (FK Tuzla City) Started at LCB and went the full 90’ in a 3-1 Loss against FK Velez Mostar (-/-) Match Highlights
Nermin Crnkic (FK Tuzla City) Subbed on in the 63rd‘ in a 3-1 Loss against FK Velez Mostar (-/-)

December 2nd
Champions League Group Stage (International)
Sergino Dest (FC Barcelona; Spain) Started at RB and went the full 90’ in a 3-0 Win against Ferencvaros(Hungary) (7.5/7.08) 0/1 shot on target, 66/70 passing 3 crosses, 2 key passes, 89 touches, 3/6 duels won, 1/3 successful dribbles, 1 time fouled, 1 foul, 1/1 successful tackle, 3 recoveries Match Highlights
Konrad de la Fuente (FC Barcelona; Spain) Subbed on in the 79th‘ in a 3-0 Win against Ferencvaros(Hungary) (6.0/6.12) 7/7 passing 1 key pass, 0/2 duels won, 0/1 successful dribble, 1 foul, 2 recoveries
Christian Pulisic (Chelsea; England) Started at LW and played 66‘ in 4-0 Win against Sevilla(Spain). Picked up a yellow in the 43rd’ (6.8/6.79) 1/4 shots on target, 13/16 passing, 28 touches, 2/5 duels won, 2/3 successful dribbles, 1 foul, 3 recoveries Match Highlights
Giovanni Reyna (Borussia Dortmund; Germany) Started at LAM and went the full 90’ in a 1-1 draw with Lazio(Italy) (7.0/6.60) 1/3 shots on target, 43/47 passing 1/2 accurate long balls, 2 key passes, 67 touches, 4/8 duels won, 2 clearances, 0/1 successful dribble, 1 time dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 0/2 successful tackles, 1/2 aerials won, 5 recoveries Match Highlights
Tyler Adams (RB Leipzig; Germany) Subbed on in the 46th‘ in a 4-3 Win against Istanbul Basaksehir(Turkey) (6.3/6.26) 20/21 passing, 1/1 accurate long ball, 29 touches, 1/5 duels won, 1 clearance, 0/2 successful dribble, 2 fouls, 1/1 successful tackle, 0/1 aerial won, 1 interception, 3 recoveries Match Highlights
Weston Mckennie (Juventus FC on loan from FC Schalke 04; Italy) Started at LCM and went the full 90’ in a 3-0 Win against Dynamo Kiev(Ukraine) (7.7/7.64) 1/1 shot on target, 44/53 pasing 2/3 accurate long balls, 3 key passes, 68 touches, 8/14 duels won, 2 times dispossessed, 3 times fouled, 3/3/ successful tackles, 2/4 aerials won, 2 interceptions, 3 recoveries Match Highlights

3. Liga (German 3rd Division)
Terrence Boyd (Hallescher FC) Started at ST and played 79‘ in against Unterhaching. Scored both goals with them coming in the 34th’ and 53rd’ (-/-) Match Highlights

1.CFL (Montenegro)
Luka Malesevic (FK Iskra Danilovgrad) Started at LB and played 60‘ in 2-0 Loss against Buducnost Podgorica. Picked up a yellow in the 42nd’ (-/-) Match Highlights

South America
Copa Sudamericana- Round of 16 (International)
Alan Sonora (Club Atlético independiente; Argentina) Subbed on in the 70th‘ in a 1-0(5-1 Aggregate) Win against CA Fénix(Uruguay) (7.0/-) 0/1 shot on target, 27/28 passing 1 cross, 2 key passes, 32 touches, 2/2 duels won, 2/2 successful tackles, 3 recoveries Match Highlights
Bryan Olivera (CA Fénix; Uruguay) Started at RCM and played 55‘ in 1-0(5-1 Aggregate) Loss against Independiente(Argentina) (6.8/-) 22/31 passing 2 crosses, 3/5 accurate long balls, 1 key pass, 48 touches, 7/9 duels won, 1/1 successful dribble, 1 time dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 2 fouls, 0/5 successful tackles, 3 interceptions, 5 recoveries

Primera División (Chile)
Andres Souper (Club de Deportes Antofagasta on loan from CD Universidad Catolica) Subbed on in the 75th‘ in a 1-1 draw with Palestino (6.0/-) 0/1 shot on target, 17/19 passing, 1/1 accurate long ball, 22 touches, 0/1 duel won, 0/1 successful dribble, 2 recoveries Match Highlights

December 3rd
Europa League Group Stage (International)
Folarin Balogun (Arsenal; England) Subbed on in the 80th‘ in a 4-1 Win against Rapid Wien(Austria) (-/6.05) 0/2 shots on target, 2/3 passing, 7 touches, 2/3 duels won, 1 time dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 1/1 aerial won Match Highlights
Timothy Weah (LOSC Lille; France) Subbed on in the 76th‘ in a 2-1 Win against Sparta Prague(Czech Republic). Assisted on the teams 1st goal in the 80th’ (7.0/6.85) 8/10 passing, 1 cross, 0/1 accurate long ball, 2 key passes, 15 touches, 0/1 duel won, 0/1 successful dribble, 2 recoveries Match Highlights
Jordan Siebatcheu (BSC Young Boys on loan from Stade Rennais FC; Switzerland) Subbed on in the 76th‘ in a 3-1 Loss against Roma(Italy) (5.9/5.79) 0/1 shot on target, 3/4 passing 8 touches, 0/1 duel won, 0/1 aerial won, 1 recovery Match Highlights
Henry Wingo (Molde FK; Norway) Started at RB and went the full 90’ in 3-1 Win against Dundalk(Ireland) (7.4/7.28) 84/92 passing, 7 crosses, 2/2 accurate long balls, 2 key passes, 116 touches, 5/11 duels won, 1 clearance, 1/3 successful dribbles, 1 time dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 3/3 successful tackles, 0/1 aerial won, 7 recoveries Match Highlights

Segunda Division (Spanish 2nd Division)
Shaq Moore (CD Tenerife) Subbed on in the 46th‘ in a 2-1 Loss against Sabadell (6.9/-) 18/24 passing. 4 crosses, 1/1 accurate long ball, 1 key pass, 44 touches, 6/6 duels won, 1 clearance, 1 time fouled, 2/3 successful tackles, 2/2 aerials won, 1 interception Match Highlights
Samuel Shashoua (CD Tenerife) Started at LST and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Loss against Sabadell (6.5/-) 0/2 shots on target, 36/43 passing, 4 crosses, 5/5 accurate long balls, 2 key passes, 62 touches, 5/12 duels won, 3/6 successful dribbles, 1 time dispossessed, 2 times fouled, 1 foul, 0/1 aerial won, 4 recoveries

South America
Liga DIMAYOR I (Colombia)
Roger Torres (Atlético Bucaramanga) Subbed on in the 75th‘ in a 0-0 draw with CD Jaguares (6.2/-) 0/1 shot on target, 4/7 passing, 2 crosses, 0/2 accurate long balls, 1 key pass, 11 touches, 1 recovery Match Highlights

December 4th
2. Bundesliga (German 2nd Division)
Alfredo Morales (Fortuna Düsseldorf) Subbed on in the 45th‘ in a 3-2 Win against Darmstadt. Picked up a yellow in the 59th’ (6.1/6.07) 14/17 passing, 0/1 accurate long ball, 24 touches, 1/7 duels won, 2 clearances, 1 time fouled, 1 foul, 0/3 aerials won, 1 interception, 1 recovery Match Highlights

Jupiler Pro League (Belgium)
Matt Miazga (Anderlecht on loan from Chelsea) Started at RCB and went the full 90’ in a 2-2 draw with Zulte Waregem (5.9/6.10) 40/46 passing, 4/9 accurate long balls, 49 touches, 2/5 duels won, 1 clearance, 2 fouls, 1/1 successful tackle, 1/2 aerials won, 3 recoveries

Superliga (Denmark)
Emmanuel Sabbi (Odense Boldklub) Started at RW and played 67‘ in 2-1 Win against AaB (7.0/-) 1/3 shots on target, 10/14 passing 1 cross. 2 key passes. 39 touches, 8/18 duels won, 4/9 successful dribbles, 1 time dispossessed, 4 times fouled, 0/3 aerials won, 2 interceptions, 5 recoveries Match Highlights
Ryan Laursen (Odense Boldklub) Started at RB and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Win against AaB. Picked up a yellow in the 55th’ (6.4/-) 28/40 passing, 5 crosses, 3/9 accurate long balls, 70 touches, 2/8 duels won, 0/1 successful dribble, 3 fouls, 0/2 successful tackles, 0/1 aerial won, 2 interceptions, 10 recoveries

NordicBet Liga (Danish 2nd Division)
Christian Cappis (Hobro IK) Started at CAM and went the full 90’ in a 2-2 draw with Skive (-/-)

This past weekends post
submitted by Punjavepoonpoon to ussoccer [link] [comments]

DWT29 (December 12th 2020)

DWT29 (December 12th 2020)
Testing testing; check one two – DWT is live once again on Reddit!
Terrific, terrific stuff

Alas – promotion has remained minimal; but shortly it willnae be, at least comparatively with the norm. The big DWT T-Shirt Xmas Giveaway will be hotting up a good smidge more in the run up to Xmas time. Thankfully the quota of prizes (3) has been met haha - thus avoiding the embarrassment of not even being able to give the fucking things away. That'd be a humbler for sure - but at the very least, that'd in keeping with everything thats happened previously haha. Thats the wonder of todays world; a cunt could undergo the most humbling of experiences which was then thrust into the public eye - and within a few days it'd be forgotten about. Some other cunt has done some other embarrassing shite.
The big picture - my eye is always on that. To my detriment on manys an occasion tbf - the overthinker forever tagged with the rep whereby they give up on things or pass on opportunities with regularity. Frustrating in retrospect - but for me, there simply has to be a reason why their subconscious directs them as it does. I learned a few days ago, that being able to take command of what you're mind tells you in any given situation is such for a reason. People see you in that light, they get a glimpse at the part of you that is not as honed as those you dazzle them with. Nowt wrong with that - in spite of the tools at folks disposal these days - nowt wrong with that. Therein lies the problem - any cunt can do anything; so as such there should be no excuse for not doing something. The human race demands evolution, forever the improvement in body development, mind capacity etc etc. That ethos at its very core represents where we are today; over-concentrated on that particular subject - poor cunts in the form of animals, fishie, birdies, plants - anything - go through turmoil and squalor.
Its tough to be selfless all of the time - no cunt should be chastised for taking a time or two of personal preferences here and there. The line in the sand represented by where your obedience lies is something lying there quietly - folks love to get straight to the heart of grading others selflessness or indeed - lack therof. In my work - in my social interactions; I'm in the main operating from a place of expectancy - i.e. the hombre I'm dealing with is a terrific cunt and we could potentially talk at length about all sorts. Not something I push for fear of appearing over-eager; but I'm ready to be nice - lets say that. From there, even if the adjustment is a fair bitty down - thats still a place much better to maintain serenity from than a fair bitty below tetchiness and frustration. Diplomacy is an artform I've dedicated my life to in a lot of ways - quietly and unofficially I must add - but I've always been analytical of my experiences with people and the reasons for various occurrences. I get that this could be associated with pettiness or paranoia haha - but to clarify; from my base of humbleness, the assessment of my experiences is in the main balanced and educational.
Thats not to say I havenae had my moments of course - hoo mama - but these experiences were tbf the most beneficial in terms of viceral educational experience. Those 'I wonder...' musings are soon cleared up, when you go through a bit of goosebumpy times. For me - pushing up against barriers isn't a focus; I see myself more a roving reporter, commenting on his experiences in an effort to tell the tale of whats happening. Indeed my lack of willingness to get up and push the fence has perhaps seen me lose comrades, sacrifice footholdings - regretful in their consequence. But after a stint of being accommodating to every offer and suggestion - the payoff was enough to make me take stock and treat every offer carefully prior to acceptance. Eventually this manifested itself into a pretty tough exterior shell...not keen on owt that was out-with the comfort zone. You appreciate the glide when the torrents thrash you about. Thats the very essence of my focus; I respect my shortcomings. My bodies reaction - both in mind and physical - is not something I scoff at.
My body tells me to be a lazy cunt - so be it haha; thats my main lack of selflessness I suppose...I'm not active enough in being physically engaging. A wee rock stuck in the right hand scale - down she goes. But then we glance at where the honedness is apparent; and for sure - when stuck in the left hand scale, the representative rock sends it down with aplomb. As long as the lean has the honedness to the fore - terrific. Not to say if not apparent theres something abohhrently wrong - there's many a reason why honedness depletes. For me - a lack of honedness should result in withdrawal; far too many examples scattered throughout time whereby a person has fired on regardless of the fact theres no a smidge of honedness to be seen. Sure - I'm no daft; its a bunch to ask for honedness to be tip top at every turn; but the problems avoided by standard setting is not done in jest. The world loves to utilise the ability to be hybrid - but theres not a time goes by where a specific task performed by a dedicated person or thing is extremely apparent in its value...better chance of correct information - relaxed factual time saving conversation; terrific potential for long term fruitful relationships. Thats the stuff 😎

So the ship returned with treasure last week! Never not exciting 😎 On paper of course; another day out in the cold; but thanks to the focussed concentration, profit was gained by way of cash out. A tasty one at that - hoo mama - £37 off a facking dabble; that is the fucking stuff haha YES; the benefits of way way out there shots showing a nice wee bit of plumage there for sure. It'll no be the go to from here on in or owt; but nice to know the option is there should the bookmaker decide they don't know what they're doing for an avo haha (they'll win in the end anyhow the wee pricks...or will they?) The tactic this weekend therefore not really mused over; just a glance at the options and selections made - 'is that the price? Right you are' type stuff. Reasoned and researched; the selections this week are opted for in faith of return. I want to be able to say, 'DWT won before it was 30'. I'll no greet if it doesnae, but it'd be good nonetheless. So to wrap up - with wind in the sails, and hope in the tales - we look to avoid fails, and remain on the rails. Reddit Running Total (RRT) currently sits at -£213.57. Ah no.

I’m not promoting it in the slightest to be put on; it's purely to be completely transparent about where the beans I'm spilling are being pushed towards – this is after all, a Life Experiment: Can a useless old arsehole prosper under strict weekly gambling conditions? Word of warning; prior to this – not really.
The sticky clarifies - but just to reiterate - here's the format...DRS20 is Dads Recommended Spend: £20. This is a lot of money granted - and I would encourage absolute apprehension if this sort of money represents life altering for you personally if zero is returned. I’m lucky enough to be able to afford to lose £20 in a week; but confess that if I got no return for say, 20 weeks in a row - I would likely be without something I value (a streaming service or summat). I don’t take it lightly. Four bets are placed with this outlay; a £5 Treble (DWT) and three £5 Doubles. Generally if two come up, the bet is covered (up or down £2 or so). My gambling prowess is pretty much a joke; so whilst I advertise, I in no way qualify them as a given. I’m a prick with plenty bollocks to spout is all. This is how I frame it.

So here it is - the one that stands alone in its defiance afore glossing in its triumph:

Its DWT29

MOTHERWELL livingston 21/20
DERBY COUNTY stoke city 9/5
MORECAMBE harrogate 13/8

14.07/1 we get for this selection – terrific.

Over 53's last week; over 14's this week - the ebb and flow of DWT offers very little for those interested in any sort of pattern; any given week could produce any given wager. For some - reality is key; they want a realistic shot at a return. Others - they want a big lump, lottery style; and only therefore bother when potentially a treasure chest chock a block with treasure is on the table. Henceforth - there's never been any limit put on the price. Unofficially 10/1 is as low as I go...theres been a time or two maybes where I cannae alas claim to never having breached that threshold. Most likely caused by a collaborative effort - hamstrung by a smartarse putting on a sure thing no doubt. Anyhow - a sexy big profit last week; really got the juices flowing - had a good browse of the available information....properly starting to believe in things actually having not only a chance of winning - but winning fucking often. Terrific 😎

MOTHERWELL have had a rough couple weeks or so there; Covid-related bother (a hinderer by golly) prevalent - there was maybe an expectancy surrounding the slump given the circumstances. A wee humping at the hands of Hibs there last week; that'll be them pissed off now I reckon. Sleeves pulled up - hands rubbed together; surely enough in the fucking tank to overcome st mirren at home.
DERBY COUNTY are my new Mansfield - now the sails are full of wind, there's a solid confidence they'll deliver a convincing and comprehensive performance. The win now bagged - pug face needs a solid convincing win over a player - and Stoke are certainly that thus far. Home advantage as well - no fucking excuse.
MORECAMBE are unbeaten in 5 at home; a defeat last time out sure - but away to table topping wizards Newport. Back home then to lick their wounds - they'll be hopeful of success against a harrogate side beaten 4 times out the last five. Pish. Clinical and decisive - they could leap way up the league if they bag three here Morecambe - 9th by my casual eye. Thats the fucking stuff - hoo mama

So there we have it – nostalgia, hope and determination all apparent in equal measure. This time we do it right; wind in the sails – and off across the ocean in search of new worlds. A powerful pirate ship hunting high and low for treasures. Raise the fucking flag - the good ship DWT is back and ready to provide for its crew. If you play; play safe. DRS20 as always people.
Frustration at the amount won, is better than the heartache at the amount lost.
submitted by Dad1903 to DadsWeeklyTreble [link] [comments]

Americans who played abroad today: 12/12-13/20

December 12th
La Liga (Spain)
Yunus Musah (Valencia CF) Started at RM and played 59‘ in a 2-2 draw with Athletic Bilbao (6.4/6.29) 11/18 passing, 1 cross, 0/1 accurate long ball, 29 touches, 3/6 duels won, 0/1 successful dribble, 1 time dispossessed, 1 foul, 2/2 successful tackles, 1/1 aerial won, 1 interception, 3 recoveries Match Highlights

Premier league (England)
DeAndre Yedlin (Newcastle United) Subbed on in the 85th‘ in a 2-1 Win against West Brom (-/6.03) 0/2 passing, 0/2 accurate long balls, 4 touches, 1 clearance Match Highlights

Geoff Cameron (QPR) Started at RDM and went the full 90’ in a 1-0 Loss against Reading (5.9/5.89) 45/55 passing, 1 cross, 1/5 accurate long balls, 61 touches, 2/7 duels won, 1 time dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 1/4 aerials won, 5 recoveries Match Highlights
Matthew Olosunde (Rotherham United) Started at RWB and played 88‘ in a 2-0 Win against Bristol City. Assisted on the 2nd goal in the 41st’ and picked up a yellow in the 45th’ (7.9/7.68) 1/1 shot on target, 18/25 passing 5 crosses, 1/5 accurate logn balls, 2 key passes, 57 touches, 6/9 duels won, 0/1 successful dribble, 1 time dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 1 foul, 2/4 successful tackles, 1/1 aerial won, 1 interception, 6 recoveries Match Highlights

League 1
Niall Mason (Peterborough United) Subbed on in the 80th‘ in a 4-1 Win against Rochdale (-/6.34) 15/16 passing, 0/1 accurate long ball, 19 touches, 1/3 duels won, 1/3 aerials won, 1 interception,1 recovery Match Highlights

Serie B (Italian 2nd Division)
Andrija Novakovich (Frosinone Calcio) Started at RST and went the full 90’ in a 2-2 draw with Lecce. Picked up a yellow in the 88th’ and Scored the tying goal in the 89th’ (6.9/-) 2/4 shots on target, 13/15 passing 31 touches, 4/13 duels won, 2 clearances, 0/1 successful dribble, 2 times dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 2 fouls, 3/7 aerials won, 2 recoveries Match Highlights

Bundesliga (Germany)
Giovanni Reyna (Borussia Dortmund) Started at LAM and went the full 90’ in a 5-1 Loss against VfB Stuttgart. Scored the team's lone goal in the 39th’ (8.0/7.81) 1/1 shot on target, 54/62 passing, 2 crosses, 2/3 accurate long balls, 3 key passes, 84 touches, 8/15 duels won, 4/4 successful dribbles, 3 times dispossessed, 3 times fouled, 2 fouls, 0/1 successful tackle, 0/1 aerial won, 1 interception, 2 recoveries Match Highlights
Tyler Adams (RB Leipzig) Subbed on in the 45th‘ in a 2-0 Win against SV Werder Bremen (6.3/6.16) 20/24 passing, 1/1 accurate long ball, 30 touches, 1/3 duels won, 1 time fouled, 2 fouls, 1 interception, 4 recoveries Match Highlights
Josh Sargent (SV Werder Bremen) Started at ST and went the full 90’ in a 2-0 Loss against RB Leipzig (6.4/6.40) 0/1 shot on target, 9/17 passing 1 cross, 3 key passes, 23 touches, 3/6 duels won, 1 time fouled, 1 foul, 2/4 aerials won, 4 recoveries

2. Bundesliga
Bobby Wood (Hamburger SV) Subbed on in the 84th‘ in a 2-1 Win against Darmstadt (-/6.03) 1/2 passing, 4 touches, 0/1 duel won, 1 time dispossessed Match Highlights
Jann George (SSV Jahn Regensburg) Subbed on in the 74th‘ in a 3-2 Loss against Holstein Kiel (6.0/6.25) 7/10 passing, 0/1 accurate long ball, 14 touches, 1/3 duels won, 1 foul, 0/1 successful tackle, 1 interception, 4 recoveries Match Highlights

3. Liga
Maurice Malone (SV Wehen Wiesbaden on loan from FC Augsburg) Started at ST and went the full 90’ in a 4-1 Loss against Duisburg (-/-) Match Highlights
Marcel Costly (SV Waldhof Mannheim) Started at RM and played 76‘ in a 5-0 Loss against 1860 Munich. Picked up a yellow in the 53rd’ (-/-) Match Highlights

Ligue 2 (French 2nd Division)
Nicholas Gioacchini (SM Caen) Started at RW and went the full 90’ in a 0-0 draw with Troyes (6.7/-) 12/19 passing, 2 crosses, 2/4 accurate long balls, 2 key passes, 35 touches, 3/7 duels won, 4 clearances, 0/2 successful dribbles, 1 time fouled, 2/3 aerials won, 1 interception, 2 recoveries Match Highlights

Jupiler Pro League (Belgium)
Brendan Hines-Ike (KV Kortrijk) Started at LCB and went the full 90’ in a 3-0 Loss against OH Leuven. Picked up a yellow in the (5.9/6.04) 0/3 shots on target, 34/44 passing, 7/15 accurate long balls, 54 touches, 7/12 duels won, 2 clearances, 1 time fouled, 2 fouls, 3/3 successful tackles, 3/5 aerials won, 5 recoveries

Premier League (Scotland)
Scott Pittman (Livingston FC) Started at CAM and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Win against St. Johnstone. Picked up a yellow in the 72nd’ (5.7/6.27) 0/1 shot on target, 13/16 passing, 0/1 accurate long ball, 26 touches, 4/15 duels won 3 times dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 0/2 successful tackles, 1/7 aerials won, 1 recovery Match Highlights

Premier league (Israel)
George Fochive #26 (Hapoel Kfar Saba) Subbed on in the 59th‘ in a 1-0 Loss against FC Ashdod (-/-) Match Highlights

December 13th
La Liga (Spain)
Sergino Dest (FC Barcelona) Started at RB and went the full 90’ in a 1-0 Win against Levante (7.6/7.02) 54/61 passing, 3 crosses, 1/2 accurate long balls, 1 key pass, 77 touches, 4/5 duels won, 2/2 successful dribbles, 1 time fouled, 1/1 successful tackle, 1 interception, 8 recoveries Match Highlights

Premier league (England)
Antonee Robinson (Fulham) Started at LWB and went the full 90’ in a 1-1 draw with Liverpool (7.4/7.56) 11/18 passing, 3 crosses, 1/3 accurate long balls, 1 key pass, 53 touches, 8/12 duels won, 4 clearances, 2/3 successful dribbles, 1 time dispossessed, 2/4 successful tackles, 2/3 aerials won, 2 interception, 5 recoveries Match Highlights

Serie A (Italy)
Weston Mckennie (Juventus FC on loan from FC Schalke 04) Started at RM and went the full 90’ in a 3-1 Win against Genoa. Assisted on the opener in the 57th’ and picked up a yellow in the 77th’ (7.6/7.52) 1/3 shots on target, 33/39 passing, 2/2 accurate long balls, 3 key passes, 61 touches, 7/15 duels won, 3 times dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 3 fouls, 1/2 successful tackles, 4/6 aerials won, 1 interception, 5 recoveries Match Highlights

2. Bundesliga
Alfredo Morales (Fortuna Düsseldorf) Started at RCM and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Win against Karlsruher SC (7.3/6.79) 0/1 shot on target, 32/38 passing 4/4 accurate long balls, 50 touches, 2/4 duels won, 4 clearances, 1/1 successful dribble, 1 time fouled, 0/1 aerial won, 2 interception, 2 recoveries Match Highlights

3. Liga
Taylor Booth (Bayern Munich II) Subbed on in the 89th‘ in a 2-1 Win against Saarbrucken (-/-) 1 touch,1 recovery

Ligue 1 (France)
Timothy Weah (LOSC Lille) Subbed on in the 77th‘ in a 2-1 Win against Bordeaux (6.1/6.17) 0/1 shot on target, 3/4 passing, 10 touches, 2/3 duels won, 1 time dispossessed, 1/2 successful tackles, 1 recovery Match Highlights

Eredivisie (Netherlands)
Kik Pierie (Twente FC on loan from Ajax) Started at LCB and went the full 90’ in a 3-1 Loss against AZ Alkmaar (6.1/6.14) 0/1 shot on target, 74/87 passing, 2/7 accurate long balls, 99 touches, 1/2 duels won, 4 clearances, 1 time dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 2 interceptions, 7 recoveries

Bundesliga (Austria)
Erik Palmer-Brown (Austria Wien on loan from Manchester City) Started at LCB and went the full 90’ in a 3-2 Loss against Wolfsberger AC (6.1/-) 17/20 passing, 2/4 accurate long balls, 36 touches, 3/4 duels won, 6 clearances, 1/1 successful tackle, 2/2 aerials won, 4 recoveries

Premier League (Scotland)
Danny Rogers (Kilmarnock FC) Started at GK and went the full 90’ in a 2-0 Loss against Celtic (6.3/6.69) 7 saves, 1 diving save, 3 saves inside the box, 2 throws, 10/31 passing 2/29 accurate long balls, 43 touches, 1/1 duel won, 1 clearance, 1/1 aerial won, 13 recoveries
Ian Harkes (Dundee United FC) Started at CM and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Loss against Rangers (6.4/6.28) 21/29 passing, 2/6 accurate long balls, 40 touches, 3/5 duels won, 1 clearance, 2 times fouled, 1 foul, 1/1 successful tackle, 0/1 aerial won, 3 interception, 8 recoveries

Superliga (Denmark)
Haji Wright (SonderjyskE FC) Started at ST and played 80’ in a 2-1 Loss against Brondby IF (5.9/-) 6/10 passing, 1 cross, 19 touches, 4/12 duels won, 1 time dispossessed, 2 times fouled, 2 fouls, 3/8 aerials won Match Highlights

NordicBet Liga (Danish 2nd Division)
Christian Cappis (Hobro IK) Started at CAM and played 89‘ in a 3-1 Win against Vendsyssel FF (-/-)
Super LIga Srbije (Serbia)
Danilo Radjen (OFK Backa) Started at RCB and went the full 90’ in a 2-0 Loss against FK Crvena Zvezda (-/-) Match Highlights

Super League (Switzerland)
Jordan Siebatcheu (BSC Young Boys on loan from Stade Rennais FC) Started at LST and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Loss against Servette FC. Assisted on the teams lone goal in the 84th’ (7.7/-) 2/7 shots on target, 17/26 passing 1/2 accurate long balls, 1 key passm 40 touches, 8/13 duels won, 1 time dispossessed, 8/12 duels won, 3 recoveries Match Highlights

Allsvenskan (Sweden)
Nils Froling (Kalmar FF) Subbed on in the 60th‘ in a 1-0 Win against Joenkoepings Soedra. Scored the game winner in the 80th’ (7.5/-) 1/2 shots on target, 5/6 passing, 0/1 accurate long ball, 14 touches, 1/2 duels won, 1 clearance, 1/2 successful dribbles, 1 interception,2 recoveries

Eliteserien (Norway)
Henry Wingo (Molde FK) Started at RB and played 77‘ in a 3-1 Loss against Rosenborg (6.4/-) 39/47 passing, 4/6 accurate long balls, 74 touches, 1/3 duels won, 6 clearances, 1/3 successful dribbles, 2 interceptions, 6 recoveries Match Highlights

Stefan Antonijevic (Oygarden FK) Started at CB and played 80‘ in a 3-1 Loss against Hamarkameratene (-/-)

Fortuna Liga (Slovakia)
Ismar Tandir (Zemplin Michalovce) Started at RM and went the full 90’ in a 2-2 draw with AS Trencin (-/-)
Eduvie Ikoba (AS Trencin) Subbed on in the 65th‘ in a 2-2 draw with Zemplin Michalovce (-/-)

BH Telecom Premier League (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
Darick Kobie Morris (FK Tuzla City) Started at LCB and went the full 90’ in a 2-0 Win against FK Borac Banja Luka (-/-) Match Highlights
Nermin Crnkic (FK Tuzla City) Started at LM and went the full 90’ in a 2-0 Win against FK Borac Banja Luka. Scored the 2nd goal in the 89th’ and picked up a yellow in the 90th’ (-/-)

Superliga (Albania)
Kyrian Nwabueze (KF Laci) Subbed on in the 88th‘ in a 1-1 draw with Teuta Durres (-/-)
Aleksandar Isaevski (KF Vllaznia) Started at LM and went the full 90’ in a 1-0 Win against Partizani (-/-) 1st Half 2nd Half

1.CFL (Montenegro)
Luka Malesevic (FK Iskra Danilovgrad) Started at RCM and went the full 90’ in a 2-0 Win against Zeta. Picked up a yellow in the 42nd’ (-/-)

South America
Primera División (Chile)
Enzo Ferrario (La Serena on loan from CD Universidad Católica) Started at RCB and went the full 90’ in a 1-0 Win against Coquimbo Unido. Won Player of the match on Fotmob (8.0/-) 52/58 passing, 3/6 accurate long balls, 71 touches, 12/15 duels won, 3 clearances, 3/3 successful dribbles, 4/5 successful tackles, 4/6 aerials won, 2 interceptions, 5 recoveries Match Highlights

LigaPro Serie A (Ecuador)
Michael Hoyos (Guayaquil City FC) Started at CAM and played 59‘ in a 2-0 Loss against Independiente del Valle (-/-) Match Highlights

This past weeks post
submitted by Punjavepoonpoon to ussoccer [link] [comments]

DWT28 (December 4th 2020)

DWT28 (December 4th 2020)
Testing testing; check one two – DWT is live once again on Reddit!**
Terrific, terrific stuff
Alas – promotion has remained minimal; but for the first time proper, theres a real sense of growth evident anyhow. Portions of DWT write themselves - etched in stone are the few paragraphs offering factual advice, or the fabled DWT mantras. Fans of the Dad output over the years, have oft been known to pay homage to the catchphrases - something that always produces a nice warm glow around the outer edges. I wouldn't call myself a cunt who deserves a statue or owt - but to have my documented trail of social commentary - or at the very least a portion of it - recognised as a momentous day of celebration, joy and remembrance; that'd be pretty fucking terrific. To harness the energy of that day and recreate it routinely; off the page.
Thats the aim - off the page. To be considered as such would in itself be off the page. The parameters of DWT are such, that ridicule is essentially part and parcel of the whole existence. It's therefore often tough to guage the temperature of the malice at times. We're at a stage now where the seriousness is non-existent to an extent; the participant(s) - regardless of wager - are investing generally without any expectation whatsoever. Which is probably the best place to be all things considered. Every success is a surprise - and with that an extended run of success would be an eye-opening cunt and a fucking half. I neither expect or hang off of the chance of this occurring - from the very start, I was ready to have very probable losses displayed with complete transparency. Its a risky subject to focus on is gambling - make a cunt of it and you're very much running the risk of attracting the ire of participants, or people in general. The focus of some gamblers relying solely on the wager itself when promoting - no frills or pizazz - is, for me, a risky gameplan and no mistake. Dampen down the seriousness with a wee cartoon or a joke - get the message out there, that this is for the more 'lucky dip' type gambler 'Ooo - 150m on the euromillions tonight! Odds are pish though - you'll never ever win th...or hold on - whats this...DWT - possible £500 bangers, 50/1ish - hahah look at what this crazy old bastard is saying; hilarious. Aye lets do this instead. Fiver down.'
Back to the land of zero return we went I must add, before getting too carried away with tempting your fivers out of your back pockets - but hoo mama it was a tantaliser. St Johnstone winning was a proper smug bastard moment; the pieces fell wonderfully into place...fell behind - immediate equaliser; then ahead all in the space of a few minutes there second half. Nil all in both other games - both of the cunts playing at their own stadium; the hope would head on deep onto injury time...but no - not to be. Sainties winning deserved at least the chance of a cash out on one of the doubles - but the agony of stalemates rears its ugly bastard head. The lack of action resulting in updating with nowt more than exclamations of eager hope. Lady Gambling took advantage of this energy and used it against me; she saw the bead of sweat slipping down the temple - I lost my cool. But here - frustrating bastards; score for the love of fuck. Ach well - the Consistency Slate is wiped clear once more; from zero we must build again.
DWT13 through DWT14 - that was the one time the Consistency Slate had any sort of accruance. A source of ridicule - manys a morn I've walked into the office and some clever cunt has etched a limp cartoon penis upon the Consistency Slate. I'm all for a bit of banter - you cunts all know that - but that kind of shit hurts a little I'm not going to lie. I don't dwell - its as relevant a gag as any - but when I see it, it takes me back to the moment of concoction (just there a minute ago) when I was full of wonderment and hope. Seconds later - I'm dressed like a pirate getting milkshake chucked over me. Once you go through that experience however - it gets easier the next time haha; much like yon scene in True Romance with Tony Soprano (subbing in being laughed and pointed at, for shooting some poor prick). For me - the statistics and trends and patterns are all fascinating without doubt - but I try and not let it influence things too much, as ridiculous as that sounds. Sure - theres obvious patterns like picking the same team for whatever times in a row - I'm more referring to the odds sought. I like to get a group of longer ones together of course - naturally - but if theres a beautifully priced sure thing, its without doubt a front runner for inclusion. A loose line at evens lets say.
Today plus two more afore we celebrate Xmas Day - and with that the Draw for DWT T-Shirts (see the Hat for details). Three lucky pricks will be celebrating the news a DWT premium T-Shirt in their size will be in their possession at some stage in the near future 😎. The T-Shirts adventure, whilst never really something thats garnered enough traction to be of any real commercial value (1 official sale to date - plus two gifted to competition winners) - has forever remained a pipedream I hope becomes reality one day. Perhaps from my ever-existent love of random acknowledgements out in public 'Hey - cool shirt hombre' type pish; smaller niche groups recognising each other and saying hi. For DWT - that would be some specific random encounter type stuff at this stage (current owners of said garments have all alluded to wearing purely in their own dwellings - of course they wouldnae wear it in public hahaha ah no). Henceforth the small promotional push - whereby I emphasise the fuck out of small; more just a way of giving back to those who care enough to want to be included in the draw (5 so far - so worth sticking your name in; a terrific chance of success 👍) - but you never know...a bit of assistance from the hands of fate, we could well be staring at a potential honeypot of action, some time in the nearish future.
The running feelings being felt at the success or lack thereof, are pretty much left to the side for this week - that being the first weekend of December. Naturally - we're reaching for the stars, seeking maximum impact from the selections. This is the kind of occasion that demands success. This kind of occasion gets pretty fucked off if empty hands are evident there at the end, 'wheres my fucking money bruv?'. Regardless - if there was a time for conservative, reserved 10/1 or lower type shite - it most certainly isnae now. threatening stares and spiked emphasis on demanding info may well be intimidating; but every now and then you simply have to get in its face, place a hand on its chest and say, 'Calm the fuck down.' Theres a lengthy game being played here - if you're coming in 1 week only demanding success, you're going to be in a bit of a state come conclusion. So whilst theres sympathy and respect paid to angered reaction; there is a line of retort ready to utilise once able to become intertwined with a reasonable convo. Far too much blazing in bull in a crockery shop type shite evident; relax and enjoy it - no wonder ever cunt thinks everything a scam - theres no patience practised. I may struggle to justify my shite return after such vibrant expectations displayed beforehand; but I have in fairness taken the time to reflect on this likelihood during a more sombre non-biased moment (etched in stone paragraph explains). So to wrap up - we're filling the sack, flinging it over the back - afore hitting the track, spreading joy shack to shack. Reddit Running Total (RRT) currently sits at -£230.85. Ah no.

I’m not promoting it in the slightest to be put on; it's purely to be completely transparent about where the beans I'm spilling are being pushed towards – this is after all, a Life Experiment: Can a useless old arsehole prosper under strict weekly gambling conditions? Word of warning; prior to this – not really.
The sticky clarifies - but just to reiterate - here's the format...DRS20 is Dads Recommended Spend: £20. This is a lot of money granted - and I would encourage absolute apprehension if this sort of money represents life altering for you personally if zero is returned. I’m lucky enough to be able to afford to lose £20 in a week; but confess that if I got no return for say, 20 weeks in a row - I would likely be without something I value (a streaming service or summat). I don’t take it lightly. Four bets are placed with this outlay; a £5 Treble (DWT) and three £5 Doubles. Generally if two come up, the bet is covered (up or down £2 or so). My gambling prowess is pretty much a joke; so whilst I advertise, I in no way qualify them as a given. I’m a prick with plenty bollocks to spout is all. This is how I frame it.

So here it is - the one that draws inspiration from lunar movements, whereby perfect alignment has been achieved (hopefully):

Its DWT28

DUNDEE UNITED livingston 11/5
DERBY COUNTY millwall 29/10
SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY norwich city 100/30

53.06/1 we get for this selection – terrific.

Over 23's last week; over 53's this week - up, up and fucking awwwwayyy; hoo mama. The more attentive will have noticed there's oft a trend with selections, whereby a selection will include a familiar face - a dependable cunt to turn to in an hour of need. sometimes you just need to slip another 2p coin into the one armed bandit. To be fair - there 's a solid lump of potential propped behind each selection. The doubles alone are worth a lump; all of them coming in would be a wee trip to Wonderland and no mistake...near 500 bangers. Holy Shitballs 😎

DUNDEE UNITED perhaps have some terrible thing going on behind the scenes or summat - the price on offer seems very generous to me. Sure livi have enjoyed some victories in recent times, but against lower league pish in the main. Whoop de doo for the love of fuck. Meanwhile; United are unbeaten in 7. Solid as a rock. In they'll sweep - snatch a couple of goals - and away up home to celebrate with a nice dinner.
DERBY COUNTY manager Wayne Rooney may be one of the ugliest cunts on the planet - but one things for sure; he knows how to win a football match sometimes. I've had an itchy finger and no mistake when it comes to Derby - sure as fuck I (and others tbf) have been about a victory landing on the lap. Nowt so far. A trip away to millwall the dish being served. For me - a very winnable game; reputation as being a bunch of tough cunts millwall may be - but sometimes a name known worldwide floats into you domain and makes a cunt of yous.
SHEFFIELD WEDNESDAY represent a selection whereby I once again havenae let go of the certainty I held last week. Tony Pulis - so oft a miracle man (Has he been? sort of I suppose) - a terrific cunt like Anthony cannae go too long without a win. Sure sure - table toppers the opponents have and will be; but its no about them the day. Tony will grab a cheeky wee odd goal win here.

So there we have it – nostalgia, hope and determination all apparent in equal measure. This time we do it right; wind in the sails – and off across the ocean in search of new worlds. A powerful pirate ship hunting high and low for treasures. Raise the fucking flag - the good ship DWT is back and ready to provide for its crew. If you play; play safe. DRS20 as always people.
Frustration at the amount won, is better than the heartache at the amount lost.
**date in title error: December 5th 2020
submitted by Dad1903 to DadsWeeklyTreble [link] [comments]

DWT25 (November 14th 2020)

DWT25 (November 14th 2020)
Testing testing; check one two – DWT is live once again on Reddit!
Terrific, terrific stuff
Alas – promotion has remained minimal; the rot has well and truly set in. No reason to promote it; you just rely solely on the attentive eyes of the musings fan(s). There is reason to be resplendant in the form of investment - yes that right - actual currency to take the sting out of the losses. Where did this money appear from - one things for sure; it wasnae expected. For the record - the investor has no idea the donation is being utlised for DWT; thats a wee cheeky story I'm keeping up my sleeves until yon time success has been had (a whiles away - ah no).
But thats the flippity flop of fortunes - thats the nourishment I strive for. Granted - full disclosure isnae apparent; but one things for sure - the absolute best of intentions are to the fore like a cunt n alf - hoo mama. I'm no saying I want to be cutting ribbons in front of stores being opening or plaque unveilings; but being in the kind of position whereby the good name can be utilised positively in the sense of spreading a good word or suchlike - terrific. Folks with a cheeky wee company or a group of folks who run a whatever it is - approach Dad after being a fan of his for a spell, 'Here Dad - could you put a wee banner up promoting DWT362?' - no bother. Assuming the provisions provided by the wee company or a group of folks are of a satifactorily wholesomeness - let the mutual appreciation commence.
'Oh ho - Dad is once again thinking he's William Big Bollocks' - I hear you - craving potentially lucrative collaboration does on the surface appear, a smidge mistrustful potentially. The turning point of purity - that moment where Dad allowed the intrigue to take hold and afore he knew it - he was a prisoner to it. The only point of existing that here one is audibly and visibly justified by others with the finance provision option. Its an area I oft turn to for inspiration; the reason for DWT as you all know - all an effort to preempt the wonderment and get ahead of rumour. For many, deaf ears are utilised - couldnae give a fuck either way haha - these folks are the core of the audience. So with that in mind, I'm oft filled with wonderment at the namecalling and insults slung about by those familiar within a online community. I've heard my fair share of horrendous things that give you nightmares etc (hoo mama), so its not something I'm approaching without experience.
Its tough to be wholesome and co-exist with loose-lipped types - thats the lure of debauchery; it has a terrific way of highlighting eye-rolling twee-edness in a cunt - grabbing them, then beating it right out of the poor bastard with a devastating, incessant, bludgeoning cold fist. The will of the just is a tough thing to exercise at the best of times of course - dotted throughout time are example of horrendous tyranny and selfish cuntery; whats new. But thats the eye-opener for me - finally after a long spell of actual frustrating regression prior to a burst of progress - today represents an actual glimpse towards the masses acknowledging the need to be aware of whats going on. The switcheroo to electric cars we're observing slipping into society represents the change very much; times of very recently are absolutely unacceptable if tomorrow is to exist. The transition means we're existing very much in the middle of the change. Meaning our story will be as unique as it gets. We all glance back at 10, or 20 or even 30 years ago, glossing about how great it was - but when you imagine the furore surrounding the return towards what we remember being normality - the potential for a human race love in is pretty immense. So hungry we've all been for those sights and smells and sounds of things we love to do, we're willing to say 'fuck it' to things we may have been a smidge snobby about in the past. A terrific prospect is a bunch of eager, happy, excited human folk, skipping gleefully to a football match or concert or theatre or whatever; arriving suitably prepped with mind enhancers (legal ones) 😎
For those keeping track - its here. The threshold we all glanced at, but dismissed, owing to the belief a wee return was around the corner, is alas here. As good a time as any to get the calulator out. So in the Reddit era, we've had 19 DWT's thus far. The spend of £20 a week - thats a total of £380 spent. Total returns have paid us £177.98; so based on this it equates to having cost us an average of £10.63 a week. Chuck in the cost of a couple of T-Shirts, and we've got the kind of overheads most would laugh off as being trivial in the extreme. As one total figure of course - disgust and a bitter taste in the mouth - but broken down; forget aboudid haha - one wee spin of the wheel one of these weeks will come up cherry cherry cherry upon which moment we shall dance and sing and hug. Theres a natural air of love apparent right now and I for one want to offer something that taps into this reason for celebration. Terrific 😎 So to wrap up - the investment in pocket, we plug into the socket - kissing the locket, we then place in our pocket. Reddit Running Total (RRT) currently sits at -£202.02. Ah no.

I’m not promoting it in the slightest to be put on; it's purely to be completely transparent about where the beans I'm spilling are being pushed towards – this is after all, a Life Experiment: Can a useless old arsehole prosper under strict weekly gambling conditions? Word of warning; prior to this – not really.

The sticky clarifies - but just to reiterate - here's the format...DRS20 is Dads Recommended Spend: £20. This is a lot of money granted - and I would encourage absolute apprehension if this sort of money represents life altering for you personally if zero is returned. I’m lucky enough to be able to afford to lose £20 in a week; but confess that if I got no return for say, 20 weeks in a row - I would likely be without something I value (a streaming service or summat). I don’t take it lightly. Four bets are placed with this outlay; a £5 Treble (DWT) and three £5 Doubles. Generally if two come up, the bet is covered (up or down £2 or so). My gambling prowess is pretty much a joke; so whilst I advertise, I in no way qualify them as a given. I’m a prick with plenty bollocks to spout is all. This is how I frame it.

So here it is - the one that marks the occasion of the quarter century with the loud overbearing respect it deserves - investment or no:

Its DWT25

BRISTOL ROVERS fleetwood 7/4
SWINDON TOWN shrewsbury 23/10
MANSFIELD forest green 11/4

33.03/1 we get for this selection – terrific.

Over 14's last week; over 33's this week - thats the defiance making an appearance again there; I'm never short of reason to say fuck you to sense haha ah no. Plus given the good news, its a given this'd be the case anyhow - come on now.

BRISTOL ROVERS find themselves in the mix once more, after a couple of appearance earlier on (a wee win and a draw the buggers hath provided). At home they are and at a tasty price; a game in hand they have over opponents fleetwood - win this and the game in hand - oh ho - above the cunts they slip haha meant to be. Terrific.
SWINDON TOWN last years div 2 champs have had a bitty of a tough start to life in the big leagues- just 1 win in 5 so far. Thankfully they have the respite of the shittest team out there - shrewsbury - to assist getting the mojo back. A win there in the cup for them too over forest green - they'll be fine 😎
MANSFIELD TOWN available for selection once more (I'm stubborn about league games only) - now finally in form, coming off the back of a couple of wins (over sunderland notably in the cup) - there's plenty reason once more to assume they can turn it round and win the league. Its looking a long shot tbh; but plenty plenty time to go. Away to forest green; recently slain by fellow DWT encumbents Swindon Town - we have plenty reason to assume victory is a high probability.

So there we have it – nostalgia, hope and determination all apparent in equal measure. This time we do it right; wind in the sails – and off across the ocean in search of new worlds. A powerful pirate ship hunting high and low for treasures. Raise the fucking flag - the good ship DWT is back and ready to provide for its crew. If you play; play safe. DRS20 as always people.
Frustration at the amount won, is better than the heartache at the amount lost.
submitted by Dad1903 to DadsWeeklyTreble [link] [comments]

Americans Playing abroad today: 11/28-29/20

November 28th
La Liga (Spain)
Yunus Musah (Valencia CF) Started at RM and played 70‘ in a 1-0 Loss against Atletico Madrid (5.7/6.12) 0/1 shot on target, 10/11 passing, 20 touches, 1/7 duels won, 0/2 successful dribbles, 1 time dispossessed, 1/2 aerials won, 3 recoveries Match Highlights

FA Cup (England)
Niall Mason (Peterborough United) Subbed on in the 65th‘ in a 2-1 Loss against Chorley (6.3/-) 16/25 passing, 2 crosses, 0/5 accurate long balls, 35 touches, 3/5 duels won, 1 foul, 0/2 successful tackles, 1/2 aerials won, 1 interception, 1 recovery Match Highlights

Duane Holmes (Derby County) Started at RW and played 67‘ in a 1-1 draw with Wycombe. Scored the goal in the 36th’ (7.5/7.69) 2/2 shots on target, 21/28 passing, 2 crosses, 1/3 accurate long balls, 39 touches, 4/9 duels won, 1 clearance, 3/4 successful dribbles, 1 time dispossessed, 1 foul, 0/1 successful tackle, 0/1 aerial won, 2 recoveries Match Highlights
Matthew Olosunde (Rotherham United) Started at RCM and played 63‘ in a 2-2 draw with AFC Bournemouth. Assisted on the teams 2nd goal in the 50th’ (7.7/7.31) 4/8 passing, 1 cross, 0/1 accurate long ball, 1 key pass,21 touches, 6/9 duels won, 1 time dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 4/5 successful tackles, 3 interceptions Match Highlights

Serie B (Italian 2nd Division)
Andrija Novakovich (Frosinone Calcio) Started at LST and played 73‘ in a 2-1 Win against Brescia. Assisted on the opener in the 27th’ (7.1/-) 0/1 shot on target, 10/11 passing, 2 key passes, 21 touches, 3/11 duels won, 2/3 successful dribbles, 1 time dispossessed, 2 fouls, 1/6 aerials won, 1 recovery

Bundesliga (Germany)
Giovanni Reyna (Borussia Dortmund) Subbed on in the 66th‘ in a 2-1 Loss against FC Koln. Assisted on the teams goal in the (7.2/6.91) 14/14 passing, 1 cross, 2 key passes, 21 touches, 1/3 duels won, 0/1 successful dribble, 1/1 successful tackle, 0/1 aerial won, 2 recoveries Match Highlights
Tyler Adams (RB Leipzig) Started at RDM and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Win against Arminia Bielefeld (7.3/7.22) 44/52 passing, 0/3 accurate long balls, 1 key pass, 75 touches, 7/11 duels won, 1 clearance, 1/1 successful dribble, 1 time dispossessed, 3 times fouled, 1 foul, 2/3 successful tackles, 1 interception, 4 recoveries Match Highlights
Matthew Hoppe (FC Schalke) Started at RST and played 81‘ in a 4-1 Loss against Borussia Monchengladbach (5.7/5.91) 0/2 shots on target, 9/12 passing, 1 cross, 1 key pass, 23 touches, 1/10 duels won, 0/2 successful dribbles, 1 time dispossessed, 1/6 aerials won, 1 interception, 2 recoveries Match Highlights

2. Bundesliga
Jann George (SSV Jahn Regensburg) Subbed on in the 72nd‘ in a 2-1 Win against Wurzburger Kickers (6.5/6.45) 1/2 shots on target, 7/8 passing 12 touches, 2/2 duels won, 1 time fouled, 1/1 successful tackle, 1 recovery

3. Liga
Maurice Malone (SV Wehen Wiesbaden on loan from FC Augsburg) Started at CAM and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Loss against Unterhaching. Scored the team's lone goal in the 2nd’ and picked up a yellow in the 90th’ (-/-) Match Highlights
Taylor Booth (Bayern Munich II) Started at CAM and played 74‘ in a 2-0 Loss against Hansa Rostock (6.1/-) 1/1 shot on target, 24/31 passing, 2 crosses, 0/1 accurate long ball, 46 touches, 2/7 duels won, 1/2 successful dribbles, 2 fouls, 1/1 successful tackle, 0/2 aerials won, 2 recoveries Match Highlights
Terrence Boyd (Hallescher FC) Started at LST and went the full 90’ in a 2-0 Win against Viktoria Koln 1904. Scored goals in the 69th’ and 82nd’ (-/-) Match Highlights

Ligue 2 (French 2nd Division)
Nicholas Gioacchini (SM Caen) Subbed on in the 64th‘ in a 1-1 draw with against Chateauroux (5.8/-) 7/13 passing 19 touches, 3/7 duels won, 1 time dispossessed, 1 foul, 0/1 successful tackle, 2/4 aerials won Match Highlights

Superettan (Swedish 2nd Division)
Brian Span (Vaesteraas SK) Subbed on in the 89th‘ in a 0-0 draw with Umeaa (-/-)
Andrew Stadler (Akropolis IF) Subbed on in the 60th‘ in a 1-1 draw with GAIS (-/-)

Fortuna 1 Liga (Polish 2nd Division)
Athanasios Scheidt (Radomiak Radom) Subbed on in the 69th‘ in a 2-0 Win against GKS Belchatow (-/-)

Fortuna Liga (Slovakia)
Ismar Tandir (Zemplin Michalovce) Started at LST and went the full 90’ in a 0-0 draw with Zlate Moravce. Picked up a yellow in the 45th’ (-/-)

BH Telecom Premier League (Bosnia & Herzegovina)
Darick Kobie Morris (FK Tuzla City) Started at RB and went the full 90’ in a 3-2 Loss against Olimpik Sarajevo (-/-)
Nermin Crnkic (FK Tuzla City) Subbed on in the 61st‘ in a 3-2 Loss against Olimpik Sarajevo. Picked up a yellow in the 90th’ (-/-)

South America
Copa Diego Maradona (Argentina)
Alan Sonora (Club Atlético independiente) Started at LCM and played 72‘ in a 2-1 Win against Colón (-/-) Match Highlights

Serie A (Brazil)
Johnny (Sport Club Internacional) Started at RCM and played 58‘ in a 0-0 draw with Atletico GO (6.4/6.59) 22/24 passing 1/1 accurate long ball, 33 touches, 2/4 duels won, 1 time dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 1 foul, 1/1 aerial won, 4 interceptions, 1 recovery Match Highlights

Primera División (Uruguay)
Bryan Olivera (CA Fénix) Started at CM and went the full 90’ in a 1-1 draw with against Deportivo Maldonado (-/-)

November 29th
La Liga (Spain)
Sergino Dest (FC Barcelona) Started at RB and played 60‘ in a 4-0 Win against Osasuna (6.5/6.72) 42/45 passing, 2 crosses, 60 touches, 1/3 duels won, 1 clearance, 0/1 successful dribble, 1 foul, 0/1 successful tackle, 5 recoveries Match Highlights

Segunda Division
Shaq Moore (CD Tenerife) Started at RB and went the full 90’ in a 2-0 Win against Albacete (6.7/-) 0/1 shot on target, 16/24 passing 5 crosses, 2/7 accurate long balls, 46 touches, 0/1 duel won, 3 clearances, 1 foul, 1 interception, 3 recoveries Match Highlights
Samuel Shashoua (CD Tenerife) Subbed on in the 67th‘ in a 2-0 Win against Albacete. Scored the game winner in the 67th’ (7.3/-) 2/2 shots on target, 10/11 passing, 1/1 accurate long ball, 23 touches, 2/6 duels won, 1/2 successful dribbles, 1 time dispossessed, 1 foul, 1/2 aerials won, 1 interception, 2 recoveries

Premier league (England)
Christian Pulisic (Chelsea) Subbed on in the 73rd‘ in a 0-0 draw with Tottenham (5.9/5.94) 4/8 passing, 0/1 accurate long ball, 10 touches, 0/1 duel won, 0/1 aerial won, 1 recovery Match Highlights

2. Bundesliga (German 2nd Division)
Julian Green (SpVgg Greuther Furth) Started at LCM and went the full 90’ in a 3-2 Win against Nurnberg (8.0/8.14) 2/4 shots on target, 22/32 passing 6 crosses, 1/6 accurate long balls, 63 touches, 11/20 duels won, 1 clearance, 3/4 successful dribbles, 4 times dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 1 foul, 2/5 successful tackles, 2/2 aerials won, 2 interceptions, 5 recoveries Match Highlights

Liga NOS (Portugal)
Reggie Cannon (Boavista FC) Started at RB and went the full 90’ in a 0-0 draw with Belenenses SAD (6.8/6.74) 0/1 shot on target, 36/43 passing, 5 crosses, 1/3 accurate long ball, 1 key pass, 70 touches, 6/11 duels won, 0/1 successful dribble, 1 time dispossessed, 3 times fouled, 1/2 successful tackles, 1/2 aerials won, 1 interception, 8 recoveries Match Highlights

Liga Pro
Johan Gomez (FC Porto B) Started at LM and went the full 90’ in a 3-2 Win against Arouca (-/-)

Eredivisie (Netherlands)
Richard Ledezma (PSV) Started at LM and played 64‘ in a 1-0 Win against Sparta Rotterdam. Picked up a yellow in the 30th’ (6.2/6.32) 0/1 shot on target, 37/45 passing, 5 crosses, 2/2 accurate long balls, 1 key pass, 59 touches, 2/8 duels won, 1 time dispossessed, 1 foul, 0/1 successful tackle, 1/5 aerials won, 6 recoveries Match Highlights
Luca de la Torre (Heracles Almelo) Started at LW and went the full 90’ in a 2-1 Loss against AZ Alkmaar (6.6/6.55) 26/31 passing 46 touches, 5/10 duels won, 2/2 successful dribbles, 1 time dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 2/2 successful tackles, 0/4 aerials won, 11 recoveries

Jupiler Pro League (Belgium)
Matt Miazga (Anderlecht on loan from Chelsea) Started at RCB and went the full 90’ in a 0-0 draw with Standard Liege (6.7/6.98) 47/51 passing, 4/5 accurate long balls, 58 touches, 3/5 duels won, 5 clearances, 3/5 aerials won, 1 recovery

Bundesliga (Austria)
Erik Palmer-Brown (Austria Wien on loan from Manchester City) Started at LCB and went the full 90’ in a 1-1 draw with Rapid Wien (6.7/-) 15/18 passing 1/4 accurate long balls, 32 touches, 3/5 duels won, 6 clearances, 1 time fouled, 2/2 successful tackles, 0/2 aerials won, 5 recoveries Match Highlights

Superliga (Denmark)
Haji Wright (SonderjyskE FC) Started at RST and played 90‘ in a 3-1 Loss against FC Copenhagen (5.2/-) 0/4 shots on target, 17/23 passing, 0/1 accurate long ball, 40 touches, 4/14 duels won, 1/1 successful dribbble, 6 times dispossessed, 3 fouls, 1/1 successful tackle, 2/4 aerials won, 2 recoveries Match Highlights

NordicBet Liga
Christian Cappis (Hobro IK) Started at CAM and played 76‘ in a 4-3 Loss against Hvidovre. Picked up a yellow in the 33rd’ (-/-)

Super LIga Srbije (Serbia)
Danilo Radjen (OFK Backa) Subbed on in the 62nd‘ in a 0-0 draw with Novi Pazar (-/-) Match Highlights

Super League 1 (Greece) F
Gboly Ariyibi (Panetolikos GFS) Started at LW and played 70‘ in a 2-1 Loss against Panathinaikos. Picked up a yellow in the 59th’ (-/-) Match Highlights

Super League (Switzerland)
Jordan Siebatcheu (BSC Young Boys on loan from Stade Rennais FC) Started at LST and went the full 90’ in a 3-0 Win against FC Lausanne-Sport. Assisted on the 2nd goal in the 53rd’ (7.0/-) 2/6 shots on target, 23/24 passing, 3/9 duels won, 4 times dispossessed, 1 foul, 0/1 successful tackle, 2/4 aerials won, 2 interceptions, 4 recoveries Match Highlights

Premier league (Israel)
George Fochive (Hapoel Kfar Saba) Started at RCM and went the full 90’ in a 3-0 Loss against Maccabi Tel Aviv (-/-) Match Highlights

Allsvenskan (Sweden)
Romain Gall (Orebro SK on loan from Malmo FF) Started at LM and went the full 90’ in a 3-0 Loss against Haecken (6.4/-) 0/3 shots on target, 22/26 passing, 1 cross, 0/1 accurate long ball, 47 touches, 8/15 duels won, 2/3 successful dribbles, 2 times dispossessed, 1 time fouled, 3 fouls, 2/5 successful tackles, 5 recoveries Match Highlights
Mix Diskerud (Helsingborg IF on loan from Manchester City) Started at LCM and went the full 90’ in a 0-0 draw with Falkenbergs FF (7.5/-) 48/58 passing, 3 crosses, 3/5 accurate long balls, 1 key pass, 80 touches, 10/13 duels won, 1/1 successful dribble, 3 times fouled, 1/1 successful tackle, 5/6 aerials won, 3 interceptions. 12 recoveries Match Highlights

Josh Wicks (AFC Eskilstuna) Started at GK and went the full 90’ in a 3-1 Win against IK Brage (-/-)

Fortuna Liga (Slovakia)
Eduvie Ikoba (AS Trencin) Subbed on in the 89th‘ in a 1-0 Win against SKF Sered (-/-)

FAI Cup - Semi-Final (Ireland)
Will Seymore (Sligo Rovers) Subbed on in the 67th‘ in a 2-0 Loss against Shamrock Rovers (-/-)

Superliga (Albania)
Kyrian Nwabueze (KF Laci) Started at ST and went the full 90’ in a 6-1 Win against Apolonia. Scored in the 37th’, 39th’ and 61st’ (-/-)

1.CFL (Montenegro)
Luka Malesevic (FK Iskra Danilovgrad) Started at LB and went the full 90’ in a 1-0 Loss against Petrovac (-/-)

South America
Copa Diego Maradona (Argentina)
Joel Sonora (Club Atlético Talleres) Subbed on in the 68th‘ in a 1-0 Loss against Lanús. Picked up a yellow in the 88th’ (-/-)

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